
Drugs Quotes

There are 487 quotes

"Our craving for a quick fix is fueling our consumption of either prescription or non-prescription drugs."
"I would urge all of you to stay away from drugs. This is not the way to get the body of your dreams but a way to end your dream."
"A drug can't solve grief unless they come up with a drug to raise the dead."
"Days in a row without sleeping because I was using the drugs that keep you awake."
"If you don't think that you can destroy a society and a civilization with drugs, then that's a really good history lesson to look at."
"Part of the reason for the appeal of drugs is that people aren't excited by life."
"The physiological risks of psilocybin are remarkably light. There are many drugs in your medicine cabinet that are more dangerous."
"Drugs don't do anything new to in your body; all they really do is speed up or slow down what's already occurring."
"This is your brain. This is drugs. This is your brain on drugs."
"Cocaine is terrible for any sort of benefit other than having fun."
"Oregon voted to decriminalize personal possession of hard drugs like meth, cocaine, and heroin."
"Drugs were introduced, weaponized, and placed behind price barriers, creating new labor forces willing to work for wages."
"They enjoy it you know it's like there's something like the same sort of hit people high people get off of like a hit of cocaine or meth or whatever their drug of choices."
"Drugs are used as mechanisms for potentially elevating the human spirit."
"Drugs come in and drugs you think are going to solve all your problems and they kick the legs out from under it."
"This drug is forcing us to rethink how we say yes and how we say no when it comes to prescription drugs."
"Crack won't even work anymore, I need tranq."
"I was a very anxious teenager...once I started to get on ecstasy I was in the complete reverse."
"Movies depict using Cocaine as just a fun upper... makes it seem like a victimless indulgence."
"Weed and psychedelics are the righteous drugs."
"Never underestimate the power of a bunch of dudes with drugs and guns."
"After all, the cartel has had their hands in drugs before avocados, and it's not like they couldn't do that again or get involved in some kind of different upcoming crop."
"It's evil it's evil and this fentanyl garbage it's killing society."
"Drugs offer us tools to enhance certain tendencies that we have."
"Maybe stay away from drugs in general, stay in school."
"Fentanyl got into this country and... it wasn't an overdose."
"Drug dealers are in gangs. Let's bring on narcotics. Let's bring on the gang unit. Let's bring on the drug enforcement task force."
"Every inner city, every suburb has a drug problem. It really exacerbates itself when we see the violence connected with the drug trade."
"You will end up oding or you will end up turning to drugs, and it's incredibly sad."
"PCP is a hallucinogenic substance that makes users feel like they are floating and can alter their perceptions of reality."
"I think we've been a little unfair towards conservatives and their concern that children would be ingesting harmful drugs."
"Caffeine is one of the few drugs that almost everybody takes just to feel normal."
"Huxley extrapolated these stories, these technologies, along with drugs."
"I'm not even cool, I'm just one of those girls that can do a lot of drugs and not die."
"The glorification of drug use, the celebration of violence."
"You can be addicted to drugs, of course, but you could also be addicted to risk."
"It is literally the hottest drug in the country right now."
"Now the issue of patent protections in order to bake in profits for life-saving drugs is nothing new it is a regular occurrence in our capitalist system."
"You need to articulate what's wrong with certain things in our culture, particularly the drug thing."
"Fentanyl is an amazing drug for pain control."
"And then on New Year's when I took the drugs, I felt great."
"We seized a total of 49 firearms, all kinds of other assorted drugs and pills worth 12.8 million dollars."
"A drug is something that modulates your biological activity."
"The environment gave me at least I was able to look around and see the damage drugs were causing these other people."
"Magic mushrooms are therapeutic... So is ecstasy."
"Oregon became the first state to decriminalize hard drugs."
"Among the dead are several passengers with drugs hidden inside their bodies."
"It wasn't until the whole crack epidemic and hip-hop music came along that things started to take a turn."
"We tend to assign it to the drug but not to ourselves."
"I would choose everybody to do cocaine again."
"Everything is drugs, baby... constantly riding the different highs and lows."
"Don't do drugs like heroin, it destroys you."
"That's the hard-hitting, serious consequences of getting involved in the drugs lifestyle."
"That's exactly what DMT is, ayahuasca, this drug that this girl took."
"He's the only American that's used drugs that does make him pretty notable."
"Juice was incredibly talented and intelligent and there's countless interview snippets where he talks about the dangers of drugs and of course whole tracks dedicated to this issue."
"I've never had a job in my life. I've either sold drugs or owned my own business."
"Marijuana is a picnic in the park compared to this synthetic crap."
