
Self-perception Quotes

There are 8363 quotes

"Our mind forms certain ideas about ourselves... that idea carries the maturity at which it was born."
"You are the universe being conscious and thinking that it's a human being."
"You are not your depression, your depression doesn't have to define you."
"The biggest thing I want that young lady to understand: Until you change the way you see yourself, you will never change your behavior."
"You are a very great being, about as great as anything ever was."
"Changing how you think about yourself is probably one of the most worthwhile pursuits in life."
"I'm not who I think I am, I'm not who you think I am, I'm who I think you think I am."
"We look at ourselves and we think we're pathetic, but I don't think we're pathetic at all. I think we're actually awesome."
"I want people to know that that person that they think I am isn't me. I'm not a bad person. I'm just a young girl trying to live my life."
"If you change the way you see yourself or someone else, you change your whole timeline."
"The worst person to determine who you are is often times you... The rest of the world sees you differently than you see yourself."
"As long as you have the belief that you are rejectable, it's going to be easy to be rejection sensitive."
"Why do you need me? I'm just a frog and you're this beautiful queen."
"The thing that you started this off, the only thing that matters is how you feel about yourself when you're by yourself."
"The story you tell yourself about yourself is the single most important thing you're going to craft."
"You can be fearfully and wonderfully made and not be convinced of it in your mind."
"You are so much more wise and empowered than you think you are."
"My definition of self-love is how I feel about myself when I'm by myself."
"Body neutrality means taking a neutral perspective towards your body, meaning that you do not have to cultivate love for your body or feel that you have to love your body every day because you may not always love your body."
"Are you going to say to yourself, 'So glad I didn't get in the pool that day because they would have seen my cellulite,' or are you going to think, 'I'm so glad I jumped into that ocean'?"
"I take a little pride in just being a little bit delusional with my success."
"The more we live our life through the lens of 'will people think I look good like this?' we'll always be disappointed."
"Once you see it as a construction, then you can really begin to make the change."
"All you have in this world is how you feel about yourself when you're by yourself."
"What are the stories you're telling yourself that are inhibiting you from being real and authentic and your best self?"
"Most people are not that happy with their body, not that happy with their sex life, and not happy with how much they can't make what they want happen in their career."
"I'm not better than you or anyone else; I'm just another normal person."
"We have to start romanticizing our life. You have to start thinking of yourself as the main character."
"What I am is just the awareness that's noticing the story."
"Your self-image is made up of your judgments; it's not the real you."
"I have always said I'm a lucky person and I have been. If you say you're an unlucky person, you will be. If you say you're a lucky person, then you will be."
"I remember once I said to my therapist, 'You know, I'm always like, I'm an idiot and I'm stupid,' and she's like, 'Why do you talk about yourself that way?'"
"This is not you don't need to be rich to...feel great."
"Feeling confident is more attractive than any item of clothing or any outfit."
"You're independent, you're naturally beautiful."
"Happiness doesn't depend on who you are or what you have, it depends on what you think."
"We see ourselves a very specific way...intrinsically know that you're worthy, you intrinsically know that you're deserving."
"What if you were infinitely bigger than what you think you are?"
"Every word that you speak is a testament to who you believe you are."
"You are God consciousness, and in this moment you realize what reality really is, what life is. You realize that it's nothing other than a trick that you're playing on yourself."
"The Looking Glass self: You slowly build an idea of how people see you."
"Your life begins to materialize around what you think about yourself and what you're saying to yourself."
"Your potential is not determined by the contents of your current reality. You are an infinite being."
"The way people respond to us depends upon how much self-love we feel for ourselves."
"What other people think of you is none of your business because it really doesn't matter."
"What I want to get to is I want people to understand that they are not victims of the world."
"Your conviction of yourself, your opinion of yourself will determine your expression in life."
"Every relationship in your life stems from how you view yourself."
"The whole thing is a dream, and you are part of the dream as a body-mind; you're part of the dream."
"You are showing the world how to treat you based on what you believe and feel about yourself at a core foundational subconscious level."
"You're viewing yourself from the perspective of other people, which is really powerful."
"Self-esteem... is about the esteem that we have for ourselves, not about the way that we're judged by other people."
