
Detoxification Quotes

There are 442 quotes

"Nature has provided us with a bounty of foods that are not only delicious but are also powerful cleansers for our bodies."
"Beetroots are high in compounds called betalains, which have potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxification properties."
"Turmeric, particularly its active compound curcumin, plays a significant role in the body's detoxification process."
"Stop drinking the poison. Grab the cup that's filled with water and only begin to fill your cup with beautiful water... Stop filling it with toxicity."
"Both endogenous and exogenous toxins are preferentially mobilized in water-only fasting."
"Sweating helps flush out heavy metals and other toxins, and the infrared heat elevates your heart rate while relaxing, which releases endorphins and can leave you feeling euphoric after your session."
"Detox starts by removing what is bad for you first."
"It's important for women to detox if you are planning to conceive, but it's also important for men, and sometimes that's overlooked."
"Sleep is the time when our bodies get a chance to get rid of all of the toxins."
"A daily detox through the colon is imperative for good gut health and good overall health."
"July is also a month to detox any part of your life that you feel has become overwhelming or toxic."
"Water has so many health benefits including clearing up your skin, it can help you to feel less bloated and flush out a lot of toxins."
"The body's way of saying, look, I gotta get rid of some bad stuff."
"Celery juice binds onto toxins from pathogens and pulls it out of their body."
"Cells renew, but say your liver... if it still has an abundance of mercury... copper, lead, cadmium, arsenic... toxic heavy metals... poisons out of them."
"Celery juice helps loosen up those metals, stops them from oxidizing so they don't rust in our brain, so they don't break down our brain tissue or glial cells and other parts of our brain. It's critical."
"Your poop is how you're getting toxins out of you... If you're not having a daily bowel movement... all of those toxins are getting caught inside of you."
"Sickness is about congestion in the body. When you get sick, it's your body asking you to cleanse itself."
"It's a great detoxifier. You can't get your coffee? Start digging your roots, roasting them up with some honey on them makes a really amazing beverage."
"The body is always in some state of detox, filtering out wastes and toxins."
"Detoxification can save the big picture and bring chronic diseases down."
"Fasting is God's medicine, fasting is a very powerful way to flush the body out."
"The magic comes when you get rid of the toxic stuff."
"When you get into this fruit eating and you start detoxing with these, it's an experience."
"Detox is not scary. It's one of probably the single most important thing that you can do."
"Your body is really powerful at detoxifying itself."
"Liver: the detoxifier, protecting the body from toxins."
"The best type of detox... is just sleep, the restorative sleep."
"Literally just a little capsule... clear skin no sweat odor and your gut will literally be detoxed by the cellular level."
"Chlorophyll... it literally cleanses out your system immediately... my skin has cleared up like immaculate."
"Yoga is like cleaning the body from the inside out."
"Juice fasting is not a quick fix, but it's the first step in healing because the body wants to naturally heal."
"Aversion to certain foods on a raw vegan diet is detox; ultimate health comes from whole, raw, undenatured foods."
"Once you are in a state of bliss the toxicity within you just disappears."
"His touch also kills poisons and allows flash to purge a person's body of impurities."
"The human body can defend itself very well against most environmental insults... see the body's own detox system."
"Doing these deep twists is extremely good because it helps to detoxify and cleanse your organs."
"Your body is really good at getting rid of toxins."
"When you take out all that stuff, the body just wants to be healthy."
"Detoxification is not something that you do once a year... it's something that you should be doing every day."
"The liver is the detox machine of the body, better than any juice cleanse Gwyneth Paltrow could ever recommend."
"Charcoal actually really helps to absorb all the toxins that cause staining and bad breath and helps to make your teeth really clean."
"You can actually see what this thing's doing to your body, and you also have the contrast because you've now eliminated all these poisons out of your body."
"The Western diet has become so toxic... when you stop running that stuff through your arteries the headaches go away."
"It's just literally your body's getting rid of all those old cells."
"Every time you choose the broccoli over the burger, you're choosing stuff that'll chelate, get your nutrients, and detox your system."
"Spirulina rocks, organic blue algae, eliminates impurities."
"Your stomach is made up of a fourth. One-fourth of your stomach is used for your immune system, which kills the bad cells, which detox the whole body."