"It was not a publicity stunt. I was just out of my [bleep] face on drugs and alcohol, you know."
"Drugs very much have personalities."
"Pot is a better drug than alcohol."
"You do enough drugs, you end up gay, man."
"Don't do drugs unless it's part of your identity and expression."
"The drugs today are managing symptoms, not solving anything"
"Very dangerous people are coming into this country with their drugs to take our money and kill our children."
"Don't take life for granted. Try to stay away from the drugs because this is your life, this is your future that you're looking at when you get on drugs."
"Don't do drugs kids, and if you do drugs don't do them with charming attractive steel guitar playing hippies from LA."
"But the point here is this, we should, we really need to think of these drugs as drugs that alter how your brain functions, whether it's illicit or legally prescribed."
"It's amazing what drugs would do to your mind."
"You're taking up kids' lives. You know, you're harming your community, harming your people, and making other people commit more crimes to get your drugs."
"Drugs are just an imitation of the actual serotonin and dopamine you can get from living your life and doing what you want to do and having real experiences rather than just faking it with drugs."
"You know, there's a lesson there, and that lesson is don't do drugs."
"Drugs don't kill people, you're not killing people, people killing themselves with the drugs you make and the money that you make, you got a more responsibility to help and invest in those communities."
"Magic is like a kaleidoscopic array of sensory psychedelic. Magic and drugs are intertwined in A Song of Ice and Fire and in real life."
"Mike essentially just cleans up any paraphernalia that he can find for any and all drugs and puts them inside the duffel bag of Jesse's drug money."
"Anyone can have fun with any movie as long as you have the right drugs."
"I don't have an addicted personality. Drugs scare me, you know? Drugs scare me."
"Shrooms are cool. Don't do acid, cuz acid is so [ __ ] like you'll either go have a super [ __ ] bad trip and like almost die or you'll have a really good trip and change the course of your life."
"Take the drugs away, you wouldn't have all these shooters."
"The drug was a poison that was rotting people's bodies and minds."
"...meth had one and two thanks for the offer to steal marijuana but let's never meet again."
"Nobody can't believe you'd give drugs to kids."
"Legalize drugs and you would put a halt to so much."
"Prince's death was a result of an accidental overdose of the painkiller fentanyl."
"Why are we paying for all the drugs man when we buy them and then other people pay us for them and then we'll also have all the drugs man?"
"And by now you've probably seen pictures of the pills being seized... they call them blues for their color or in 30s for the stamp that makes them look like the common pharmaceutical grade painkiller oxycodone."
"San Diego recently declared fentanyl a Public Health crisis."
"Drugs just made me numb to everyone and everything. It just made me not care about anyone or anything except for me."
"It's a drug so deadly you could fit a fatal dose on the point of a pencil."
"I thought it was from like drugs or getting too high or something."
"I experienced a lot of new things for the first time, relevant to this story, two are important: my exposure to drugs and the development of my bipolar disorder."
"For the bad stuff, we've decided to focus on Pigwenly or Pill as it's often referred to by the locals, and that name's incredibly appropriate because drug use is rampant in this part of Newport."
"It's not a no drug story. It's not an anti-med story. It's what history tells you how we could really promote better long-term outcomes."
"You paid them way too much money. You could have gave 'em, like, $50, man. Why are you wasting-- that's more drug money!"
"The pep you get is not worth the depth of Despair that you can find yourself in on the come down. I will never take it again."
"I left $200 worth of shrooms at the Airbnb in the fridge and I realized as soon as we pulled in, I was like [__], but I had given my cousin shrooms for her birthday 'cause it was a week prior, so she let us have some of those which was huge."
"The animals today, they're given so many drugs, I mean a lot of cows today, they don't even eat grass."
"I think there are other potential drugs that are coming along the way."
"It's kind of [expletive] hard to work for a living when you can make hundreds of dollars a day dealing drugs and not working that hard versus slaving your ass off at some [expletive] job and getting paid nothing. There's no motivation there, you know?"
"Money, you just had money and drugs. You put some drugs and phones in a boat, yes. Need a boat, yes, 'cause we're gonna go have fun on the boat."
"I remember a couple of my buddies in college took shrooms one night. They literally stared at a wall, just like, 'whoa'."
"Don't try and get your drugs on the street. I've got a lot of people who leave you change that thing."
"If you don't do drugs Callahan we do film film always has drugs."
"I just think for me I I ended up putting myself in a worse position by trying to self-medicate with other drugs."
"The more you know about drugs, the better you can navigate their intricacies before engaging."
