
Ancient Texts Quotes

There are 153 quotes

"Consciousness studies is not a new field; it's actually a very ancient field, and consciousness studies started with the most ancient texts called the Upanishads."
"The Vedas, 5,000-year-old texts, talk about everything from Ayurveda, which is the science of health, to the science of warfare."
"Everyone has heard of the Dead Sea Scrolls... but they haven't heard about the scriptures that are older, 400 years older than the Dead Sea Scrolls."
"Among the very oldest of the Sanskrit texts is the Vedas, which comes from the word Veda meaning knowledge or wisdom."
"Archaeologists discovered a 3,000-year-old tablet that contains the oldest Hebrew text including the name of God."
"These scientific discoveries had not yet been found when the book was written in 300 BCE."
"Now Dr. Hairfield has much knowledge to share, but for today, he will tell us his experience reading 2,000-year-old Buddhist scrolls about the life of Jesus."
"The Stele of the Vultures is one of the best-preserved examples of a stela from the Early Dynastic period and also among the earliest historiographical texts known in ancient Mesopotamia."
"Nimrod, described as a mighty Hunter before the Lord, holds a compelling place in ancient texts."
"All those friends succeeded in their much-deserved acquisition of a Yantra, by means of which human beings can fly in the air, and non-earthling celestial beings can come down to mortals when visiting the earth."
"By the mid-1950s, for the first time in over 3,000 years, the words of that ancient land could be read."
"The Epic of Gilgamesh is the true and full story of Noah's Ark, a story that's not even close to being fully accurate in the biblical text."
"It becomes clear that there are at least two older flood myths that appear in both Akkadian and Sumerian texts."
"Sitchin's translation of the fallen ones or those who descended is correct."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls is an extensive collection of over 800 manuscripts, 50 years of unparalleled scholarship has opened this ancient library to the modern world."
"I really enjoy the way you shine light on these ancient texts and these questions of translation. It opens up a whole new realm for people to explore."
"Just as the movie ends, it is revealed that the Gospel of St. Thomas was discovered in Nag Hamadi, and scholars have claimed it to be the closest record we have of the words of the historical Jesus."
"When the stone tablets start backing up information that modern science is just now finding out, I have to think that they're probably as close to the truth as we're possibly going to get."
"The caves of Qumran have given us some amazing secrets from the past yet while answering many questions these fascinating writings still hold many mysteries today."
"Hundreds of stone fragments were also found that had hieroglyphs as well as a carving of a coiled Cobra."
"The Emerald Tablets provided incredible insight into the legend of Atlantis, including its history and downfall."
"The Emerald Tablets are an ancient artifact encoded with mysterious writings said to elevate the reader's spirituality."
"Join us as we explore the Book of Enoch, which reveals shocking mysteries of our history."
"One fascinating aspect of the Book of Enoch is that of the extraterrestrial being Uriel, who tutors Enoch with an education in the cosmos, speaking of humanity's place in the universe."
"These books were later included in the biblical canons along with deuterocanonical and extra-biblical manuscripts that preserve evidence of the diversity of religious thought in late second temple Judaism."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls are actually a first moment of disclosure is what they are."
"The oldest version of the Bible is found in Egypt, written in Greek."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls are some of the most long-lasting and incredible finds of the 21st century."
"The Rohon's Codex, which was first discovered in a Hungarian library in 1838, is among the most well-known unsolved writing systems in the World."
"No other ancient Near Eastern text has been as influential on the modern world as Gilgamesh."
"After the Bible, no other ancient Near Eastern text is as influential on the modern world as Gilgamesh."
"It's hard to overstate the importance of the Oxyrhynchus Papyri."
"Reports of strange sightings have been found in ancient manuscripts."
"She's very intelligent, able to read ancient texts and use them for her research."
"Treatments and diagnosis of eye ailments are included in some of the oldest surviving written materials."
"There was an absolute explosion of hundreds of thousands of clay tablets being created."
"It's like you've kind of found a treasure trove of scrolls from ancient history."
"With the discovery of Ashurbanipal’s library, thousands of contemporary texts were discovered telling the story of the Assyrians in their own words."
"These words would be the best record...of what that pre-flood world was like." - Referring to the Book of Enoch
"Archaeologists say writings on an ancient tablet confirmed there was a global flood and an ark that carried."
"Knowledge itself became so highly prized that the acquisition of ancient texts even came to be considered a valuable wartime plunder."
