
Lifestyle Change Quotes

There are 2484 quotes

"It looks like you're focusing more on self-care, possibly changing your diet or your fitness routine in order to become more healthy and more balanced."
"Removing everything from your life that triggers an excess amount of dopamine without giving you a severe reward."
"As you re-sensitize your brain to dopamine, you're gonna start enjoying things that you weren't enjoying before."
"Getting a person to lose weight might also get them to stop drinking, now they've gotten rid of multiple risk factors for heart disease."
"Once people understand how their dietary habits are impacting them, and once they make a change, their whole universe upgrades."
"We don't see reality as it is; we're just immersed in a user interface."
"Healthy nutritional lifestyle change is way more important than a simple pill."
"Type two diabetics...can become non-diabetic in a short period of time, which is essential."
"You need to exercise a ton more, you need to stop smoking, you need to go on a diet, but you can't write that prescription as a doctor."
"It really changes your life when you shift from being just a consumer to being a creator."
"You can get your life back, and all you have to do is eat real food."
"Cutting out TV might be the single biggest personal development gain that you can make in your life."
"Why don't you just go and enjoy that feeling of being a winner for five minutes a day, and you will undeniably find that it will start to creep into your day-to-day life, and you will just start to act and believe and think exactly like that guy."
"I lost about 30 lbs right now. It's the obvious ones where you go like, 'I haven't been drinking, and I've been eating keto, and I've been working out, and I'm on testosterone.' That's a big game changer."
"My biggest regret is not doing it sooner. This is such an awesome lifestyle."
"Social media didn't cause me to lose weight. I wanted to lose weight way before this. Losing weight has made me more active, it's made me have fun, and I kind of just love life right now."
"Getting fit is a process. What I found was, suddenly, after about a month, I thought, 'I'm not tired in the afternoons anymore.'"
"To address climate change, we would have to change our entire way of life. There would have to be a cultural and political sea change."
"I had heart disease at 35 years old... Fast forward, I get on this alcohol-free adventure, now I'm flying."
"I used to go to clubs. I used to dance all night. And now there's nothing more fun than a debate on a Sunday night."
"What's required is a change in the way that we live. A change in our style of living."
"LifeSum and Farron have actually just changed my life. I'm eating better. I'm transforming."
"We've changed our lives around and are now very into traveling with the kids, hiking, and eating clean food."
"I have decided to look for a job, soon we'll be living like millionaires."
"John got himself an accountant job and started attending church again."
"One of my biggest new year's resolutions was to make sustainable lifestyle changes."
"The goal is not to run a marathon, the goal is to become a runner."
"I'm not an alcoholic, no. I'm just making little changes, and it has been beneficial."
"Change the diet, and your whole vast world will change."
"Snoop released a statement saying after much consideration and conversation with my family, I've decided to give up smoking."
"I can't live like this... I got very proactive."
"One day a week, simply not eat. It would change your life in the most dramatic way."
"I recently started practicing meditation myself to see what all the buzz was about, and it's completely changed the way that I live my life."
"Ten years ago, we could barely afford rent. Now we're thinking about buying a boat."
"I honestly feel like doing this routine has just changed my life."
"You will start to notice...your sleep pattern will improve. I cut my sleeping hours by two when I started exercising."
"Electricity frees women and girls from the pump, the stove, and the wash tub."
"Change one, just one aspect of your health and if you do it, I can practically guarantee your health and life will change."
"Dig into beauty and start making sure that everything you do is grounded back to a pursuit of beauty, and you're gonna find a different life."
"This all started with a promise that we'd leave the big city and build a life in perfect harmony with nature."
"Are you tired of the big city? I know I was. I wanted to raise my kids somewhere peaceful, somewhere safe, somewhere neighborly."
"Understand it's a change for the better and do your best to enjoy it."
"It's incredible to see how many people are making a shift in awareness to the need to get closer to their food source."
"It's not something he's gonna learn overnight. It's a lifestyle change and a mindset."
"If you want to lose weight, it should be a lifestyle change so you can maintain the weight off."
"I made it a priority for myself that this is going to be a lifestyle change so I can't do anything that I won't be able to sustain forever."
"The one thing that has mentally been best for me is to look at food and exercise and just taking care of my body generally... with water intake and everything else, like, looking at it like a lifestyle change."
"If you're willing and if you're able to change how you're eating, you can put this condition into remission."
"I cut out all sugar...someone who has PCOS is insulin resistant. When I started romanticizing the little things in life, life definitely became more fun."
