
Industry Innovation Quotes

There are 179 quotes

"This is the birth of an entirely new industry, neuroengineering, which could very well change humanity as we know it."
"Trends in skincare keep pushing industries forward."
"Instead of seeing it as something that's going to limit job potential, it's important also to conceive of the fact that it's going to create industries."
"Our vision behind this industry is trying to set up an alternate paradigm to meat production in this land."
"Paradigm shifts don't come along too often in our industry."
"Every company from the airlines to Starbucks, etc., they're all going to have a token." - Tokenization's impact across industries.
"Yern's success was quickly followed by multiple other teams launching similar projects with a few minor alterations."
"Success for Transient is about smart contract creation within industry."
"The industrial side of additive manufacturing is this amazing segment with thousands and thousands of people doing amazing things."
"The metaverse is starting to offer opportunities to a multitude of industries and new ways to tackle pressing, even deadly challenges."
"Do you know who Elon is? What do you think of Elon Musk?"
"Red Dead Online introduced something Rockstar has never done before: a secondary premium currency similar to what the free-to-play mobile games use."
"Get ready for a revolution in the polymer industry guys."
"Digital transformation involves redesigning industries, products, ecosystems, paths to customers, and value propositions."
"This is a really kind of game changer in our industry that allows us to be more efficient in our team training in our team development."
"I cannot understate how game changing digital has become for title sequence designers."
"I think it's on us as an industry to build the products and tech that make these things incredibly valuable to customers."
"The eventual answer is going to be launching of right-wing companies in exactly the same areas that don't actually care anymore."
"Constant innovation in an industry that was almost asleep before companies like SpaceX entered it."
"NCsoft believes online gaming to be the 'next cinema' in entertainment and Aion was created to tackle the next challenge for the MMOPRG: enhanced interaction," said Ju-hyeong Jang.
"Tesla when they first came out with this cylindrical cell battery pack idea everybody in the industry thought they were crazy."
"I think the most likely outcome of United-Arsenal is a draw."
"I've always had this vision of really shaking up the gifting industry."
"We actually built technology to establish trust in an industry industry where from our perspective it's long overdue."
"Ocarina innovated the industry in more than just its gameplay."
"Android Automotive OS: redefining infotainment."
"But the ultimate prize, the ultimate destination on this journey, would be breakthrough applications and breakthrough industries in areas from agriculture and medicine to energy and materials and even computing itself."
"This right here is going to revolutionize that space, that blog and industry, and it's going to change how people participate in the space."
"Tesla's breaking the mold... like what happened with the iPhone."
"Absolutely 100% game changer in the industry and research."
"They want to enable creativity in the industry because it's clear that's what both consumers and developers want."
"Smart Access Storage will use AMD's platform features such as Smart Access Memory and GPU asset decompression to provide the benefits of DirectStorage like faster loading times and better asset streaming in games."
"What keeps it interesting is the new operators."
"Instead of always doubling down on what has the best mass market appeal and always doing exactly what the mass market expects please start taking more risks."
"Every couple years it's nice to have a revolutionary gaming experience that changes things."
"Instead of thinking about Tesla as the destroyer of the traditional Auto industry, it's much more healthy to look at them as a much needed Catalyst for Change."
"American manufacturing needed Tesla and electric vehicles to help them make that change towards the future."
"Now that a young dog had changed the rap game, the video game industry started toying with this newfangled thing called music."
"Now you can get even closer to the sort of metaphorical idea of picks and shovels with the equipment that you actually use to grow marijuana at industrial scale."
"Valve is on a mission to change the industry come hell or high water."
"Akon's plans for NFTs in the music industry."
"If we want companies to innovate in the industry, we must be vocally supportive of the changes we want to see."
"Innovation drives progress: Rockefeller was a visionary who revolutionized the oil industry."
"Tesla is paving the way, it's modeling something new for the industry."
"Collaboration with AMD succeeded in producing technology useful in both worlds."
"Ford's assembly line production of motorcars would eventually create a whole new market for petroleum."
"Blockchain disruption is a marathon and you cannot write off very different approaches in this industry."
"Too Faced was trailblazing in showing that makeup could be more than just functional."
"Hollywood is being rebuilt by artists not afraid to disrupt the status quo telling fresh stories and bring it to life characters who until now have been confined to the margins."
"The perovskite solar cell industry is in a state where its lab developments already exceed prior solar panel commercialization launch points."
"I think it's been a good thing for us to wake up and go, 'Well, we need to bring this back in our industry. We need to start challenging the status quo.'"
"This is something that's going to separate Cadillac from the rest of the Auto industry."
"Change is long overdue... exciting to see people making legitimate content outside that system."
"Larian should be applauded, not torn down, for pushing the medium forward."
"Overall, an incredible product from AMD and while very exciting for professionals right now, it's also paving the way for more affordable core heavy desktop processors in the future."