"Now the drugs can absolutely amplify that but I just want everybody to know that just overeating alone can do it as well. So, you have to be careful because you could stretch your stomach to that point even without the drugs."
"There is no future in selling drugs. There's no future in selling or hurting."
"Using kids to sell drugs, and then being willing to just hang them out to dry if things go south, is a pretty bad look."
"It's a small amount, only one bag, probably about 10 kilos. You're good if you want to take some photos, that's fine. Other than that, go ahead and leave it there."
"The CIA was involved with trafficking on three levels... including active engagement in the transport of opium and heroin."
"The major market for heroin sold in the Western world is the United States."
"As long as people want narcotics, there will be an organized enterprise."
"We discourage kids from smoking pot [__] doing coke and meth they're not they are not going to have the effects that [__] hormones are going to have on little children."
"Drugs, it starts out fun, and then you're a slave to it, and you can't stop."
"Life really is but a dream. For the love of everything holy kids, do not do drugs."
"Drugs take this away, but only temporarily. It's still within experience."
"They had the suitcase laid out... with all the drugs... like they were posing for a photo shoot."
"I found that much drugs in your car, on you, all around you, that it's more than an average person would use or smoke. Okay, so that's what you're going to jail with tonight."
"Maybe the drug did bring these two siblings together."
"It doesn't matter what's going on in your life... just go next door to the next door neighbor that makes meth... and get about an ounce and a half of methamphetamine... and snort all that up!"
"Adolf Hitler and much of Germany relied on opioids and meth to fight World War II."
"The drugs are one of our best tools in, um, in the fight against mental illness, and a lot of funding goes in that kind of frame, especially in America."
"Adding more drugs causes more trouble."
"Remission means I can get you off the drugs."
"Once I saw what the drugs truly did to my body, I was so livid and I remain so angry. And I'm trying to work through it now, but I was so enraged by what these people and these greedy pharmaceutical companies did to me for a buck that I refused to be a pawn in that."
"Methamphetamine: think twice before considering taking the drug."
"The fact that she had been drugged with sleeping tablets may have left her unable to defend herself."
"I stopped the drugs, the creativity came back. I mean what else can I say, you know there it is."
"...using expensive, a month drugs to make them lose weight that's not going to be the way to get it done."
"Angel dust is like the [__] hottest thing ever created."
"It's gonna catch up to you. I promise you drugs are gonna catch up to you."
"That feeling there, walking out to a live show, is better than any drugs in the world."
"They look at young people getting involved in drugs as suckers. They're building prisons all over the world for you guys."
"Overtown had street corners and Drug houses on every block."
"I love the mix of the supernatural in there it's like yeah drugs and social media and you mix together and now there's this thing going on right."
"The Beatles were first drawn to the sitar as its larger size made it ideal for smuggling drugs."
"The whole gateway drug phenomenon is less about this unique drug leading to that unique drug and more about just simple accessibility."
"When you smoke it, you get transported to a different world, an entirely new plane of existence."
"We can get heroin as easy as you can get a package of cigarettes."
"Ketamine is not the perfect drug."
"The reason why mushrooms are my favorite drug is because they're the only drug you can abuse. Because the second you're done doing mushrooms, you are not trying to do any more mushrooms."
"Don't buy drugs from people you don't know."
"If Rachel came into her room and I was on her bed going through her purse then acted weird, you're on drugs."
"Alcohol is the only drug that we know that actually amplifies aggression."
"Drugs are here, they are not going away. You have to find a way to make peace with their usage and frankly their ubiquity."
"This is one of my favorite quotes: 'I don't do drugs, I am drugs.'"
"If you already broke, what's the difference? Now you'd be broke with dope friends."
"I must separate the number of individuals arriving at our border who are claiming relief from the issue of fentanyl that is coming through our ports of entry that is too often conflated. I agree."
"Synthetic Energon has cerebral side effects such as agitation, aggression, sudden mood swings, higher doses can even cause hallucinations, distorted visuals, anxiety, and other unknown side effects. In other words, don't do drugs, kids."
"Doing drugs is like being on top of the world. You just better know what you're jumping into."
"At the end of the day, what we're talking about here is steroids, and what I mean specifically is I don't reckon that Sid had a meth problem."
"I only do drugs that people prescribe and that people can, um, that's actually tested."
"I'm not saying it's no use but those drugs alone are not the cure. There's a thief in the house and the alarm is ringing. Your solution is to silence the alarm but the thief continues to roam freely in the house."
"There is no more euphoric feeling I would compare that to like probably what people feel on like drugs."
"We have to stop the drugs, we have to stop the violence in the street."
