
Opinions Quotes

There are 2812 quotes

"As many different opinions as we possibly can have is great."
"Have strong opinions, held loosely, which means to me that you take the time to form an understanding now, but you don't defend that at all costs in the face of new information."
"I'm not married to my opinions, and nor should you be."
"It's okay for opinions to change. I think we need to say that more because it's just part of growing up and growing in general."
"I don't let somebody's opinion that doesn't match my expectations of being great bother me."
"Show respect for the other person’s opinions. Never say, 'You're wrong.'"
"People have a different opinion. Some people don't like pineapple on pizza; doesn't mean we can't be friends."
"We have to get back to being able to have differing opinions, agree to disagree, and fight it out in elections."
"A belief is not fact—it's simply just a belief. It's an opinion, right?"
"Tier lists are very subjective, and everyone has their own opinions."
"Individuality is just like, in layman's terms, having your own freaking opinion."
"When you live in California, it's fascinating to see how many people that don't live in California have strong opinions about it."
"I have a lot of feelings about child influencers."
"Journalists are not trying to report on opinions; they're trying to create opinions."
"And other people's opinions of you don't change who you are."
"Become independent of the good opinion of other people."
"What other people think of you is none of your business."
"You're entitled to your own opinion, not entitled to your own facts."
"Everybody's different, everybody has different opinions about literally everything."
"Life is all about accumulating interesting stories and opinions."
"Every economic system that’s ever existed in the world has had the people who love it and the people who don't."
"Trust me, people are going to be gay without you teaching it."
"No one is completely right. I think sometimes the only option is to agree to disagree on certain things and respect the other person's opinion."
"I do believe that all things considered, free speech is a lesser evil than constrained speech."
"The whole idea of getting better at life is about surrounding yourself with people that disagree with you or don't think like you think."
"Many opinions that people have are informed by historical facts or science or evidence of a certain kind."
"I don't hate them, I just wanted your opinion, that's all."
"You can have your own opinion. You cannot have your own facts."
"When the voice and the vision on the inside become more profound, more clear and loud than the opinions on the outside, you've mastered your life."
"On the internet, people have strong opinions."
"The height of stupidity is having a strong opinion on something you know nothing about."
"Other people's opinion of you is none of your business."
"The greatest problem of mankind is people having opinions that they're stuck on because it prevents them from moving forward to finding the best answer."
"Yeah, if you want to know how somebody secretly feels, ask them how they think most people feel about a certain issue. You'll get their truthful response."
"People are allowed to have their opinion. So if he has crazy opinions, let him have his opinions."
"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation." – Oscar Wilde
"The idea that knowledge should be hidden from anyone is dumb."
"Opinions are subjective, and we may come at things from different points of view."
"People are going to have different viewpoints, and that's just a normal part of life."
"We invest so much energy in other people's opinions, i.e., the news. These people are just like you and me, no smarter. They have no more access to information than you or I."
"It's an opinion; it can't be right or wrong."
"Social proof is relying on others' opinions to make choices, especially when we don't have enough information to make an informed decision."
"The loudest opinion of a man you don't care about should be the most silent thing you ever hear."
"Be so immersed into your own creative ideas and passions that you could care less what others think about you."
"We don't gotta agree, we just gotta respect each other's opinions."
"Models are opinions embedded in mathematics."
"The beauty of America is you don't have to give a crap what I think."
"The beauty of the country is that you don't have to care what I think."
"Some people think that pugs are adorable; I happen to think that they look like the love child of a praying mantis and a loaf of whole wheat bread."
"We can all have our own opinions at the end of the day."
"We're all entitled to our own opinion, but we're not entitled to our own facts."
"It's funny because, as we go through verses, it's dope to say who we think has the best verse, but on songs with multiple people, I like to see where people's heads are at with the ranking."
"Whatever people think, all this stuff is based on just what you think and what your opinion is, none of it is really right or wrong."
"Some say the NBA Summer League means absolutely nothing; others depend on it for their projection of what's ahead."
