
Life Change Quotes

There are 6004 quotes

"You're completely going to be changing your life, shifting onto a new path."
"Improving my mental health has changed my life forever and it's something that I will always, always maintain."
"Our thinking defines our life, and when we can take hold of our thought and see it for what it is and change it, that, my friend, is how we change our lives."
"Sometimes going from zero to one feels so inconsequential and somewhat embarrassing that we just don't do it... but it can literally change your life."
"The moment you feel gratitude, your healing begins. The moment you feel grateful for your life, your life is changed. Now, you're causing an effect."
"Dopamine detoxing changed my life forever, but not in the way that you might think."
"If you change the way you see yourself or someone else, you change your whole timeline."
"I'm here because someone cared about my family. I don't even know who it is, but I'm giving back every way I can. It changed my life. It wasn't the food. It was a stranger's care."
"Trade your expectations for appreciation, and your entire life will change in that moment."
"If you want to change your life right now, it is really possible. You could really do it."
"The greatest discovery any generation is that a human being can alter his or her life by altering his or her attitude."
"What you perceive, you believe. What you believe, you experience. You change your perception, you change your life."
"The biggest turning points in my life was when my son got sick... That is why I do what I do today."
"If I had had somebody like me, somebody who'd been through it, come and be that voice for me when I was young, maybe it would have changed my life."
"Your life right now is going to be almost unrecognizable to the life that you have five years from now."
"As soon as you become more interested in the thought patterns you have over the thoughts that you have, that is when your life will change forever."
"I feel like my life has changed forever in so many ways from this experience."
"Trust your gut feelings at this time as you prepare to leave a relationship that isn't working, a job that no longer feeds your soul, or a living arrangement that no longer provides. Trust that something better is coming your way."
"If you change the way that you think, you will change your life."
"When you start to own your morning... it will change your life."
"When you change how you think, you will change your life."
"People have these massive transformations in all areas of their life from this one transformation."
"You're one decision away from a different life."
"Changing your life does not take motivation; motivation is garbage. Changing your life takes discipline."
"This moment when I realized 'I am responsible' changed my life forever."
"Improving my mental health has been the single best thing I've ever done in my life."
"If for every single day of the year we could actually just do the single most important thing that we want to get done that day, that genuinely would change the needle for our productivity and also for our life."
"You're one decision away from a different life...changing your life does not take motivation, it takes discipline."
"My direction in life has completely changed and the way that I think about success has completely changed."
"You have to open up your heart so then your world view changes, and then as a result, your life does too."
"The only way to change your expressions of life is to change your consciousness."
"Make the present moment your friend, not your enemy. Make the present moment your friend, and your whole life begins to change."
"The most significant shifts in my life have been made where in some way or another God gave me a green light."
"If you release things, new things can come into your life."
"You changed the course of your life... because you wanted to be there for the child."
"Once I was able to experience being a day-to-day dad, that [expletive] meant the world."
"You guys are going through a great transformation and this transformation is naturally going to bring changes in your career and your everyday life."
"This channel literally has probably changed my life... I was in kind of a low, dark place at the end of last year... and yeah, ever since I did that I've just been waking up every single day happier and happier."
"You guys are really just... changed my life for this channel."
"You're my world, everything's been turned upside down since meeting you."
"One day you're going to go to bed poor, but you're gonna wake up rich."
"It doesn't take a whole lot to start to move your life in the other direction."
"Be a friend, tell a friend something nice. It could change their life."
"My son's cancer diagnosis was a sledgehammer to my reality, and I remember saying to myself, if we get out of this, I'm living a different life."
"God showed me a vision... that I had to change my life."
"You change your thinking, you can change your life."
"Sometimes it takes 10 years to get that one year that will change your life. Just keep going."
"Achieving a goal only changes your life for the moment."
"I've inspired [people] to change their life, to make positive changes... and that means the world to me."
"Change your questions, you change your life."
"Your life comes down to your decisions, and if you change your decisions, you will change everything."
"When you make this shift and live in the now each day, it changes everything."
"Change your thoughts and you can change your life."
"Once you learn to go to those places inside of yourself that you've always been afraid of, the way you live your entire life is now subject to change."
"To change your life, you need to change your priorities."
"You are instrumental in helping another person change the course of their life. Miracles, inspiration, and healing result."
"It changes your life, it changes who you are, changes the world."
"Hypnosis can be used beyond entertainment but can be used to help people to change their life."
"I didn't used to, and my entire life changed when I changed my work ethic."
"We remember the lives that were ended and those that were changed forever."
"If you can't think greater than how you feel, your life will stay the same."
"Changing your life does not take motivation; it takes discipline."
"The old life is gone and the new life comes."
"Changing your life takes discipline, the discipline to make a decision to change."
"It changed my professional life and my personal life."
"Listening to 'The Power of Now' by Eckhart Tolle is completely life-changing. That book will automatically change your life to help you live a better reality."
