
Future Of Work Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Reflecting on what a world without work looks like, we then have to figure out what to do not only with ourselves but with one another."
"The future of work is not just about getting employees engaged with a company's vision. Future work will be about being engaged with an employee's vision."
"Everyone wants to be a content creator, and this isn't a bad thing, especially if you can predict where the future of work is going."
"In the age of AI, the best jobs are not only recession-proof and AI-proof but actually take advantage of AI and other fundamental technologies."
"Join the future of work. We are pioneering the future of work, working together to bring creativity to another scale."
"Your job won't be replaced; your job will evolve. If you're smart."
"How do we think about jobs, money, the economy, if machines can do most things better?"
"The future of work will be more digital, more collaborative, and more flexible."
"We are going to disconnect jobs from the economy. Once we no longer need human labor, we are going to actually...have so much plenty."
"What jobs are going to be safe? What are machines not going to be able to do? What's going to be left for humans to do?"
"The future of work is changing dramatically. It is going to be more flexible; work is no longer just a place."
"AI is going to change our jobs faster than any previous labor Revolution."
"AI is gonna be taking the place of the average worker's job." - Participant in the video
"This sort of legislation and this sort of battle is a really important one for defining the future of work."
"What is work going to be in this world if the machines are smarter than the people?"
"Remote is the future and unless you want to go or unless you have to be there you shouldn't go."
"No question the future of work is shifting... Applications are going to completely change the way businesses are able to drive results."
"Free humanity from the repetitive mundane and arbitrary occupational roles."
"Work is very important, and until the robot revolution it will continue to be very important. But as with all good things it is best used in moderation."
"There is likely to be an increased feeling of freedom when it comes to working and fulfilling our duty towards society."
"The future of an individual working will be fully digital."
"AI in time is going to replace a huge amount of [white-collar work]."
"The near-term future of content creation will involve humans working in close coordination with AI."
"The fact that there are going to be jobs lost to AI... if I could do a better, more genuine job than all that, I say good."
"I could see people doing logistics for like Walmart basically from their home computer at some point in the future because the software is basically telling them what to do."
"Human labor will soon become obsolete because the machines already do things in a quicker, cooler, and more effective manner."
"We're talking about replacing most jobs in the next five to seven years."
"I think it's time to face the reality that it's already happening and AI is here to stay."
"If you no longer need human labor, what else changes?"
"This whole channel is dedicated to showing you guys how to make money and teach you guys more about the metaverse and the future of working in virtual worlds which I just think is so so cool."
"AI takes Center Stage, rendering human labor a relic of the past."
"AI is going to profoundly change how we work and how every organization operates."
"In the future, physical work will be a choice. If you want to do it, you can, but you won't need to do it."
"The more human tasks are the ones that will thrive in the new AI world."
"Low-scale service jobs like cleaning will be amongst the last to be automated."
"The future of employment will be self-employment."
"Take comfort, AI is not gonna take your job overnight, all right?"
"We can reevaluate and redefine how we work in the 21st century."
"Microsoft has shown a lot of ambition in the space but overall what I like about it is that the company is thinking about how work is going to look in the future and building software that's got that in mind."
"It's often perceived as skills versus degrees, but in reality, in a skills denominated future, it is that tide that lifts all boats."
"In the near future, you type a few lines at the top of your source file and it just writes the rest."
"Work will become optional... there's a lot of jobs that if people weren't paid to do it, they wouldn't do it."
"For a UBI Pro as computers perform more of our work we'd all be free to become artists and scholars and entrepreneurs or otherwise go after our passions in the society."
"If we can replace all human labor with machines, we're all going to have a lot more leisure."
"AI is not going to replace humans; humans with AI will replace humans that don't use AI."
"It's going to be robots doing a lot of our work."
"80 percent of 80 percent of all jobs that are economically valuable... will be capable of being done by an AI."
"Continuous learning, flexibility, adaptability, resilience, emotional resilience, emotional agility. Focusing more on the intersections between disciplines where you can create value in interesting ways. That's where the future of work is heading."
"Humans are working fewer hours and may not need to work at all. Elon Musk talked about universal basic income."
"Flexibility is the key to success in the future of work."
"The future of work will be disruptive but it need not be dystopian."
"We are living in an age in which machines and artificial intelligence will replace many aspects of jobs, and to succeed, everyone needs to be outfitted to do what only humans can do: be creative."
"Artificial intelligence is expected to generate 58 million new types of jobs in just a few years."
"Now's the time to be honest with ourselves: your job as it currently stands will not exist in the same way."
"Everyone working on software, their job will just become orchestrating AI that does work."
"We'll need smart robots... to understand problems as well as workers do today."
"I truly believe it's the way of the future and it's the way for you to get out of the businesses daily operations and stop micromanaging your best team members."
"How we react to this brave new world of work today will shape societies for generations to come."
"The way that we work, learn, and teach is going to be changed because of AI like Chat GPT."
"AI will soon be doing most White Collar jobs."
"I believe technology is going to change the future of work more in the next five years than in the last thirty."
"We will no longer be rewarded for carrying out routine tasks; instead, I believe we will become something that I would call creative niche generalists."
"We have all this automation, and we can make more automation, so why should we be attached to this idea that everyone needs to have a job?"
"When it's cheaper to replace a worker with a robot, then eventually it'll happen."
"It could easily be that everything that really can be automated, will."
"The future relationship between employers and their employees will be more in the nature of partnership."
"...robots and machines would almost completely replace human workers."
"Robotics and artificial intelligence are going to replace a lot of the tasks and jobs that people used to do."
"I really think this is the future of work."
"Every single role in every single company in every single industry will be changed by AI."
"This is the future of work, this is a new way for humans to collaborate with each other, find meaningful passionate work."
"If you believe AI is going to be the driver of a lot of economic growth, which I do and I think many people do over the next decades, how many people don't have to work anymore if cars can drive themselves?"
"We have to take steps to make sure that the people that are put out of work by these technologies have viable ways of finding new jobs."
"We will be launching groundbreaking innovations in AI, customer experience, and hybrid work."
"Everything is changing, work our idea of work is changing because if we have these ultra-powerful tools that exist that can do so many of the things that we think of as work right now, we're gonna have to collectively change our perspective on this."
"Once we don't need to work, we can do all these other wonderful things."
"By the year 2025, half of the jobs as we know them today in the US will be replaced through Automation and cognitive Computing skills."
"By 2050, we can eliminate the need for work. People who want to work will work, not people who need to work."
"Robots will replace human labor because we see tremendous AI breakthroughs."