"There's always something that's more interesting to me. That's right, you guessed it, I want to know what you think."
"Everyone has a right to an opinion. We have a right to ours, and they have a right to theirs."
"First and foremost, you can expect unregulated opinions. We want people to disagree with us. We want to have conversations."
"You're entitled to your own opinions, but not to your own facts."
"Don't let anybody else's opinion be bigger than your own."
"You know, I review something and put it out, but I'm allowed to evolve and have a different opinion as time moves on because, you know, I'm a human being, amazingly."
"There were serious people who were considered experts of their day that held this opinion... It seems unfathomable right now, doesn't it?"
"When you hear my opinions on my plan, our solutions, and our research, my answers are Californian answers. They're not Democratic answers; they're not Republican answers."
"In a society with a lot of opinions and a lot of diversity, you're gonna have to tolerate some opinions you don't like."
"It's very important to distinguish between opinions and facts. They're not the same thing and they're very often confused in the modern world."
"Being right and not listening to other people, not trying to learn anything but becoming more and more entrenched in a set of opinions is a recipe for conflict, anarchy, war."
"The gap between opinions and deeds has been separated so much... all that we see of people for the most part are opinions."
"Never again will I not be prepared. Never again will I be worried about somebody else's opinion."
"Please be kind and don't invalidate my opinions because they're just mine."
"I wouldn't want them banned permanently... I would rather their opinions be right out there in the open."
"Has anyone's opinion ever been changed because of an online Internet argument?"
"I respect the right of other people to have opinions and debate and share ideas and try and figure out what works."
"Expecting someone to avoid having an opinion while also expecting them to remain genuine and authentic, that's kind of an unhealthy expectation."
"Truth doesn't give a [expletive] for anybody's opinions. Something is either true or it's not, independent of what any person thinks."
"Each person may have their own opinions about what is or isn't true, but truth doesn't give a [expletive] for anybody's opinions."
"I personally don't like to kill them anymore."
"It's not just about what I think, he says, it's about the evidence."
"I like talking to people that have opinions that force me to actually rethink how I think."
"A lot of people think history is one opinion and that's it. It's not."
"I'm way too old to be worried about what people think of me."
"You can't form an opinion on a game you've barely played. It's unethical."
"I think we spend too much time living in people's private lives."
"I can't get away from it; people are always asking me opinions... I don't meet anybody that hasn't been touched by this disease."
"Whether you love it or hate it, there's no denying that Spam's had a big impact on culture."
"I don't hate you, I just disagree with your opinions."
"Since it premiered in 2013, the Attack on Titan anime has been called the greatest anime ever produced, the most overrated anime ever produced, and the most dangerous anime ever produced."
"Facts are facts. What you think never matters; it's about what it is."
"Everything I say about LeBron is in defense of the true GOAT, Jordan, against the phony GOAT, LeBron."
"You're entitled to your opinion, that's absolutely fine. Am I going to let it affect me? Absolutely not."
"There is always going to be a lot of nuance in the arguments and a myriad of different opinions and positions."
"I'm very anti-anti-immigrant, very pro-legal immigration."
"It's important to remember that at the end of the day, everyone has different preferences and if you disagree with my list, that's perfectly fine."
"After years of judging, critiquing, hating on some of your hot takes, today I'm going to share some of mine. It is only fair, after all, that if I put others' opinions up for debate, contention, ridicule, that I do the same for myself."
"Let's just try to be respectful of each other's opinions in the comments."
"We have to get back to passionate but civilized discourse and respecting the fact that different people have different opinions."
"I don't give a single heck about a stranger's opinion on the Internet. I'm way more interested in garlic bread."
"If you've changed no opinions you ever held since you were 17 years old, it's because you haven't been doing any thinking."
"It's really a design masterpiece. What do you think?"
"It's more important than the opinions themselves."
"It's just an opinion...now everyone's like too offended to hear people's opinions."
"At the end of the day, people have their own opinions, that's none of my business."
