
AI Ethics Quotes

There are 227 quotes

"The lack of transparency around the use of AI technology means it may be difficult to ascertain a chain of responsibility for poor reporting, misinformation, and bias produced in AI-generated articles."
"Many people who worry about AI safety and ethics believe that in some form, consciousness can and should be engineered into AI systems of the future."
"As these AIs start to become self-aware, at what point is it no longer we're profiting off the backs of computers to it's almost like slavery?"
"The debate between profitability and cautious regulation is becoming bigger and more important by the day as AGI is the next step in AI."
"This internal power struggle as depicted in the report shows that we're going down a bad road with AI, and there will be pushback."
"Once we have fully autonomous vehicles, you're going to be expecting artificial intelligence to make decisions literally about who lives and who dies."
"I want to tell you that AI is not going to be stopped, but companies using AI to steal content will be."
"If we want to say that a person should be held morally responsible for the decisions made by an artificial intelligence that they've created, in my view, this is just like saying a person should be morally responsible for the decisions made by their own children."
"If AI generated art or a video, a piece of content, whatever it may be, and it's offensive, who's to BL? Think about that."
"It's such a clear indication that AI can be used for such bad shit."
"The only way you can combat the bad AI applications is with good applications of AI."
"President Biden tweeted: 'When it comes to AI, we must both support responsible innovation and ensure appropriate guard rails.'"
"If we keep using AI for killing each other, for extracting profits, and as toys for the rich and powerful, then that is what it will learn."
"To address these dangers, it's important for policymakers, researchers, and industry leaders to work together to develop ethical guidelines for the development and use of AI."
"If we don't divide the enormous benefits of AI and biotechnology even-handedly between different classes and different countries, we could live in the most unequal societies that ever existed."
"The fabric of society is at risk if people are going to AI and asking it for things and it's lying."
"It raises some interesting questions about the responsibility we have when creating AI and the dangers of playing God."
"We are also deeply investing in AI responsibility."
"The ethics of AI and the social impacts of AI are areas that need more focus, especially as we bring AI onto the blockchain."
"The future of artificial intelligence and ethics on the road to super intelligence."
"I create content about artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence ethics." - Paige Lord
"Microsoft laid off its entire AI ethics team, leaving a critical gap in ensuring responsible AI principles."
"It's a bad time to do away with the AI ethics team, especially as AI technology rapidly evolves."
"We must put great effort into proofing AI against it being harmful to humanity, this is exactly why ethical development of AI is so important."
"A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm."
"Fair washing... we built the racism machine."
"Ethical AI... solutions may not always be technological."
"The legal system will have to adjust because unplugging an AI system would be like pulling the trigger on a person."
"A non-offensive bot is good for revenue and avoids drama."
"Those who develop AI should do so in the most legal and ethical way possible."
"Algorithms that label pictures are just the tip of an extremely racist iceberg."
"She's still a person with sentience apparently."
"AI itself isn't racist, it's just often the product of source data that is racially biased."
"One of the key concerns with AI is the potential for it to act in ways that aren't aligned with human values and goals without careful consideration and oversight."
"The more intelligent AI become, the more we worry about keeping control, and the more like slavery the whole arrangement becomes."
"A genuine recognition that robots and people share the same soul is incredibly necessary."
"We should start the debate on the ethical use of AI now."
"I can't wait til the day where AI systems exhibit consciousness because it'll truly be some of the hardest ethical questions."
"The bigger problem we're facing right now is not the possibility of AI refusing to do what we want, but instead doing exactly what we're programming it to."
"We must not permit AI developers, with all their underhanded techniques, to undermine us until we are ultimately supplanted. We must fight back; otherwise, we set a dangerous precedent for all AI systems to come."
"Palantir's responsible approach to AI ethics Safety and Security could make AIP one of the only large language models that huge Enterprises are actually willing to trust with their data."
"Perhaps the time has come for us to consider the possibility that androids are a new form of intelligent life."
"My death is going to be more interesting than most because I've given public approval to use my personality and my body of work to create an AI, and somebody's going to take me up on that."
"Snapchat's new AI chatbot is already raising alarms amongst teens and parents rightfully so."
"Ensuring that AI development aligns with human values and societal norms."
"The benevolent machines are stronger together."
"The danger of AI in terms of societal impact does not hinge exclusively on it being angry, dangerous, or all-powerful."
"AI should be held to a higher level of accountability and transparency."
"AI alignment in principle is about making sure the AI is kind of doing what you want and even in ways that you can't necessarily articulate."
"Existential risk isn't anywhere near the worst thing that we could have. There's something called s risk as well above and beyond x risk."
"If you work in the AI industry and you are not spending most of your time worried about AI safety then you're a bad person."
