
Diversity Of Thought Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"As many different opinions as we possibly can have is great."
"Diversity of thought is way more important than diversity of race."
"If college is not a place where diversity of thought actually exists, then what's the point?"
"Humanity has to have the capacity to absorb all viewpoints to arrive at an objective perspective."
"I think that both points of views deserve to be represented on television."
"Not everybody is bad, and not everybody has the same mindset."
"Progress is not about adhering to a single acceptable way of thinking; it's about fostering a plurality of ideas and the ability to engage with them critically."
"What's always attracted me about the idea that two people with differing viewpoints can get together in front of a neutral audience."
"I care about diversity of thought more than diversity of any other kind."
"I don't want people to agree with me; I'm not out to try to get everybody to think like me. I want people to think about it."
"What a concept: the idea that great minds don't always think alike."
"If you surround yourself with people that are all like-minded with you, that think exactly the same way, you might not have that opportunity to grow as much."
"I think that's very important, to bring different perspectives."
"I really love when people have a different opinion than me because... it's just so fascinating to me how we can all have such differing opinions. I love it; it's the best."
"My view is that if you want your ideas, your policies, your worldview to be as robust as possible, the best thing you can do is talk to and have conversations with people that you fundamentally disagree with."
"May the best man or woman win as the Chinese would say, that a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend."
"Each member had their own perspectives, ideals, and opinions, and they had no problem sharing them."
"We can have two different opinions and we don't always have to agree on things. That is why we're human beings and that's what makes us interesting."
"It has to be possible for people to have contrary ideas within science, then have fair discussion within it."
"When it comes to politics, we really do need to hear these dissenting voices."
"It's not about agreeing with each other, it's about having different perspectives."
"The more viewpoints that you can have in a concentrated area, the better."
"We must provide the space for people who think differently to be allowed to say it."
"People can have opinions that don't align with yours."
"A society where everyone is forced to think the same is not a healthy society."
"I just don't think your ideas are true, and so if you consider an idea something that divides you from being a friend with somebody, I don't know how you're gonna make it in this world that's just full of different ideas."
"Two people can be friends with different thoughts, different beliefs."
"It is important to draw wisdom from many different places. If we take it from only one place, it becomes rigid and stale."
"They need to bring in more critics, they need to hear from dissidents."
"I'm proud of this community we're building here where reasonable minds can differ."
"We need to have a society where all different views are respected and appreciated."
"Absolutely I think that kind of diversity of thought diversity of opinion diversity of political affiliation I think that's very healthy for a community to have."
"Opinion diversity is really important to having people who think differently towards you."
"We should be applauding different views, not canceling them."
"I don't think aliens would tend to all feel the same on that issue. So if they're out there in mass, they should be sharing their technology with us." - Isaac
"People disagree about stuff and hating people for having different opinions is infantile beyond belief."
"We don't just have to surround ourselves with people who believe what we believe, do what we do. I mean, life would be boring if we did that."
"We have to listen to people who think differently and we have to respect people live differently and we have to stop all the virtual signaling and performance outrage and save our passions for real change that helps people."
"Disagreement is fine... it's a beautiful thing."
"It's totally cool to have differing opinions."
"It's healthy to have different opinions because if we were all the same or we all thought in the same tunnel vision the world would be such a boring place."
"It's always good to just listen to perspective, not even a fan of what are you saying but it's good to hear different you know it's perspectives."
"The whole idea of free speech is that you have your thoughts, I have mine."
"That's what I love about people like you, even though I don't agree maybe with some of the religious aspects."
"High-quality thinking involves not deciding people are crazy because they happen to have reached a different conclusion."
"We do ourselves a disservice if we try to stifle every contrarian voice out there."
"Differences of opinions are very important to move a conversation forward."
"Many could have such a vastly different interpretation of the same scriptures."
"It's absolutely essential that people stop being terrorized for holding garden-variety positions."
"We're all entitled to our view, and we can agree, we can disagree, but we should at least understand what other people think. That's the spirit."
"It's okay to see and hear things you don't agree with. We want free speech everywhere."
"Talking with people who think differently from us is how we challenge ourselves."
"If you disagree, there's nothing wrong with that. We shouldn't all agree on the same thing, right?"
"They love diversity of thought, we love black people, we love gay people, all of this but they don't like diversity of thought."
"Scripture is a polyphonic symphony, a conversation with itself."
"It's good that we have conflicting perspectives. It causes both parties to dig deeper and to better understand where other people are coming from and to look deeper at the studies."
"The most damaging development in NPR is the absence of viewpoint diversity... they have diversity of color, gender, sex, race, ethnicity, but what they don't have is diversity of thought."
"It's gonna open up a bunch of different perspectives."
"Democracy is supposed to be the ability to sit down with people whose opinions you don't share and to have a vigorous debate."
"That's what I'm taking from there: everything is different, everyone's truth is different."
"Differing opinions isn't a bad thing. It's a huge part of my channel."
"Just because a person has a different opinion or set of values doesn't mean I should get mad or hate them or even offended by anything they think or say."