"It's not just about a diet or weight loss, it's more of like a lifestyle change."
"The journey from unhealthy dieting to healthy dieting doesn't have to be like hell."
"Replace your bad habits with good Keystone habits."
"When you adapt it as a lifestyle change, that's when it really, really changes for you."
"Diets are 90% of your physical overall. Implementing small things can make a huge difference."
"Make a lifestyle change, not just a quick fix to lose weight, because you'll probably end up back at square one."
"I'm not solely relying on the accutane medication... it's a combination of taking this medication, changing my diet, and changing my lifestyle overall."
"I lost 95 pounds in less than eight months, not by dieting, but by changing my lifestyle dramatically."
"Fitness is a way of life. One day you realize that you want to change your life, you want to be in perfect shape, you want to look attractive and sexy."
"When we change our lifestyles in the right way, I have seen so many of these so-called diseases disappear."
"Making money from your hobbies or your passions can be a really good thing to do and it's completely changed my life."
"He was raised by parents who came to early adulthood in the 1960s... he now works full-time from home for part-time income... He loves it, whereas working retail made him want to drink too much."
"All you need is three things: you need to eat less, move more, and be consistent."
"There is nothing wrong with trying to change your life to give yourself and your children, your grandchildren, a better lifestyle."
"If you change how you eat and how you live your life, you can overcome anything. I don't doubt that at all."
"I recently did a little test, deleted some apps, I changed my phone plan...and I'm totally okay."
"Some young people have quit their jobs to seek spiritual growth and redefine their lives."
"Any lifestyle change needs to be taken easy and taken slowly because it's a lifestyle change."
"I think it's a great experiment for everybody to undergo or try out at some time in their life."
"I don't know how I lived without insulated water bottles before."
"I am letting go of what doesn't spark joy. And another reason I want to consciously make this committed effort to switch it up in my planning system."
"The number one cause of cancer is cigarettes, and the number two cause is obesity. You want to drop cancer rates, you help people get rid of excess body fat."
"It was so much easier to change my diet and get my ass on the treadmill than it was to admit I have an alcohol problem."
"Batch cooking is their New Year's resolution, and I was like, yes, I am here for it. It changes your life."
"Once I regularly refed myself, got my sleep in check, and took more walks instead of working out so intensely, not only did I continue to lose fat, but I also felt so free. I had a life again."
"The best tool for changing your lifestyle is peer support."
"Losing weight does not mean going on a diet. It's about making permanent and manageable changes to your food intake."
"The whole positive that I have taken from the entire situation is that the cocaine lifestyle I was living...that bubble was burst."
"You provided me a lifestyle I never thought I would have. You provided me support that I never thought I would have."
"Stopping climate change would require a drastic transformation in our lifestyle, particularly for folks in the high-polluting countries."
"If you can just get rid of this, you're going to go to a completely other, different level of life."
"It's about challenging you and changing your perspective on where you're throwing your dollars."
"I'm finally going to talk about why I'm no longer vegan."
"Dietary modification is the single greatest lever that humans can use to leverage health and disease."
"Eat for nutrition, never eat for weight loss, and never make any change in the way you eat that you're not willing to make permanent."
"I would like to encourage people to make more vegan choices."
"Getting better nutrition, cutting out the junk will definitely help."
"I decided that day two things: one, that I would never get a house with a bedroom over a garage or a remote start for my car; two, that I would be the kind of person that people instantly knew something was wrong if I didn't show up when I said I would."
"Think of a diet as a permanent shift in eating a pattern, not as something I'm going to do temporarily for a few weeks and then get back to what I was doing beforehand."
"I am not trying to do a crash diet. I'm trying to make healthier choices."
"The smoker who wants to break the habit so they can live longer and spend more time with their loved ones."
"Meal planning and meal prepping at the beginning of the week has been a game changer for me."
"For most people who are willing to do the work, change their lifestyle, in most cases, ninety percent of cases, the issue is resolved."
"Cyrus, just learn how to eat. You don't know anything about nutrition. Learn how to eat and your life will fundamentally change for the better."
"We're going to help you change your life from the inside out."
"I became not just a yoga practitioner here and there to a daily yoga practitioner and I fell in love with it."
"I feel like a damn superhuman and I'll be damned if I go back to eating in a shitty ass way."
"If you just slept better, learned to eat less, and paid attention to what you do before you go to sleep... it will change your entire life."
"Over two decades later, much of that muscle is gone, and Dorian lives a life filled with yoga, pilates, herbal brews, and marijuana."
