
Journalism Quotes

There are 4329 quotes

"Generative AI using large language models to generate narrative text at scale is potentially utterly transformative for journalism."
"Bias is a huge part of the potential AI problem within journalism, as well as every other industry that AI is a part of."
"The need for journalism to unite divergent audiences has never been bigger."
"Journalism reports everything that goes wrong. It doesn't report things that go right."
"Our Legacy Media fails in that they are propagandists and not journalists. They don't hold truth to power; they hold back truth for power."
"If someone were able to permanently knock out all internet and cable in this country... just think about the levels that that would affect us."
"This is investigative journalism in the moment."
"Our word is our bond, just like when we tell you we will protect our sources with our livelihoods."
"We keep going. I know it probably looks on your end kind of the same, but if you saw our coverage from IF1 to IF2, this is an even bigger jump."
"Rogan is the most important journalist of our generation."
"His story was riveting not because he had any special charisma, but because the reporters of his case worked so persistently."
"Journalism, the golden era – can you tell me something, can you let me ask you this: When did the Golden Age of Journalism stop?"
"Journalists are not trying to report on opinions; they're trying to create opinions."
"It's my job not to affirm what they say, but to question and to challenge them, no matter what they call me."
"Journalists need to be on their game. The stakes don't get much higher when it comes to fulfilling their core mission: informing citizens of what they really need to know."
"It's an extraordinary day for journalism, it's an extraordinary day for free speech."
"If this is the citizen rep journalist, could end up at anywhere at any time with any type of weather, I must be prepared."
"Unlike our corporate brethren, we don't do journalism from the top down. We start with the people and finish with the people."
"The police accountability report has been about the people of this country who care and want better for all of us and who believe that it all starts with holding power accountable."
"While there is censorship, both self and active, we can also see the development of some truly excellent journalism coming out of Pakistan and some very brave journalists who defy these censors."
"We used to be in a date and time where you had 60 minutes, and people did stories, and they verified information."
"Kobe Bryant, a real sit-down serious interview with him, and this was one of his last interviews before he passed away."
"Journalism can be distinguished from other activities and products by certain identifiable characteristics and practices. These elements not only separate journalism from other forms of communication, they are what make it indispensable to democratic societies."
"I'm Cody Johnston, your little news scamp, pulling news outta your garbage cans, snuffling for news truffles, and leaving little news presents on your doorstep."
"The entire concept of journalism at its core is to keep whatever it is they're documenting accountable for their actions."
"Muckrakers...wanted to expose scandal, corruption, and societal ills."
"It's not journalism anymore. Good journalism is about well-sourced exposes."
"No, computers are not taking journalists' jobs. They're allowing writers more time to write smarter pieces and more interesting stories."
"I interviewed for the BBC a person who is under house arrest for political dissent. So yes, it does happen."
"I believe that there is nothing wrong with a journalist... publishing classified information... it's healthy in a liberal democracy like the United States."
"Enterprise journalism is still very important. Using techniques like hidden cameras... you really can make a difference."
"The murder of Jamal Khashoggi was a horrific crime."
"We have to curate our own information. We all have to become, in Seth Abramson's phrase, meta-journalists."
"In all my years as a journalist, I had never seen a story where the gap between insider and outsider knowledge was so big or where the stakes were so high."
"I think independent media is tremendously important without being beholden to either a boss, a corporate interest, a core, a platform."
"Our utmost goal should be to tell the truth and get the facts."
"Journalists should tell the truth and get the facts, and even if people shouldn't be taking Ivermectin unless it's prescribed by their doctor, we shouldn't lie about whatever Ivermectin is doing."
"Having the truth be spoken by a games journalist these days is next to impossible, it seems."
"There is a huge demand for legit, bold truth-seekers. So, if you get out of the corporate media, you know people are going to want to tune in to you."
"Support independent journalism and remember, you are not alone."
"Journalists... have a responsibility to examine where we are on our own personal domain."
"It's very easy as a journalist to just put a name out there and get that glory of a headline, but you have to be extremely balanced."
"There's a fine line between journalism and street photography."
"Journalism is looking down the street and reporting back to people what you saw."
"So begins the gamer revolution article written by Paul Tamburo."
"The real threat to press freedoms being the FBI raiding journalists' offices."
"Thanks for keeping honest journalism alive. You seem to be the most reliable source of mainstream political global news today."
"I felt like that article... was really good. I felt very well represented."
"As journalists, we have our job to do; we will continue to report about human rights violations."