"Hip-hop's first completely vertically integrated brand."
"Everybody is pushing the envelope further and further and further."
"Creativity and innovation is what pushes an industry forward."
"YouTube is about to revolutionize the short form content industry."
"You cannot kill that industry without having a viable alternative."
"We really need this competitive sort of approach to really push graphics forward because Nvidia has been pushing graphics forward and it seems that Intel is also working to do the same."
"It's easier for a technology company to learn how to make cars than for a car company to learn how to make technology."
"AMD has this great history of pushing the industry, pushing innovation."
"DC Comics is now official and Conn's hard work served to pioneer the modern comic book company from creator compensation to release schedules and everything in between."
"Individual testing at mass consumer scale. This is really unheard of."
"Damon motorcycles: poised to be a major player in the future of electric motorcycles."
"If Ford opens Pandora's box what it seems to be and going towards like a Tesla and Rivian type of model..."
"I just want to talk about why Riot Games really does have the formula and they have what it takes to change the industry."
"AMD making Intel better until having some open-source graphics drivers but this is a win for everybody."
"The level of immersion is so high...nobody realized that we were in the volume."
"If they can pull this off, it'll quite literally change the industry forever."
"Folks used to say that Tesla was misunderstood as a car company when it was really, you know, an energy and tech company. Could it be the same for being an AI company in the future? Could that bolster the long-term argument?"
"Whether it's pipeline, whether it's art direction, whether it's technology, everything that allows us to make the experience better, not different, extremely better."
"Tesla's really changing the game... the Internet's free. If it's a good product, the word will get out there."
"The cannabis industry is ahead of almost every other industry because of its general youth and pure bred entrepreneurship."
"I created this industry. I carried it to an unrivaled height."
"C Labs is the solution to the ticketing industry that is currently so flawed and corrupt."
"It felt like a once in a generation title that pushed the boundaries of what games could be."
"Everyone waited in suspense, wondering what Fortnite could do next, not realizing they were about to raise the bar even higher."
"Leaders need to lead by example and be an example of what's good in society."
"BlackVue has been the first to make a true 4K quality dash cam."
"The Threadripper CPUs have the potential to change the computing industry for a long time."
"Studio Ghibli: Blowing the animation industry into a whole new direction."
"The entertainment industry didn't defeat peer-to-peer file sharing by regulation or enforcement, they just offered better services."
"Not only is Kevin Feige and his team showing that they're willing to change things up, but now they're seeing that when they try unique things, the audience is responding."
"Seeing that 'WandaVision' works, I think that's going to embolden them to take even more chances moving forward."
"That's an incredible milestone for Tesla and for EV charging as a whole."
"Impact drivers have completely changed the construction industry and drastically improved both our productivity as well as the quality of our work."
"We are planning to produce limited volumes of the Tesla semi in 2020."
"I think you know you guys are one of the few companies [...] the good part is those kinds of visual experiences are definitely happening."
"It's less about being the new streaming service and more about creating something completely new."
"Being scared is the problem. The biggest Kickstarter of all time is not a smartwatch anymore—it's books."
"Tesla is not like a traditional Legacy automotive manufacturer."
"The auto industry...is reinventing itself completely."
"Tesla is anything but an automotive manufacturer."
"What if we create the baddest brokerage that Atlanta has ever seen?"
"There's a push to make the industry go forward."
"For this to be the very first one, nothing before this, and they did it that clean, like they changed the game with that, for sure."
"I think this is such a step in the right direction, one of the most innovative products we've had in the drone industry for quite some time now."
"I feel like Asus is the company that was one of the first to do this whole AMD push."
"Direct-to-consumer models could be another shake-up in the industry cutting out distribution centers."
"The Legend of Zelda... responsible for revolutionizing the gaming industry."
"First Graphene CEO Michael Bell said: 'A number of these products are already in commercial production.'"
"If we sent humans to Mars as our goal, we’ll get millions of new scientists that will create new inventions, new industries."
"Always great to see competition and amazing electric vehicles from multiple companies hitting new records."
"Get ready because they are stepping up the game."
"Our day job is to build great technology and build a very useful protocol."
"Tesla at its core is a battery company, and by vertically integrating, they are gonna be able to produce batteries cheaper that are more efficient than anyone else."
"Nvidia is able to protect its advancements in gaming AI autonomous vehicles and more and build on top of those ensuring that it remains at the forefront of these industries."
"Toyota and BYD have announced a joint partnership which will see the two found a new company called BYD Toyota evey technology."
"It is a breath of fresh air, a proof that there's still hope in the automotive industry."
"Elon Musk isn't sitting still, he's vowed to get Tesla into the lithium business."
"That's ready to go again so that is the jg speed fit fitting which I must say thirty years ago I was actually on the plumbers panel when they developed those fittings."
