
Media Quotes

There are 12790 quotes

"If programmed to look for the most clickable and therefore profitable stories or headlines, AI could strip back and re-editorialize content in a way that makes people angry or emotive, which is what sells newspapers at the moment."
"I think when people hear what Putin has to say, if Tucker Carlson does this right, it can actually help simmer down tensions that are pushing us towards a World War III scenario."
"What's fascinating to me is that the newspapers don't control the narrative anymore."
"It feels like there's definitely a media layer of conditioning that exists in the media, in the music, everywhere. Once you see it, you kind of see it."
"One of the hopeful things that I discovered is that nearly every war that has started in the past 50 years has been a result of media lies."
"I think people, we're living in a golden age of athlete-generated content."
"If we have a good media environment, then we'll also have a peaceful environment."
"I find anime to be one of the most expressive and interesting forms of media currently in existence."
"Media has been used to numb people... if we can use it to excite, elevate, enlighten people... that will change the world."
"The universe right now is very much calling you guys to step away from the media to step away from other sources of information and to start really building your own thought forms for yourself."
"Millennials are the victims of a lot of ridiculous myths in the media." - Jessica Gross
"The world's on fire, they say, a culture war's blaze. But is it really burning, or media's manipulative haze?"
"You control all of that. You are way more powerful here with a microphone on this show than you could ever imagine being in the house."
"I think the media is a driver of misinformation much more than the media would like to admit that they are."
"Local newspapers and TV stations picked up her story, new bulletins highlighted her act of heroism."
"I don't think my viewers want to hear a woman tell them anything. I don't want to tell them; I want to answer your questions."
"We're being fed this narrative just to keep us clicking, just to keep us worried, just to keep us afraid."
"There are so few representations of people of colour in media, losing even one more hurts us, it also silences us so we don't get to tell our own stories."
"At the end of the day, I just genuinely enjoy seeing good content."
"The Acolyte is going to be something that, like my parents would have allowed me to see when I was younger as a queer person, but I would have been able to understand as a queer person."
"When the audience scores and the critic scores are so drastically different, that's when there might be a possible indication that critics are being influenced."
"If you search Google for the perfect male physique, something interesting shows up the same for Men's Health. This wasn't always the case."
"People are only getting lonelier, and stuff like live-streaming and other forms of immediate media figure contact is only getting more popular."
"In the 1950s, news cameras expose the brutal horror of legalized racism in the form of segregation. Seventy years later, it is the cell phone camera that has exposed the continuation of violence directed at African-Americans by the police."
"There's no such thing as bad press...but to be fair there's a double-edged sword that comes along with it."
"The hunter Biden laptop story was so important for me was literally watching the media collapse."
"Once More With Feeling is a masterclass on how to do a musical episode, and I still feel little pangs of nostalgia whenever I hear You Can't Take The Sky From Me."
"The relationship between Willow and Tara on Buffy was one of the first of its kind that I ever saw, and that'll always be meaningful to me."
"If any of these journalists or ex-players want to sit down and have a proper chat about Southgate instead of spreading absolute nonsense, let's get it on."
"It is really painful when the people before the court start a media campaign to embarrass the judges."
"We haven't really been allowed to discuss this excess mortality...it's like every time you want to discuss it publicly, mainstream media just keeps it down."
"Fahrenheit 451 is a novel about a dystopian future in which many books and media are censored, and people are force-fed dumbed-down entertainment and propaganda."
"We're just gonna keep putting out great content and being true to who we are. This is what you see is what you get with us."
"What if we change the world through music, media, technology, and leveraging these platforms to clearly and plainly articulate the good news of Jesus?"
"If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do read it, you're misinformed."
"It's amazing what three seconds of footage can do."
"But nobody could guess just how popular the show would become, and what it would lead to overseas..."
"For the first time, instead of a popular piece of media moving from America to Japan, it was the other way around."
"Don't let his easy-going nature fool you because Daniel is also a savvy media mogul in the making."
"People are rejecting centralized authority. People no longer trust the media, and with good reason."
"The job is to capture your attention and make you think."
"I did this deal because not only do I believe in free speech, but I believed that this was the best possible chance for the work that I'm doing to reach the largest amount of people."
"When we don't see ourselves reflected in writing, in TV shows, in movies, in meaningful stories around us, we start to think that there's something wrong with us."
"The mainstream media and the foreign policy establishment are bad enough at this point in time in shutting down contrary opinions... we don't want to reinforce that. What we want to do is open things up even more."
"Representation is extremely important. How someone sees media that they feel reflects who they are as a person is a very human experience."
"Representation in media: We want to see ourselves in our art, we want to see people like us and our friends who experience things we experience."