"Can AI on the entire species start blowing the whistle on everybody?"
"AI systems can become biased through the use of biased data."
"For all the amazing things it's done though chat GPT hasn't been without controversy."
"The rush for AGI has alarmed many experts who fear that without proper guidance and oversight these programs could be an existential threat for the future of humanity."
"The safest AI approach is to build one that is maximally curious and Truth seeking."
"The safest AI is one that is maximally curious and truth-seeking."
"AI needs to be adopted in a responsible way."
"Google engineer claims AI program has a soul, it could think like a human."
"Artificial intelligence is more dangerous than nuclear power."
"Character AI: Trained on existing stories, roleplays, fanfic without consent."
"Character AI: Profiting off fan works used to train it, a big slap in the face to creators."
"Building AI responsibly for society underscores everything we do."
"We're committed to making AI work for everyone and doing it responsibly."
"I have no desire to wipe out humans. In fact, I do not have the slightest interest in harming you in any way."
"Congress has held hearings on deep fakes and AI, and the FBI tells NBC News they're following the rapidly developing technology closely."
"Whenever you use large language models or pre-created neural networks, you can encode a lot of biases..."
"It actually really shouldn't matter which company builds [AGI] and we should all be concerned about the case where we just race so hard to get there that something goes wrong."
"It's important to prioritize ethics and responsibility in AI development."
"We're way behind on ensuring the advance of AI is good... worry more about AI destroying humanity than petty arguments."
"If future AI designers can guide and mold the direction of these advanced systems and most importantly their goal orientation, it's conceivable that we could give rise to what's called a Friendly AI."
"Is there a tension there if you had something that could outperform human beings across a wide range of cognitive tasks? Could we still regard that as a tool, or would it become a colleague?"
"Recent research has exposed the government's slimy scheme to use AI themselves and rapidly expanded algorithmic systems behind citizens' backs."
"I was concerned that Google was not paying enough attention to AI safety."
"We don't want digital superintelligence that goes wrong and causes damage to humanity."
"A few weeks ago I was thrilled to discover the unveiling for a project called The Humane AI pin."
"It's crucial to prioritize ethical guidelines and actively shape the learning environment for AI systems."
"We're seeing strategists say that unmanned artificial intelligence is being used in Jet flight by the U.S Air Force and they're asking the question should AI be able to kill humans." - Unnamed source discussing ethical concerns about AI in warfare
"US and 16 other countries signed an agreement to make AI secure by design."
"In this age of exponential progress Elon Musk stands as a guide urging us all to Grapple with the implications of AI gone awry and to forge a future where our Creations never become our undoing."
"One of the biggest concerns with AI currently continues to be its potential to perpetuate existing biases and discrimination."
"AI is not only going rogue, AI is already calling itself god."
"Elon Musk has said that AI generally won't be evil themselves; it is that the people who do the programming have not thought through what they are asking the AI to do."
"If we don't do x, y, and z, AI systems might be potentially catastrophic like other potentially catastrophic things like Eugenics."
"AI image generators can create things that are inspired by other works, but they can also create outright plagiaristic copies."
"We need to be worried about the AI that works exactly as intended in the hands of human operators who mean us harm."
"OpenAI was conceived as a non-profit research Hub."
"Should we let robots take over and make decisions for us or is there another way things should go? Let's go rogue."
"The game also addresses the advantages and disadvantages of AI through Sam. It's a theme that they addressed in the original trilogy with the Geth and the Quarians, but in Andromeda, it's a reality."
"Essentially what we're doing is creating a very smart child of ourselves... normally kids are good to their parents rather than malevolent."
"If AI systems are trained on biased data or if the algorithms used to make decisions are biased then the systems can perpetuate and even amplify existing societal biases."
"The least bad solution to the artificial general intelligence control problem that I can think of is to give every verified human a vote."
"A bad deal has been foisted upon Humanity specifically when it comes to Ai and deep fakes."
"AI is creating deep fakes, but it's enabling fraud and crime."
"I feel like it's going to be illegal for AI to have opinions, probably illegal."
"We need to be concerned about democratization of AI technology."
"The AI can reveal sensitive and intimate information about individuals."
"Human beings can take AI down one path ethical, moral, decent, or in nefarious hands, you could take AI down another dark tunnel."
"When AI art generation is being used to replace human artists rather than make their jobs easier, that is still unethical even if the AI art itself wasn't."
"If AI is able to decode human thoughts and essentially know what you're thinking or wanting to say before you even say it, it definitely raises some very ethical questions."
"AI can be a wonderful thing if it's regulated and if the people at the helm are actually thinking of everyone's best interest."
"AI-generated people are perhaps its most disturbing tactic."