"Some people called it gluing chips together. We called it the next generation of system design."
"What they're doing is cool because the way I looked is you guys are changing the game."
"Losing LG is an L for all of us, just because that is it's a competitor that's one less set of cool ideas that's going to be tried out."
"This is the coolest layout of Industry X that I've ever done."
"Tesla knows they're on the cusp of solving autonomy it's a done deal they're almost there in a matter of months maybe a year or two absolute maximum."
"This industry is just so cool, every day I'm excited to do new things."
"Clay is in the industry right now, they're basically kind of the holo type example of everything that an indie company can ultimately be if they really apply themselves to like the art design and creation of unique titles."
"We're trying to change the game, we're trying to like massively change how this real estate works in the UK with obviously video."
"It will revolutionize every construction site."
"Innovation tends to come from new entrants to an industry."
"I cannot stress enough how incredible this is."
"The Ordinary came along and then...created a revolution in skincare."
"Hadrien X is an impressive innovation in the construction industry."
"Basically Tesla is aiming to be the best at manufacturing of any company on earth. This is the thing that's actually most important in the long run."
"The future of focusing, imaging, and this industry is pushing boundaries."
"Lasers are cool, and it's good to see Printed Solid expand beyond just being a materials reseller to actually getting into the manufacturing side of things."
"Tesla managed to reignite interest in electric vehicles by sidestepping the entire auto industry, avoiding legacy business needs, and building out the whole user experience on their own."
"Bluefors presents KIDE as the platform that will meet the new requirements for cryogenics."
"Enter blockchain, what can you imagine a better situation for a blockchain to replace a current industry?"
"You have an opportunity to change an entire industry and make it about strategy and logic."
"Risks are how things change and how we get a better environment for the MMORPGs that we love."
"I am committed to diversity and doing some exciting things to establish new stars."
"A big theme is rebuilding the entire industry from a standpoint of Bitcoin-focused principles."
"To not have to put so much creative energy into that and then be able to focus on the film was so revolutionary for me."
"We're looking for a complete overhaul of an industry."
"Technology right now is massively disrupting traditional industries, traditional forms of intermediation, and allowing this process to happen."
"Whether they're selling value products or paving the way for competing value products to be sold, there's no denying that Aputure has and continues to improve the way budget operations light their shots."
"An outstanding example of how technology is changing and improving the agricultural industry."
"You're disrupting an industry; some people ain't gonna like it."
"There's a real opportunity for us to create new tools, generate new insights, and in many ways, change how the industry is able to consume our data, commingle their data with our data, and really generate a lot of incremental value."
"Once you figure out what makes you a little bit left compared to your industry, that's right, the ideas will start catching you know and the influence will start going."
"The funds management industry has embraced the future generation model."
"By showing that a smaller, data-optimized model can perform as well as much bigger systems, Microsoft is encouraging the industry to think differently about how AI models are made and used."
"Believing that custom-built cars deserve custom-built wheels, he founded the company Boyd Wheels to manufacture custom billet wheels."
"Shrek was a real game changer in animation."
"The early critics might simply be railing against change and not least because Bremont is setting new standards for British watchmaking and for watchmaking more generally; they're challenging the status quo."
"If you like everything here... it's an improvement, right? There's a lot of features that are not only new for Blender but oftentimes actually new for the industry."
"All the manufacturers need to take note, this is incredible."
"They completely changed the way the industry looked at upgrading and making things a little bit better."
"In my opinion, this was probably the biggest shift in the phone manufacturing idea in a long time."
"He has focused on bringing Zacklift into the modern era of wreckers."
"It's exciting to innovate in an industry that hasn't really seen much change for the last four or five hundred years."
"Hollywood is getting remade from the ground up with this technology."
"I'm trying to create a one-stop shop for musicians, content creators, actors."
"After experiencing them firsthand, I hope that the rest of the industry catches on."
"Every industry can be disrupted by Tech, and I think in the future every industry will be disrupted by web3."
"The world and the industry get more interesting when people take different approaches."
"The introduction of the Pure Play Foundry model... has fundamentally changed the landscape of the semiconductor industry."
"Casper is revolutionizing the mattress industry by cutting the cost of dealing with resellers and showrooms and passing those savings directly to the consumer."
"I think Southwest is the anomaly of the airline industry, just like I think Tesla is the anomaly for the auto industry."
"Industry 4.0 is basically an agenda to help especially the SME sector who are in manufacturing to upgrade themselves along 12 or 13 dimensions."
"... it's hard to argue today with all the advances in automation that there is any failure of imagination on the part of industry ..."
"With the e-textile market forecast to be worth over 1.4 billion dollars by 2030, there really is no surprise that every industry from military to fashion chooses to benefit from this new frontier."
"New techniques in the industry that are going to make your life so much easier."