"Well, independent journalism is under attack, with journalists being threatened with legal action, prison sentences, or worse."
"Wherever the story is, we'll take you there."
"As a journalist, I've learned it's important to grab the reader's attention with a catchy headline. Here's mine: Local woman ruins own life."
"Journalism is conveying information to the public that is in their interest."
"The entire journalism department was in shock. The ambitious girl that was always looking for the most compelling story was now the story, but not in the way she would have ever wanted."
"Journalism was a process. You had to have double sourcing."
"The rise of a cadre of self-described journalists who stopped doing journalism and went back to being partisans."
"I do hope that the journalism I do lends some strength to people and elevates some voices that need elevating."
"The Uncensored Library is a place you can visit within Minecraft to read the works of censored journalists from Russia, Mexico, Egypt, Vietnam, and Saudi Arabia."
"I think if journalists would post more news and less commentary, people would take it as more news."
"The problem is the loudest journalism in America is generally saying the least."
"If you want censorship, look at what Russia is doing with these journalists."
"I always try to cover this in an accurate and respectful way that doesn't feel exploitative."
"It is absolutely critical that as journalists we speak out on this critical issue of press freedom."
"How much is enough? ... There's nothing I really want other than to report the news, challenge the system, and speak truth to power."
"This is the show where we hold powerful people to account. We cover the stories that you're largely not going to see in the mainstream media."
"Independent journalism is what the future is about."
"How can we call ourselves democracies when we do this to journalists?"
"Neither the law nor journalism are perfectly objective."
"I thought the highest calling was to try to get the facts straight and report them impartially, fairly." - Walter Cronkite
"The ability of Citizen journalists to cover and report on elected officials, cops, and what they do in their official capacity."
"Journalists, especially in countries like Rwanda, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia... are the bravest people on earth."
"There are interviews that are given as a gift, and this is one for me."
"What I'm taking from this entire conversation is that that second article, the way that that person structured what they were saying about what you said and Time and everything, is how writers should go about writing articles."
"Microsoft is replacing MSN journalists with artificial intelligence."
"The Free Press is a pillar, maybe the pillar, of a free society, not the enemy."
"No journalist in America should ever face violence for doing his or her job."
"Journalists who are writing real news, we don't make money from it, we hope that when these articles get tweeted out or when we hire a journalist to go on the ground and cover news, that it generates attention for the work we do in general and people will read."
"Investigative reporters are something we really need right now."
"The most consequential journalist of our generation decided to weigh in on this because it's actually very important."
"This man has made it his mission to document in extreme detail and call out corruption in his government."
"As a result of this man's dedication to meaningful journalistic coverage of high-profile corruption in his local area, he's faced many real-world threats and dangers."
"Democracy dies when influential people use journalism to protect powerful interests while deceptively claiming that they are protecting common people's interests."
"A news story is meant to inform, but a column is actually meant to provoke. It's meant to produce a reaction. So I'm either in the heating business or the lighting business. I'm either stoking up an emotion in you or illuminating something for you."
"I know I've succeeded if you read one of my columns and you say, 'I didn't know that' – that's good, I provided some light. 'I never looked at it that way' – that's good, more light. 'I never connected those things' – more light. 'Mr. Friedman, you said exactly what I felt but didn't know how to say.' God bless you."
"Having strong journalism and freedom of the press is essential for democracy."
"The presence of journalists to hold governments to account makes governments better."
"If I've learned one thing as a journalist, it's that raising awareness as a motif is borderline useless in almost all cases."
"I think journalists still, like academics, have a passion for the truth. We are truth seekers."
"Hugh Hewitt is a pseudo journalist that couldn't conduct a quality interview to save his life."
"I think I'd make a good journalist because I'm good at writing."
"It's up to an incumbent upon reporters to do more work to show the American people the complexities and it is complex."
"I dig into news stories that others can't or won't."
"You can be an independent reporter, 100% absolutely, you can be, and you can be an independent journalist, reporter, whatever you want to call it, and still be professional and credible."
"You can't win with journalists; we need to do something to show we have morals."
"We're not just reporting the news; we're making sure it's right."
"If you see something, say something, and this is what we need to be using journalism for."
"We need to reclaim critical thinking and demand that journalism seeks to be truthful and objective."
"AI has many uses I think even in the newsroom. It can, for example, help in brainstorming angles on a story or even doing a first draft."
"A journalist is a person who is willing to destroy his own opinions with facts."
"A journalist is a person who is willing to report the truth regardless of consequences to herself or others."
