
Antioxidants Quotes

There are 554 quotes

"Anthocyanins are the powerful antioxidants that give berries their vibrant colors, and these bad boys are serious about improving your blood flow."
"Lemons are an excellent source of vitamin C, a potent antioxidant that helps protect the body against harmful free radicals."
"Green tea is a treasure trove of antioxidants and nutrients that have a profound impact on the body."
"Beetroots are high in compounds called betalains, which have potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxification properties."
"Kale is nutrient-dense, loaded with antioxidants, and an excellent ally in the body's detoxification process."
"Blueberries are packed with antioxidants, notably flavonoids and vitamin C."
"Blueberries are rich in antioxidants, particularly anthocyanins, which can protect nerve cells from damage caused by harmful free radicals."
"Blueberries: Often called the tiny dynamos of the fruit world, packed with antioxidants, especially vitamin C and vitamin E."
"Blueberries are believed to have one of the highest concentrations of antioxidants of any fruit."
"Pomegranates have a variety of antioxidants that lower blood pressure and fight plaque buildup in arteries."
"Pumpkin is extremely high in carotenoids antioxidants, most known for Eye Health and preservation."
"Sulforaphane has been shown to increase glutathione levels in plasma and also in the brain, which is particularly important for brain health."
"Green tea is rich in antioxidants, particularly catechins like EGCG, which combat harmful free radicals in your body, helping to preserve the collagen in your skin."
"The antioxidants in berries protect your skin by limiting the production of free radicals, which can damage skin cells."
"Aloe vera is amazing for your hair, your skin, your body... it really fights those free radicals."
"Ginseng and beans act as antioxidants, which not only helps with just anti-aging but also helps with wellness."
"Part of aging is a result of free radical damage, and that we should be eating a lot of antioxidants to combat this free radical damage."
"Antioxidants that typically come from the plant world are engaging the sirtuins and other survival longevity mechanisms."
"One bottle of that will give you the antioxidants you need for the day."
"Red cabbage contains a lot more vitamins and antioxidants - up to 4.5 times more antioxidants than green cabbage varieties."
"Sweet potatoes are loaded with antioxidants including beta-carotene."
"Coffee is full of antioxidants and is actually the biggest source of antioxidants in the American diet."
"Plant-based foods, on average, have 64 times more antioxidant power than meat, poultry and dairy."
"Pomegranate juice has been found to have a better antioxidant activity than red wine and white tea."
"Coffee is full of antioxidants so it is a good drink, it is a healthy drink, and it is a drink that is anti-aging."
"Antioxidants do so much more for your skin than just fight free radicals; they can also calm and soothe the skin, have a brightening effect, and reduce age spots and discolorations."
"Niacinamide is vitamin B3, a powerful antioxidant that's anti-inflammatory, anti-redness, and reduces brown spots."
"We want to maximize phytochemicals and antioxidants, not only are they anti-inflammatory, but they actually block disease process, protecting us against disease."
"Coffee was the single biggest source of antioxidant intake in the body when compared with a lot of other stuff including fruits, vegetables, and cereal."
"EGCG from green tea is a potent antioxidant that has been shown to improve the burden of photo damage in the skin."
"Antioxidants... are very very crucial for anti-aging."
"Antioxidants. We're exposed to a bunch of free radicals."
"It's also known as the MVP of protecting the skin against free radicals and UV ray damage from the sun because of its high levels of antioxidants."
"Vitamin C and vitamin A derivatives or retinol are the most powerful, potent, well-studied, effective, and efficient ingredients."
"Vitamin C can actually neutralize the reactive oxygen species before it ever gets into the cells and has an ability to cause DNA and protein damage."
"Another one of the main benefits of vitamin C is to fight free radicaaals."
"Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant, and that means it helps to provide protection against what's known as free radical damage."
"What it does inside your skin is that it donates electrons to neutralize free radicals, and free radicals are destructive molecules that go around damaging our collagen, damaging our elastin, damaging our DNA."
"You also add a couple of helper antioxidants like vitamin E and ferulic acid that helps to stabilize the vitamin C and it also makes the antioxidants up to eight times more effective."
"Sesame seeds contain the beneficial antioxidant phytosterols and lignin compounds like sesamin, which has been shown to be beneficial to health."
"Research also suggests that compounds in produce known as phytochemicals act as antioxidants in the body."
"Using products that are like antioxidants, vitamin c, niacinamide have done wonders for my skin over the years."
"I love root extracts for their antioxidant power and soothing abilities."
"Ganoderma lucidum contains a group of antioxidant triterpenes called ganoderic acids."
"Your body is like pushing the antioxidants into your skin cells, so you see it and that's why it turns orange."
"The power of curcumin: a compound found in turmeric with potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects."
"Lemon water acts as a powerful antioxidant shielding your heart from oxidative stress."