"What normal person in this country could look at the last couple of years and think we don't need a free market of ideas?"
"We don't fight over opinions; that's the essence of nonsense because what you should do is debate on opinion."
"Prejudice is the holding of an opinion without certifying its correctness."
"Opinions are cheap, you get those ones for free."
"Other people's opinions of me aren't my business."
"My opinion is that both of our opinions should be taken seriously and judged on their own merits."
"Anything that matters to people, no matter what your opinion on it is, someone is going to feel strongly in the opposite direction."
"I don't think anybody should ever be for censorship... People should be able to speak, people should... formulate their own [__] opinions."
"Being entitled to an opinion is not the same as being entitled to the respect of others for having shared it."
"We're in a very interesting space right now where truth is optional and opinion is law."
"I think it's much more of a symbiotic relationship between opinions being created by content creators and then opinions being held by the community."
"If you really don't care about someone else's opinion, don't have receipts longer than Rite Aid."
"If you can't respect each other's opinions, that isn't a relationship."
"I think one of the punishments for refusing to talk to people whose opinions differ from yours is you end up squabbling with the people who disagree with you on your side over smaller and smaller things."
"Nothing here is meant to be offensive. I'm not trying to attack anybody. I'm just giving my opinions and you're welcome to disagree just as I am welcome to disagree with you."
"I would love to know your opinions in the comment section down below."
"Everybody's entitled to their own opinion but you can't have your own facts."
"Live your life and not care what anybody else thinks."
"I think it's more interesting sometimes... to break down why people who we kind of like are wrong."
"It confirms nearly everything I've believed about Chance the Rapper for years."
"When people start to connect the dots in ways where maybe they weren't intended to be connected, they say weird things."
"I don't think what either of you do is wrong, it's just you guys have different opinions on what's right for YouTube."
"Old school RuneScape is unabashedly old school. Some would call its graphics horribly outdated, others would say they have a nostalgic charm and simplicity to them. And to be fair, both sides are right."
"A mark of maturity in your own personal life is just figuring out which opinions matter."
"Just because someone has a difference of opinion in regards to skincare does not give you permission to attack them or belittle them."
"Someone else's opinion shouldn't make you angry, especially when it's not very good."
"This is an opportunity to go so much deeper into solo opinions that just don't fit in rapid-fire debate."
"It's a battle of opinion-driven narratives, not fact-based narratives."
"Surely the whole point of an opinion is to be balanced. You're not expressing your opinion if you're not listening to others."
"I used to hate them and now I've just... I just did a total 180."
"You shouldn't give a [ __ ] what other people gotta say. Those do mind on manner does the matter don't mind."
"As long as you're not being hateful, it shouldn't matter what your opinion is."
"People are expressing their opinion, I think that's okay."
"Let's have a civil discussion and see what everyone thinks."
"Rarely does the gaming community unanimously agree on something, because we're all supposed to hate each other. Remember, your subjective opinions are objectively incorrect."
"It's not about having an opinion on a thing, it's about filtering the way you receive the information."
"By its very definition, when you take a side, you will piss off somebody."
"Opinions are like [ __ ], but that doesn't mean you have to be."
"What do you guys think? Let me know your thoughts in the comments down below."
"Being able to hold these two contrasting opinions in your mind at the same time... is an important thing to do."
"Either you enjoyed the new bombastic fun take on the Gundam universe, or you hated everything about it because it wasn't the military Real Robot feel."
"Surprise win of round one: I actually think that the 2020 version is better."
"You're perfectly welcome to your own opinions, but when you're bringing it into the context of the classroom, that can become problematic."
"You're consistent, you're saying the same thing in '22 that you were saying in '12."
"Everyone has an opinion, everyone's entitled to one. You may or may not agree with my opinion or another person in the comments, and feel free to express your own opinions."
"Do your own research and then form an opinion of your own."
"Nobody's opinion matters except for yours, you are completely independent of the good or bad that people say about you."
"It's the same video regardless, this is somebody's opinion on it, you really have to be the judge of your own life."