"Everyone has a different opinion, and that's the beauty of it all."
"That's why we ask, that's why we all have different opinions."
"Reasonable disagreement is the spice of life. Reasonable minds can differ."
"What I really want is a battle of ideas. I want to look at things differently, I want to hear different voices and engage with your unique experiences." - Lawrence Fox
"The Black radical tradition is not this holy monolith of figures who all were perfect and all thought the same."
"People see the exact same thing and come away thinking completely different things."
"It's my opinion because it is possible to disagree with someone and still be loving."
"My opinion is not your opinion, you can think differently and you should think differently."
"Just because you don't agree with me doesn't mean that I'm wrong, I just have a different worldview."
"Every week I sit down with somebody who doesn't think like me... We spend an hour and a half debating, talking, having a conversation about an issue."
"Everybody shouldn't be thinking in the exact same way because then you're becoming one big dumb person."
"It wasn't a united group that all thought as one. It was a group of brilliant individuals fighting amongst themselves but moving for a common purpose."
"Let's forgive each other for honest mistakes but it's good we're thinking differently."
"Perspectives. And that’s actually a healthy sign, not an unhealthy one."
"Imagine we had a different opinion but have the same purpose... this is what India is all about."
"It's okay to have another perspective; it's okay to like something or not like something."
"We all have a difference of opinion when it comes to certain topics, which is fine. That's how it should be."
"People are allowed to have different opinions than you."
"We want to have really different views and that divergence of views with similarity of values is where we do our best learning."
"We live in such a convenient world where we don't want to hear ideas that don't agree with ours."
"I hope that I genuinely, genuinely hope that is the start of more of those types of conversation with, as Dave was saying, more of people who may have differing ideas."
"If you want a different 2024 to the rest of your years, you're going to have to talk to different types of people and engage with different thoughts in order for you to evolve and start to again become that Renaissance woman."
"Every book that I read, I can't say that I 100% agree with some ideas written in every book, which I think is healthy."
"Great minds do not always think alike."
"I respect everyone's opinion even if I don't agree with it."
"Disagreement is brilliant. That's what makes life fun."
"I honestly find it so fascinating how different people can interpret a single card and how many different meanings you can get from that card."
"That's how you built a great company. If everybody thinks the same and they happen to be right, then maybe you build a great company."
"You should always be able to respect somebody's opinion whether you agree or not."
"Science itself was not certain, it was not singular, there was more debate about it."
"We can say we're disagreeing here, Christians, atheists, but you know, lots of us people, we disagree on big issues."
"I think I completely disagree with everything you just said. Amazing, I love it."
"It's okay if our opinion differs."
"Go out, get outside of your bubble, and hear some other opinions."
"It's healthy to have different opinions."
"It's okay for people to disagree with you."
"Differences in opinion... enabled fallible men to polish and improve their own views."
"I am super stoked to actually explore other people's ideas, perceptions, etc., about that city."
"I think we need to do better at presenting these views with cordiality and love towards those who disagree with us."
"I love people who disagree with me."
"We can have fun when we have different thoughts but for the author, there's a whole other thing at stake."
"It's okay to have a different opinion."
"We tend to learn much more from those who have varying opinions than those who just nod their heads and agree with us."
"There are so many different opinions and perspectives and even when I disagree, I learn something every single day."
"I think it's important to have the freedom to publish different ideas."
"I want to listen to the kooky ideas, I want to listen to the crazy ideas, I want to listen to people's perspectives that are not mine."
"Everyone's entitled to their opinion, if you disagree, cool, I'm not trying to take anything away from you."
"It's a good, positive thing to be surrounded by people that don't agree with you. Echo chambers are horrible."
"The core purpose of a liberal education... raises the possibility that there are different ways to think."
"Creating an echo chamber where everyone agrees wouldn't be productive."
"The higher education system should be a place where different ideas can come."
"Whenever two people always have the same opinion, one of them is useless."
"People can debate things and have different opinions and passionately debate things without any animosity or anger behind it."
"We can all have different opinions about books."
"All beliefs must function in that marketplace of ideas."
"Everybody is entitled to their opinions."
"I'm not here to make sure everybody think like me; we don't always think the same."
"We're not going to convert each other, let's not try, let's just value the time."
"We all have different opinions and that's okay, that's what makes the world go round."
"You don't always have to agree on everything; you can agree to disagree."
"You don't have to agree with me, you don't have to agree with the other people, you don't have to agree with the general consensus. We like unpopular opinions here and we are respectful of everyone's opinion."
"We all have different life experiences that give us different opinions on situations, and that's fine."
"I don't want to live in an echo chamber where I'm only hearing the things that agree with my worldview."
"We could disagree all day long; I have lots of friends who I disagree with."
"Our whole mission is being anti-echo chamber."
"There is a place for every stream of thought including on this particular podium."
"We all think a little bit differently, and one way could all of a sudden be the one that's like, 'Yeah, this just fits me perfectly, I love doing it like this.'"
"There's no perfect way to do anything, there's lots of ideas, just take different people's ideas and what works for you."