"Vitamin C is an antioxidant, it helps to fight free radical damage in the skin caused by sunlight and pollution."
"Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant that fights free radicals, and it's naturally occurring in our skin."
"Glutathione, one of the most essential molecules for helping the body fight off illness and prevent premature aging."
"Glutathione is really the master antioxidant within mitochondria."
"Glutathione, the mother of all antioxidants."
"Vitamin C fights free radicals in your skin."
"Resveratrol exerts neuroprotection against LPS-induced dopaminergic neurodegeneration."
"Antioxidants are crucial; simple vitamin E can reverse liver damage in fatty liver disease."
"Green tea's capacity to neutralize harmful free radicals can be instrumental in reducing this oxidative burden, offering substantial advantages for kidney well-being."
"Ginger tea is a powerhouse of health-boosting antioxidants."
"The antioxidants are those free radicals are actually going to cause rust."
"The antioxidants in super beets are clinically shown to be nearly two times more effective at promoting normal blood pressure than a healthy lifestyle alone."
"Tea...high in antioxidants and polyphenols and will help boost your immune system."
"Literally how to cure tinnitus: antioxidants, healthy nutrients, and nerve supply."
"Antioxidant therapy is good if you work in a toxic environment or had toxic exposure."
"It complements the antioxidant portion of the retinoid."
"If we are not exposed to near infrared light, we will have a much harder time getting entrained and having subcellular melatonin, having antioxidants, the most powerful antioxidants we have cleaning up a bunch of the detritus in our cells."
"Chaga has more antioxidants than almost any other natural substance."
"All antioxidants, it turns out, are very unstable and hard to prove that they work."
"All the Damage Done to your skin during the day by UV rays and pollution and stress, Vitamin C and other antioxidants fight those free radicals."
"I eat a ton of blueberries. Anthocyanins have neuro-inflammatory protective properties and seem to have BDNF producing properties."
"Retinoids are antioxidants, derivatives of vitamin A, powerhouses that do a lot of really good things for your skin."
"Ginseng is a great anti-aging ingredient because of the antioxidants."
"Green tea, super high and potent in antioxidants."
"They have amazing anti-inflammatory properties and are full of essential antioxidants."
"Antioxidants are present in our skin to help fight off oxidative stress."
"Blueberries have been linked to improvements in learning, thinking, and memory along with reductions in neurodegenerative oxidative stress."
"Antioxidants are key to any powerful skincare routine...protection from free radical damage."
"Glutathione is like a little superhero because it protects you against the bad stuff in your environment."
"The flavonoids present in citrus fruits exhibit powerful antioxidant properties, reducing oxidative stress within blood vessels."
"Antioxidant Scavenging harmful free radicals in the body inflammation can wreak havoc on the body especially as we age..."
"Garlic: robust antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties provide considerable advantages for kidney health."
"Matcha is the only form of tea in which the whole leaf is consumed, with higher content of antioxidants and flavor compounds."
"Blueberries are the king of antioxidant foods - They have the highest antioxidant capacity of all fresh fruits."
"Antioxidants play a pivotal role in enhancing the kidney's filtering ability, thereby helping to lower creatinine levels."
"Cacao is one of the highest antioxidant foods on the planet."
"Propolis is rich in flavonoids, it's got a lot of phenylic compounds, it's an antioxidant."
"The whole purpose of this smoothie is to have antioxidant fighting capabilities."
"Glutathione is the mother of all antioxidants."
"Hibiscus has what is known as antioxidants um what antioxidants do is that it helps to slow down aging um whatever damage that is being done on the skin it helps to purify the skin."
"It's a really beautiful essence... it delivers great antioxidant benefits."
"Antioxidant power plants on average carry 64 times the antioxidant power of meat, fish, eggs, and dairy."
"And it's packed with vitamins, like A and C, which we love topically on our skin because they're potent forms of antioxidants."
"Dark berries have a massive amount of antioxidants... can potentially help your body remove excess estrogen."
"Plants have the highest capacity for antioxidants in the body."
"Antioxidants prevent skin cell damage and provide numerous effects for the skin."
"Simple sugars actually have antioxidative effects, improving the antioxidant capacity of cells and therefore reducing inflammation and oxidative stress."
"Onions are a rich source of a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound called quercetin."
"Avocados are an amazing brain food with high fat-protecting antioxidants."
"Topical antioxidants like vitamin C can offer photoprotective benefits."
"Vitamin C and niacinamide are popular antioxidants for skincare."
"Clove and peppermint are rich in polyphenols, antioxidants found in plants."
"Organic foods contain more polyphenols which are antioxidants that have been shown to reduce leaky gut."
"Papaya's rich antioxidant arsenal stands poised to stave off the ravages of age-related macular degeneration."
"Amla is pretty sure it's the single highest antioxidant food in existence."