"The truth is we're unlimited, we are absolute perfection."
"You guys have a very good sense of self, a good sense of self-worth."
"What matters is how you think about yourself when you're by yourself."
"Your capability is constant, but how much of it you use depends upon the identity you have for yourself."
"Build a positive self-schema to foster a solid sense of self-worth and reduce the need for external validation."
"We are unlimited, we are absolute perfection...we are all the intelligence that there is, we are all the beauty that there is."
"You don't have to be stuck the way you are, the way you think you are, you can change."
"If we have ten qualities within us, nine of them positive and one negative, we only look at the one negative and exaggerate that one."
"Being average, or right in the middle, is all about perspective."
"So if you ever feel average, or stuck in the middle, maybe all you need is a change of perspective."
"Think like royalty. Act like royalty. Walk like royalty. Eat like royalty. Dress like royalty. And eventually, you'll begin to be treated like royalty."
"We're going to be talking about pride. Now, I'm a proud creature, a vain, narcissistic little thing. And you know what? It's great, actually."
"The fifth thing that your spirit guides wants you to know is that you are way bigger than you think."
"The neurotic character takes many forms, but all of them involve a struggle in the individual, between what he is and what he believes he should be."
"They also have an inferiority complex with a superiority complex at the same time."
"Think of yourself as an information warrior."
"Let's talk about the human soul, the value of it. The practical value is that it's just the knowledge itself in nobles our perception of ourselves."
"I don't really like who 'myself' is. I'd rather just be whatever makes people like me."
"I see myself in a much more positive light, and I definitely feel like this knowledge will benefit me."
"I don't think of myself as a man trying to be a woman. I think of myself as a woman with a male past."
"You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis."
"Being able to rewire the way that you view yourself and perceive yourself as a person and as a professional can be a key factor in feeling that tangible improvement moving forward."
"Trump himself recently claimed in private that he was 'more popular than the music star.'"
"The truth is people like you more than you think."
"The ego doesn't mind whether you devalue yourself as a person, or you elevate yourself as a person."
"What god's trying to do is not just trying to change our mind about the world...maybe what god's trying to do is to change your mind about you."
"It can be a fantastic time to rewire your brain, to start the reprogramming process of how you perceive yourself and what is possible."
"We have a basic human need to think of ourselves as good. We don't like to think of ourselves as bad or evil."
"People who judge their emotions as 'bad' make themselves feel worse."
"How you feel is way more important than how you look."
"Instead of saying 'I believe there is a god,' you say 'I am god.'"
"The only thing that really matters at the end of the day is how you feel about yourself when you are by yourself."
"Spirit wants to give you the gift of finally being able to see how beautiful you are, finally being able to see how your beauty and enchantment is more than just the makeup or the clothes that you wear."
"In times of uncertainty, how you react there deeply explains how you interpret your life internally."
"It transformed my life. It changed the way I see God because it changed the way I see myself."
"I have a wonderful, powerful, and charismatic personality."
"What kind of nonsense is this? Now look, I might perceive myself as handsome and intelligent... You don't perceive me that way, and that's fine."
"Power poses can significantly change how we feel about ourselves, which can alter the course of our lives."
"My life changed when my actual opinion of myself changed."
"A little bit of negativity in how you frame yourself can ruin your self-perception."
"It's easy, if not normal, to have highs and lows in our self-esteem."
"I'm sick of the media dictating what we are supposed to feel about our own bodies, about our own skin, about what we think is beautiful."
"But what it leans into is, who do you think you really are? It's about self-perception."
"Self-awareness and self-perception...gaps in self-awareness or self perception can be really interesting points to explore."
"I describe myself as a poor man with lots of money."
"How you see yourself affects every area of your life... We see the world the way we are."
"Our biggest problem, I believe, is that we compare our behind-the-scenes to everyone else's highlight reel."
"Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it's just thinking of yourself less."
"Your perception of forgiveness hinders your acceptance of forgiveness."
"Every action you take is kind of like a vote for the type of person that you believe that you are."
"Everybody's the good guy in their own narrative."
"The outer world tends to match our inner world. How we view ourselves will determine how other people view us as well."