"Some of these people need to go to a woke detox center."
"I think the main thing is is you're eliminating toxins you're eliminating things that cause direct harm to your body."
"Water is a solvent to deconstruct acidity and alkalize our tissue."
"The heat helps to detoxify your body, deepens the stretches, then safely increases the intensity and benefits of your practice."
"As people process pain, there is a collective pain stored inside everyone and this must be brought to the surface to detoxify yourselves."
"Detoxing heavy metals is safe when you're using the right protocol."
"The only way you're going to detox your brain is with alpha lipoic acid."
"Do what you can to remove toxicity from your life."
"The key is taking out the bad stuff, putting in the good stuff, and the body has its own innate healing system."
"You're going through a detox; you're really attractive to a lot of people."
"Fermented foods pull out toxins from the body and make you feel happier."
"Detoxify with Epsom salt, apple cider vinegar, or bentonite clay baths."
"The second you get rid of acidosis and toxemia... the cancer already stops."
"It's time to release physical and energetic toxins from your life."
"The very first thing the body cleans out when you start drinking pure water is the very food that's been lingering for years."
"Broccoli is amazing for cleansing the lungs."
"Your stuff really saved me because I was so bad for detox wise, and once I used your dirty, and this is the only reason I partner with you is because your stuff works."
"C60 neutralizes the oxidative stress, turns it into water, and gives it over to the system to be excreted out."
"Chelation pulls toxic metals out of the body."
"Cruciferous vegetables can dismantle harmful chemicals from your liver."
"Thank you for cleaning up my body, mind, and life so that I may happily and healthily live free of chemicals."
"A need for detoxification - time to make a decision from within, aside from everyone else's opinions."
"Sweating is one of your primary detoxification channels."
"So this clay basically, it draws out toxins through absorption when it gets wet, so it kind of turns into the superhero sponge."
"Water enables all of your filter organs to filter those toxins easier, so water is incredibly beneficial to your liver, it's incredibly beneficial to your kidneys especially, and all other organs in between."
"Coffee enemas are a wonderful single component of a complete detoxification program."
"Healthy levels of iodine help detoxify the body."
"There's phase one, phase two, phase three, which is the urinary excretion of toxins, and then phase four is the gut."
"Sauna is a great way to increase sweating, detoxify heavy metals, and move blood and lymph throughout the body."
"It's time for a thorough clear out in your life; decluttering, detox your body and mind."
"It's like taking the trillions of cells in your body and cleaning them up, getting rid of the ones that are no longer serving you."
"A dopamine detox: a fast from dopamine-inducing activities."
"Radishes have higher sulfur compounds that are really good for detoxification."
"That's because of course you're eating throughout the day, when you first go to the bathroom in the morning, you're cleansing your body out."
"Through the power of detoxification and yes food, we can jump start our body's natural ability to fend off illness."
"The cruciferous vegetables are really positive for cleaning up a toxic-filled body."
"Most people don't realize how important detoxification is."
"You're being freed from a lot of this toxicity."
"Detox is the act of getting the drugs out of your system, getting to the point where there is no longer a physical dependency."
"The lymphatic system... absorbs all the toxins in our body and gives us the nutrients we need."
"Detoxification of the body, cleansing the body of any stagnant energy, any tension, any stress, and creating a beautiful clean slate."
"If you manage to not drink for 6 to 12 hours, your body physically starts to change for the better."
"I am releasing the poison, I am releasing things that are toxic."
"Glutathione is able to get rid of heavy metals like arsenic, mercury, and cadmium"
"You're removing something from your life, returning you to health."
"...there are things that we can do to detox rebuild and repair the body but switching to organic is critical."
"Detoxification of chemicals primarily occurs in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, particularly in hepatocytes."
"In this class, we will focus on postures and sequences specifically curated to support your body's natural detoxification process."
"Glutathione is the body's main detoxifier, antioxidant, and key regulator of immune function. Boosting glutathione levels is crucial for overall health."
"Exercise boosts glutathione levels, immune function, and detoxification. Even just walking 20 minutes a day can have significant health benefits."
"Reduce toxic exposures by using high-quality skincare, household products, and food. Pay attention to environmental toxins to support detoxification."
