
Present Focus Quotes

There are 1299 quotes

"Focus on the present... you can't be in the past or the future when you're doing that."
"The biggest thing is to be present-focused because what holds you guys back is a certainty or expectation of the future that precludes action in the present."
"Allowing myself the freedom to be the best version of myself and also to evolve and be in the now."
"It's about taking your attention away from the past and bringing it to the present."
"Live for today, remember yesterday, plan for tomorrow."
"The real secret to longevity isn't the secret; it's about what we're creating here and now."
"If we're talking about doing anything, we have to agree that whatever change is gonna come about, it's gonna take some time, and rather than getting involved in dealing with the hereafter, we've got to deal with the here and now."
"It doesn't matter who you were; it only matters who you are in the here and now."
"A goal or a plan starts with the present moment and it gets built continuously out of that."
"The past is the past; the past is done. The only thing that matters is right now."
"What can I do with where I am today? Because that's where I have power, not back there."
"I think it's time to let go, forget the past, just lose control 'cause life's too short for yesteryear. Come on and dance."
"This little ring represents the stuff that you're thinking about, worrying about, excited about. This ring stretches maybe a few days back and forward in time, maybe a week or two, but not much more than that."
"Vedanta talks about what is already here, not something to be attained later."
"All that matters is what we're doing today and what we decide to do with the next few days ahead of us."
"Forget the time spent, think of now. Where can you invest now?"
"I don't want to predict the future. I want to live in the present. It's a gift."
"What does it mean to not be there yet? There is no there and there is no yet. There's only what you do today."
"Don't look back, just live in the moment and ask yourself what can I do today that is going to align me with my life's purpose."
"The past doesn't exist anymore and the future doesn't exist anymore. The only thing that exists is the present, and you have to accept the past but don't let the past be your present."
"Empathy to you, take care of yourself, keep it simple, focus on your senses, focus on the present moment, focus on your body, and name the reality from a simple place."
"If something happens, we'll deal with it then. Today, we're all safe."
"Everything you're doing right now is exactly what you need to be doing and everything will be fine."
"You need to just trust that what you're doing right now is exactly what you need to be doing."
"Don't let yesterday use up too much of today."
"Don't think about this goal down the line that you're trying to get to. Do this thing brilliantly."
"It matters now what happens; you have to know what you're doing now, not just look like you know what you're doing, not just sound like you know what you're doing."
"Stop focusing your energy on past events; life is too precious to waste. You create your reality by what you think, dream, and imagine."
"I never wanna look back and be like, 'Man, I wish I was back there.' I always wanna be like at the best that I am right now."
"Focus on the present, focus on projects that make you happy."
"We don't want to be dwelling only on the past... we got to make the best of our surroundings today."
"Carpe Diem inspires people to seize the day and give little thought to tomorrow."
"You can't fix the problems of today by trying to fix what you didn't do in the past."
"Focus on your present, not the past, to heal emotional wounds."
"If you don't have children, you don't have a vested interest in the future, only in the present."
"If we don't stop and smell the roses, we might toss away all the goodness humans have created for the prospect of a utopia that will never appear."
"The future doesn't exist. The only thing that exists is the present."
"Adopt a present focus... focus on what you can do today."
"All you can do is not take that drink in this moment. That's really all you can do."
"Past is past, what matters is what you do here today."
"Feel as if it's happening now. That's faith."
"Take therefore no thought for tomorrow: for tomorrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."
"If you want the best life possible, start living the best life possible right now."
"Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."
"I'm not going to talk a lot about that right...what defines me is me right now, right here, and what I'm going to do tomorrow."
"Holding grudges... only weighs you down and prevents you from being who you're meant to be right now."
"It does not matter where you come from... What matters is now, this moment, and your willingness to see this moment for what it is, accept it, forgive the past, take responsibility, and move forward."
"You want to be in the feeling tone that it has been worked out, that all of my needs are met right now, everything is working together for my good right now."
"We don't live in the afterlife; we live in this life. And so, what you do really matters."
"This very moment, nothing mystical, just now, very simple, straightforward."
"The real goal is to focus on what we want now. What is it that you're needing now? What is it that you want to hear from me? Let's get into what you need now because that's affecting where you're trying to go."
"Jesus did not come to save you when you die; He came to rescue you from darkness now."
"You need to find things to be grateful for today. Right now."
"We should try and enjoy life as we're going through it."
"We don't get a chance to sit back and celebrate the great things we've been through and the joyous moments we've been through because it's always what's next."
"Once we let go of the expectation that the future will be better than now and we realize that right now is the only thing that really exists, the only moment that we have is right now... the future doesn't exist and it probably won't happen the way you want it to, and the past doesn't exist anymore."
"When you're grounded in the present, it's a lot easier for you to see things differently, more logically."
"I think it's important to evaluate someone's character based on who they are today and what they're doing now instead of who they maybe once were."