"Weed used to be weed. You know, if you heard like, 'Oh, this guy got popped for weed,' you're like, 'Oh, he's an addict, he's going to jail, he had narcotics.'"
"The drug that the CIA hoped would be its key to controlling Humanity actually wound up fueling a generational Rebellion."
"You don't need to [ __ ] do drugs to be cool."
"A bunch of [ __ ] honestly coke pigeons probably because this girl looked like she'd been just you know beacon around a bit you know huffing for a little bit of that dust"
"the excessive dopamine output and lack of an inhibiting mechanism by meth and newer drugs possibly like Alpha PVP saws into the body allowing many hidden mechanisms to be Unearthed and subsequently destroyed or abused."
"The case that I'm here to talk about today involves all three of those dangerous drugs: fentanyl, cocaine, and methamphetamine."
"I've got anger for the people with the drugs and I hate this bastard that's supplied them to so many dead people."
"LSD is not a beast To Be Tamed. I had become its master and its servant, but I was treating it disrespectfully."
"Don't do drugs. Would they even work on me? You do find." - "You don't need to find out."
"The drug had to be banned and the CIA and the FDA invented stories about the harms of LSD."
"Drugs are an entrance to the spirit world."
"So is this meth, man? It could be that, yes."
"The terror of drugs is a terror of giving up control."
"I just I just don't want to try I've always lied about it because I never wanted I didn't want to influence anybody you know I didn't want anyone so even consider the thought of doing drugs because it's it's really stupid."
"These are very, very profitable drugs."
"Ketamine is the new 'it' drug in Hollywood."
"You see, drugs aren't your pal, pal; they're your enemy."
"There's nothing cool about a fool on drugs."
"If you can dig it, then definitely go for it or else you too will become a drug ghoul."
"As long as one innocent person is exposed to the horror of dope's enslavement, a silent killer works in our midst."
"Poofing drugs and the [ __ ] seal breaks it's like a time release it's like it's like an edible yeah yeah exactly just in your ass."
"You are about to embark on another one of the increasing number of murder cases arising from the world of drugs."
"Food is literally so addictive like drugs."
"Good drugs, happy thoughts, happy thoughts, good drugs. Escape reality, it'll all be okay. It'll be okay, guys. Don't worry, you'll be okay."
"I believe in decriminalization of everything."
"Noel Gallagher had a very rough childhood and a violent and abusive father, and there's probably some connection there with the fact that he ended up getting heavily into drug-taking as a young teenager."
"Drugs are obviously bad, we're always taught that drugs are bad, but when you're hearing your favorite rapper or your favorite artist constantly speak on drugs and make it seem as if it's cool, you're going to gain a little curiosity about it."
"I pop a pill, I [expletive] your [expletive]."
"So overall so if you're looking for cardiovascular safety and actually benefit so all these drugs that have a neutral effect they're safe to give."
"Drugs and killing Ops in my pedigree."
"There's no doubt that drugs can have a massive impact on the gut microbiome."
"Drugs are not cool. Don't do them because your friends are peer pressuring you to do them but because people around you do it, do it because it's something that you actually want to do or experience."
"...the scourge of drugs diminishes our whole society as well as ruining individual lives..."
"When one of the biggest pop musicians on the planet invites you, there's nothing about DARE I won't do drugs."
"...if you give the mouse methamphetamine and its dopamine level goes up to a 10 times what it was previously so the amount of reward we're talking about is massive compared to natural rewards and that's how these drugs can hijack our reward systems."
"These drugs affect you. You don't realize how they affect the wiring of your brain."
"Wait isn't that illegal? It's drug tested not drug free."
"2500 people would be killed by that amount of fentanyl. Does that sound like a drug to you? Does that sound more like a poison?"
"Don't do drugs. If you're gonna do drugs, don't do drugs right now. There's fentanyl in everything."
"But isn't it kind of worth, or at least, you know, exploring that option more? If drugs weren't... I think I totally agree with you saying that criminals will still work but might be awake in ways that maybe aren't as detrimental as drugs."
"We weren't ready for it like honestly gangbanging and selling drugs and it didn't feel like, um, like in my whole time on our whole case they probably caught like five people out of a hundred."
"If a drug could do for chronic pain what plants do, everyone would be taking it."
"The story of the CIA and crack cocaine doesn't actually begin on the streets of LA or Miami, it begins in the jungles of Central America."
"I totally agree. You have three strikes in California. Just to go on the record, I'm for legalizing all drugs. If I want to take cocaine, blow my brains out, that's my prerogative."
"It's actually quite funny if you eat the drugs."