"N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is a supplement that boosts glutathione levels and protects the liver from toxins like Tylenol. It's an important daily supplement for detoxification."
"You've released toxicity in yourself and in your life."
"It's about freeing up mental bandwidth and just getting the poison out of your system."
"Sleep gives you this deep flushing through of the toxins that build up every day."
"The sun is your best heavy metal detox."
"This is responsible for the detoxification of all the nutrients in the water."
"The body cleanses, detoxifies, and drains lymphatically while we sleep in a specific order. It's super vital for us to get an enormously amazing deep sleep all night long."
"When you put fat or creams or anything that's oily on your skin, it's a signal to the gallbladder. It heralds the start of detoxification."
"Beets are a fantastic liver tonic. What that means is that they really help you detoxify."
"Sweat is not a main way of detoxifying the body at all."
"From 9:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. that's when your body is going through its natural detoxification."
"Our bodies are so wise that even toxins, just preservatives, food dyes, will develop appropriate microbes to handle them, bind them, and remove them from our bodies."
"If one of the benefits of the soil food web is to detoxify all of these things that you just lifted off, why can't we just put them into the compost?"
"Cruciferous vegetables activate the cellular detoxification pathways."
"Charcoal will actually bind off that substance and facilitate elimination without absorption."
"More reason to eat right, to get the toxins out of your body."
"Juice feasting approximates the fasting state, allowing the body to heal and detoxify."
"He sees the writing on the wall; it's going to be a slow detoxification."
"When you burn the fat, it's going to release the toxins."
"I was The Other Extreme. So, my body was like doing a happy dance. It was finally eliminating everything."
"Support your liver. It needs certain nutrients in order to perform that duty of detoxification."
"It's about healing your insides and flushing out all those crappy old toxins."
"Your skin is one of your largest organs that detoxify your body."
"After you do that, then you can go clean the tools. And if you have time and you don't catch another job, take a shower and get all of that poison out of your pores. Alright?"
"If you live to 100, it's because you were a rare outlying individual, and nothing overly burdened your detoxification system."
"The liver plays a crucial role in metabolizing medications, neutralizing them to prevent accumulation in the body."
"Foods that are high in sulfur help to strip away fat from your liver by boosting glutathione levels and helping to detoxify poisons."
"Knack: the metal chelator that expels toxins like mercury and lead."
"Knack: the powerhouse behind glutathione production."
"Water with lemon can really help to further the detoxification that took place during the night."
"Infrared saunas... are a great way to open up those pores and detoxify via sweat."
"We need to stop poisoning ourselves. It's very easy to overlook subtle, slow-grade everyday toxicity."
"Sweating is so good for your skin. It's another way for your body to release toxins."
"It is isolation from other people's negative energy that helps us detoxify and see clearly."
"When we are breathing every day and night we are releasing toxins from the body."
"Bowie's decision to move to Berlin was because he wanted anonymity and needed to detoxify his life."
"It really does help to kind of de-puff and detoxify."
"It's amazing how powerful the breath is at detoxifying the body."
"If you don't get good sleep, you're not completely emptying away the toxins."
"...the sauna blanket uses infrared heat which boosts your circulation, boosts lymphatic drainage, and aids that full-body detox, healing the body from the inside out."
"Charcoal pills, I learned about these in Mexico and I'm obsessed. It's a great natural detoxifier for your gut."
"You simply remove the toxicity coming in, the rubbish, and replace the deficiencies, and the body just heals itself."
"I got out so many parasites I couldn't believe it."
"You just feel rejuvenated, man, like you've released a lot of toxins."
"Many times just removing the chemical from the home you see relief happen within 3 to 7 days it is that quick."
"Try removing the products temporarily for 7 to 10 14 days see how you start to feel see how your home starts to smell."
"Best way: eat bread and poop tomorrow. I mean, that is the best way to detoxify every day."
"Celery juice helps with healing your gut, it strengthens your bones, it purifies the bloodstream, it's highly detoxifying and it's an anti-inflammatory."
"Having hydration helps remove toxins."
"Molybdenum may help improve detox pathways and ammonia detoxification."
"Glutathione might be the corrective measure for that [imbalance caused by toxic exposure]."
"You cannot develop a leaky gut until you deplete glutathione first."