"I'm not inherently a guy that cares about legacy. I'm not someone that wants a shrine named after me. I think about the now, the people impacted or that were educated or have an opinion about something, even if it's not mine, because of my videos. That's where I get the value."
"You know, guys, based on everything I'm hearing, and everything I'm feeling, the only one that matters is the one standing around us right now, not that crown."
"The only time you have the ability to change your life is right now."
"The past is the past, no more rear view mirror."
"The idea is to stay present, it offers an absolute reprieve from suffering."
"You cannot change the past; you only have power over the present and therefore to some extent the future."
"Everything we do is right now. That right now is the time that all of life happens."
"If we get rid of our regret, get rid of the thing that's mentally hunting us down, maybe we'll snap back out to the present instead of the past."
"It's not a form of fortune-telling what's going to happen to me five years from now or 20 years from now, but how to deal with the present to make the present compatible with a life that will be positive and possible 10 or 20 years down the line."
"There's a reason to appreciate you and where you're at right now."
"You can't be great in the past or in the future. You can really only have control over who you are in this present moment."
"Nothing I'm saying is futurist, it all matters now."
"I'm actually a presentist. It's all going on right now."
"There's nothing to change in the present moment."
"Be in the present. Don't let yourself be distracted."
"Don't feel overwhelmed. Deal with what's happening right in front of us."
"Feel how things shift because the present moment is where the healing is."
"I firmly believe that we're not the generation of tomorrow, we're the generation of now."
"Out of this, we can create even more miracles, but we've got to stay in this moment with awakening awareness, with gratitude, with love."
"Do whatever you can in the here and now and just make the most of the opportunity."
"The new doom is smart fun confined to the absolute present tense experience."
"Time is precious, fleeting. You only live today, yesterday's gone, and tomorrow's not promised. What better time is there than right now?"
"The best investment into yourself is right now."
"You've got to enjoy it as well. You can't just be looking ahead and not really living in the moment."
"Now is the time to say where you are right now."
"Make peace with your past so it doesn't ruin your present."
"You might as well live in the present and make the best of it."
"Focus on problems that exist today, not future uncertainties."
"The value in life is in living it right now. The fact that it ends doesn't make it valueless."
"All that matters is 2022 and getting stuff done."
"Thoughts become things don't be thinking about something that's way over there in the future that you want think about yourself doing it in the now."
"The only thing that matters is now. Once you pay, that's in the past."
"Now is not the time to withdraw and go into the past, now is the time to explore the new horizon."
"I don't think about the past too much. I have too much stuff to do."
"The past is a construct of the mind. It blinds us, it fools us into believing it, but the heart wants to live in the present."
"Everything must come to an end at some point, but knowing that fact, why not make the most of what you have right now and make your time here glorious."
"If you can't be happy in the present...you will never be happy."
"Take baby steps and live in the present moment."
"It's not about the past, it's not about what surgeries I may or may not have had, it's not about how I disclose my gender to people, it's about who I am right now."
"Stop waiting for the time when perfect comes, say the time is now."
"Life's moments are unfolding, and the greatest moment is right before us in the present."
"The gifts are for today, literally yes they are."
"Take things as they are instead of assuming things that are not here."
"You are only as good as your latest performance."
"What you do now is more important than what you say."
"But for the here and now in terms of what it means for the consumer, that's top of mind."
"Seize this window of opportunity right here, right now."
"This is a time for you to only do now what is of the highest good and ultimate connection."
"The big idea: Growth and recovery take time, but they happen. Focus on what you can do about this moment in time."
"Allow yourself to just be here as you are. There's nothing wrong with you here."
"It's important to remember that right now is all there is. We are changing this right now."
"Let it go, it was what it was, but be in the moment, that's the most thing."
"Stay in the present moment, don't get caught up in the future or the past."
"I begin now today to open myself to ever increasing prosperity."
"The only moment that is real is right now, and I'm really working towards being more present because why worry? There's no point."
"The clock is ticking, the time is now. Act on it."
"Now is the day of salvation, now is your moment."
"Living in the future means that you're going to miss out on the present."
"The only way to go forward is to surrender to now." - Speaker
"Life is a series of moments, and moments, man. So let's make this one last as if it's all that we have."
"We can't change the past, but we can change what's happening today."
"The most valuable day you have is today... every day has great value."
"Focus on savoring the here and now. Savor today and do what fulfills your heart, not just what fills your time."
"Life is too precious to live with the fast-forward function always activated. Exist in the here and now."
"Rich people have a long-term mindset, poor people have a what's happening today mindset."
"Bidding farewell to the past and embracing the present with joy."
"Don't overlook what you have while you have it."
"We need to make those changes now in the present."
"Live in the moment, don't worry about the past, don't worry about the future."
"Live in the present and work toward the future."