"Our job as journalists, the way I see it, is not to make a pronouncement not to convince people to think one way or the other but to explain why things happen."
"Our job is to sit down with all types of people, and we're not supposed to render judgment; we're supposed to understand primarily."
"An important characteristic I think of any good reporter is to have humility about any story that you're covering."
"It's a mix of advocacy and performative journalism where you're trying to show that your side is winning."
"Journalists who aren't captive to a particular dogma or ideology, who are doing their best to say what they think the truth is... only that will restore trust and faith in journalism."
"A scoop was basically the product of journalists working hard to get information that other competitors didn't have. It was an exclusive story."
"We need to grow investigative reporters by the bushel in this country for the sake of our democracy."
"Actual conspiracies are uncovered by journalists and historians."
"The job of the media is to expose what is true."
"I wish we could get back to a place where journalism still really existed, where there was like ethical standards that reporters abided by, anchors abided by."
"It's super [] up, by the way, that I make like 18 times as much as your average [] investigative journaler in Thailand right now."
"You're not supposed to be sycophants, you're supposed to be skeptics, you're supposed to ask me tough questions."
"I have no doubt that you will continue with the same tenacity that you showed us, to do the hard work of getting to the bottom of stories and getting them right."
"I sometimes get the best answers as a journalist when I ask people what we're not paying attention to."
"There are some people that say that she should have asked more questions or different questions or push them on things or challenge them a bit more."
"I think this is the most important story I have ever worked on."
"Every incentive pushes you in one direction, but resisting those forces is crucial for maintaining a sense of integrity and mission in journalism."
"I did not go into journalism to be rich... I went into journalism because it's a job that allows you to pursue your curiosity."
"Piper's an interesting lady who's all about reporting the honest truth and doing everything she can to get the next big scoop."
"As we mourn, we remember Captain Casey as an outstanding journalist, a journalist who turned her talents to the forces. She will be remembered for her professionalism, sense of humour, and kindness."
"The media has a responsibility to use the information that is available to them to report that information and to explain it to the public."
"Do you consider yourself a journalist sometimes? When I go to cover a live event at the scene, I would consider that journalism."
"Being a real political journalist isn't about building a brand; it's about reporting what's happening and explaining why it's happening, and letting the public absorb the facts."
"Journalism should be about causing as much of a stink as you can."
"What's the point of being a journalist if you're not going to cause a bit of mischief?"
"Our reporters are on the ground, fearlessly covering the human stories that shape our world."
"Reporters for Vice News traveled the world, putting a human face to the world's most important stories."
"We are longtime journalists, lifelong learners, and we cover the stories the mainstream media either spins exactly as the government asks them to or they ignore."
"Impartial reporting builds trust and confidence."
"Ask journalists why they do the job they do and you'll hear a range of answers. Here's mine: on the best days, we get to put questions to powerful people and hold them to account."
"The traditional rules of Journalism are being brought back. It's why I got into the business in the first place."
"If you share a common goal with the person whose literal job it is to do spin for the White House, you're not a member of the press; you're a member of the lapdog media."
"A free and un-cowed press is necessary for our democracy."
"Unbiased and unafraid, she has tenaciously pursued truth throughout her entire career."
"If the press doesn't challenge and expose government secrecy and overreach then who can?"
"The reason I do what I do is because I believe Thai people have a right to have information."
"My apologies again for delaying the update on Ukraine. I just thought that accuracy and verification was probably more important than speculation."
"There's such an important case for truly investigative journalism that is unafraid."
"It's the responsibility of righteous journalists to uphold truth and tradition."
"If you don't put the other side when there is such a big other side, you are misinforming the public. Period. That's just propaganda at that point."
"Handles the difference between news and opinion responsibly."
"Gathers and presents information responsibly."
"A journalist with a pen in his hand is like a warrior with an AK-47; he can use it to protect or to destroy."
"These reporters are either dangerously inept in their reporting or intentionally misleading in their reporting, or both."
"This is a worrying precedent with wide-ranging implications for journalism."
"Good news, good journalism simply presents the facts to the reader simply so that the reader can know the true story, what really happened."
"We are all citizen journalists, investigative journalists now."
"We should not be complacent, complicit onlookers; our job is to report things that might radically change the very fabric of our democracies and our societies."
"Journalism isn't a dry academic study or a polished set of rules. It is a connection we share with our audience when we're helping them to understand things better."
"It would be nice if we had better communication between journalists and scientists."
"Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists are competing for space with some dude who's just making stuff up, basically."