"We are what we believe ourselves to be, and the world rewards us in proportion to that belief."
"The only way to stop feeling like an imposter is to stop thinking like an imposter."
"I refused to believe that I was misunderstanding the situation; this new reflection was able to match me perfectly."
"Stop caring about how other people perceive you; it is wildly unhealthy."
"Self-esteem is your reputation with yourself. And if you're the type of person who lies all the time, doesn't keep your word, doesn't go to the gym when you set your New Year's resolution, your reputation with yourself is going to be a lousy one."
"Your crappy say you're crappy. If you're amazing say you're amazing. Tell the truth."
"Stop walking through the world looking for evidence that you're not enough, because you will always find it."
"This is stupid. No, it would be funny because... they're not going to think I'm like a freak."
"When you're young, you think, 'I don't want to be 30 or 40 or 50,' and you have this arbitrary number that seems so old...but what you realize as you get to this age is not only do you have this wealth of experience, but you're actually in a position to enjoy life in a different way."
"You are what you are and you are where you are because of the thought life that you have embraced in your life."
"How you feel about yourself when you're by yourself, it's all that matters."
"When you're 20, you're worried about what everyone's thinking about you. When you're 30, you stop caring what people think about you. When you're 40, you realize people were not thinking about you."
"Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it's thinking of yourself less."
"I believe that she actually thinks very poorly about herself and that her insecurities are what caused her to act the way she does."
"You've got to see yourself like the person you want to become."
"These are questions that shake the foundations of archeology, history, and human self-perception."
"When you become reliant on how other people view you, I think that your mental state is perpetually held hostage by the people around you."
"I'm not in any pain because the behaviors that I'm performing feel justified. They feel like I've earned them."
"What other people think of you is none of your business."
"Comparisons don't actually give us a way forward; in fact, they make us feel so inferior that they actually shatter our motivation."
"She views herself as a coward, whereas I see her as full of courage and strength."
"We use this information to decide what we think and feel about ourselves, who we think we are."
"So much of the pain and suffering and sorrow arises primarily by the way we think about ourselves."
"The fastest and easiest and most science-backed way to quickly start to change how you see yourself is by adopting a simple habit of high-fiving your reflection in the mirror every single morning."
"We all think that we're the protagonists of our own narrative, but the truth is we're bit players on the Shakespearean stage."
"You can't be a victim and a master at the same time."
"You really can't be a victim and a master at the same time."
"See yourself as what the strength card indicates to me: a person of divinity, of divine strength."
"It is impossible to raise your hand in the mirror and go, 'I suck.'"
"God doesn't call you what other people call you. He doesn't call you what you call yourself. You call yourself a failure; He calls you a masterpiece of grace, a canvas that's waiting to be painted on."
"I am the collection of my memories; that is who I am."
"How you speak to yourself is how you view yourself."
"You have to see yourself in a big picture; right now, you're the machine, you're the one that is manufacturing everything."
"Being feminine isn't about being beautiful or svelte, even or even about wearing high heels... Being feminine is a state of mind. It's an attitude."
"The way you see yourself is going to determine how other people are going to see you."
"Core shame is the belief of being fundamentally broken, not good enough."
"Feeling shame does not mean you are shameful."
"It's important to closely examine your beliefs, especially the ones that are very integral to the way that you see yourself, how you live your life, and the decisions that you make."
"Don't you ever say that again. Someone's opinion of you does not have to become your reality."
"If you want to be successful, you've got to stop worrying about what other people think about you."
"Positive vibes: I care about what people think, but I don't live my life by what people think."
"We develop a false self, a space suit self, that can help us get by and help us get some of the love we didn’t have through substitute means, get respect, stay safe, and that ego-self that we develop, you know, we keep on trying to shine it and buff it up and present it so that others... we will get the best we can in terms of what we need from others."
"Kafka said every man is necessarily the hero of his own story."
"A black hole is a mirror, and the way it's a mirror is if light, a photon, bounces off your face towards the black hole, it'll swing around the back and come back to you, and you see yourself from the photon that went around the back of the black hole."
"Self-esteem is seeing ourselves as flawed, imperfect people and still hold ourselves in high regard."
"You're not a procrastinator, you have a habit of procrastinating. Big difference."
