
Unsupervised Learning Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Deep learning includes unsupervised learning, meaning an AI can analyze large amounts of data more deeply and reveal new insights for which it might not have been trained."
"Unsupervised learning is a huge and really exciting area of research."
"Unsupervised learning groups the data based on some measure of similarity."
"So what we need to get machines to kind of learn how the world works and build a model of the world is this idea of predictive or unsupervised learning."
"Auto-encoders are really popular for unsupervised learning."
"Unsupervised learning is a form of learning methodology where you don't have to explicitly give an example of output."
"That's the gist of unsupervised learning."
"Unsupervised learning uses unlabeled data to train machines and discovers patterns and features in the data."
"Unsupervised learning: letting the system find patterns on its own, simplifying complex data analysis."
"Generative models are capable of learning and uncovering what could be the underlying features in a dataset in a completely unsupervised manner."
"I think unsupervised learning and the ability to look at huge amounts of data and understand the underlying concepts, that's just gonna really surprise us on a two-year timeframe."
"The power of unsupervised machine learning is a algorithm that can figure out unusual patterns within the data without telling the system what is good and what is bad are ahead."
"In contrast, if it's fully unsupervised, nonlinear disentanglement is impossible."
"This is an inherently unsupervised learning problem or representation learning problem."
"Unsupervised learning is a great way to do exploratory analysis of your data where you don't really know what it might look like."
"K-means clustering is an unsupervised machine learning technique that finds interesting patterns in the data set for us."
"Unsupervised image to image translation can discover and align the corresponding structures in the two domains."
"...one of these holy grail problems in computer vision or even machine learning more broadly is figuring out ways that we can learn useful representations of data without those labels."
"The next revolution in AI will not be supervised nor reinforced."
"Language models are unsupervised multitask learners."
"Unsupervised learning is the search for patterns. This is where you don't have any labels."
"Unsupervised learning is where the real action is; it's the whole foundation of the cake."
"In unsupervised learning, we're just trying to look for general patterns in the data."
"That's what makes this an unsupervised learning problem."
"Cluster analysis is one such example of unsupervised learning; it is a very important technique."
"Contrastive learning uses classification loss built from unsupervised data to encode the right context into our representations."
"It's an unsupervised learning algorithm in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence."
"K-means is an unsupervised learning method which means we have unlabeled data that clusters a dataset into k different clusters."
"In unsupervised learning, you are only given x, there is no label to the data."
"Unsupervised learning is my favorite research topic."
"Clustering is the most popular type of unsupervised learning."
"In unsupervised learning, you give the algorithm some data, there is no explicit supervision."
"How can we develop statistical models that can discover interesting kind of structure in an unsupervised way?"
"Every single document is made up by some combination of these topics."
"These kinds of models can be built in completely unsupervised way."
"Unsupervised learning is where the machine actually recognizes the pattern itself from the data."
"We are going to perform unsupervised learning to be able to determine what clusters the data belongs to."
"Unsupervised learning is working because there are representations and factors that explain the data."
"We have to do a lot better at unsupervised learning and of the kind that really discovers sort of explanations about the world."
"Unsupervised learning doesn't need a babysitter."
"You can train a deep neural network in an unsupervised fashion to cluster those images based on the digit that is present."
"Unsupervised learning is not just about modeling data and learning representations for other tasks."
"Unsupervised learning really shines."
"Unsupervised learning is kind of the Holy Grail of machine learning to actually do very, very well."
"The foundation of the cake is unsupervised learning because that's where we have a lot of data that we can use for learning."
"This unsupervised stuff is really cool."
"Topic modeling... is the unsupervised text modeling technique."
"The next AI revolution will be unsupervised. The obstacle we're facing now in making real progress is how to get machines to learn about the world, to learn how the world works by observation with a minimal amount of interactions with it."