
Self-confidence Quotes

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"You're focused on creating more beauty in your life, more of that Venus kind of energy where we feel confident."
"I know I can do this; that statement is resilience."
"It shows her that you've got your own life; you're not making her the center of your attention right away."
"I can do this. I'm awesome, and I can do this."
"Be proud of what you have to offer; you've got something very unique, a unique skill. So be proud of that."
"If you desire a confident person, you are one, and you do actually hold confidence within. It's who you naturally are."
"I love this because I have more confidence. I really struggled with confidence, especially a year ago."
"Shine from within. Looks are only skin deep, true beauty shines from within, and it's time for you to shine."
"The best way to handle criticism is to agree and amplify."
"Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings."
"Bet on your strengths, not on your weaknesses."
"There is a big difference between being narcissistic and having NPD, and being somebody who is self-confident and goes after their dreams."
"Believe in yourself if you want other people to believe in you."
"I encourage you to embrace who you really are, so you don't have to question yourself."
"If you can't love yourself, how the hell are you gonna love anybody else?"
"I'm on the right track, got the right hat; grab the mic, I'll be right back."
"My advice if you're attracted to it, go for it. Don't let anybody talk you out of it, including yourself."
"The high five habit cuts right down through all that noise and reconnects you with the you that's in there, with the confidence that is your birthright."
"I don't let somebody's opinion that doesn't match my expectations of being great bother me."
"Not caring about what other people think is a superpower."
"Seduction leads to self-confidence, and self-confidence leads to success in all areas of your life."
"Self-confidence begins with you...confidence is forged in fire."
"Self-confidence is the process of keeping the promises you make to you."
"I'm secure in myself. I'm so secure in myself and I want the best for everything and everyone."
"You deserve to be confident in who you are. You truly do."
"A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader; a great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves."
"As soon as you stop dimming your light for others and have a sure sense of self, that's when you're going to attract this person like a magnet."
"The sun doesn't dim its light just because some are uncomfortable with its brightness."
"I've learned so much about self-confidence, about being true to myself. I've learned so much about tuning out other people's opinions about me."
"People don't need better confidence per se; they need better conditions."
"The most magnetic feature is a woman comfortable in her skin, who seems quietly assured that destiny is on her side and she deserves the best."
"Self-confidence is most closely linked with external things... your self-worth is deeply internal; it's believing you are enough exactly as you are."
"If I can help you build belief, build confidence to the point where nothing can hurt you because you know exactly who you are."
"And you know what's more beautiful? Me. Look at me, I'm so gorgeous."
"Remain true to yourself, and that will take you very far."
"Acting with confidence, believing in yourself, knowing your capabilities, and really moving with your limitations."
"I never crack under pressure. I'm like an egg."
"Don't doubt yourself, okay? Also, with all of this emphasis on the heart chakra and the star seed energy coming out, I highly recommend that you do some meditation."
"You are above the competition, strong enough to do whatever it is you want to do."
"You guys are stepping into a time when you're finally becoming confident in yourself."
"Self-confidence opens you up to the energy required to carry you through each day at your very best."
"I feel like I can make almost any pass in this game."
"He's dead. I got him. I'm there. Look at me go. I'm a god mode Mr. Funny dummy."
"Let nobody...intimidate you or make you afraid or make you question yourself."
"You are very empowered. You've got this. You can do this."
"Never doubt yourself. Don't doubt the magic of life."
"I don't care what other kids say, I'm gonna hang out with Albert."
"You have to have a sense of resilience. You have to have a sense of self-confidence and fearlessness when you're in that environment, because it's bold to come from nothing and say, 'I'm going to become something,' with no evidence of your greatness, no family name, no money, no degree."
"Manners and finding self-confidence...is just good life advice in general."
"Identity achievement... you've got a good level of commitment to the things you believe, you feel confident in who you are as a person and what you stand for, but you've also put in a lot of research and broad research."
"Sometimes in life, we have to bet on ourselves."
"Step one to overcoming social anxiety is to realize that most people kind of suck and their opinion of you is literally worthless."
"I want my damn respect too. Look at the numbers; don't lie. Look at the resume."
"Stay productive. If you want to be confident and have high self-esteem, always do things that's gonna allow you to be productive."