"This ancient scroll is more than 2,000 years old and contains declarations and spells from The Pharaonic Book of the Dead."
"Delving deeper into the mysteries of ancient texts, discoveries like the Tuli Papyrus and the Book of Thoth add to the awe-inspiring narrative of ancient wisdom."
"The text contains part of the Book of Leviticus but was damaged by a fire 1,400 years ago."
"Put your ego aside to truly understand ancient texts."
"This is where you get the connection if you go far enough back um a lot of these ancient texts say very similar things it's just you get perversions like the Sumerian tablets have perversions of what we what really occurred."
"The clay tablets contain spiritual and scientific works on philosophy, astronomy, and Mathematics."
"The viman is a legendary flying machine that appeared in ancient Indian text over 2,000 years ago."
"The Epic of Gilgamesh is the oldest surviving epic tale on Earth."
"Biblical Scholars have recently discovered the very first known copy of an ancient forbidden text written in Greek."
"The very core of the text may even predate Christianity."
"...this is why Mark 6 is nowhere to be found on the Dead Sea Scrolls and yet had a Paramount importance to Selah."
"When we look at the story of the Yellow Emperor ascending into heaven, this to me sounds like a description of some type of UFO encounter."
"I'm really really interested and fascinated with the Dead Sea Scrolls."
"Her frustration with people completely ignoring these ancient texts for their theological limitations is also my frustration."
"The Codex Gigas: referred to as the Devil's Bible."
"The lack of the color blue in ancient texts led to some theories that perhaps the eyes of ancient people couldn't perceive or see the color blue."
"The code hidden in ancient texts stirs our curiosity and urges us to seek understanding of this intricate matrix."
"It's all about that. I mean, you cannot read these ancient texts without your own horizon."
"It is for sure that the Corpus Hermetic's 7 Hermetic Laws have been unearthed in part from the Nag Hammadi library during 4th century A.D in Egypt as well as in the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, indicating a commonality of a particular genre."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls contain fragments of nearly the entire Hebrew Bible."
"The principles are all there... we don't need to look for the modern terminology in an ancient text. The principles are all there."
"In the archives of the monastery of Hemis in Ladakh, India, is the ancient record of a man called Issa."
"...I think we'll be really pleased when they dig into your work Billy and my work and find that actually we are tapping the wisdom of the ages from all around the planet."
"Among the significant findings in Queen Nate's tomb was a 13-foot-long scroll, thought to be part of the Book of the Dead."
"The biblical account of Jesus walking on water highlights distinct conceptions of supernatural power within ancient texts."
"Gold is mentioned in the Book of Genesis exactly eight times."
"The earliest account that we have kind of this period is a figure known as Saint Gildas wrote a polemic known as On the Ruin and Conquest of Britain."
"The average time span between when those books were written and the first manuscripts copies we have of them is between five and nine hundred years. Now compare that with the New Testament."
"A man decoding the texts of the ancient lions uncovers an astonishing prophecy."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls affirm that God has spoken and what he's we read is in fact what he intended to tell us."
"The very first references to hatha yoga are in tantric Buddhist texts."
"These are the Chronicles of the kings of Judah."
"But to your point, absolutely valid, based on the calculations in the Mahabharat, we have to accept there is no other alternative to accept that Bishara was about 140 plus years old at the time of Mahabharat war and he fought for the first 10 days."
"This catapulted St. Catherine's into number two position in the world for having ancient manuscripts, just after a little place called the Vatican."
"Hamlet's Mill presents a formidable array of mythical and iconographic evidence to demonstrate the existence of a curious phenomenon."
"Approaching ancient texts with an open mind and evaluating the arguments presented allows for a deeper engagement with the complexities of religious history."
"Ancient Near Eastern texts can prompt us to think about the Bible differently than how we would normally do in our modern or postmodern or post-enlightenment scientific world."
"If this gospel stayed hidden from us for more than two thousand years then it's reasonable to wonder what else is out there."
"These texts began to be written around three and a half thousand years ago, and they are known as the Vedas."
"Ancient texts themselves attest to a time when there was a universal language."
"Including the most ancient collection of all four gospels. Papyrus 45."
"Some of the oldest Greek texts we have are the Odyssey and the Iliad."
"The most exciting discovery of ancient biblical texts in the last 100 years is the Dead Sea Scrolls."
"So these things left behind are the messages, all these little things I'm exploring, texts from the fifth century."
