
Immutability Quotes

There are 299 quotes

"Consciousness cannot change, it cannot develop, it cannot be transformed."
"Pure functions cannot change or mutate their arguments."
"Immutability makes our applications more predictable and faster to detect changes."
"God doesn't change. He's always the same. Think about this: How can you change perfection?"
"The past is not just any old stretch of time but as that stretch of time which is potentially knowable, which is factual, and which is unchangeable. You can't change the past."
"It's ideal to treat EC2 instances as immutable components."
"We cannot change the probability by part in 100."
"You can't have a million years from now or 10 million or pick a number, and then all of a sudden if God was capable of sin, he changes his mind, it all goes off a cliff."
"Beauty is a real metaphysical category that's immutable."
"God's law cannot be changed. It's holding just and it's good. Wonderful."
"Firm in his order, his command unalterable, the utterance of his mouth no god shall change."
"God is a consistent God. He does not change."
"Every transaction is recorded and immutable."
"There's no way that a character like Bayonetta will ever be bad. You'd have to completely change everything to make her bad."
"God can't lie, can't deny Himself, can't make mistakes, can't err out."
"Immutability of records means values cannot be changed."
"You can inherit with records...what if I want to inherit from one record to another, can I do that? Absolutely."
"It's easy to set up, thread-safe since it's immutable, perfectly thread-safe."
"Easy/safe to share... just because you can see it doesn't mean you can change it because it's immutable."
"I loved it so much I can't wait for everyone to go see it."
"Movies are experiential events and experiences are the one commodities we have in our lifetime that are immutable."
"The face structure is actually set in stone, that's like your genetics you're born with it."
"I think people are going to finally adopt immutability as a kind of commonplace pattern now that records are there."
"Blockchain would provide these seamless permissioned exchange and visibility of sensitive documentation in a secure environment with the promise of immutability and provenance."
"The Bible is absolutely perfect infallible and if something is perfect and infallible it means that it should never be changed."
"Variables for the most part are immutable, meaning that once the value is assigned it cannot be changed."
"All the data will be uploaded to the V chain Thor blockchain, an immutable ledger, meaning nobody can change that information or alter it."
"Bitcoin's network is practically immutable, providing a transparent story of transactions."
"Each weapon type is going to have inherent characteristics which can't be modified."
"All things that are immovable and eternal and inevitable have to become the basis of the building of a useful philosophy of life."
"Constants allow you to define a constant value that cannot be changed."
"Tupple is beautiful, it is just collection of data, lightweight collection of data which is immutable."
"When we made it frozen, we wanted to be immutable so you can't write to it or delete an attribute. This is fantastic."
"Learn to love the things you can't change."
"Bitcoin is slow and you can't change it, and that's good."
"If you declare a variable with the const keyword, you cannot reassign it afterwards."
"So, whenever you have an object and you don’t want any of the items in the object to change, use object.freeze."
"Strings are immutable, meaning they cannot be altered once created."
"Objects are immutable, which means that an uploaded object cannot change throughout its storage lifetime."
"With its decentralization and immutability, there is no second best."
"Strings are immutable. Strings cannot be changed after they are defined and assigned a value."
"Assets like real estate and debt instruments can now be denoted on chain, providing transparency, efficiency, and immutability."
"God cannot become less than himself and still remain God."
"Records are immutable. You cannot modify the objects once you create them, and so that becomes a very powerful operation."
"The future of computing in general, immutability plays a very important role."
"Father God we lift you today because you're immortal and immutable and you change not."
"Val X I'm creating an immutable variable."
"If you are trying to modify a string, you won't be able to modify the string. The reason is it is immutable in nature."
"Jesus is the same today yesterday and forever. He is immutable."
"We will have a shared historical record that does not decay in time and cannot be changed. Immutable history forever. It becomes a public good that has a scale in time that we've never seen as a civilization."
"Everything in Roslyn is immutable. Solutions are immutable, projects are immutable, documents, syntax nodes, everything from top to bottom. The only thing that is not immutable is workspace."
"He is unchangeable, the same yesterday, today, forever - God Almighty, Eternal."
"Bitcoin has remained immutable since day one."
"Absolutely nothing in this world can take that love away."
"Use immutable objects when you can, or at least don't rely on mutable fields to compare your objects, whether with equals, compareTo, or a comparator."
"God never changes. He is unchanging and always bright with light."
"Immutable backups allow you to create storage areas that cannot be deleted or changed... creating truly immutable backups that cannot be changed in the event of a ransomware attack."
"If you're going for predictable, immutability is the best thing to go for."
"Immutability is the best thing to go for if you're going for predictability."
"Pure functional programming, everything's immutable, everything's a constant."
"My Approach is just pretend which seems absurd but you'd be surprised how much good code you can write that way just pretend everything is immutable write code as if that were true now it is unfortunate you can't enforce it but that's just the way it is."