"Iodine is really integral in being able to chelate out some of these toxic halogens from the body."
"Regular full body detoxification...to really give our body and our energy system you know that helping hand."
"Vitamin C isn't just any ordinary nutrient; it has some serious kidney detoxing superpowers."
"Grapes emerge as a formidable ally in the realm of kidney health and detoxification."
"Incorporating grapes into one's diet... offers a nutritious means to fortify Kidney Health."
"Cranberries known for their vibrant red Hue emerge as a potent Ally in the realm of Kidney Health and detoxification."
"Magnesium this mineral is like a gentle Guardian for your kidneys enhancing their ability to cleanse your body and flush out toxins."
"Exercising and sweating every day... can help you eliminate these things that you don't want inside of your body that can cause problems."
"We then switch to reducing their toxin burden."
"Cleavers stimulates lymphatic flow, reducing swelling and aiding in detoxification."
"Sleep is important for processing toxic proteins."
"Taking care of your liver by removing the toxic load in your body can be really freaking powerful in helping you just feel really good and feel really healthy."
"Green tea is one of the most powerful antioxidant foods and detoxifying foods."
"It's time to detoxify, forgive the aspects of this relationship that have hurt you, release your blocks."
"Dandelion tea supports kidney function by reducing overall toxin load."
"It's the conversation of detoxification that many people don't talk about, but the problems that we have today in our population are because of it."
"Raw carrots bind to toxins or any type of bacteria in your gut and draw it out."
"It's time to shake it off and get rid of the poison."
"Charcoal is an amazing ingredient to basically draw out impurities from your pores."
"A dopamine fast is like putting all screens away for a month to reset reward pathways."
"Withdrawal is the healing and adjusting process where nicotine and toxins leave your body."
"You want to have a way of detox and cleanse your system on a regular basis."
"For years, people thought [fiber] had no nutritional value because it wasn't digested. What they didn't know is what it's doing. It's drawing toxins and the stuff that your body goes, 'I don't know what that is, don't need it.' That's not a nutrient that fiber attracts to it."
"The liver is amazing in detoxifying our bodies of poisons that we're exposed to."
"You sleep is your rest, your time off. It helps you detoxify, it helps you sort of think things through on a subconscious level."
"It's a detox of the brain, the blood, and the organs."
"Drinking a lot of water and putting lemon in that kind of does a lot of cleansing things that really do help your beauty."
"It's like pain relief, body detox, skin cleansing, improves circulation."
"When you go to sleep, your brain secretes a fluid... to wash over the ridges of your brain through those toxins that you build up throughout the day."
"Our bodies can detoxify a lot of stuff, and it actually may help us through hormesis to detoxify some things."
"It's the liver that gets rid of toxins you may have taken in the diet or have been produced by the way in which the body works."
"The only thing that removes toxins from your body are your own organs: your lungs, your liver, your kidneys amongst others."
"Drink lots of water, it's really important for your total body detox."
"Let's optimize it, let's really help you get from the start to finish down the right pathway and get it out of your body in a safe way."
"I'm willing to sacrifice the carbs so that I can expel this mercury from my body."
"The essential substances that allow your body to detoxify, repair, heal, grow, maintain cell function, create energy, and sustain life."
"It promotes circulation and nourishment to the skin and really can detoxify the skin and give a vibrancy to the skin."
"Grapes, available in various hues like red, green, or black, emerge as a formidable ally in the realm of kidney health and detoxification."
"Your life becomes incrementally better once you start removing toxins from your body."
"There's two organs in our body that are obviously very vital to detoxification and cleansing: the liver and the kidneys."
"Phytochemicals prevent free radical formation, accelerate the body's ability to remove toxins, and enhance longevity."
"Green vegetables are needed to keep our bodies clean and our machinery running."
"The key to slowing aging is getting rid of the waste products."
"It's kind of like getting the venom out of my body."
"Yoga in general is great for detoxing because you're moving your heart, your head below your heart."
"The most effective way of detoxifying the body is fasting."
"We suspect that autophagy, the process of clearing up junk within the cells, is activated and possibly also clearing bad cells."
"Fasting is a beautiful way to detox."
"Glutathione's primary role is to aid the liver in the detoxification of environmental pollutants and toxicants."