
Death Quotes

There are 4425 quotes

"The idea that death is something that's just another life choice...is an indication of where modernity is delivering us."
"Death is the opposite of birth, it's not the opposite of life."
"The dead aren't really dead as long as they are not forgotten."
"What's most important in life you say on your deathbed, this is where all the trivial small things you've been through don't really matter because this is it, you're about to meet your maker, you're about to stand before God in judgment."
"The good death only comes after a good life."
"Most of those who have had a near-death experience lose their fear of death, because they've had an insight into what possibly happens when they die."
"The analogy to death is more like...suppose that you go with some friends to a virtual reality arcade. It leaves open the possibility that death is not the end of consciousness."
"I've realized that there is no life without death; the two go hand-in-hand with one another. It's a proven fact of nature."
"My hope is that consciousness is something special, because only if so, could we in any sense, survive death."
"Perhaps, death is like that. We see the body, dead, cold, sitting there, lying there. But that's just the avatar. That wasn't the consciousness in the first place."
"Death is bad because I won't exist anymore, and personally, I really like existing. Existing is pretty epic."
"If we are in a simulation right now, what happens when we die might just be like taking off a VR headset and saying, 'Wow, that was so real.'"
"In the perspective of a funeral rite, the labyrinth symbolizes death and resurrection."
"Allah knows every newborn in the earth and in yourselves... and everything that dies."
"When it's time to die, I want to be able to embrace death like I've been embracing life."
"We do not fear death, only the death of the soul."
"It wasn't just the deaths that were mysterious, but what was happening to the bodies of the deceased."
"Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once."
"The cyclical nature of life and death and how clinging on to what once was is futile because everything eventually fades."
"Duma is the word for silence, and in his faith, Duma is the angel of silence, an aspect of death."
"You cannot tell if a man is happy until you see how he dies."
"But I do think death is bad and a world in which there was a bit less death would be a better world."
"Ageing is the world's biggest cause of death and the world's biggest cause of suffering as well."
"At present, the best available explanation of the findings is that the deaths of some people are postponed until they have reached psychologically significant occasions."
"If you're not afraid of dying, that takes a lot of fear out of everything else in life as well."
"Helping people get past the societal stigma of talking about death is a really important part of this whole process."
"The entire Barbie movie is about her contemplating the inevitability of death."
"The gift of the Barbie movie is brilliantly bringing forward conversations about the inevitability of death."
"The conscious experience is literally the thing that we value. It's how we determine when a person is dead, for instance, when the conscious experience is gone and it's not going to come back."
"Death is a moment of reckoning, when we must come to terms with the lives we've lived."
"Death is the only prophecy that never fails. We all have a terminal diagnosis from the moment we're born; the question is, what do we do with the time we have?"
"Boeing whistleblower John Barnett found dead days after testifying against the company."
"I think death will be bad. I wouldn't say I'm afraid of it. For me, the worst thing about death is not knowing how the human story turns out."
"Death is just another path, one that we all must take."
"How do you ensure a good death? That means living your life to your full potential, then one day you go to sleep and don't wake up."
"There are only two things that are unavoidable in this world: the first is death, and the second is, unfortunately, taxes."
"One of the gifts of religion is it does remove that fear of death."
"You're not really afraid of death, it sounds to me, is actually your inability to deal with death."
"There's something holding you back, okay. Yeah, and so this is where I think that like there's that general principle, but I think there's one big thing getting in the way, which is your fear of death."
"What do the poor man and the rich man got in common? Death. You both go see God."
"One thing about the worms in the grave, you ain't got rich worms, and you ain't got poor worms. You just got worms."
"I think we invest so much in this death thing; we're not living enough."
"Life and death cannot exist without each other, how do we live - how do we live when that's true?"
"People only have hope because they cannot see death standing behind them."
"The theme of death is present from the start to the end of the series."
"At least he gave meaning to the lives of the deceased players."
"The mystery of death is the limitation of our imagination."
"Death makes angels of us all and gives us wings where we had shoulders smooth as ravens claws."
"Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not."
"It's one of those things that shouldn't be uncomfortable because we're all going to die."
"To cradle somebody into death that way, to calmly and lovingly hold that person and hold that space as they enter the next dimension, I think that was a gift beyond measure."
"The ultimate spiritual experience is not fearing death."
"If people could just know what we know, that we don't really die, that there is an afterlife, it's for all of us, it's wonderful, and that we don't have to fear death."
"The ancient Egyptians held a fundamental belief: your death was in many ways the most important moment in your life."
"Learning not to be afraid of death... and giving up your sense of omnipotence are very liberating."
"Before she died, Guan Xian advised Guan Huai not to take revenge and live a better life."
"Medicine needs to face the fact that everybody dies. It's about facilitating a beautiful death, introducing the concept that death can be beautiful."
"The insights from a psychedelic experience turn people away from the precipice of death to the infinite possibility of the moment."
"Families coping well with impending death often deepen their relationships as a result of that loss."
"Alexander Litvinenko died at 9:21 PM on November 23, 2006."
"Death is not the end; it's just a change. TV shows may end, but in real life, there is no one true ending, no resolution that brings us closure."
"When you awaken from life, you realize you can't die, you can't go anywhere. There's nowhere to go. There's no one to die. It's just a silly game. It means absolutely nothing."
"But the good thing about all this is that this truly is a universal concept, which means none of us are facing it alone."
"The theme of death and the intrinsic meaninglessness of life and inevitability of failure is extrapolated further by the way the game integrates gameplay mechanics centered around quantum theory."
"Death is inevitable but not immediate. It's not a candle blown out; it's a fire burning down to flames, coals, and finally, to ashes."
"Death means nothing, true, but it's still a beautifully done, if not immensely brutal moment."
"His death even manages to move the plot forward."
"I created something called the death talk, where I teach the community here in Miami and through Zoom all over the world about conscious dying."
"Allow me to die as a believer and follow in the path of the righteous."
"If I could choose a way to die, a giant orangutan throwing you across Rio, I wouldn't say no."
"Eating dinner with the dead is the order of the day in this surprisingly uncreepy establishment."
"May Allah comfort us with his eternal companionship, may Allah make the death that he has decreed for all of us be a good death, grant us Jannah, and may our eternity be in the companionship of our beloved Messenger."
"Ah, so the last stage is death. I mean, the afterlife."
"What happens when you die? You're just about to find out."
"What's terrifying about death is not death itself but eternity."
"To stave off the boredom before death." - David Bowie
"Life and death are worlds apart, yet one cannot exist without the other. Death is the ultimate equalizer, as we will all meet that fate."
"Death is actually our ultimate motivator to live a beautiful, meaningful life."
"Accepting death is free. That's what I'm saying; it could be beneficial. It is freeing because now it's not a burden; it's not an inhibiting factor; it's not something you even consider anymore. You're just out and just kind of ready, so ready for the world."
"Death is boring. Who wants to die? It's just boring."
"She taught me so much in her death. She was so brave."
"Skulls symbolize death globally, but not necessarily death as in the end, but death as in the end of an era."
"Oh God, I'm so old; oh, the Grim Reaper is making eyes at me across a crowded graveyard."
"War is not about good guys and bad guys; war brings death and suffering to everyone involved."
"At the end of life... death... what I've seen it to be is a massive expansion of consciousness, of reality, of awareness, and ultimately of love."
"We're all walking around lonely as hell, and our opportunity to rebirth because death is not an endpoint; it's a transformation moment."
"Death is the inevitable thing marching at us that's going to say, 'Are you going to wake up and see the transformation at that moment of death and transformation?'"
"You're asserting something additional about death that you can't demonstrate."
"The ancient Egyptians were obsessed with life in all its forms. Death for them was a new life."
"Death is as much of a part of life as birth."
"The sacrament prepares the sick person for their journey home to God the Father."
"Death is stripping of all things in this life which we hold on to, leaving us only with God."