"RDDs are immutable, which means they cannot be modified once created."
"His understanding of immutability is flawed because it restricts God into being able to post-date his creation using his will."
"All that cryptography is just to make the database structure nearly immutable"
"It's also immutable, which is to say it can be updated, new sets of transactions can be added to it, but it can't be changed or mutated any further."
"every rust variable that you declare is by default immutable you cannot change that at all"
"Bitcoin has remained immutable since day one when it comes to the consensus rules of the protocol itself. It hasn't changed, it's always stayed the same 21 million."
"There was no altering, there was no raising or lowering the trailer."
"The immutability of God appears in its most perfect beauty when viewed against the mutability of men."
"Immutability of contracts: contracts on the Ethereum blockchain are immutable. Once you've deployed a contract, it will stay there forever. You cannot change it."
"...consider its legitimacy and its immutability... from the hand of God... when you saw that... which one of these commandments needs to be changed."
"Terraform takes this very immutable-driven approach to infrastructure."
"Really applying these best practices of infrastructure as code and immutability."
"Builders are a really powerful way to control immutability to exactly the scope that we need."
"Functionally composable algorithms are a great way to support immutable value types."
"Persistent data structures give you immutable structures where adding something means taking a cheap copy."
"The biggest hurdle is still immutability. Not having loops that update in place, even local counters in place, you know, capturing return values as values is still the hurdle."
"Explicit State Management, we've got no mutation."
"...write functional style code... immutability provides consistency."
"These data structures are immutable and they're persistent."
"Isn't it a blessing to know that when you wake up on Monday morning, he's still the same God that you worshiped on Sunday? That's the God, that's what that word immutable means, it means unchanging."
"God is immutable, meaning he never changes. He worked miracles in the days of the Old Testament as well as in the days of the New Testament, and he still works miracles today."
"No input state can be modified when we're writing a pure function."
"Iter gave us access to immutable references to items."
"No apology can change what happened to you and never will."
"Object.freeze is great for making it so you have an immutable object."
"Now, something else you can do with Object.freeze is actually freeze any scope block that we want."
"This is incredibly useful if you're doing any type of functional programming because you don't want to mutate anything."
"If you love the immutable, you'll have tranquility."
"The laws of physics are immutable."
"You cannot change that. You can't take that out of you."
"The compiler's work was an act of canonization. By respecting the authority of the individual sources and preserving them whole, he rendered them unchangeable and immutable."
"You are who you are, and nothing can change about it."
"Smart contracts are immutable; we cannot make any changes to the smart contract once it's done."
"This law of nature cannot be changed."
"One thing is clear about the past: you can't change it."
"Another unique characteristic of time series data is its immutability."
"Value objects must be immutable to allow sharing value objects safely."
"To say that God is immutable is to say that He never differs from Himself."
"Immutable will always return the exact same answer no matter what."
"Everything is immutable. Everything that's interesting in the class file—they're all objects, they're all immutable objects."
"There are laws that are immutable."
"It's important that we watch some content where we're learning about the smallest things in nature; they're immutable."
"You cannot bribe the laws of physics."
"How it was is how it was and you cannot change what is past."
"NumPy is an immutable-first library; any operation you perform on an array will not modify it but will return a new array."
"There's three things I cannot change: the past, the truth, and you."
"Events by its nature are immutable; you cannot change the past."
"The true Dharma that is the essence of all good has no way to decline or deteriorate because it is immutable; it is the source."
"What happens on a blockchain cannot be changed."
"Trustworthy, transparent, immutable records and no one can corrupt it."
"No man-made law can cancel natural law."
"A tuple is immutable, which means you can't change, add, or remove items in a tuple once it's been created."
"The core of the Gospel, the doctrine and the principles, will never change."
"The laws of nature cannot be altered."
"He is timeless and He is ageless and He is changeless."
"The balance here is to make sure that your domain, your value objects, are immutable."
"You can't change history. You can study it, you can learn from it, you can't change it."
"A constant is a fixed value that cannot be altered by the program during its execution."
"Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away. If one were to give all the wealth of one's house for love, it would be utterly scorned."
"Refactoring to immutability... it's about what can we do that makes code understandable."
"In this new system, nobody can change the rules. The rules are written publicly so everyone can see them, and nobody can change them."
"There's no such thing as a mutable object, we've invented them, we need to uninvent them."
"Auto merge uses an immutable state object that is never modified in place."
"It's very much like immutable JS if you've used that kind of things."
"Persistent data structures are immutable, stable, and never need synchronization."
"Persistent data structures are immutable; they never need synchronization."
"Immutability is the critical thing to bring about new designs."
"All the data structures in Closure are persistent that way; they're immutable and can be efficiently modified."
