
Natural Foods Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Nature has provided us with a bounty of foods that are not only delicious but are also powerful cleansers for our bodies."
"Eat something sweet, eat sweet potatoes or cherries. Whole food sources of sweetness really are the best."
"If God made this, eat it. If man made it, leave it."
"Investing in our health is crucial, emphasizing the value of natural foods over processed alternatives."
"What if we took all of that away and we all ate whole, natural foods? We'd all eat less, we'd all be healthier."
"Real food is food that came out of the ground or animals that ate the food that came out of the ground."
"Eat at the proper time, a variety of natural, non-processed foods, and quantities for ideal weight."
"Whole food doesn't need a long list of ingredients."
"You are what you eat, so whenever possible, eat from the earth and you will feel alive."
"We evolved to eat whole foods and not foods that have been chemically and mechanically separated to an extreme degree."
"It's difficult to be healthier than the foods that we are supposed to be eating right, which is natural foods."
"Did God make a Twinkie? No. Did God make an avocado? Yes."
"If you're eating things that don't have a barcode on it... those will be good for you."
"Pickles are just fermented melons, amazing for the body."
"Monounsaturated fats are really good for us as long as they're minimally processed."
"If you eat something like a natural human diet, you're likely to be healthier."
"Minimally processed foods... stick to Foods in their most natural state."
"Your fruits should have seeds in them... eating something that cannot reproduce itself... that's poison."
"There's something about a natural green that just makes you feel so healthy when you're eating it, right?"
"Avoid overly processed and denatured foods. Eat food that's more natural, whole, and real." - Holistic Hilda
"Real foods don't have extensive ingredients lists."
"Stop putting synthetic foods into your body. Your body doesn't recognize them."
"When you eat the living foods the fruits the vegetables and the nuts and the seeds that are fresh it awakens your consciousness."
"The only Fountain of Youth is to eat more foods that are nutrient-rich naturally and less foods that are man-made or processed."
"This will be one of the greatest internal conflicts in the history of the United States."
"Fresh fruit, leafy greens, vegetation, things with seed, and herbs."
"You've got to eat the whole food. Eat the olive, eat the coconut, but not the oil."
"The way to health is by eating some of the natural foods, fresh fruits and fresh vegetables, that you can grind up in your own NutriBullet to make your own superfoods at home."
"Diet is number one... you've got to get back to foods that are coming straight out of the earth."
"Eat real food, Whole Foods as close to their natural state as possible and eat it things in moderation."
"Real food is a food that came out of the ground or animals that ate the food that came out of the ground."
"For many people, they still believe in the plant-based paradigm, so they're like 'well, sweet potatoes and quinoa, that's natural.'"
"Stop worrying about minutia, just eat lots of natural, healthy food."
"If you cut those three ingredients from your diet no matter what dietary philosophy you are on you are almost certainly steered towards more natural food."
"It's kind of like the unsexy answer is that it's a lot of vegetables and fruits and like natural unprocessed non-garbage food."
"Let's get back to Whole Foods, foods that are coming out of Nature."
"Mother Nature has known for very many centuries how to make our food have us thrive."
"The original sources of everything are fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, and legumes."
"When you eat a whole apple, it leaves you feeling fuller for longer; it doesn't spike your blood sugar."
"Eggs are one of the most nutrient-dense Whole Foods made by Nature."
"The foods that are best for us look beautiful to us in their natural state. Brightly colored plant foods are the foods that we're supposed to be eating."
"These are wonderful foods that have been around since time began that man has loved and eaten on purpose before they even knew how good they were for you."
"If you see the food and it looks exactly the way it did when it came off of the tree...that's the kind of food you want to be eating most of the time if not all of the time."
"One of the things that you want to be able to do is eat more of Mother Nature's Pharmacy."
"I lean more towards whole natural food sources."
"Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, complex carbohydrates in its most natural, unprocessed forms, are the healthiest things ever."
"Whenever possible, eat from the earth and you will feel alive."
"I personally am not too concerned about it because most of my Foods I try to make them Whole Foods like they don't have that label on there so the amount of natural flavor that I'm consuming hopefully isn't very much."
"Probiotics and fermented foods are so important to try and eat real food."
"We need to moderate high-density foods and focus on whole, natural foods."
"My favorite dessert which is just fresh wild berries."
"Grains and beans, seeds are the most nutrient-dense food that God has given us."
"The carbs that are coming from Mother Nature, from Mother Earth, from the ground, those are healthy carbs."
"The best food in the market are food that have no labels."
"It's a little more difficult when you're trying to feed a large family more natural foods, organic foods, whole foods."
"You start to eat the real whole one ingredient Foods that our ancestors have eaten for the last three and a half million years."
"A diet that largely consists of whole foods in their natural state can help as far as slowing down the rate of accumulation of glycation end-products."
"Microgreens and sprouts are just filled with so many nutrients and life and enzymes, and they really just make digestion better and are amazing."
"Satisfy that hunger with unprocessed foods that naturally have a low caloric density."
"Ultra processed foods are not as healthy as whole natural foods."
"We need to get back to basics, cook whole natural foods that don't have labels on them."
"It's just so simple: eat food, things with less than 20 ingredients on the package or things that rot."
"Eat your fruits and vegetables; it's a lot healthier than just taking it crushed in the little pill."
"Put as much fresh food in your mouth as possible and try to avoid as much ultra-processed food as possible."
"Basically, if food comes in a package, I'm not eating too much of it."
"I don't eat processed food. My rule is if you can't fish it or shoot it, don't eat it."
"Taking probiotics... I like to get it through whole natural foods."
"The Pritikin eating plan is a natural food diet which focuses on grains, fruits, and vegetables with very limited amounts of animal protein."
"The living foods just make me feel amazing."
"Eat only what God created for food, don't alter God's design, and avoid food addictions."
"It's very important as we age to be eating as much healthy foods as we can and trying to avoid all that processed stuff."
"If you eat healthy, like stuff that's not processed, then it really helps you lean out."
"Shine Kitchen Company makes it easy to power up your health with more fresh natural foods in minutes."
"Natural foods like vegetables, you can eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, other foods, and it without that many calories."
"Fresh living food is always better than having dry flakes of grains."
"There's a lot of natural foods that we can use to boost our immune function and to reduce inflammation."
"We've been telling the public for decades that fresh, unprocessed foods are the basis of a healthy diet."
"We need real food like this, some seeds, you know, some nuts."
"When you are consuming a source of sweetness that comes from a natural food source like honey or eating a piece of fruit, you're getting a lot of different benefits."
"Fresh fruits and veggies are the best foods on the planet."