"There is no perfect time to start. You gotta start now changing your life."
"Take radical responsibility. Nobody else is going to change your life for you."
"Your next big major life change has to do with your wishes coming true."
"Your next big major life change has to do with wealth, luck, and finances."
"I get that your next big major life change has to do with a connection that comes in; it's like strong."
"Thinking won't change your life. The only way you're going to change your life or change your career or change your health is to take action."
"You need a reason to make a sacrifice. That's the key point here. You need this 'why' to make meaningful changes in your life."
"Nothing changes human beings more than having children. Nothing makes you reassess the decisions that you've made in your life more than having children."
"If you want to change your life, you must become a master at visualization."
"You change your entire life, and manifesting is a tool that will help you train your brain and train your nervous system and train your mind, body, and spirit to help you achieve the things that you want."
"One relationship can change your life forever."
"I wanted to hit a hundred subscribers...and you guys came along and you changed my life infinitely."
"Your life is going to be wildly different...it is going to be unrecognizable from where you are right now."
"Trade your expectation for appreciation and your whole life changes."
"I changed my life drastically after my wife gave birth."
"The moment that I realized that there was such a thing as positive thinking, my life changed forever, and I actually became successful and happy because of that."
"You're rewriting your life path, you are completely shifting your life path."
"There's only two things that are going to change your life anyway: either something new comes into your life or something new comes out of you."
"There is a divine detour happening in your life."
"Children will destroy your life and replace it with a better one."
"Take a chance on love. When we love, our lives are changed forever."
"The best businesses change lives. Transformations make a winning product."
"I would rather lose everything and start over than continue in this cycle."
"The good news is, the life that you've always been looking for and missing out on, is on the other side of doing this."
"Higher education does make a difference; we do change lives, we do transform people."
"What makes you different is the thing that's going to change your life."
"The gospel creates these inflection points in our lives. The power of the love of Jesus Christ, through the atonement, can change us drastically."
"My life has changed so much for the better in every kind of aspect."
"One text, one conversation can change the trajectory of somebody's life."
"The greatest discovery of our century is that you can change your life by changing the way you think."
"Once you start appreciating, your life shifts too."
"At the end of the day, you're not happy with your life, so are you going to change it or not?"
"One day the Lord showed me a scripture... If you have been sleeping, wake up because your life is about to change."
"There's going to be a huge blessing that comes into your life."
"Well, ladies and gentlemen, what's up, what's going on? So yes, today we're going to be talking about how a new mantra changes your life."
"You never forget the first time someone hits you like that. It changes your life forever."
"Your perspective... 'I'm thriving, this has been the best time of my life,' and your whole life changes."
"The universe had to intervene, it had to crumble this dynamic that you had going on because it was not serving you both."
"Love yourself, care for yourself. Those little steps will change your whole life."
"Taking responsibility for our life changes everything."
"If I make you laugh, I can get you to listen; if you listen, I can change your life."
"When you change your energy, you change your life."
"One revelation could change your entire life. My life has changed dramatically because of one revelation."
"When you win the mental game, your entire life will change."
"Getting your first $100,000 saved and invested will change your life. The quicker you can hit that milestone, the better."
"There is a new chapter starting in your life, in your business, in your relationships, and it's gonna start right now."
"An idea that is so transformative yet so simple, that has the power to completely transform your life."
"I know that when you change the way that you think, you will change your life."
"If you could change your thinking, you could change your life."
"One text message can change the trajectory of somebody's life."
"If you can educate someone, they can change their lives, but also the lives of their family and the generations thereafter."
"Repentance is about a change of life, a change of direction."
"Be part of our community, and you could change your life with the banter bags."
"Tradition has robbed most people of the power in the truth that when you encounter God everything changes in your life."
"The real encounter with God is when everything changes in your life. Everything."
"A visit from God can change your trajectory."
"I think quitting WoW is the best decision I've ever made in my life because that's when I started living."
"Life is really life-changing; a time of big and blessed change for you and God is supporting you each step of the way."
"Your life will never be the same, it's going to be changed. This is transformation day for you."
"If you take off that mask and you step into who you really are, your life, I believe, will change in ways you cannot even imagine."
"I love the color purple, it changed my life."
"Decluttering and organizing is called life-changing because it literally is."
"The Guru's wisdom... changes our experience of life."
"I'm trying to change my life on a lot of levels."
"Repentance is to go and live with the intention of never doing it again, not in any form, not to any scale."
"If I don't clean up now, I'll continue to live this life. And I don't think that I can stand this life much longer."
"You never know who you're gonna meet, and maybe they change your life or you change their life."
"Life is flowing; you can choose to change in this moment."
"I want to take a break and focus on starting a family and figuring out what I want to do outside of this world."
"36 almost, the world has passed me by. I need to be out there living life. There's so much I ain't seen, nor done. Not anymore. Coming back, I wasn't playing games. I'm doing everything I possibly can to get the surgery. No turning back, no regrets. Let's do this!"