"Immutable transactions are the transactions which cannot be altered once registered."
"We want to iterate over that collection in an immutable way."
"Immutable references you can have as many as you want; they are non-exclusive references."
"When things are immutable, nobody's changing it behind the scenes or doing something that is messing up the provability that your code actually works."
"Gold is so precious and the fact that you cannot change gold no matter what you do, that's what makes it so valuable to us."
"God is the truth. God cannot change, so the truth cannot change."
"Immutability basically means that it cannot be changed; if something is immutable, it means it cannot be mutated, thus it is consistent, it's safe."
"Props are read-only which means once a component receives a bunch of props, they cannot be changed."
"We can only then use and consume the prop but we cannot modify that property once it's passed down into a component."
"One immutable principle of the world that you do not do, you do not defy the laws of physics."
"A mother's love is immutable and eternal."
"Everything else can move in your day, but Salat cannot move."
"When the soul goes away to perform a spiritual duty, and the position the body was before the soul left changes, the spirit cannot go back."
"These methods are really useful if you need to deal with immutability, for example in something like React."
"You can't change what has already happened."
"Gay people get oppressed for being Gay. Something they can't change."
"A statement of the exact meaning, meaning that it can't change."
"The internal angles of that triangle will be 180 degrees of internal angles and God can't change that."
"God speaks authoritatively and clearly and no man can change His word."
"A const parameter is a parameter that is modified with the const keyword that makes it effectively read-only."
"God is unchangeable, he is in one mind, and who can turn him?"
"Smart contract code is immutable."
"Heaven is unchanging, Heaven is immutable, Heaven is permanent, lasting forever."
"You and I have to understand there's a lot of things in life we cannot change."
"The immobility of God is not the immobility of a static, lifeless, cold, removed indifference; it's the immobility of so purely actual in your concern that you couldn't possibly be moved or caused to undergo some further actuality of concern."
"You can change the value, but you can't change the key."
"The reality is one indivisible, unchangeable, untainted, formless, timeless, and spaceless."
"Your birthday is a good example of a const; your birthday is never going to change."
"If you're dealing with information that should not be modified, then use a tuple."
"God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable, in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth."
"I want a language that's functional, I want the core data structures to be immutable."
"Everything is immutable by default in Rust."
"All data values in Elm are immutable."
"Without mutable state, a function is truly modular because it can be understood entirely in isolation."
"Records are also immutable by default, and so we provide some interesting ways to mutate them."
"If I have an immutable object, how do I mutate it? You create another representation of me representing the new state that I have."
"God is perpetually the same, subject to no change in His being, attributes, or determinations."
"A tuple are like lists but unlike lists, we cannot modify them, they are immutable."
"By default in Rust, all variables that we define are immutable."
"A constant is something whose value and type cannot change throughout the entirety of the program once it's defined."
"One of the factors that make smart contracts so hard to keep secure is because the code is immutable and censorship resistant."
"If something you know isn't going to change, you can assign it to a constant."
"Everything that comes from God and remains in God undergoes no mutations, nor increase, nor diminution."
"The presupposition is that God's nature is what it is and it always has been that way."
"God cannot change the law that he established."
"The past is the past; it cannot be changed. There is nothing that you could have done or been better in the past."
"Now remember, these values here are all immutable in Rust."
"God is absolutely immutable in his essence and attributes."
"God is unchanging in his salvation."
"Tuples are immutable, while lists, for which you can change the values, they are mutable."
"This just makes programming much more easy if you treat all the objects in your application as immutable."
"I am the Lord, and I do not change."
"God is immutable; His nature and will cannot change."
"A constant is a name or a label which is used to identify a memory location used to store a value that cannot change while the program is running."
"A constant holds a value but cannot be changed after it's set."
"All data structures inside of Elixir are immutable, so there's no way you can do an in-memory modification of a value."
"Immutability is this concept by which, if we're given some sort of value, that value is guaranteed to not be mutated."
"Truth is eternal; there is no way that you can create a new truth."
"Interest-free borrowing, immutable, non-custodial, no admin keys, no governance."
"We can't go back in time; we can't change it."
"A tuple is going to be a fixed length sequence of elements that is immutable."
"Time doesn't change God; He is immutable."
"Every ID is unique; every commit is unique, right? Commits never change."
"This code then gets put into the block, which is going to create our hash, which means that it can never be changed again."
"Functional programming languages are primarily based around immutable data structures."
"Tuples are immutable, so we can't change their contents once they've been declared."
"The fact that this information is available to everyone, it brings in the required transparency, openness, and immutability."
"The immutability of God means that God is unchangeable in His character and in all of His ways."
"History is something no one can spin or rewrite; it simply is what it is."
"History is a great teacher, the only problem is you can never change it."
"Once you deploy the code to a blockchain, it is immutable, and you cannot change it."