"One kiwi a day will protect your cells with the DNA by 60%."
"We're talking about the importance of eating wholesome foods and plant-based diet in order to increase the number of antioxidants in your diet."
"When I crunch into an apple, I imagine unleashing the power of water, fiber, and two powerful antioxidants."
"Vitamin C fights against pollution and UV rays, protecting your skin from accelerated aging."
"Scientific research has shown that anthocyanins can help neutralize free radicals, unstable molecules that can cause oxidative damage to various parts of the eye."
"By mitigating oxidative damage, Rosemary's antioxidants contribute to the preservation of eye health."
"Kiwis are densely packed with vitamin C and antioxidants. Eating just one kiwi a day can protect your blood to neutralize about 60% of the incoming damage."
"...eating really healthy, a lot of antioxidants, a lot of green leafy vegetables..."
"The spinach in this salad is another source of antioxidants like carotenoids and vitamin C."
"These powerful antioxidants help your body fight against free radicals, free radicals are unstable molecules that roam the body damaging cells and are very much responsible for aging."
"Cranberries are rich in antioxidants, particularly proanthocyanidins, also known as PACs."
"Bell peppers are brimming with antioxidants, including carotenoids like beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin."
"Strawberries are packed with antioxidants, specifically anthocyanins, which have been known to protect stem cells from oxidative stress."
"Increasing your consumption of antioxidants from whole foods, particularly fresh whole plant-based foods."
"We don't need help from plant superfoods; our own cells have powerful antioxidants if we don't overwhelm them with too many of the wrong foods."
"Because it's my absolute favorite nutrient I'm going to throw in astaxanthin because it is the best free radical scavenger that there is."
"Apples are a treasure trove of antioxidants and fiber."
"Cabbage is an excellent low potassium veggie filled with antioxidants and substances that help lessen inflammation within our bodies."
"Antioxidants are molecules that slow down the oxidation process in cells, neutralizing the free radicals that cause damage and accelerate aging."
"I would say another great active that you can consistently incorporate into your routine is a topical antioxidant and I prefer vitamin C if you can tolerate it because it is the most studied antioxidant when it comes to helping with signs of premature aging."
"It has literally 124 times the antioxidant content of a blueberry."
"...indicating that there's probably some kind of antioxidant effect there."
"Spices can help to overturn those Advanced Glycation End Products that formation in Foods when we're cooking them. That's mind-blowing."
"Even more so, it's a way to get these polyphenols separate even from ages specifically. Polyphenols have all sorts of positive benefits they bring to the body."
"Green tea contains phytochemicals that have been shown to activate longevity switches."
"The brain is dependent on not just fatty acids but phytochemicals and antioxidants."
"You know as I was doing an awing over niacinamide earlier because it's an antioxidant it may help in reducing the burden of damage that occurs upon exposure to UV rays as well as other environmental stressors like pollution and infrared."
"This is packed full of antioxidants."
"Berries are really the antioxidant Superstars of the plant kingdom."
"Moringin has powerful anti-inflammatory properties as well as Anti-oxidant properties."
"Antioxidants in tomatoes, including vitamin C, are good free radical scavengers."
"Antioxidants are like an army going through your skin cells and DNA... they protect your skin from damage."
"Drinking green or white tea every day can help us reduce the free radicals in our bodies, keeping us young longer."
"So diets that are high in omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and probably more important than that are foods that are high in antioxidants antioxidants help us you know one of the things that cause inflammation is what's called oxidative stress..."
"Vitamin C combined with other antioxidants is another group of ingredients I definitely think is very beneficial to have in my skincare routine."
"Astaxanthin is 500 times more powerful than vitamin C at protecting our body from UV radiation."
"You are absolutely bathing this cauldron of oxidative inflammation with these very powerful natural antioxidants."
"Berries are phenomenal. They're so high in antioxidants, they're so good for you."
"Vitamin C is one of the most potent antioxidants with the longest track record." - Dr. Shireen Idris
"Antioxidants help prevent certain cancers, reduce cholesterol levels, and increase immune function."
"Coffee is a major source of dietary antioxidants and can protect against sun damage and premature aging of cells."
"Extra virgin olive oil contains antioxidants that calm redness and skin irritation."
"Blueberries are super antioxidant powerhouses that neutralize free radicals and protect against wrinkles."
"Having your high fat meal with polyphenol-rich foods counterbalances any harmful effects from inflammation."
"Olives are a great source of antioxidants. The olive fruit itself is a great source of fats."
"Shout out to the antioxidants that we're putting in our bodies."
"By incorporating antioxidant-rich grapes into your diet, you provide your kidneys with a potent tool to promote better Kidney Health overall."
"The takeaway here is that these molecules are powerful antioxidants and DNA protectors and they are found in a variety of plants and should always be consumed in large quantities to achieve protective effect."