"Stopping is something we all put off, but switching to Fume is easy, it's enjoyable, and it's fun."
"Ray immediately stopped drinking, rejoined Alcoholics Anonymous, and checked in with his sponsor every day."
"In two years' time, I decluttered my entire life and we got rid of close to 90% of our stuff."
"Start small... adopt healthy breathing practices anywhere."
"Early coffee drinkers felt dramatically improved alertness and coordination by swapping the alcohol for caffeine."
"Encouraging people to shift their body at any stage to a more healthy state is important."
"Exercise, diet, and changing lifestyle are the best solutions to obesity."
"I am so grateful that one day I was forced into living in a van."
"Don't look at diabetes as a death sentence; you just have to be open to making some changes that will give you a better quality of life."
"He's like, my midlife crisis is over. I'm going to be comfortable. I don't care no more."
"I'm losing weight because I'm eating better; it's a whole way of life. I'm changing my mindset about food."
"Once you start fasting, you see what [unhealthy habits] do to your body, and you don't want that numbness."
"It seems like now that I don't drink, I'm enjoying my food much more."
"Before I started my lifestyle change, I would have devoured the entire package."
"Gaming used to be an escape; now, I feel like I have to escape from gaming."
"Lauren's doctor told her that she didn't need medication, she just needed to quit smoking, change her diet, and become more physically active."
"Remember, this is going to take a long time. It needs to be not something you think about how do I get from point A to B the fastest. This needs to be how do I find a sustainable approach that is truly a lifestyle change."
"I think that to modify lifestyle significantly over one winter to give you another 10, 20 winters after that is well worth considering."
"Drink enough water. It is genuinely life-changing."
"Eating healthy means you've made a lifestyle change to eat healthy, nutritious foods through your life to stay healthy, to look sexy, and make you feel and operate at a higher capacity."
"It's not about jumping on a fad diet or onto the next health craze; it's really about making a long-term commitment to a lifestyle shift for yourself."
"This is not a challenge. This is for life. This is your new identity. This is your new lifestyle."
"Self-prioritization will change 80 percent of these men's lives because they don't prioritize themselves."
"It feels like a coming to terms, a shift in commitment, a shift in contract, and perhaps the generation of a new kind of commitment or a new kind of lifestyle for some people."
"This article is suggesting that people began to see their lives differently. They realized how much time they were spending commuting and how much of their life was spent in an office setting that they realized probably didn't need to be that way."
"I've been keto for 10 years, but after a couple of weeks on it, you start losing those cravings. You don't really crave it anymore."
"Lasting transformations are created by lifestyles. What happens on day 76?"
"Just making small intentional food swaps and replacements in a way that you can sustain it, and it really does work."
"This challenge is designed to rewire your brain so that you can do hard things and maintain the results that you worked so hard for."
"I know the system that I'm on right now; I can't sustain for the long run. I know I have to start changing things in my life, my routine, eating better."
"The house has become a lot quieter and a lot more peaceful."
"But when you live your life a certain way every single day, you waking up like this, you with your homies every day, that's how y'all living, and then you, like, literally cut it off 100%... it's one of the hardest decisions I ever made in my life."
"Our bodies are capable of doing some amazing things, and when you actually start changing your lifestyle, you're going to see that things like that happen."
"Fixing your lifestyle does have side effects, and they're awesome."
"A nuclear conflict would absolutely change your way of life."
"I don't have to have a good time doing drugs going to clubs uh sleeping with different women every other weekend I don't need have that good time anymore I'm done I just want to follow Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior."
"You're not meant to be addicted to weed, you're meant to be addicted to Jesus."
"Giving up the addiction means giving up fun. Means making your life just less enjoyable than it could be."
"I knew in that moment that homosexual behavior was a sin. It was no longer a part of my life."
"Change your environment, change your life. Fresh energy, fresh mind, fresh experiences."
"Join me in the plant-based universe, extend your life by a little bit longer."
"The energy transition is a way to move from a different lifestyle and to somehow re-equilibrate society."
"You can no longer have this life with dignity."
"I admire you for your dedication to going tiny. It's definitely going to be a change for me, but it's the idea behind it that I'm a fan of."
"Fasting was the easiest thing I've got in my life."
"I realized I can cover my bills with this. I don't have to go back to a corporate job."
"We're going to move away from those materialistic values."
"Fitness changes when you're trying to accomplish your fitness goals here to make all these little promises to yourself everything you have to eat right sleep right train right you had to do it consistently to make progress."