"Sometimes all you need is the right people to believe in you, until finally, you do too."
"Self-confidence is the habit and process of keeping the promises that you make to yourself."
"Remember why you're good at that job and think of yourself doing that job in a way that is helpful to them."
"Your level of self-confidence is probably the critical factor in everything you'll accomplish."
"I knew I was the best in the world. No doubt that if the right person sees me, I am one of the greatest entertainers on Earth. All you need to do is come into my room, and you don't have to pay to see me. You can be there just to drink booze and get laid, but by the end of the night, you'll know."
"Awakening your inner self-confidence is like being in the spotlight, awakening that inner child, and feeling inspired by the things that make you feel like a kid again."
"The secret to being a hot girl: deciding that you are one."
"I don't want anything in my beauty routine to hold me back. I don't want to feel like I can't leave the house because I don't have my face beat. I should be able to be free."
"And you should be standing. You should be proud."
"Building self-confidence is the process of keeping the promises you make to yourself."
"I am totally adequate for all situations. I am one with the power and wisdom of the universe."
"You can make happen what you see with your eyes if you have confidence in yourself."
"You are finally learning lots of self-worth and lots of self-confidence."
"We teach our kids to go through life being kind to people, standing up for themselves, and being confident."
"The fear of worrying what other people think...won't be the main thing that holds you back."
"I believe with all of my heart and being that every man, woman, child, person, grandparent, everybody should infuse their days with habits of celebration and self-confidence."
"Instead of walking into a room and being like, 'I don't belong. I don't know anyone,' thinking about, 'Why do I belong? Who can I know?'"
"Rule number 47: Stop caring what others think."
"Self-confidence really comes from feeling good about yourself, and one of the best ways to feel good about yourself is at the end of the day to know that you poured it on, you did your best."
"Self-confidence comes from the lack of neglect. If you will not neglect to do the small daily discipline, that's where self-confidence comes from."
"Your standards are raising to a point where you feel comfortable going out in the world and not being unsure of yourself anymore."
"When people say, 'Are you scared of being typecast?' My answer was, 'I'm from the theater, darling.'"
"I am equipped to handle whatever decisions are necessary in my world and in my space."
"If you don't have a reputation with yourself, you don't have self-confidence."
"Your self-esteem is increasing. Your self-confidence is increasing. A happy, self-assured you has emerged. You are a positive individual."
"Do not count yourself out before putting yourself in the game first."
"When you make small commitments to yourself and follow through with them, that builds your self-confidence."
"And it really helped to boost my confidence."
"When you stop caring what other people think about you."
"Am I blind? How do I get past it? Oh my God, I'm so good!"
"I think that they would want me because I'm fit, I'm fun, I'm flirty, I'm beautiful, I have no children, and I'm agreeable."
"Self-confidence is an internal game; you do not need external accolades, external admiration, in order to build self-confidence."
"You are not what other people say you are, so stop letting that dictate your self-confidence or fill you with self-doubt."
"Often, self-confidence can just frankly come from outworking everybody."
"The solution to self-doubt is to build something bigger than that doubt, which is to build our self-confidence."
"Confidence in ourselves is really powerful. When we believe in ourselves, we can make things happen."
"Recognise that you've got to put in the time, you've got to put in the hours to become competent and that this will help you to build self-confidence and ultimately become a more confident person, a more confident English speaker."
"Everything that I'm talking about today is coming from a female perspective, from my perspective. But as women, I think we face a unique set of self-confidence issues."
"Lack of confidence is the one thing that plagues the potential of the majority of the population."
"The secret to self-confidence is to become a fountainhead of value through education and creation."
"Personal growth is a gateway drug into business growth, and business growth is the unconventional path to self-confidence."
"Self-confidence is about hopefully this gives you a better understanding you can go out there and start to build self-confidence in whatever area of life you need it in the most right now."
"There's an essence about you, a presence, a power, a command, an authority, a humble confidence."
"I am because, by the way, I love people that have that combo: a lot of self-confidence, a lot of humility."
"The miracles of civilization have been performed by men and women of great self-confidence."
"Self-confidence is not egotism; it is knowledge."
"I'm ready to fight now, with my newfound confidence. Let's do it."
"See yourself as successful and allow others to do the same."
"Step into power. You're strong beyond measure."
