
Digestive Health Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Ginger is well known for its ability to soothe the digestive system."
"Chronic stress reduces blood supply to the digestive system, decreases nutrient absorption, and increases food sensitivities."
"Recent research articles suggest that incorporating apple cider vinegar into your nightly routine can work wonders for your digestive system."
"If you eat just a lean piece of meat... it's gonna at least get the digestive system going."
"Zebiotics produces an enzyme to break this byproduct down. It's designed to work like your liver but in your gut where you need it most."
"So if you were in my clinical practice, I would probably do a complete digestive assessment... to fix the leaky gut and address the digestive enzymes."
"Once you figure out fixing leaky gut... most of these conditions resolve."
"Cooking certain vegetables rich in FODMAPs can make them easier to digest."
"Beans are full of something called resistant starch which is almost like a fiber."
"Abdominal massage can help to relax your stomach muscles and release that trapped gas while also helping to stimulate digestion."
"Fiber is good in terms of maintaining intestinal health."
"Fermented foods like tempeh are high in enzyme content, aiding digestion."
"Literally switch overnight and they don't have bubble guts at all."
"It really does make a massive difference, especially to my digestion."
"Magnesium allows the relaxation of the smooth muscle tissue within our digestive system."
"The probiotic supplements cannot proliferate and colonize if they don't have the prebiotics."
"Raw unpasteurized dairy products make a big difference in digestion and skin health."
"Ginger tea... anti-inflammatory... helps your digestive health... aids digestion."
"We live in the most advanced era in human history. But why are digestive issues at the highest levels ever recorded?"
"Symptoms of low stomach acid include bloating, indigestion, and chronic fatigue."
"Simple pillars like prebiotics, probiotics, and the color of the rainbow."
"Supporting stomach acid, bile, and digestive enzymes can make all the world a difference."
"If you have a lot of shit in your intestines, if it's not fertile, if you don't have energy that can circulate well, you cannot accumulate energy."
"I felt better with the saturated fats... things worked again the digestive system started working."
"When there's fats in your juice, it slows down your digestive system along with the soluble fiber, so that means you’re going to get a greater uptake of some of the special phytonutrients and phytochemicals in the juice recipe."
"Greens are the ultimate gut health supplement."
"Greek yogurt: high-quality protein for muscle health and digestion."
"If somebody is struggling with digestive issues today, it can be caused from a lack of probiotics in the body."
"For leaky gut, bone broth should be the first thing you're getting in your diet every day."
"In moderation, mozzarella contains probiotics that are beneficial for your intestines."
"Physiologically speaking, we're supposed to have a bowel movement every time we eat a meal."
"Reduces hair loss, tackles dandruff, digestive issues."
"Putting a footstool in front of your toilet can improve your digestive health today."
"Lean into promoting robust digestion for robust immunity."
"We have two brains, and your first brain should properly be called your gut."
"Benefits of kefir: Helps to reestablish gut flora."
"Yogurt is absolutely amazing... soothing tummy aches or helping with bloating."
"Anytime I'm extra irritable or can't sleep, it's like I'm like, 'Oh yeah, like my bowels are a little off.'"
"Your mouth is the beginning of your digestive tract. If this isn't healthy, then the rest of your body is not going to be healthy."
"Apples provide crucial support for your digestive system and kidney cells."
"Apple cider vinegar helps neutralize acid, preventing heartburn and aiding digestion."
"Pectin is an interesting fiber, it's a soluble fiber that when it goes into your gut it really does slow down gut motility."
"Soluble fiber draws water in and creates bulk in the stool which is really beneficial."
"I did a shirtless solo cast and talked about gut stuff. I went down the rabbit hole and summarized how to get your gut to kick ass."
"We need foods that are efficient, foods that digest well, and foods that don't upset your stomach."
"That is awesome, nobody wants to be struggling with their elimination process."
"AG1 helps you do that, keeps your gut healthy keeps the production of those important things flowing through your system."
"They actually do talk about the era that that could possibly be bad for your health, your digestive health."
"As always, buy what works for your digestive system and stop believing in marketing gimmicks and scare mongering."
"Rosemary is renowned for promoting intestinal Health, reducing gas and bloating, facilitating bowel movements, and relieving abdominal pains, cramps, and stomach aches."
"They help to absorb some of that phosphorus so that you're not absorbing that in your GI tract."
"Plantain is equally useful for chronic hot conditions, especially in the digestive tract."
"Plantain is also a powerful healer for the upper digestive tract."
"Chamomile tea promotes a good night's sleep and enhances digestive health."
"It's important to have sufficient HCL in your stomach to break down the gluten and stop inflammation."
"A healthy digestive system positively impacts the immune system and the overall wellness of pets."
"Probiotics when added to prokinetics led to a four times greater improvement in motility than just using a prokinetic alone."
"It's good for your blood pressure which mine is a little high and it's also very good for your digestive tract."
"The migrating motor complex... cleans out the left behind food and bacteria that usually causes bloating or GI issues."
"If you have digestive issues, you really want to talk to a health professional."
"Dates have many benefits for digestive health, mainly due to their high fiber content."
"Probiotics, widely known for their role in digestive wellness, are now being hailed for their potential in oral health care."
"This deep twist is great to detoxify your organs and cleanse your blood, and it's just really good for your digestion."
"Easy on the gut, less acidic, and you don't get the jittery feeling."
"Our gut health is so, so very important for your overall well-being."
"Chaga is also commonly used for digestive health... polysaccharides in chaga have been found to be able to induce changes in gut bacteria and may help keep a healthy bacterial balance in the gut."
"Keeping our guts healthy is also important for good skin health."
"Digestive enzymes alleviate stress on your gut by providing extra assistance in its processing."
"A healthy weight, more energy, and smooth regular bowel movements - three things everyone strives for."
"You have good Agni or good digestive fire, good digestion, everything about your digestion is perfect and balanced."
"Acid reflux, nausea, and vomiting, specifically sour regurgitation, can be symptoms of stomach heat or fire."
"You should have good digestion, you should be pooping every single day, maybe multiple times per day."
"Dates can be a tasty and helpful solution for occasional constipation."
"The high fiber content in hay keeps your rabbit's gut moving and helps them to continue eating and pooping in normal amounts."
"Sleep is so critical for digestion."
"A lot of people have digestive problems; it's the number five thing that most of our patients complain of."
"This apple cider vinegar is incredibly good for the digestive system."
"C points are good for rebellious qi... rebellious stomach qi, nausea, vomiting."
"Indigestible fiber or roughage... keeps our digestive tract healthy."