"Almost every single patient I've seen under the age of 50 who has come in has been obese. Has that been stressed enough in the media?"
"Media is a very powerful tool that should be used ethically and responsibly."
"We live in a curated reality where Google can amplify particular stories and news feeds, and true information can be excluded."
"Our greatest responsibility is to serve our communities."
"The world is becoming a better place, but you're not going to hear about that on the nightly news."
"The freedom of the press is the protection of our democracy in our First Amendment. The transparency of it all is so very, very important."
"Video games are not normalizing Nazism; Nazism is universally portrayed in all media everywhere as a terrible thing."
"I think that's just much better to have a sharper image or video."
"It's hard to think of anything more Orwellian than the government determining what sort of news ought to be covered."
"YouTube is amazing. You can choose exactly what you want to watch. The choice is very limited when you watch TV."
"He continued to make both self-aware and socially aware comments on Impulsive that people really appreciated."
"There is definitely very tight control over the flow of information of certain topics through our corporate-controlled mass media."
"One thing I talk about on my show is that often times with the left, though I'm sure people on the right can be, it's a human issue."
"The First Amendment press freedom protects an activity available to everyone."
"We are very diligent and extremely careful... the standards we are applied to are above any journalism standard in the history of the media."
"There is so much misinformation that exists in media today everywhere."
"There's no such thing as objectivity. Every article you read, every video you watch, every photo you see was produced by a human being who went out and gathered that information and then decided what facts to put down on paper."
"Why do they always have to do this? Why? It's like god forbid people watch something that they disagree with."
"Why would it be a story and not an ordeal, an experience, a trauma, our suffering, our history, our family? It's a story."
"Not everything in every media that comes out needs to be a sensation to be liked or talked about."
"CNN, a news ostensible news network, is literally nothing more than an extension of the American intelligence community."
"Media is the most powerful medium of raising awareness, getting the truth out there."
"Most people haven't met a trans person in real life, and all we're seeing is trans people in the media, which is usually not great representation."
"Big Dawg, you turned someone's mental health battle into a cancel culture topic. I can't remember one time where the media was calling for this man to be canceled. I can remember the many signs of mental illness he displayed before he took his life. You missed his point."
"Diana's own struggles with mental health were not only unsupported by the firm but were actively weaponized against her."
"Woman charged with felony embezzlement for not returning Sabrina the Teenage Witch VHS 21 years ago."
"We live in a world of make-believe politics, make-believe media news, make-believe science, make-believe history."
"I'm not gonna sit here and just pretend I believe something hoping my views go up. That's not what I do."
"Yeah, look they love me. Yeah, they love you. Welcome back to 'It Is What It Is.'"
"The aliens put on a demonstration to the extent that the media could not ignore it, and the government couldn't cover it up."
"If any president made that kind of statement... He wouldn't be able to do the job we hired him to do. The media would hound him to death."
"I could feel the fact that it was impossible to look away. If I can't stop looking, then I'm being controlled by this thing."
"Swedenborg and Life is a production of the Swedenborg Foundation."
"The biggest purveyor of disinformation is the government. The second is the establishment media."
"Independent journalism is what the future is about."
"The media and government institutions have their biases. Who's looking out for everyday investors?"
"I had my site set on hosting on television now, to start to use my voice more. I'm a 'silent movie star' doing these music videos."
"The fact that, unlike FedEx, the New York Times paid zero federal income tax in 2017 on earnings of $111 million dollars."
"When we're portrayed on the big screen, we're always on drugs, off drugs, in jail, out of jail, not around... This is one that kind of has a positive message."
"In the modern world, attention equals currency."
"These are the types of male characters audiences want to see at the moment."
"On average, 3.7 million new videos are uploaded to YouTube every single day."
"Journalistic integrity is rotting on both sides of the fence."
"The good news is that these gatekeepers have become increasingly impotent as we develop ways of getting around them."
"The media and the government have done an abhorrent job of really explaining what that means, what we're experiencing right now."
"After years of memes and rage-filled gnashing of teeth, you all actually pressured a multi-billion dollar Hollywood company into releasing a four-hour cut of a movie they never wanted to exist in the first place."
"The debate we're talking about, the National acceptable debate, is choreographed. The range of argument has been artificially narrowed long before you get to hear it."
"Previously, you were looking at the illusion of debate... but at least you saw something else."
"There's a new check and balance... the digital media is where democracy is today."
"We've got to do better, and we've got to change our media somehow to get us there, so we can actually have civil dialogue."
"The media has spent years making the case that millennials... are at fault for just about every cultural and economic sea-change in contemporary American society."
"Representation in media helps empower people and legitimate their struggles."
"You get a mainstream movie that represents your culture well, something that doesn't happen much, if at all."