"I genuinely believe I'm a good person... I believe in what I believe, and I live to my own principles."
"The average man overestimates his fighting ability by one thousand percent."
"There is great danger in being a Goliath who thinks they're a David."
"I certainly feel like I'm more than just who I am right now."
"I wasn't good-looking till later... not that I was... I'm good-look now, but you are. Figure it out, thank you."
"Everyone is the protagonist of their own film. Everyone thinks that they are Mufasa; nobody looks in the mirror and is like, 'Oh, I'm kind of Scar.'"
"Who would you be if you didn't believe something was wrong?"
"Everyone thinks that they are Mufasa; nobody looks in the mirror and is like, 'Oh, I'm kind of Scar.' And I've been Scar before to somebody else."
"It's the opinion of yourself that other people will adopt. You need to lead by example."
"If we stop looking at our own face and go to see ourselves within the faces of everybody else, we'll see a much more beautiful picture of ourselves."
"You are at this moment the sum total of your thoughts to this point, for there is nothing else you can be."
"Once you can stop worrying about what other people think and only care about what you think, life is so much better."
"When we don't see ourselves reflected in writing, in TV shows, in movies, in meaningful stories around us, we start to think that there's something wrong with us."
"Experiencing awe leads to what we call shrinking of the self...our problems shrink because we realize there's a whole universe out here that is much bigger than you."
"You don't know how strong you are. You are more powerful than you think."
"I myself don't know what I'm going to think perfect is tomorrow, so it's an ever-changing subject matter."
"Your whole frame of mind is positioned differently because in that state of mind, you're looking at yourself as some sort of prize."
"The only thing that matters in life is how you feel about yourself when you're by yourself."
"The only thing you have in this world is how you feel about yourself when you're by yourself."
"The power in my hands has become inconceivable."
"There's limitless versions of yourself: the you in your mind, and the you in others' minds."
"Dignity has nothing to do with money, it's everything to do with what you think of yourself and how you see yourself."
"Black women have to earn our femininity, it is not ingrained in us no matter what femininity coaches have taught us to believe."
"I think the way you speak to yourself and the way that you view yourself has a lot to do with how you're gonna be treated."
"All of that stuff in your head is other people's projections. It's not true."
"You have to stop caring about what other people think about you. Anything that will get you to stop caring is going to improve your function in life."
"It's on you if you mistake my vulnerability for desperation."
"Being low value has nothing to do with you; it's your perception of yourself, and this is good news because it means it's within your control to change it."
"There are a lot of things that we can't break free of in life, but the way you perceive yourself is something that you can overcome."
"Everything works out for my good. I am a lucky person."
"Self-esteem is your ability to see yourself as a flawed individual and still hold yourself in high regard."
"Our self-image sets the boundaries of performance in our life and in mine. We cannot outperform our self-image."
"You are not what you did; you are who God says you are."
"Narcissism involves a grandiose sense of self-importance and fantasies of success and power."
"Then realize you are a perfect spirit created in the image of God and you are a vast multi-dimensional being that can do anything."
"We instinctively resist anything that threatens how we see ourselves."
"I don't define myself by how much I have. I honestly don't wake up even thinking about it."
"I don't think anyone should be excluded from seeing the beauty within themselves."
"My looks are the least interesting thing about me."
"Coming into your sense of self more socially, which would be adolescent years, social media probably will have the most sway over your perception of yourself and the world."
"Your body is but a vessel; it doesn't decide who you are as a person."
"The only way you can be separated from God is to make up a story that you exist as a separate person and believe it."
"Everyone thinks they're the good guy. The real question is, who can practice truth, love, and authenticity?"
"Who's the good guy here? Everyone thinks they're the good guy. The real question is, who can practice truth, love, and authenticity?"
"It is how you feel about who you really are that counts."
"It's not so much to show you what the lingerie looks like. It's more about how it makes us feel."
"You don't need to be healed. You were the healer."
"We're not only the trauma... once they start relating to their traumatic history in a different way, then the potential exists for them to experience themselves as not only the trauma."
"I've always been blown away that any girl wanted to date me. I've never been like, 'I knew it.' Never."
"I feel like I am a child in an adult's body."