"Maybe we will accept a bit more risk, accept that death is part of life, and no longer live in this regime of control that seeks to minimize risk, control every variable, guard against the world, guard against each other, and therefore not even really live in an attempt to forestall death."
"Death shows us how precious life is because it ends; therefore, it's precious."
"Nurgle teaches us to accept that which we cannot change and not to fear death."
"I don't mind the idea of death... but I would love to be able to spend each minute living as much as possible."
"I'm not scared of dying... but would I like the opportunity to live on? I would like the opportunity to live on."
"It's very easy language makes it very easy to say things like, 'After someone has died, well, he's in a better place now'."
"Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die."
"The queen was one of the most famous, notable figures in history, and she passed away."
"Revan physically died, but the dark side version of himself refused to become one with the Force."
"Fear not my son, for death will never hold you."
"O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?"
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Those that love it, eat the fruit thereof."
"For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."
"The second I realized death was inevitable... that's when everything changed for me."
"What if death is not the lonely, painful fading out it seems to be? What if the experience is full of love, care, safety, and the beginning of something more wonderful than we can imagine?"
"When we die, we simply move from one world into another."
"Death generally tends to be a pretty great equalizer."
"Death in the name of death and go into eternity, that's like a Reaper off the supernatural show."
"The act of living brings me no hope at all. All I want now is to taste that despair of death that you only get once in life."
"I have boots on the ground, processed north of 800 Death Scenes."
"In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes."
"Death is not a thing; it is a door. It leads somewhere."
"Like reality, it is unrepeatable, irretrievable, and illogical. One might even say ineffable. Death is final, death is complete."
"To die consciously you must live consciously."
"We're not dying effectively. We should be dying in a better way that's better for us as individuals, it's better for our families, it's better for the economy, the planet."
"Not knowing what comes after death, to Luffy, is an adventure in itself."
"When you've seen the other side, it makes the idea of death more of a passage and less of an ending."
"Love is stronger than death... in the end, life is stronger than death."
"Roy dies a quiet death with a symbol of peace, a dove grasped in his hand, his life escaping him as the dove flutters off into the pouring rain."
"Life is pleasant, death is peaceful; it's the transition that's troublesome."
"We fear what we don't know, and the biggest unknown in this life is death."
"Earth recedes, heaven opens. If this be death it is glorious."
"Clearly death, and what comes after, is the most profound unsolved mystery of them all."
"The resurrection meant that Death itself had somehow strangely been overcome."
"Celebrating the death of anyone, especially not in a jovial way, is sociopath stuff."
"You may gift any good deeds to the deceased without any restrictions."
"Total biscuit's passing... I'm glad he's no longer around to keep doing harm."
"Death cannot conquer the hero. That's because the hero conquered death."
"You'll carry me around for the rest of your life, and even afterwards in death, we'll remain inseparable."
"Robert Todd Lincoln's strange encounters with death."
"Every death is a tragedy, no matter how it happened."
"When we talk about death, we have to honor it. If we talk about looking at the birth of a child, there's an excitement and enthusiasm..."
"The hour of my death now drawing on forceth me... to put you in remembrance with a few words of the health and safeguard of your soul." - Catherine of Aragon
"Isn't that wonderful to come to peace with yourself before you die?"
"There are far worse things than an honest death."
"The final one which is undoubtedly the most disturbing: Ionic Cassian was essentially tortured to death."
"The deaths of these characters are indicative of a much bigger picture, there's something far more significant going on here."
"Their souls ascend to the afterlife while their bodies decompose, fertilizing the land so that new life may spring up in their wake. It is the circle of life."
"I want to know what happens when you die, I'm intrigued about what happens when you die."
"A lot of people leave [expletive] unsaid that should have been said, unaddressed and then when the finality of death shows up these [expletive] be wanting and lacking."
"Death is about transition. When you're walking through the terminal of an airport it means the start point of your journey."
"Bad situations can be made better, death cannot."
"Death is something that we will all go through and so will everyone we know so it makes sense that we'd want to know more."