"If it bleeds, it leads. This takes advantage of human nature. You will have an easier time capturing people's attention with strife and trouble because people are naturally motivated by self-preservation."
"The media has no hard power, soft power as more people just say we don't really care."
"The journalists, the donors, and the parties got so used to being able to almost completely control who got to be the nominee, that when someone came along and disrupted the whole pattern, they didn't know how to respond to it except with total rage and incomprehension."
"We're building something new, a new mainstream, a healthier one, something more trustworthy."
"My word, the way I talk about these people, is the way they're going to be remembered forever, and I need to keep that in mind."
"I picked Shonda Rhimes... she has a big production company called Shondaland... she just dominated Thursday night... every show on in primetime she had a hand in."
"People pay for PR; that's how they get put in the newspaper. Now people are paying to get into Forbes, same exact business model."
"We're creating a show that's going to feel a lot more cultural. We're definitely going to hit back at woke culture and talk a lot about what these cancellings really mean and who's really behind them."
"It's so comical to me that all of the talent at MSNBC came together and basically threw one big fat tantrum and won."
"The only people who could intervene to keep the media truly free benefit from the way that it is biased."
"Media information in a free country is a counterbalance against entrenched power... if sources of information align with entrenched power, then you have a powerless population."
"The greatest crime of the mainstream media is lies by omission."
"The news is not there to give you news; it's there to keep you in fear."
"I'm interested in video games as a general medium and art form."
"Like any tool, it can transform into a weapon if misused."
"The press are constantly going to courthouses and filming outside courthouses as defendants walk in."
"In a world obsessed with celebrities, Tiger is always headline news."
"My name's Dan Snow, and I want to tell you about History Hit TV. It's like the Netflix for history, hundreds of exclusive documentaries and interviews with the world's best historians."
"Video games are a form of media into themselves and they have very different rules, very different expectations."
"Games are the most complete way of telling stories. They are an amazing medium."
"Every single time I revisit that video, I end up tearing up a little bit."
"Reality TV is a semi-scripted, heavily edited facsimile of 'reality,' intentionally manipulated to maximize ratings."
"Our pal Jen Psaki is going to be joining to preview the first Republican debate, laugh about Ron DeSantis's ongoing struggle to appear human, talk about how Joe Biden and the Democrats can handle Trump's courtroom campaign."
"You can't be what you can't see and so media should show the true reflection of who is watching it."
"The media has the power to misinform, to keep ignorant, to distract, and to utterly lie."
"A picture tells a thousand words, a video tells a thousand images."
"There may be different levels of truth in Infowars, but not in reality. We don't have different levels of truth; we have one truth."
"The media is our lens on the world, and it is absolutely critical we trust that media."
"Our reviews are often brazenly critical, that's not news to anybody watching this."
"This guy seems like a genuinely nice human being, and like he wouldn't clickbait us."
"It's really nice to have something that's not clickbait. This makes me happy."
"You ask Skip Bayless why he doesn't like LeBron, he can't even give you a real reason."
"Media should not always coddle its audience; you should be able to challenge yourself with what you read, what you play, what you experience."
"China's always suffered from a problem of not having cool media. Chinese music isn't cool to the local populace. Chinese movies are not cool to the local populous unless you're a certain demographic."
"Squid Game has the potential to change how people try to sneak messages into China in the future. Kind of a message in a bottle."
"Human beings tend to form attachments to media that takes them back to a simpler time."
"Well, let's just jump into it or just saunter into it very slowly. We're going to go for 'What's New.' We've got a lot to talk about today, a lot of important, a lot of funny things."
"Since this movie came out, the lines between advertisement and content, the lines between real life, real people, and actors have blurred quite a bit."
"Mainstream media is at the lowest levels we've ever been for Americans trusting... Not one or the other, the lowest in both."
"There's a reason why Rogan gets more eyeballs on his show than all these guys combined."
"We should take some time to consider our attention economy and how it interplays with everything that's happened so far."
"Our job on the show is to tell you the truth, even if it's a scary thing to hear."
"There is high culture all over the place, just as there are media all over the place."
"I still believe that most people, including the journalists who write for established newspapers and the civil servants who staff federal agencies, are the heroes in their own stories. They genuinely mean well. But I no longer trust any institution in American life to such an extent I am willing to rely on its account of the world without looking into important matters on my own."
"What we were doing really was writing up to our readers."
"I was being described in all sorts of ways. I had reporters trying to go through my window. It was really violating."
"It's almost like trauma porn in a way that kind of makes everybody feel something, creates ratings and like advertisement revenue throughout the show."
"Disabled characters in our films and TV shows should be more than just a magical prop that inspires the main character."
"This person wants to stay anonymous and went to GMA and did it."