"The least we want is not to be bored... the most we want, I want my life changed completely."
"You've got to recognize, like your sister, survived a tragic accident. Her life has forever changed."
"The magic of believing could change the course of your life."
"When you make a decision that you deserve more, that you're going to do the work to create a better life, that singular decision will change your life."
"My life has gone from hopeless and depressing and sick and just awful... to having a beautiful life with babies, a good man, and a life in Chicago."
"If you make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life today, it will be the absolute best decision you have ever made or will ever make."
"We will be amazed before we are halfway through. I don't know where the halfway point is if I passed it or not, but I'm going to tell you I'm absolutely amazed with the life that I have been given here in Alcoholics Anonymous."
"Be a friend, tell a friend something nice; it might change their life."
"Thank you so much, you guys mean everything to me. You've made my life something that I never expected it to be."
"Let's assume that your destiny is calling you, and that God is about to do something amazing in your life."
"Ernie, I gotta give you and Clark Kellogg credit, yep, we did not oversell. You said you and Clark said Chuck is going to change your life, yes, and that little man has changed my life."
"We are officially moving like moving living there by this weekend."
"You can change your life by altering the images in your mind."
"What God is about to do, is doing, and has done in your life is going to be so revolutionizing and so radical, you ought to be walking around with great expectations."
"English can truly change your life and I hope it changes your life as well."
"What if you had to live your whole life in one location and then one day suddenly you could step outside and go anywhere in the whole neighborhood?"
"In one day, God can change your story; in one day, God can change the story of your family members."
"Marriage is the fundamental thing that changed [my life]. Responsibility is the fundamental thing that changed [my life]."
"This person who is financially well off was willing to sacrifice things for 12 months to change the next 12 years of their life."
"Last couple of days made me realize that it's time for me to go on my new path."
"Knowledge of the interaction of your conscious and subconscious minds will enable you to transform your whole life."
"If you change your thinking, you can change your life."
"It's not about how much money you can make in this world, but how much knowledge you can teach others to change their lives."
"If you begin to use these principles, your life will completely change."
"In short, we truly believe that therapy can change people's lives, yours truly included."
"You have to make the choice to either live with your limitations and excuses or to change your life."
"It was like I had a whole other life that slowly turned into some nightmare."
"When they forget about their life, that's when they can change their life."
"Reading can change your life forever, as it has done for these rich people, but they read in a very different way."
"Every week I get an email or a Facebook message...who tells me that that speech changed their life."
"I have enough money now, enough to get rid of my debt. I'd gotten a second chance in life, only now, as damaged as I was, I wouldn't be able to make anything of it."
"My life has been turned around immeasurably. It's a wonderful thing."
"The half-life of negative emotions is really, really brief... your life becomes completely different when you can get off the ride."
"We really need a reset. All of us do, in so many areas of our life."
"Once you've come to realize that the presence of the Holy Spirit abides with you 24/7... you begin to walk in a whole different way."
"I'm not here to sell you something. I'm here to help you change your life."
"You've got to make that decision and then it's you know if you're not happy with your life and you want to change it then do it."
"If you can change how you think, you will in fact change your life."
"Seeing people get out of debt and change in their life is incredible."
"Your vibration is a combination of how you think, how you feel, and how you act."
"She has a sense that now she has a new source of provision for her whole life, so she relaxes a little bit in the fight to stay sober."
"If you're wanting to make a change in your life and get physically fit, that's a decision you'll never regret."
"I went for a paycheck and it ended up changing my life and transforming the way that I thought and transformed the way that I saw people."
"Just to accept that you can modify your life experience with diet massively is pretty earth-shattering."
"Doing what you're passionate about every single day will profoundly change your life."
"You are so close to an incredible life transformation."
"If you do those things... it's not that hard, and it will change your life."
"You can reboot your life, your health, even your career. Anything you want, all you need is discipline."
"You're not just an inspiration to us; you've changed my life. I'm here right now because of you."
"As a result, your life circumstances will change so that they reflect your authentic, and absolute, Truth."
"You're one contact away from your life changing."
"My life as I knew it was utterly destroyed. Everyone and everything I knew was gone."
"What a blessing it is to have him. He's changed our life so much."
"You're part of the few people who is actually committed to changing their life."
"If you fix a hundred things like that, your life will be a lot different."
"When you have a real belief and not just a stated belief, that changes everything."
"The metaverse is going to change my life, it's going to change your life."
"When you change your words, you will change your life."
"Transitioning was the best thing I ever did in my life."
"You change your brain, you change your life; you change your brain, you change your world."
"Growth journaling has completely changed my life."
"From the moment that all exertion had ceased, a calm feeling of the most perfect tranquility superseded the previous tumultuous sensations."
"You knew you had everything - a great career in medicine, a fantastic marriage, beautiful kids - and then one day you're fine and the next day you're not."
"Change your morning routine, give the first hour of the day to yourself, and you will see your life completely change."