"A diet containing high antioxidants could be beneficial."
"Melatonin is a potent antioxidant and anti-cancer agent and is optimally positioned in mitochondria to aid in the maintenance of oxidative homeostasis and to reduce cancer cell transformation."
"You want to start with the produce that has the most antioxidant content, which is the best for us."
"I want you guys to juice a lot of those vegetables in your juices. These properties of the antioxidants are not only beneficial for us, but also will help your juices store longer."
"One of those polyphenols is hydroxy tiraspol, which is a powerful antioxidant. It also cuts off the blood supply for eating cancers. It's good for the gut microbiome."
"...antioxidants really help to protect from photo damage..."
"...using antioxidants either topically or orally by consuming them is a way to help prevent against or to fight against that."
"It has more antioxidants, anti-inflammatories than most antioxidant medications."
"Stress is good, if the leaves start to curl under a little bit, that's okay, the plant will be making antioxidants to fight the stress."
"A cup of green tea, especially good quality green tea, can make a big difference in improving your antioxidant levels and decreasing inflammation as well."
"Antioxidants are so powerful when it comes to Skin Barrier support, skin Luminosity, helping the skin with fine lines and wrinkles."
"Antioxidants are in colorful plants."
"Melatonin is a super antioxidant."
"Green tea is known for its rich antioxidants... and these antioxidants can promote healthier skin by protecting it from oxidative stress."
"If you enjoy green tea, you can drink it hot, you can drink it iced, whatever way you like it, but it contains a type of polyphenol, and these are like kind of in the antioxidant family."
"Reduce inflammation by avoiding inflammatory foods and taking antioxidants."
"It's practically a health food with all the antioxidants in the berries, I think so. I'll be telling myself that."
"Cinnamon contains flavonoids which have antioxidant properties."
"The ultimate benefit of any antioxidant is to donate an electron, period, and a story. It's really that simple."
"It's not the caffeine that's related to the health benefits, it's the antioxidants."
"Onions are an excellent source of sulfur and selenium, promoting liver cell healing and fat removal."
"Antioxidants play a crucial role in maintaining liver health by neutralizing free radicals, which can damage cells throughout the body, including those in the liver."
"Nuts are a powerhouse of goodness for your liver, packed with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E, shielding your liver cells from damage caused by pesky free radicals."
"Resveratrol these compounds have been associated with reducing inflammation and alleviating oxidative stress within the kidneys potentially fortifying overall Kidney Health."
"Blueberries celebrated as a nutritional Powerhouse Excel as a formidable Ally in supporting Kidney Health."
"Elevating the body's antioxidant levels is increasingly recognized as a crucial natural strategy in the treatment and management of chronic kidney disease CKD and in supporting Kidney Health."
"...when you consume a dark roast, you lose about 75% of the polyphenols including the chlorogenic acid..."
"Berries, especially the darker berries, have been shown in multiple studies to help protect retinal cells as well as optic nerve cells."
"If you have a condition like macular degeneration, you want to make sure you're getting in your diet berries with their anthocyanins to help protect your retina."
"It's good for you, right? Antioxidants."
"Green tea is one of the most powerful antioxidant foods and detoxifying foods."
"Dark chocolate... antioxidant capacity... blows it out of the water..."
"Good antioxidant properties... takes away the sweet tooth..."
"The antioxidant polyphenols, objectively the colors."
"Antioxidants are going to protect skin from oxidants because oxidants are what age us."
"Berries are one of the highest antioxidant fruits."
"Matcha is full of antioxidant it's extremely healthy for you."
"...blueberries are rich in anthocyanins which is a type of antioxidant that gives blueberries the blue color."
"Vitamin C is a very powerful antioxidant that has many health benefits."
"Green tea polyphenols have powerful chemo protective effects against skin cancer."
"Flax seeds are full of nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and lignin, making them a great choice for anyone who wants to keep their kidneys healthy."
"Garlic acts like a calming force, helping your kidneys heal, and it's also full of antioxidants which are like bodyguards for your kidneys, protecting them from harm."
"Blueberries are small fruits that taste great and have many health benefits, especially for your kidneys."
"Cabbage is packed with antioxidants like vitamin C and sulforaphane, which help protect your body from oxidative stress and reduce inflammation, crucial for Kidney Health."
"Astaxanthin is possibly one of the most underrated antioxidants."
"Vitamin C is a great antioxidant. It absolutely can protect the skin from the environment and the sun."
"It enriches the antioxidant profile of things... and it really can help you just zen out at the end of the day."
"Alcohol has been found to be medicinal. There are anthocyanins which are highly antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. A glass of wine at night is actually medicinal."
"Cabbage actually, if you're going by any antioxidant count, this is one of the absolute best things you can eat."
"The exercise also produces a lot of antioxidants in the body in the arteries wall of the Aries that prevent the progression of the disease."