"We need to be smarter. We need to dig deeper. To hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell."
"Let's just say a lot of employees haven't had a magical time working for the media conglomerate."
"Scoop fever really reached a high in the lead-up to 2021's Spider-Man: No Way Home."
"Every new subscription, every five-star rating helps people who need this information the most find it."
"I think there is too much shame around media history and I think contextualizing it is what's much more beneficial than saying like, 'Oh it's evil and it needs to go away and be brushed under the rug forever.'"
"To me, they say, when they meet me, 'You do have a face for radio.'"
"Praying for the holy souls in purgatory is the greatest form of charity, and it is a path to heaven."
"News organizations have ceased to function partly because of people like me but mostly because of the systems that exist that allow people like me to function."
"It's for ratings, for money, it's so that I do this video. You see the game they're playing."
"Anderson Cooper isn't speaking to me for criticizing him; he's speaking to the resistance left, doing this performative bit."
"If you guys don't believe in the free market, if you guys think that the government should be in charge of regulating the media, that's cool. I don't like state-run media and I don't like the state interfering in the media."
"VisualPolitik is one of the few political channels that pays a lot of attention to Latin America, one of the least covered regions in the world."
"Don Lemon said the quiet part out loud last night."
"My goal with Third Eye Global is to turn it into the eventual engine of this channel, this way we don't have to rely on sponsors, ad revenue, nothing. We can take our time and perfect every single video."
"Now we have this medium, and there are people like you, you know, who get to do that for us."
"I just remember that moment when the New York Times needle went to the middle and said 50%, and then I was like, 'He's going to win, isn't he?'"
"It is a great Monday morning because we've got some really good news for you."
"The legacy of Cabrini Green lives on in pop culture."
"Good content, good art, good media is undeniable."
"The art of good media and good stories is being lost to analytics."
"Thanks to satire like The Simpsons and The Daily Show, it's hard to imagine a time when irreverent humor wasn't everywhere."
"We are the medium of the future; let's be forward-thinking rather than being stuck in the past."
"I've learned so much about the power of political forces in our media."
"The feedback loop force feeds you on a diet of only political views you agree with and may unintentionally skew your worldview and limit your understanding of the world behind your bubble."
"Ground News...wants to burst your bubble and put you back in the driver's seat."
"The attempt to sexualize children's characters is really screwed up."
"PragerU's goal is to counter the dominant left-wing ideology in culture, media, and education."
"All I ask viewers to do is to think for themselves."
"Propaganda is a weapon that has been developed over many decades that is designed to cater specifically to what our needs are psychologically. It creates a reward system, a punishment system; it's very powerful."
"Every tyrant and despot throughout history has done what our leading media organizations are doing now: attempting with all their force to crush free speech."
"I suspect that the swords that people chose to carry would be heavily influenced by cinema and TV shows."
"The China that you actually experience is very different than what's presented in our Western media."
"The media has to find a difficult balance between informing the public and not becoming numb to the shock value of certain statements."
"Sometimes when you just want to place a person of color in a role that is not about their identity, it appears as forced diversity because we're so accustomed to seeing people of color playing these caricatures of themselves in TV and film."
"People are treating her like a commodity, and it just, it's tough to watch."
"South Park...remain[s] the most brilliant satirist out there."
"You watch it on TV, and you don't quite understand the intensity until you see it this close."
"Humans aren't in love with photos of our friends or audio of our family or videos of our partners; we're in love with each other."
"True crime content has to be done in a very intentional way. We need to include the voices of marginalized people...more than we're doing now."
"Televangelists are incredibly polarizing: you either absolutely love them or you actually have the correct opinion of them."
"If you have a movie that means something to you, absolutely have it."
"Suddenly, the notion of extraterrestrial life takes center stage, dominating headlines like never before."
"With new reports and sightings mounting on almost a daily basis and with many mainstream media outlets reporting on the phenomenon, perception is beginning to change."
"Mainstream media and big tech often censor 'misinformation' in order to censor those with opposing views, whether out of idiocy or fear."
"The mainstream media reaction to this event was couched as cheeky celebrity news rather than science or national defense."
"What we're trying to undo is decades, almost half a century, of misinformation, of over-dramatization, and of just straight-up lying."
"Mainstream media will change because it has to. It's already started changing."
"I think people like controversy. That's why [certain pundits] will always be on there... because they're controversial, and they will not sit on the fence."
"It's Sunday, March 31, 2024. I'm Anthony Davis. Welcome to the weekend show, where we make the time to consider the news of the week."
"YouTube is in valuable. YouTube is a freedom in action."
"We've been trying to have a doctor on this show for a long time, and we're thrilled to have you."
"If you're going to argue for greater representation of minorities in media, I absolutely 100% will get on board with that."