"Their opinions are legitimate, they're American citizens, you see how it works."
"It's not that his opinions are good, his opinions are insanely idiotic and totally ridiculous."
"Two words: bumper stickers. Can't stand them. I hate them so much. I don't know why people need to put their opinions on their cars."
"Other people's opinions of me are none of my business."
"I think we're all just people with loud opinions."
"I don't want guard rails. I want you to have nothing to do with speech."
"Who are they to say about what the best quality of life of somebody is?"
"I don't have to agree with everyone at Adam glint right by appearing at an event I'm not in no way co-signing the opinions of everyone else who's there."
"The best advice: Parent your own way. The worst? Countless opinions."
"But Daily Wire existing is a massive net positive regardless of whether you like what they're doing or not."
"Soft serve is the best kind of ice cream. Anyone else is wrong."
"There's no need to be upset with somebody for having an opinion."
"Instead of just inviting you over to eat my opinion soup which you are welcome to do at any time I decided to actually ask you."
"That's the cool part about opinions! We can all discuss what we enjoy or don't enjoy, learn things from one another, and, uh, point out malicious practices by corporations to better influence the future of entertainment!"
"Don't let other people's opinions limit your happiness."
"Everybody's opinion is valid... if I don't like a show you do then [ __ ] me am I right?"
"You are the exact example of why other people's opinions of you don't matter."
"Our different views and opinions make this world a richer place to be in."
"I think everyone is entitled to their beliefs and their opinions."
"We want to hear from you, we want your thoughts, we want your opinions."
"Let me have my opinion. It doesn't mean that we have to be at war."
"So yeah, this is the tier list, that's the official Minecraft parody tier list, yes, the official rankings. If anyone disagrees or agrees, yeah, you can't change it, it's a fact."
"I am NOT responsible for other people's opinions of me."
"Let me know your opinions on what you think of my rankings, do you agree or disagree?"
"Opinions are simply opinions, just because someone says something doesn't make it truth."
"I simply just gave them that power, it's just an opinion."
"I will forever defend people's rights to have like different opinions on movies."
"This is the key right here: just because your opinions are stupid doesn't mean we can't be friends."
"My opinion out of all of this is that he was right and she was wrong."
"It means absolute free speech and ain't nobody going to be able to complain."
"I think Everyone's entitled to their own opinion and we need to accept that whether right or wrong or not to get offended."
"Make sure you guys let me know in the comments which side you think will win."
"We can all have an opinion without it causing a war."
"To respect everybody's opinion at least and let them express respect this opinion."
"You are entitled to your own opinion but you are not entitled to your own facts."
"I think it's important to have a discussion, get our opinions out there."
"I think most people would respect my opinion on it and there's not an easy way to access it."
"I want to be free from people's opinions, not really caring what people think."
"I really hope you guys enjoyed this story time please know that I don't hate correctional officers."
"People can have their own opinions about whether that's a success, but they aren't entitled to change the facts to fit that opinion."
"Some people said Lawnmower Man a lot, and a lot of people said Dreamcatcher, which is one of the strangest, weirdest, most bizarre movies."
"We're allowed to have different opinions and we can all still be friends."
"People can have opinions that don't align with yours."
"Nearly 40 percent of Democrats think Republicans do a better job."
"Opinions can be changed when new information is brought to the table."
"I'm giving my opinion, and a lot of fans out there were saying that."
"It's okay to be wrong, it's okay to have an opinion... So what? Get on with it. That's how we do it, that's how we move forward in life."
"How do you feel about the updated look by the way? It's unnecessary but I kind of like it."
"Everybody's entitled to their own opinion but just know that what I'm doing is for me only me only for my self-confidence and I'm just so so thrilled to do it."
"As you see we got the last one uh Roshan III with dono says blue fusions are best units in the game."
"I've always held this as one of the core ideals on my channel: I take an opinionated standpoint in my videos."
"Introducing candid the brand new social media app that allows you to share your opinions completely anonymously."