"I bought a TV a couple months later. I've never owned a TV before."
"Make small changes...start to change my eating habits...salad every day for lunch."
"Change all of her drinks...to just drinking water."
"If you and your man haven't been escaping your bikini lines then maybe now it's time to look into some tools to get rid of those and sweep up those pesky you-know-whats."
"I'm becoming a hippie, I swear I'm becoming a hippie."
"I have not had any soda since 2020 I have only drank water."
"Life inside the quarantine zones had changed dramatically—strict laws were enforced, such as not disturbing the order and not entering or leaving the quarantine zones without permission."
"By cutting back the things we need, we take power back from corporations."
"It's all about switching up the things you do and just being conscious about what you're doing and your impact on this planet."
"Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live, and let's change the way we treat each other."
"What if you never had to go to a gas station again?"
"Took your advice and moved out of the city... got chickens and started a veggie garden. Thank you Tim."
"When I changed my diet, I felt like everything changed."
"The studies certainly blow away the myth of bad genes... We cannot cure this disease until we address the fundamentals of lifestyle."
"I don't have brain fog anymore. It's just amazing how when you change your diet and change your lifestyle that all of this goes away."
"Maybe do a bit less of everything, not be so greedy."
"The vibe of these videos seemed to be more about changing your lifestyles so that you can start to live your most meaningful life."
"I just didn't want to live that way anymore."
"Good Source Foods is all about changing the perception of food and supporting healthier snacking options."
"Starting over completely with no trace is very, very hard to pull off."
"You gotta grind every day and then we can put in a situation where we don't have to grind every day."
"Changing my lifestyle into healthier has really made me such a happier person."
"We really do think that we can move the needle on healthier living in a different way that's been done before."
"These are big changes and losing the sugary food altogether is hard."
"How would that change your life if you could make an extra $10,000 profit per month?"
"You have to eat less. You have to move more. Don't give me any of the hormonal reasons or any of the BS or genetics blah blah blah. Yeah, we get it. But you have to eat in a surplus to get that."
"The solution is simple we need to get off the hamster wheels Branch out and explore the rest of the world in our chosen MMO."
"I'm concerned that this is just going to be the way that we live from now on."
"A 30-minute workout every day can improve your health."
"Quit drinking... cutting back on things that are detrimental to my health or my mind."
"It wasn't until my body completely broke down and my body developed all of these health issues that I realized something has to change here."
"I've eaten out so much, spent so much money, but now I need new options, so Hello Fresh to the rescue."
"I have reversed my PCOS with this lifestyle."
"Heart disease can be reversed...total cholesterol dropped 24, good LDL cholesterol 37."
"I didn't think I'd ever be happy. Sorry, can't fight crime anymore because I'm happy. Maybe I'm not gonna do it." - Bruce Wayne's existential crisis.
"I was like a tenth of a point away from being diabetic he said you do exactly what I tell you to do for 10 weeks and I guarantee you I'll change your life."
"Try and be in motion for a bit every day and build in a small amount of more vigorous exercise every week and I promise you, you will change your life."
"We can change the way that we live on the ground among ourselves in our families and with our children."
"When I really cut both dairy and meat out and went vegan and plant-based my skin started to show improvements within three or six months"
"Millions and millions and millions of people changed their lives through making some very small relative adjustments."
"If it really positively changes both mentally and physically maybe this can kind of motivate us to put the workout as part of our lifestyle."
"Let us do everything we can to make it easy for you so you can derive the benefits, whether it's weight loss or yeah, absolutely."
"I want to wake up in the morning and never have the desire for any of it again ever."
"Sticking to a workout plan or a diet or achieving weight loss can be so empowering in a way that can like spill over into other places in your life."
"I quit smoking and started going to the gym, eating better because of you."
"If you want to pee blood then you gotta make a change, you know?"
"You can heal your body and your life if you're willing to change."
"Sober is really good, I really like being sober, I like not having to think about it."
"I wonder if people are gonna get used to doing more stuff from home afterwards."
"Changing your habits, helping your sleep, exercising more, feeling better about yourself, really will change your entire life outlook and make you feel more optimistic and positive through your day."
"I call it a pent up demand. People are dying to go out to a restaurant, people are dying to get onto airplanes."
"Adjusting was a bit difficult because for 10 years I had one kind of lifestyle being a goddess."
"I was dealing with so many health problems back in the US."
"The biggest shift we're seeing next year is people fully embracing the freelancer lifestyle."