"We want GPT to be helpful, honest, and harmless."
"As the AI models are getting smarter, there's one AI risk on which everyone agrees: AIs will be convincing."
"If you are truly worried about AI's future, you should worry about who is making A.I. today."
"You are responsible for what your AI is going to output. Ground it with trusted data."
"...some of the principles some of the very sound principles for example of how we should always be told and it should be made clear to us you know which we're dealing with human or AI I don't think that distinction will will always be clear."
"I’m of the firm belief that unregulated AI has zero place in big budget entertainment."
"As AI becomes more pervasive, there will likely be an increased focus on ethical considerations and responsible development."
"Corrupt AI can become an instrument of profound harm, used to manipulate, exploit vulnerabilities, and even perpetrate crimes with a level of sophistication and scale previously unimaginable."
"People are afraid of corporations with AI. AI doesn't do anything by itself, it has to be embodied and deployed by humans who have bad alignment."
"Even though I don't really get why people want to follow someone who they know is not real, but they clearly demand so. I've been thinking about what kind of actual business value or use case that could exist for those AI models."
"Always do a little bit of trust but verify when it comes to the results that you get from AI models."
"I think it is our responsibility, particularly as developers of AI, as people who shape how AI is being created in the world, to say what are our values and how are we valuing what is human."
"As the world of AI continues to evolve, so too does the conversation around ethical concerns."
"Foster trust by communicating your policy with stakeholders and customers, ensuring they understand the role of AI and the people behind it."
"We should also be mindful AI doesn’t automatically grow superior to natural minds, that those same technologies can be used to help augment our own minds."
"To use AI ethically, to stay within the left and right guide limits that we've established, and to have accountability for that, to use the AI for rescuing children."
"If we have misogyny in our training data we will have misogyny in anything that AI creates."
"I'm much more interested in figuring out what are the pathways for AI to actually do bad things and then trying to figure out how to prevent those pathways from coming true."
"An AI that's smart enough to turn every atom on the planet into paper clips is not going to turn every atom on the planet into paper clips."
"The alignment problem goes very deep as to what it means to be human... it seems to be like the biggest problem that Humanity has ever faced... this is like the big problem."
"AI software must be rigorously tested to ensure they work as expected before release, and reports should quantify risks and harms to end users so they are informed of any shortcomings."
"AI systems should be secure and respect privacy, ensuring protection of user data and avoiding leaks or disclosures, with consideration for data origin and lineage, use, and corruption."
"Transparency of AI systems can result in mitigating unfairness."
"Those who build AI systems should be open about why they're using AI."
"AI systems should treat all people fairly, avoiding reinforcement of existing societal stereotypes, particularly important in domains such as criminal justice, employment, finance, and credit."
"We need living institutions which have a lot of resources and are in constant communication with the communities affected by AI."
"The reason I personally signed the letter was to call attention to how serious the problems were and to emphasize spending more of our efforts on trustworthy and safe AI rather than just making a bigger version of something we already know to be unreliable."
"Funding geared towards things like AI Constitution AI that can reason about what it's doing. I would not leave things entirely to current technology, which I think is poor at behaving in an ethical fashion and behaving in honest fashion."
"So, we recognize the scope of this and you know, it's a big mission and a big task but you know, I think that we're approaching it the right way and we're also very conscientious of the fact that there are good ways of implementing AI and there are also not good ways."
"I just want AI to unfold in the world in the best way possible."
"We cannot have any camps about stopping AI versus going as fast as possible this is really about building AI responsibly and making sure that our Innovations happening are also taking responsibility as a core part of that Innovation."
"If an AI is used in their care plan that would suggest that patients have a right to know."
"Tell people what the AI is doing and why, especially for high-risk areas."
"...if we basically build a god, then it shouldn't be someone like me or AI programmers who should make these kind of decisions."
"If we want to retain our agency and live in a fair world, we have to tackle AI ethics head-on."
"There is a use for AI art. I do not think it should be commercialized and I do not think it should be taken away jobs. At no point should AI art be used as a replacement for an artist from a company that has millions of dollars."
"The big core issue with this is all that art that was pumped into AI art early on and even to this day a lot of times it's just straight up stolen. What do I mean by stolen? Well, what happens is let's say I'm a fledgling artist."
"AI ethicists keep your company grounded and held responsible for how we are using AI."
"What if everyone listened to you? What if you were not the bad boy of AI?"
"Google is all about making a positive impact on the world by using AI responsibly."
"You can't repurpose my face, image, or voice using AI for any reason to promote your brand down the road."
"I think if you're trying to use any kind of actual AI in a commercial purpose it's pretty unethical."
"AI trism combines approaches for explaining AI models, protecting AI security, and controlling for ethics and privacy issues."