"You wait and see, I'm going to get myself a real scoop."
"Media everywhere is mostly liberal... we've become political activists in a sense and some could argue propagandists."
"Incredible journalism is supposed to challenge the power; it afflicts the comfortable and comforts the afflicted."
"The goal [of journalism] is to properly inform people so they know what's going on in the world and can make proper decisions."
"Put Putin's decision to expel Canadian media from Moscow is an attempt to silence them from reporting the facts and it is unacceptable."
"I am technically an official journalist. I am... an evangelist is more almost of what I kind of want. I want to just be teaching what I'm learning."
"I mean, it's important to have the journalists being able to gather and report on that information."
"I have deep respect for the role of a free and independent press in our democracy."
"Not a single journalist will do an ounce of investigation, not a Google search, not a phone call. How is that journalism?"
"The film Ithaka, the title taken from a poem by C. P. Cavafy, chronicles the slow motion torture and execution of the Australian journalist Julian Assange, currently awaiting extradition to the United States in a high-security prison in London."
"This is probably one of the biggest stories I've witnessed here in the last six months."
"Peter Oborne for me has long epitomized the very concept of moral clarity, which we're in desperate need of."
"Journalism and whistleblowing is one of the few, if not the only means we have to find out what they're doing and to guard against their abuses."
"When I discuss this with the journalists, I told them that my plan was not to decide for myself what should happen, but to ask the world for justice."
"Between the top five largest newspapers in the United States...they've had a total of 10 successful defensive gun use stories...at the same time, they had over 2,700 gun crime stories."
"Respond as quickly as possible, journalists on hero will often give a tighter deadline to give themselves time to actually put together a good story."
"Tucker Carlson is actually discharging that responsibility in the right way."
"Did they give the same treatment to Dorothy Thompson or that other American journalist that interviewed Hitler?"
"Mary Baker Eddy gave the Monitor a missionary role, saying it was 'Dedicated to the task of leavening human thinking.'"
"I'm just an independent journalist gathering content for my story."
"I think it's one of the most important stories of our time."
"The question is, is there a model for journalism that is not built on monetizing human beings' outrage and polarizing people?"
"Thank you for covering the story. I thought I was going crazy."
"These are journalists who are very much in danger, remember. President Trump hasn't changed their lives. President Trump has single-handedly put their lives in danger."
"I think I could... be at least in the A tier... at being a journalist."
"The media have just been, when folks say honestly when folks say that the media is unbiased I don't know how you could possibly say that."
"Your job is to report what's happening, not portray what you wish was happening."
"I know why people don't write about this very often because it's it's hard to figure out how to relay this so that people can digest it."
"Just stunning video our news Nation correspondent Evan Lambert being arrested in Ohio while reporting at a news conference."
"Everyone who cares about journalism should be demanding an explanation."
"I feel kind of scummy. This article is scummy to me."
"A journalistic article has a byline, you know who wrote it, you know who publishes it, has provenance, you know therefore who is liable if it's slanderous."
"The only reason I'm allowed to ask you this question is because today the Federal Court ruled that the government doesn't have the right to determine who is or is not a journalist."
"The only objective voice in a world of bias."
"The impact of these sanctions is really being felt now." - James Longman
"The Royal Family media ecosystem is really different from just about any other type of reporting in the world."
"The lack of media coverage on significant foreign events raises concerns about the American media's ability to report on major global developments."
"It's heartening to know that if you do real in-depth journalism and you bother to go deep that you can be rewarded by the algorithm as well."
"No respect whatsoever for truth is a concept which is not something you want from a journalistic organization."
"These names came immediately to mind... Robin Roberts, Andrea Kramer, and Susie Colbert... There's a reason why they were mature."
"Ethics and gaming journalism has not Arisen Like a Phoenix From the Ashes."
"I'm an investigative journalist, I'm an activist, and a lot of people know me because, well, for several years I was the most banned woman in the world, the most censored."
"At TYT, our mission is to boldly pursue truth, challenge the establishment, and drive positive change."
"We tell the truth because the truth is simply indisputable."
"When Don Jr and Donald Trump are attacking your independent journalism you must be doing something right."
"You know like Andrew Sullivan has talked openly about the fact that he's making more money now after being on Substance for I think three or four months."
"The Atlantic created a space for me to write about the intersection between sports, race, culture, and gender." - Jamel Hill
"It was one of the most complicated scenes I had ever seen as a reporter."
"The journalism thing came because when I was a kid my dad's a huge newspaper reader and huge Pacer fan."