
Green Tea Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"Green tea can help reduce fat storage in the liver and improve liver function."
"Green tea is a treasure trove of antioxidants and nutrients that have a profound impact on the body."
"Green tea is more than just a comforting drink; it's a versatile, powerful protector of your nerves, a key player in your overall health, and an adaptable ingredient in your culinary adventures."
"There's been a tremendous amount of research on health benefits of tea, especially green tea."
"Green tea is rich in antioxidants, particularly catechins like EGCG, which combat harmful free radicals in your body, helping to preserve the collagen in your skin."
"Green tea is just interesting because it's one of the better-studied compounds, it's widely available and cheap, and basically has no risk."
"Everybody knows that green tea molecule can lower your cholesterol by 20%. Everybody knows that."
"This is a moisturizing serum that obviously contains green tea that just leaves your skin looking so fresh and even and radiant."
"Green tea is an amazing fat burning supplement."
"Green tea possesses potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that promote cardiovascular health."
"Green tea's capacity to neutralize harmful free radicals can be instrumental in reducing this oxidative burden, offering substantial advantages for kidney well-being."
"Oolong teas retain the freshness of green teas."
"Green tea seems to stop viral replication of coronavirus in the gut."
"Green tea, super high and potent in antioxidants."
"Green tea shows promise for protecting brain health, with those who drink it experiencing less mental decline."
"It's such a refreshing drink! It's so cleansing feeling because I feel like green tea, especially when consumed cold, it's just - It has this cleansing quality."
"The green tea here is just every one of them is good even the convenience one."
"Green tea seems to help with the skin because it maintains collagen levels."
"Your brain on green tea is more focused, less anxious, and way less likely to develop diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and dementia."
"Studies have shown that the EGCG epigallocatechin galley, the magical molecule in green tea, has the power to stop the initiation promotion and metastases of breast cancer cells."
"Just staving off the cancer in the first place, whether or not you die from it, is a massive win for green tea."
"Green tea is known for its rich antioxidants... and these antioxidants can promote healthier skin by protecting it from oxidative stress."
"Green tea has very high catechins which are really good for your health."
"Green tea can help increase fat oxidation and regulate hunger-regulating hormones."
"If you enjoy green tea, you can drink it hot, you can drink it iced, whatever way you like it, but it contains a type of polyphenol, and these are like kind of in the antioxidant family."
"Black tea and green tea are good to go."
"Green tea helps to improve air quality so if you're a woman in your 30s and your 40s and you don't know the quality or the state of the quality of your eggs then you want to take some green tea."
"Green tea isn't just a refreshing beverage, it's a Powerhouse of health benefits for your liver."
"Integrating lemon juice into your green tea routine emerges as a refreshing simple yet profoundly effective strategy for naturally supporting Kidney Health and lowering creatinine levels."
"It's got things called catechins, which is one of the medicinal compounds."
"Green tea is one of the most powerful antioxidant foods and detoxifying foods."
"Green tea is linked to reduced risks of heart disease and cancer."
"For colon cancer research has shown that drinking two to three cups of green tea causes a substantial reduction of about 47 percent."
"Let's relax, let's settle in, green tea and here we go."
"Green tea contains antioxidants that can help lower uric acid and inflammation."
"I'm very surprised that the one I like most is a green tea because today I do not like green tea."
"Green tea is protective; it has a polyphenol called ECGC which seems to be a protective polyphenol for prostate cancer."
"Green tea is amazing... it's got some good evidence that it increases the metabolic rate and the rate that fat burns."
"Green tea reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and obesity."
"EGCG is the most abundant catechin found in green tea."
"It's a refreshing beautiful green tea fragrance."
"It's like a jasmine green tea, that's really what it smells like."
"Roasted green tea biscuit kneading, biscuit kneading."
"If you prefer your tea to be more bright and fresh in its green tea taste, then you're going to be looking for slightly greener teas."
"Volunteers who ingested powdered green tea containing 47.5 milligrams of theanine per day showed significantly lower decline in cognitive function compared with that of the placebo group."
"Gyokuro is considered to be the highest quality green tea in Japan."
"Gyokuro can give you a long-lasting energy throughout the day."
"Matcha now is just a concentrated form of green tea."
"Oh yeah, so healthy, green tea is actually really, really good for you."
"If you compare matcha antioxidant levels with a brewed green tea, one shot of matcha is the equivalent in terms of antioxidants as drinking 10 to 20 cups of a good quality green tea."
"You're going to get rid of dark eye circles with green tea."
"Green tea matcha contains a compound called EGCG... very good for anti-aging."
"The green tea group exhibited a significant reduction in proteinuria levels compared to the control group."
"Green tea is very good for you, you've got a lot of antioxidants in it."
"It's so glossy, and it's scented green tea, and so calming and relaxing."
"Green tea is the most essential kind of tea."
"There's something about that green tea and that musky black currant mixture of notes there that just works really good."
"The evidence is pretty overwhelming that if you drink green tea regularly, it lowers the risk of several types of cancers."
"Green tea will turn down inflammation."
"Green tea is a great place to start because it is the essential character of tea being expressed."
"Green tea has an array of unique, powerful anti-infective antioxidants that have been used by ancient cultures for eons to enhance immunity."
"Oh, it was just so lovely having my morning green tea up on the roof."
"Green tea has polyphenols called catechins; they help to fire up our brown fat to burn down harmful white fat."
"Seventy percent of the tea produced in Japan is green tea."
"The more drinking green tea is associated with less cancer."
"Green tea may reduce the risk of some cancers."
"The goal here is to produce the most refreshing green tea possible."
"Green tea is protective against Alzheimer's."
"We got our own green tea, and a good thing about this is it's very unique."
"I love green tea; there are varieties of green tea at the tea station."
"This is my first cup of tea of 2019, and it is a super green tea with matcha, very nice."
"I'm always a sucker for the green tea that they send because it's like hella good."
"In May 2006, researchers at Yale University weighed in on green tea's health benefits."
"They theorize that the 1.2 liters of green tea consumed by many Asians each day provides high levels of polyphenols and other antioxidants."
"Specifically, green tea may prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, the bad type, which in turn can reduce the buildup of plaque in arteries."
"Regular consumption of green tea lowers the risk of bladder, colon, stomach, pancreas, and esophagus cancers."
"Green tea induces apoptosis in tumor blood vessel growth and has antibacterial properties."
"Green tea has catechins which are powerful antioxidants."
"Catechins are the key contributor of health benefits of green tea."
"Green tea leaf offers vitamins, minerals, and fiber along with the powerful catechins."
"Green tea is supposed to be good for anti-inflammatory and protecting from free radicals."
"It's infused with green tea, which is known to erase signs of discoloration and stress."
"Green tea is really great for having that antioxidant ability, fighting free radicals."