"The anticipation of death is far worse than the reality."
"Wouldn't you all hope that when it's our time we can go like that? Quick and instantaneous."
"As you come up to death...the ego lets you go."
"The phenomenon of death: What is it like to die?"
"The successful among us delay gratification."
"A psychopomp is someone that takes a soul to the land of the dead."
"After dying, going through my near-death experience and coming back, I respect life and death."
"Every time you die, you feel like you're learning something."
"Don't mourn the dead, dance from their grave by all means, but don't mourn them, that's so lame."
"Don't yell at the Grim Reaper, make a vampire pun."
"A lot of people don't honor the fact that the thing we call death creates an impossibility wall."
"I don't fear death. Kill me however you like."
"When someone's passing away, what the brain does is like, 'All right, it's go time. This is final exit.' The brain just fills the body and the brain with some dopamine so you feel this sensation of like clarity and everything's all good."
"The presence of God at the death of a Christian is unbelievable, it's one of the most powerful things in the world."
"Many of the over 200 deaths on Mount Everest have been attributed to SCP-1529."
"In the embrace of great Nurgle, I am no longer afraid. For with his pestilential favor, I have become that which I once feared: Death."
"Living is like a futile concept. You will die, we all will die."
"Even in death, it couldn't tell the difference between reality and fantasy."
"Death elucidates everything that is meaningful in life."
"Because I could not stop for death, he kindly stopped for me. The carriage held but just ourselves and immortality."
"Death is a critical part of the life cycle for every character, and it's that kind of resurrection on the other side of the transformation that defines who they are."
"Death is part of life. It's not the length of life but the quality that matters."
"They're about to be taken 200 kilometers north to New South Wales for cremation."
"That is tragic news... both mum and baby have died as a result."
"Blood is just a liquid, a dead body is a simple object."
"To take life is to cheat death." - Tor Vallum
"The deaths should have a purpose, goal, a meaning, and even the smallest death like has some value."
"My main transition to being more comfortable with death was fully embracing myself as organic matter."
"But actually as I was thinking about the possibility of imminently dying the first thing I thought of was not Jesus though I knew he was going to be there but angels."
"Silence fills the empty grave now that I have gone."
"He did not fear death, he welcomed it, he feared nothing."
"Malachi Martin died on the 27th of July 1999 of a hemorrhagic stroke."
"Remember, death leaves a heartache that no one can heal."
"Death is just not a big deal, it's another transition."
"Death is something that unfortunately will happen to us all and it will touch our lives at some point or another, but it is about remembering what people leave behind, the good in every action that they had rather than the bad."
"Alright, next up we've got a tease of the first release from Embark Studios."
"Littlefinger dying is like the most significant death we see... it's everybody feeling like how a fan should feel."
"The whole lesson of Jon's death is that if you fuck up, you can die."
"In any small way, Chadwick Boseman's passing led us to having a beautiful conversation about death."
"He's been more useful dead than he might have been alive."
"Death is boring now, it's just dull, people living their lives."
"He was found under eight layers of sheets on a bed inside the trailer with his hands on his chest."
"At the moment of death, there is a burst of energy released by cells."
"Just because you die on a different planet doesn't mean you found a loophole."
"All things go through the change called death, which is really a transformation into a new state of expression."
"Final Destination has a killer premise: once death has chosen you, there's no escape."
"Realize that there is no such thing as death, there is only a doorway of Eternal rebirth."
"Rest in peace to Inquisitor I mean this situation is just completely baffling all together."
"Perhaps what lies after death is a separation from consciousness, the mind released from the body."
"One of the most horrific MCU deaths was Frank in the first Ant-Man movie."
"After a few days of this illness, both Mary Elizabeth and her sister die a slow and awful death."
"Rest in peace, Senator Feinstein. People get old, they pass on. Human respect."
"With the light in your heart, death itself is transformed into a door and you enter the universal spirit."
"Scott Hall, seminal pro wrestling star, dies after suffering three heart attacks."
"She was literally saying these things like she knew her death was right around the corner."