
Mental Processes Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"Memories, pain, creativity, emotions, and perceptions are processes in the mind or body, all lit up, revealed, illumined by consciousness."
"Self-deception is going on in a multitude of ways. It's ingenious the degrees to which your mind can deceive itself."
"Over the past two decades researchers have developed remarkable new tools for probing the unconscious or subliminal workings of the mind and this explosion of research has led to a sea change in our understanding of how the mind affects the way we live."
"With a new understanding of our own hidden mental processes that Mlodinow provides in SUBLIMINAL, we are able to recognize and avoid some common pitfalls in our lives, work, and relationships."
"Every time we think a thought, it's going to reflect externally."
"Thoughts may come and they may persist in staying, but thoughts that are not put into words or into action die unborn."
"That person's brain is producing a whole new stream of consciousness."
"That's why there's an automatic error monitoring system in our heads that registers every mess-up before it occurs."
"Writing a book is no easy thing. It's like an owner's manual for the mind."
"You create reality through your feelings, thoughts, and mental actions."
"You're often going back and forth between these two different modes."
"You can't think your way out of bad thinking."
"This constant chaotic whirlwind of emotions happening in our brain instantly, that all I just said could happen in a minute."
"The magic occurs in my own mind by my inner speech."
"Mercury retrograde is basically when the mind reprograms itself."
"Here’s what the sense is: to watch your mind do its work with a sense of distance and dispassionate curiosity."
"Worrying actually doesn't do any of these things people may think it does."
"Worrying is a thought process that happens in your head it has no effect on the world around you."
"Imagination is a vital part... your brain doesn't know the difference... between what you imagine to be real and what's real."
"Whole brain thinking surpasses left brain thinking or right brain thinking."
"Thoughts will just pop up in your mind and you can't control them."
"Doubts and insecurities triggered by continuous imagining can suffocate manifestation."
"Most of the audible thoughts and visuals sound like our own thoughts."
"Your subconscious mind runs the show unconsciously."
"Confirmation bias: a way to get around cognitive dissonance."
"Your brain wants to solve problems. If you ask a better question, you get a better answer."
"Once it goes into the conscious mind it begins to try to get into the subconscious."
"There's a connection with your brain that is not inner conversation material, but it's true."
"Your intuition is your guide, don't let your logical mind interfere."
"Emotions and cognitions are two facets of the same coin."
"Just because you think it doesn't mean you have to believe it."
"The mind is a system of fields, just like the fields of your mobile phone."
"The enlightenment experience comes from the internal chemical, electrical, and biological reactions to our own thought processes."
"What was the thought process that stuck in your mind the longest that was the hardest to let go of that when you let go of it life became more effortless?"
"The part of your brain that's her is actually where happiness tends to hang out."
"Sometimes when your mind needs to go where logic can't go... it goes to the intuition."
"Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman explores how our minds work and make decisions."
"What gets ingrained in your subconscious mind will become an unconscious activity."
"Only those things which impress the subconscious mind are pushed out."
"The subconscious mind does not have the ability to reject anything."
"Patience is key, everything starts from your brain."
"The veil is being lifted and our subconscious and unconscious mind is now becoming conscious."
"And this is the other sort of thought construct that gets created along the way here."
"Your subconscious mind is constantly running everything. Whatever your subconscious mind knows is what you attract."
"Figure out how your mind works, explore yourself."
"All magic is mental, so you got to study psychology as well."
"The INFJ is always one step ahead in their minds."
"The cognitive revolution allowed for inferences about internal mental processes and mental representations previously thought to be unobservable."
"Learning how to make the distinction between pain and suffering... Suffering is all the mental processes that we go through ostensibly to help us with the pain but actually end up tying us to the pain."
"Learning how to think is really a process of deletion."
"Imagination is the process or power of forming a mental image of something not real or present: creativity, inventiveness, resourcefulness. This is powerful."
"The mental lexicon organizes words by association rather than alphabetically like a dictionary."
"And until we get there, we need to understand what's going on in their mind."
"Your subconscious mind runs 95% of your life."
"We need to get educated about how the mind works."
"The Alexander Technique consists not only of a physical awareness but also of mental processes."
"Our outer environment is an exact mirror of the thought processes in our own mind."
"These things open up; it's part of the deep structure of the mind."
"Thought, emotion, sensation, perception, everything can be in awareness."
"Cognition refers to our ability to learn and to understand; it encompasses thinking, knowing, remembering, judging, and problem-solving."
"Psychology as a science studies mental processes, experiences, and behaviors in different contexts."
"Cognitive development is simply the study of how we acquire the ability to learn, to think, to communicate, and to remember."
"We believe grid cells are not only used to create cognitive maps of physical space but are also used to create conceptual maps of ideas in your brain."
"They connect, they prioritize, they organize our thoughts, our feelings, and our behaviors from moment to moment."
"Everything we are looking at when we are perceiving around us are images of mental processes."
"It alone contains the secret process by which mental impulses are modified and changed into their spiritual equivalent."
"Your mind will work for you when you're not looking."
"The two different kinds of thinking are so important, and it's so important to know the difference between the two types of thinking and to know when you are exhausted."
"Everything happens twice, first in your mind, then in reality."
"Awareness can get tied up with thought, emotion, and memory, and imagination."
"The idea that we can represent things in our head and remember and attend to information."
"The idea that the cerebellum regulates the rate, rhythm, and force... but it does the same thing to mental processes."
"These are laws of the mind, how the mind works... more certain, more absolute in a sense than the laws of natural laws of science."
"The mind is capable of thinking, and here they are; the mind is capable of fear, it can experience anger, it can experience hope, and it can experience despair, and here it is, these qualities are part of the natural order."
"Memory is a group of related mental processes involved in acquiring, storing, and retrieving information."
"It's not about what our mind knows, it's about how our mind works."
"There's the experience of life, which is conscious contact, and then there's the mental processes — the interpretation of it as, 'I'm the one who's having the conscious contact.'"
"The cognitive approach deals with internal mental processes."
"Much of what goes on in our minds is not our design, but it is our responsibility."
"The cognitive approach is quite heavily linked to computers."
"The study of internal mental processes has improved our understanding of why people develop things like depression through faulty thinking or negative schemas."
"Once you begin to realize, oh my mind is not always working for me, it does not have the same agenda that I have."
"In the mind, there are three functions: it expects, it attends, and it remembers."
"The first step in figuring out how the human mind arose is determining the mental processes shared by humans and other mammalian creatures."
"Reflective consciousness is our ability to take a chunk of our stream of consciousness, a little bit of what just happened to us, and consider it and think about it."