"Set yourself free free of the negative thoughts yeah set yourself free to be to to be okay with just exactly who you are in this present moment not a second later not a second from before but right here and now and that takes work."
"Now you want to maximize, now you want to get everything out of this moment right now before it becomes a memory."
"Help each other, a united crowd is more likely to survive."
"Stop making judgment on the past and start being practical of what you can do instead of dwelling on what you can't do."
"Stop being so harped on security... enjoy what it is that you have in front of you right now."
"Let yesterday go, let tomorrow be, and today just be happy."
"It's not about being there... it's about being here and that's really in this particular moment as we sit here we are together we're here."
"What can I do now, you know? What did I do now? Is it worth me worrying about all those things that happened when I could be focusing on the now and the future?"
"There are no good old days. You gotta go back and use it for strength, man. But it's where you're at now."
"The Power of Now and understanding the market will give you everything you need to know in the current present moment."
"You aren't damaged or broken. Where you sit right now is where you're supposed to be."
"Living just for today and sometimes just for the next five minutes I'm going to get through this."
"Once we stop obsessing about something coming back or something coming in, and start living our fullest in the now, that's it, it all just appears for you right."
"Live in the present, try not to live in the past or worry too much about the future."
"Start looking at life like this moment's precious. This moment's precious. This one's precious."
"Yodiland is the present moment type of thing."
"The more you live in the present, the happier you'll be."
"Life is changing and transient by nature, acknowledge and optimize your present."
"Don't allow the ghost of the past to cloud your present moment."
"For the Christian, our battle is now, our boxing is now, the war is now."
"Life is not hurrying on to a receding future nor hankering after an imagined past."
"When you're healing... it's right here, right now."
"Live every day like it's our last, live in the present and don't worry if they're the one or not."
"Just breathe and stay centered in the present moment with your breath."
"Our essence is not infinite. Let's make our today's better than our yesterday's because we truly have no idea if tomorrow will ever come."
"It starts with loving right now who you are."
"Live in the now, count your blessings, and think positively. The wheel of fate is ever turning."
"Stop focusing your energy on the past events, your life is too precious to waste."
"Hello to the now. Don't worry about nothing else. Just let go and flow."
"Don't miss out on the here and now, take advantage of opportunities."
"How about we listen to what's here because it's louder than the old world?"
"Stay in the present moment. See what you're supposed to learn right now."
"Just enjoy what you have. That's what I'm doing."
"The future is never here, you know, this is the present."
"I just accepted like what the current situation was and did my best in that moment and just trusted I could handle whatever happened next."
"The best way to take care of the future is to take care of the present."
"Don't dwell in the past or dream of the future, concentrate on the present moment."
"You can't change the past, but you can change this very moment."
"I will live in my ideal now. I will manifest my ideal now. I will be my ideal now."
"You don't have to see the whole path, you just have to know that in this moment, this is what is happening."
"Live in the present moment, create new memories."
"This is not a dress rehearsal, this is the real thing."
"Living day to day in the here and now is something that should be appreciated."
"There's no linear time; it's all here and now."
"I want to live a happier life today, not tomorrow, today."
"That's all we got is today, you know. I don't care if somebody's got 30 years, I've got more out of meetings from somebody counting days sometimes than somebody with 30 years."
"There's not a day that is more important than right now."
"ESFPs at their best are impulsive individuals who live in the moment."
"Why should we be talking about the past at this moment."
"Happiness is all about being in the present."
"If you have one foot in front of the future, one foot in the past, you're pissing on today."
"If you're not already grateful for what you have right now in your life, there's no point in trying to attract or get more. It starts today, be grateful for what you have."
"The very point of that movie was to not be huddled onto the old days of nostalgia and be present for the present."
"It's now here in the present, and if I'm gonna lean into this, I have to be able to say why."
"Why can't we just as a fan base sit back and enjoy the moment?"
"That's because your past does define you. But what defines you more than your past is now."
"All the bad anxious patterns we have can only be broken in the here and now."
"Think of abundance as something you already have in the present moment, and that is what you will experience with abundance mindset."
"Allow the power of manifesting to start now by staying focused on the present moment."
"If you always hold onto what could have been, you'll never go to what is."
"There's a lot of happiness and abundance around you right now."
"Live moment by moment, do not live in the future, do not live in the past."
"God works everything out for your good today, right now, at this very moment."
"It's the time to talk about the now, not last season."
"The only thing that matters is what's going on at the moment and the thing that is going on at the moment is just intense happiness."
"Enjoy what you have right now, rather than always looking forward."
"You've got to be happy in the now because you're never gonna be happy in the future."
"All we can do is to focus on the moment we're in and the responsibilities that we have right now."
"The only time that really matters is right now."
"Life begins at this moment. It's the most precious moment."
"Release and heal the past; experience more love in your present moment."
"All you have is right now, and if you doubt me, give up thinking."