"Communication and self-confidence... one of the smaller courses that I did that I found amazing was personal values and integrity."
"Beauty is all-encompassing. It's not one thing, it's the way a woman carries herself, her belief in herself."
"I'm like a bloody magnet; even haters will sit and watch me. It's great. Love it."
"Moana is a sea-loving, strong-willed adventurer who has pride in who she is and will not back down from any challenge thrown her way."
"Everything that you're looking for is inside of you. Confidence is really just listening to you and what your morals are and what your values are and what you want out of your life."
"Self-confidence is really self-trust. It comes from the promises that I keep to myself."
"The best way to gain self-confidence is to do what you're afraid to do."
"First, you must feel confident. First, you must feel happy. First, you must feel energetic. First, you must feel motivated."
"Don't worry about what others think. Your biggest challenge this month is learning how to handle your natural fearful state and not allow it to inhibit you in becoming fearlessly yourself."
"Can I shift culture in beauty for every little girl out there who's about to start doubting herself and every grown person who still does?"
"It's a real superpower to care less what other people think."
"I always believe in myself, doesn't matter the circumstances, doesn't matter the obstacle in front of me."
"When you stand in front of that mirror... and you think about the day ahead... and then raise your hand and high-five yourself... you are sealing that intention that you believe in yourself."
"They sing about having total confidence in themselves and the strength they feel with support from each other and from their fans."
"I'm very confident in who I am. I have a great support system, a very close circle of people, and they can call me on my BS, and they're more than allowed to. And if you're not in my close circle, I don't really care about your opinion."
"Thank you very much indeed. You helped me rebuild my self-confidence."
"I'm going to win. You don't play hardcore games. Tic Tac Toe? I'm the Tic Tac Toe Champion."
"You don't need to prove the haters wrong; you can be confident in your own life and decisions."
"You stop caring what people think about you by not caring what people think about you."
"When you are solid in who you are, you don't need other people to see it your way."
"She was running her own successful business, she had a strong group of loyal friends, she had the love of her daughters, she was confident in herself and her abilities."
"Not only does dressing well change how people perceive you, you gain self-confidence because you think you look good."
"Self-confidence opens you to the energy required to carry you through each day at your very best."
"I can handle anything that comes my way; I'm a warrior, I'm a fighter, and I will succeed."
"The important is you're shining within yourself, and that's all that matters."
"When you're in the interaction, you need to have an uncompromised and unshakeable level of self-trust."
"Powerful women don't tolerate insecurity in themselves."
"There are people in the world who are comfortable being who they are; they're very grounded, very solid. It's almost like they don't give a [explicit]."
"You guys will be walking with this confidence, and it's not gonna be fake confidence, it's going to be really good confidence."
"If you're strong in yourself, there's no reason to be afraid of other people's strength, so encourage everybody to grow."
"Regular exercise can improve your self-confidence, improve your mood, help you relax, and lower symptoms of mild depression and anxiety."
"But if I leave the game, they still going to love me, man."
"Don't be nervous, there's nothing to worry about. You were meant to do this."
"This new beginning is connected to health, your willpower, and your self-confidence."
"There can only be one, and the final one is me."
"I have faith in you, many other people around you have faith in you, so should you."
"You have very powerful and profound messages to share, and because you keep comparing yourself to others, you've not really found where you fit in and what you're uniquely bringing to the table."
"You need to develop a very high sense of self-confidence and figure out what really makes you happy."
"You're more capable than you give yourself credit for, and I think you're going to see that very soon."
"Teamwork makes the dream work, not only that but you can also take a lot of the self-doubt out of art."
"A man who has proper frame, in other words, his mindset is correct, and he's confident in himself, and he has a happy fulfilled life, if a woman starts giving him a hard time, he doesn't need other plates spinning."
"Yes to wearing things you love and maybe just need a little kick in the butt to get you out of the house in; no to wearing anything that's not your style and that makes you feel like you're trying to be someone that you're not."
"Don't let other people tell you that you don't belong here."
"I'm killing it. Straight up confidence is being built up, and I'm loving it."
"I'm confident that I'm going to be really proud of what I've made."
"If you're physically fit, your clothes will fit differently, and you'll have this different type of confidence."
"I am strong. I am confident. I am capable of absolutely anything."