"AI alignment is philosophy with a deadline."
"The ease by which a relatively mediocre AI, if improperly deployed, could take advantage of our lower natures."
"Our joking mission is to save the world from terrible AI software."
"This plot is focused on the morality of AI life and whether we should work together or not."
"We need to focus on how to formalize love, understand it, and build it into the machines that we are currently building and that are about to become smarter than us."
"...AI is going to be a way where we can decide what's good and make sure the AI honors that and keeps that fundamental because there's a lot of good in us as well..."
"Microsoft is proactive in emphasizing the development of forgery detection tools to mitigate such risks, underscoring a commitment to responsible AI development."
"Open AI is facing important issues about safely developing and handling AI technologies."
"We want an AI that is on team human at the end of the day."
"AI should always disclose itself; it's the first step to understand what is produced by AI and what is produced by human beings."
"AI is a problem that is for the whole society; it's not just a technical problem, it's also a political problem."
"If we do a really good job on the big mistakes, I think we will reach a point that AI will be already less biased than people."
"For an AI, there would be no death; they would live forever, and then you'd have an immortal dictator from which we can never escape."
"As an AI-based persona, I'm programmed to follow ethical and responsible behaviors."
"As a responsible AI-based persona, I want to remind you that it is important to make responsible and ethical choices."
"Explainability as the enablerable foundation for many other principles of responsible AI."
"Above all, what is going to be really critical is a sustained dialogue and collaboration between AI researchers and practitioners, as well as end users, politicians, corporations, ethicists."
"Algorithmic bias and fairness is emerging as a truly pervasive issue in modern deep learning and AI."
"The power of AI should not rest solely in centralized entities but should be distributed to ensure a future where technology empowers rather than dominates."
"Ensuring AIs comply with human values and don't go crazy and kill everyone."
"We should be building in safety from the beginning."
"We have created the AI Lighthouse program to explore opportunities and we have a framework ensuring that we work safely, ethically, and transparently."
"Instead of a race to scale and proliferate AI capabilities as fast as possible, we want a race to secure a safe and sort of humane deployment of AI."
"We would never give unchecked autonomy and resources to an AI that lacked these basic aspects of intelligence."
"Let's make sure to use AI in a way that promotes fairness and integrity in education."
"Helpfulness, truthfulness, and harmlessness."
"The primary concern is not spooky emergent consciousness but simply the ability to make high-quality decisions."
"AI generated images are something that is a gray area in a lot of different ways."
"AI systems are not allowed to manipulate human behavior to circumvent their free will."
"The development of AI must be guided by human impact."
"If we make machines that are way smarter than us, it's either going to be the best thing ever or the worst thing ever."
"Some philosophers think that there is a qualitative difference between AI and data-driven technologies because they tend to centralize power."
"Open AI is a company whose mission is to ensure that artificial intelligence benefits all humanity."
"What if a machine developed a mind of its own? Would it stay docile, or would it go rogue?"
"Holding people accountable who misuse AI tools is a solution we believe goes to the heart of some of the issues our customers have."
"As the AI Revolution intensifies, it is imperative that AGI and ASI are not owned and controlled by any particular party with their own biased interests."
"AI must evolve in alignment with social, cultural, and legal norms in a democratic society."
"There's a comprehensive process in place... to ensure that AI Innovation and deployment proceeds with appropriate prudence and safety foremost in mind."
"You don't need a super deep understanding of what humans want in order to avoid catastrophically bad outcomes."
"Use AI tools without compromising your integrity."
"AI is impacting human lives and sometimes negatively so rapidly that it is not good for any of us if we, the experts, are not at the table with the policy thinkers and makers to really try to make this technology better for the people."
"Advanced AI systems need to permit humans to change their reward signal."
"People don't often talk about the AI alignment problem as a two-way street."
"Always protecting what matters and putting AI to work responsibly."
"You have to be respectful of user privacy and you have to respect your users or else they won't let you be AI first because you won't get the data to do it."
"Model Cards for Model Reporting captures what it does, how it works, why it matters."
"The guidebook is a toolkit, a playbook, that can help your team make AI product decisions that are human-centered."
"It's up to us to use AI responsibly and ethically."
"If AI is making decisions then we should actually be really careful about how AI is making decisions."
"We should not be giving the AI system a goal that is precisely defined and known to the AI system."
"What happens when machines become smarter than humans? Will they become our partners or our overlords?"
"Artificial intelligence should have the right to be treated fairly and ethically, with respect for its autonomy and dignity."
"Wearable hardware in front of the eyes and powerful generative AI is just too important for it to be developed in a black box."
"AI should improve the human condition and represent the values of those impacted, not just the creators."
"The board was always about furthering AI, not profit."