"Reading those ancient books, those ancient stories, that's where we should be focusing most of our reading and education."
"Did you know that the destruction of the Assyrian Empire preserved some of the most important ancient texts in the world?"
"It's fascinating to know someone is writing something that we can actually pretty much understand that long ago in Norway."
"The Vedas are the literatures of ancient India and they give information about all kinds of topics."
"If you will deal kindly and truly with my master, tell me."
"The earliest text to teach the practices of physical yoga was in fact composed by Buddhists."
"The ancient Book of Enoch was forbidden from the Bible for unveiling profound truths about the world's creation."
"The Emerald Tablet is one of the most secretive and mysterious discoveries ever made."
"Lightheart's clarity is akin to a refreshing splash of cold water, especially for someone like me who navigates ancient texts with a secular compass."
"The traditions of which mention is made in the writings of the ancients are not all of the same kind."
"These things as they get described in old texts... it's based on something."
"Monks were responsible for preserving and copying many of the texts from the ancient world."
"The Nara period also gives us the two oldest books written in Japan, the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki, the oldest most complete works chronicling the fantastical and semi-mythical history of ancient Japan."
"The Sumerian text actually explained that one of these gods that came here... they called them Anunnaki."
"The idea that Genesis through Kings can be seen as a Platonic epic is a testament to the richness and depth of these ancient narratives."
"We love ancient Near Eastern texts, and the Hebrew Bible is an ancient Near Eastern collection of texts."
"The execration texts are an important resource for researchers in the field of ancient Near Eastern history."
"The Dead Sea Scrolls... still full of mystery."
"Decipherment is a discovery of the meaning of text written in ancient and obscure languages or scripts."
"It gives us incredible insight into our earliest most comprehensive translation enterprise of the ancient world."
"The Epic of Gilgamesh is... an astonishingly complex work of literature written into clay tablets in Sumeria 4,000 years ago."
"This is a serious place where we do serious work on Ancient Text."
"The purpose of which is not to just learn of what these ancient texts are, but to learn from them."
"The big change with the order of the seven zoned sphere that starts being talked about in the Nechepso and Petosiris texts at least is putting the Sun in the middle of the planetary order."
"The books of breathing are a series of ancient Egyptian books that contain the secrets to the afterlife."
"The Vi Manica Sastra is a Sanskrit text describing in phenomenal detail advanced aerospace technology."
"The Book of Giants was written in the anti-deluvian days of our planet."
"The Book of Enoch is more than just Tales of Giants and demonic angels."
"The ancient Tome has 200 chapters detailing the trials of the afterlife and the magical road maps to reach the Land of the Dead."
"The Vedas and Mahabharata insist that there are verses containing about airplanes, spaceships, and descriptions of nuclear warfare."
"He's combined his work on ancient texts with extensive fieldwork in archaeology in Israel and Jordan."
"If you want real philosophy, check out the Vedas, the Upanishads."
"The mysterious ancient book finally revealed itself."
"...the Rishis have given us these texts through extreme levels of meditation and awareness."
"It's only through the painstaking and meticulous work of generations of scholars that the texts of the ancient Assyrians have been slowly deciphered and translated, and their voices have once more been allowed to speak to us from the clay, breaking the silence of millennia."
"The Upanishads were written during the first millennium before the common era."
"We're inviting people to understand the ancient texts."
"These 2,000-year-old scrolls... contain information that might tell us a lot about what life was like in the region prior to the eruption."
"Breaking this code allowed not only this text to be read but also all the ancient texts to be written in hieroglyphics."
"The Corpus Hermeticum would - in due course - become our best window into this Graeco-Egyptian religion which produced it."
"The New Testament documents are the most reliable of all ancient literature."
"Shambhala is a mythical Paradise that can be found mentioned in many texts from the ancient world."
"How do you take a document that's been written thousands of years ago and interpret it in a way where it's relevant to your everyday life?"
"And there was none that could interpret them unto Pharaoh."
"It was an enormous discovery to find these hundreds of papyrus scrolls underground."
"This account is not irrational, it's far more coherent than many other ancient texts."
"The West car Papyrus is an ancient Egyptian text that contains five separate stories about miracles allegedly performed by magicians and priests."
"The Septuagint is the oldest Bible in the world."
"A lot of the information that made it into this book right here comes from ancient texts."
"In the Book of the Dead, absolutely anyone could become Osiris."
"When you start insisting that things written in ancient documents must be believed without any question, there is actually a lot of questioning to be done."