"There's a dignity in being alone if you can do it at a restaurant."
"I've always been willing to bet on myself. Growing up in Baltimore, that's one thing I learned."
"Allowing yourself to shine comes through really just owning your passion, saying yes to yourself, and not being afraid of rejection, failure, or the thoughts or judgments of other people."
"I'm the greatest 1v1 player of all time, especially on this map."
"The whole thing is momentum, the whole thing is doing is everybody that has ever had a good day, you have a good day where you really get your shit together, you start feeling good about yourself."
"The real funny thing is the fact that the runner kept the video uploaded to YouTube and just changed the title to include 'rejected.' That's some self-confidence. I respect it."
"If a negative opinion doesn't have an impact on you, then you have nothing to be afraid of, which eliminates the anxiety."
"I'll accept compliments from anyone, but I ain't accepting limitations from nobody."
"The groundwork of beginning to build self-confidence is to begin to keep the promises you make to you."
"When you believe in yourself, you believe in possibility, and when you stop believing in possibility, you stop believing in yourself."
"I get it. I'm lit and I'm cute in real life."
"Declan Rice: 'I don't take any notice of critics. If they were experts, they'd be on the pitch.'"
"It really doesn't matter what people say about you, what people think about you, so long as you don't care."
"You're going to feel more confident than you ever have before."
"Nothing is going to stop you now. You are amazing. Yeah, you're really good at what you do."
"I feel like I'm doing such a good job. Awesome."
"You don't have to wait till tomorrow to feel confident; you can do all of those things right now."
"The sooner you learn to stop caring so much what other people think about you, the better off you are going to be in just about every area of your life."
"Life is too short to worry about what other people think. Do it."
"The battle for the future is going to be whether you have a citizenry that is self-confident enough to say that we deserve to make our own decisions."
"The hate actually keeps me going because the people that hate me are the most vile people on earth, and the fact that they hate me tells me that I'm doing something right."
"Stop holding yourself back because you're ready, and you have to believe that you can make it."
"There is nothing more beneficial for gaining self-confidence and self-esteem than improving yourself."
"I am confident in what I have to offer. I'm comfortable with who I am."
"Stop being so afraid of criticism. Black folks want white approval, I really wish y'all get off of this looking for white approval thing."
"Courage and confidence are key to manifesting the life you want."
"Continue to stand in your confidence... follow your bliss."
"You need to develop a healthy sense of self-assurance."
"You have to get comfortable with celebrating yourself and promoting yourself."
"You don't have to run around saying you're alpha. If you think you embody the qualities of what it means to be an alpha male, people will know."
"This makeup look is complete... getting my lashes done always makes me feel like a bad bitch."
"Health equals self-confidence, and self-confidence equals success."
"Find joy and fulfillment in actually being a baddie, as in someone that makes things happen."
"When you decide to take pride in your personal space... you create pride and confidence in yourself."
"It's okay if you're not feeling confident or feeling like hella sexy after watching this video. It's a very long process that we're all working towards."
"Who I am more than what I look like is my secret weapon."
"Being comfortable being Ryan, just that is that separation, you seem really comfortable in your own skin, and that's kind of what it's all about."
"Believe in yourself. We all have our own tastes and you should be proud of yours, even if they are worse than mine."
"I wasn't always very confident, but then my parents were always like 'Oh, don't listen to them, they're jealous of you.'"
"Conditional confidence: I'm only confident depending on if I got some money or if I have big muscles."
"Self-confidence and belief, that's how dreams get met."
"I feel like I always feel tremendously better when I wear makeup on. It unleashes an inner confidence in me."
"To gain trust and credibility, you need to trust yourself for people to trust you."
"Although I'm a queen of just a few years of drag, I have many years of performance experience. So you better get ready cause I'm about to show you."
"I am America's next drag superstar because I absolutely came to win."
"If I'm too much for a man, if my star is too bright and it's outshining them and they can't handle it, then get the [expletive] out of my way."
"Build your own version of what you find attractive."
"Sometimes, I'm just a genius. It's just how it is."
"I didn't really feel confident in myself, but I wanted to go out there and do the best I could."
"You need self-confidence. It's necessary for getting a date, for getting a job, advancing in life, taking risks, going after your dreams."