
Societal Discourse Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"As many different opinions as we possibly can have is great."
"We need to talk about abuse and we need to talk about these things with care, patience, and less Reddit."
"It's deeply threatening to reveal things about your own experience that are not going to land in a space where we can kind of collectively engage with them as legitimate experience."
"It's a lot easier to criticize an individual than it is to actually articulate and affirm an agenda and a vision of your own."
"My hope is that we can set aside the clickbait articles like this and focus on mental health and physical health and move forward."
"What we need more than ever in this country, I believe, is a multitude of voices who are trying to get across ideas so that we can have the battle of ideas."
"I am truly honored to be with you as we have the opportunity to celebrate Black History but also to talk about the current conditions of Black people as well as to talk about how we engage and go forward for the future of this country as it relates to Black America."
"The most important thing in life is knowing that you can ask questions that lead to the answers. And we now live in a time where even questions cannot really been asked comfortably about certain topics."
"Social justice has taken a leap forwards, yet there is a movement that presumptuously labels itself social justice, as though it alone holds the key to this."
"The only way to ensure that political correctness continues to lose is if we tell the truth."
"The reason I'm here is because all we have tried to do for these last couple years is have some difficult conversations with some people we disagree with."
"Criticism is critical to everything from our political discourse to the arts and entertainment industry to gaming."
"We're going to have to do some work to reclaim the truth."
"We need to reclaim our language, racism doesn't mean a power struggle between black people and white people."
"Demonizing doesn't help at the end of the day."
"And isn't this something that we really need to talk more about? About the people that have the ability to think critically..."
"Let our contributions to this conversation be marked by love, extending grace and understanding to those whose views may differ from our own."
"There are no winners in this but this is an opportunity to have some discussions."
"Not all opinions are equal... not all opinions are deserving of our time and consideration."
"Expose them to dissenting opinions, expose everyone to opinions that sound different from the way they think."
"We need to be able to have conversations that are reasonable and rational."
"I think the sign of reason and moderate thinking is actually winning."
"The basic idea of the book... is that we feel right now in america as though all of the institutions are arrayed against your ability to speak freely."
"The most important thing is always that the dissonant voices continue to speak out."
"Never underestimate the damage that a poorly crafted lie can inflict... a little contradiction is healthy."
"Let's open up the conversation let's normalize aging it is normal to get older it is normal to have health issues."
"If you say 'all lives matter,' it appears to be a universal statement... secretly privileging a certain group."
"If you don't have free speech, then we can't even begin to approach these problems properly."
"Your freedom depends on the freedom of the people you disagree with."
"It is not a political problem, it's a spiritual problem."
"Our discourse is becoming increasingly intolerant of dissenting views."
"Why are you listening to people who don't read anything, don't know anything, don't even ask the right questions?"
"We're all fairly reasonable people, but now it's quite common to hear people say things that everybody knows are completely impossible."
"If we can't even have a discussion and everything everyone says is disingenuous, then there's no point in having a discussion."
"There are real Nazis out there whenever they use the word anti-semite of someone who isn't an anti-semite they really devalue the word."
"It's important to say this man was a man of color."
"You have this very strange use of religious terminology here in making this moral judgment."
"This racialization of what is represented as terrorism... an attempt to bring old-style racism into conversation."
"This is good this is good this is like America is missing is Nuance conversations that take different perspectives and actually come up with a place where we can all learn from each other."
"Societies that actually can talk about their problems tend to do better."
"This isn't a free speech issue, this is just a censorship issue."
"We can't settle for redefining the word racist."
"I don't think people on the left should be lambasted for saying the true stuff."
"The problem with today's media: opinion checking, not fact checking."
"This is the moment when we should be talking about what we do next."
"Being offended doesn't give you a right to silence and censor everyone else."
"If you belong to certain categories, you don't get to hear 'no.' But the answer should be no to sacrificing truth for feelings."
"We need to be talking about the systemic aspects that are plaguing our country."
"Empathy should be at the heart of all discourse."
"The key to all of it is not race, it's culture."
"All of that secession talk has always been gibberish."
"It's about Liberty, it's about America, it's about the whole conversation."
"We really should be having more conversations about free speech."
"We don't try to figure out how to pick sides in these conversations, we actually look for the truth."
"It's amazing if you stop and think about it. It's the dumbest thing to argue about."
"Even at the other side that's prohibited is the one telling the truth."
"Free speech exists... it's very important for society to hear these things."
"And therefore they've got to villainize people like me and you they got to villainize people like Chris Pratt because you know left of their own devices there will be no more civility you know god forbid."
"The way that our rights talk seems to have evolved...is highly individualistic and very legalistic."
"I hope all of us can stand up for and urge anyone in control of such things to allow us to live in a world where open free respectful discourse is King."
"Facts are really important in today's society, really important for people to make an educated decision and an educated and thoughtful opinion about any situation in life."
"The truth matters here, okay? Let's actually care about the truth."
"I don't think this is a question of intellect, I think this is a question of attention."
"What does hip-hop and by extension black america look like if these kind of conversations are happening and being imagined and resonating more than the kind of meeting that we opened the season with."
"Modern women have been so obsessed with the discussion of whether or not they're free to do something that they've forgotten to actually have the discussion about whether that thing is a good idea."
"The truth is offensive sometimes, even if you're offended by the truth."
"I think that's where some people kind of get where they can argue that, you know, oh um you you'll never get pregnant and so you don't deserve a say in this."
"Religion deserves to be treated with respect full conversation and that's what I am hoping to facilitate here."
"What's not being talked about is always as important as the lies themselves."
"The bottom line is this: without freedom, we cannot have open debate."
"We always lose sight of the actual need for conversation."
"Creative thought, creative republics, intellectual discourse depend upon free speech."
"I hate tragedies because they bring out these arguments all the time. It bothers me that I have to talk about an issue when people are facing a tragedy."
"So I think that this is a moment in time coming out of the corvette stillness where we have to have these conversations in a much more granular, in a much more deliberate way, with an eye towards solutions."
"The dialogue that's come up in recent years over adaptation and its purpose in modern society is so fascinating to me."
"We talk about race all the time, but we don't actually talk about race."
"Things have been the same for a long time in this generation and they still deserve to be spoken about."
"We really have to have conversations as a society about what does that mean? What does reckoning with a past of conquest and displacement and genocide mean?"
"What we're talking about here fundamentally is neither politics nor economics; it's power."
"There's a huge hunger not just from the right but from the center and the center-left for people talking about the importance of free speech for everyone."
"We're missing nuance right now and we're missing conversation."
"Society would be so well served if we allowed the concept of messy margins into more of our discourse."