
Life Management Quotes

There are 1445 quotes

"You're realizing that you have more control over your life than you previously thought."
"I hope what they'll walk away with is the realization that you are the instrument of your life."
"Our life is broadly in balance so we're not screwing up one area of our life for the sake of another."
"I am responsible for 100% of the things that happen in my life."
"I think most young men have zero order in their life... They spend most of the day masturbating, watching anime, or do whatever. I think men need ordering, some sense of discipline."
"Imagine that you are both the leading character as well as the screenwriter in the movie called your life."
"Taking 100% responsibility for your life is the foundation of all personal development."
"Time is the most valuable currency that you will have."
"Being responsible for your own life means you're the master of your life."
"We build the airplane of our life, we build it while we fly."
"Life is about choices and trade-offs. Yeah, it is."
"Time is the most valuable thing that you can own."
"Just understand yourself, and life becomes so much more manageable."
"Simplify everything and make everything easier and more manageable."
"His plate was too full, and he was giving everything in his life a C, whenever everything in his life deserved an A."
"It is not their job to make your life perfect; that is your job."
"Emotional intelligence is how you deal with life."
"Time management is not just time management; it is life management."
"Life's messy, clean it up, organize it, and put it into a bento box."
"It's very important to work, it's very important to grind, it's very important to do that stuff, but just think of your life as like there's a bunch of different buckets that we got to kind of try to fill up."
"Most people are tied up in knots; their life takes endless management and sorting out. Take action."
"Enjoy life at a different level when you manage what God has given you correctly."
"The act of making time to be a creative creator in your life means you must believe that you're a creator in your life."
"Keep your life simple and Spartan; don't over clutter your life not just with objects but also with all kinds of social obligations and commitments."
"Balance isn't always 50/50. Balance isn't always equal. You might need a balance of 70% work and 30% play and rest... Achieving balance isn't something that is constant; it's something that's very finite and something that constantly needs to be fine-tuned."
"I'm just trying to find a way to balance it all. I kind of want to do it all."
"You have to take control of the small areas of your life where you can."
"When you say yes to everything, you give up control of your life."
"Make a damn schedule and stick to it. It's not a bloody prison... Set the damn schedule up so that you have the day you want. That's the trick."
"You are the creative force of your own life."
"I create my living, I claim my life, I claim the abundance that surrounds me, I step in and I'm the maker of my life."
"A positive attitude is where you feel that you have the ability to control your world and to control your life."
"These principles didn't just keep me alive; they are the reason for my success."
"It's your money, it's your life, and only you can make it awesome."
"Don't let the small disciplines be neglected as being insignificant. Everything matters."
"When we allow ourselves to be uncomfortable, when we recognize that we're clinging a little bit to the pleasures that can't be sustained... something settles down in us, and we're able to actually deal more effectively with the life that we're living, with the hand that we've been dealt."
"This is much more like a true Sims style life management game."
"Relationship management is not just relationship management; it's life management because there's no area of your life that's not affected by your relationships."
"The ability to control your internal environment with your will is the mastery of this game of life."
"You have to take ownership of every single thing in your life."
"You make the best life that you can with the cards that you're dealt."
"A disciplined life means you are in control of your life."
"Rearrange your time, your life, your priorities, and your values, and you can double your income."
"If you organize your life reasonably and face it courageously... you can extract a path of being from all of that that's worthwhile and noble."
"Teach us to number our days that we can apply our hearts to wisdom."
"I want you to learn how to control the controllable things in your life and trust God for all the stuff you can't control."
"The art of putting this time and energy together well is a successful life."
"If you cannot control your own mind, then you are just a feather in the wind of life."
"You do not have to let your mood or your mental state dictate how your life goes."
"The patterns of your focus produce the actions of your life."
"Whether or not you brought a beverage to today's chat, today we are going to be having a talk on how to get your life back on track."
"The quickest way to lose control of your life is to try to craft a life with no negative emotion."
"For many, our enjoyment of certain activities is manageable, but for others, it can lead to a downward spiral."
"Purpose is tied into control... purpose if you can reframe it, gives you control over your life."
"If I had $86,400 in an account and someone stole $10, would you be upset and throw all the remaining 86,390 away in hopes of getting back at the person who took your $10? Or move on and live?"
"If you do not create order for your life, you will decline into chaos."
"Start becoming more empowered and start taking more responsibility for your life."
"You're the CEO of your own life, and what you allow is what will continue."
"An identity that doesn't solve the problem of how you're going to live isn't an identity."
"Live in that space in your head, get the six inches between your ears right, and you will see possibilities, you will draw possibilities."
"Make sure you are keeping an eye on everything in your life that makes you happy."
"You can't let things that are out of your control control your life."
"The most important part of any day is making sure you're right with the people you love. That foundation makes everything else in life more manageable."
"Breath control, which leads to mind control, which leads to life control."
"It's about holding up a mirror and admitting you were wrong, and getting in the driver's seat of your life."
"I found that I had engineered green lights in my life through responsibilities taken yesterday, which bore me freedom today."
"Choose your priorities and eliminate all distractions."
"It's good to be educated on all of the factors that go into this because this could be just an indication that there are a bunch of lackluster areas that you are [messing] up essentially in your life."
"It sort of feels like your life is kind of like a hundred wells that are dug one foot deep instead of one well that's a hundred feet deep."
"You're controlling your life in control of your situation."
"You're the one shaping the drama of your life."
"If you can control your mentality then you can control your life."
"If you give 10, save 10, and live on 80, you'll always be okay."
"You can't pick your life but you can make things less stressful than they are."
"Luckily, working with a therapist can help you gather those tools and navigate life with a little more ease."
"I would totally rather know when I'm going to die because they totally allow me to plan and live my life according to that."
"Well, I don't think it's fun to never be able to prepare for what's in front of you. I'm about my life, sir."
"Prioritize and don't compromise on what's important to you."
"You're trying to minimize the drama in your life."
"We encourage you to sit in the driver's seat of your own life put your hands on the steering wheel steer your own life."
"Put first things first: spend time on what's truly important."
"What you need to do to live at cause is you need to own your life, where you are. Own the mess that maybe you've got yourself in right now, and own the cleanup process."
"No matter what circumstances you've gone through, it's all in your control."
"Scientology is for an able guy like you, or like me, able to function in life, able to make his own way, does his work and so forth."
"Mind your business and take care of what is in your life what matters to you."
"Balancing personal life, relationship, and career."
"Sometimes we need to do a little bit less epic questing and just handle daily business."
"Take absolute ownership and responsibility of everything in your life."
"Your relationship with the most high is way more important than your job or your economic circumstances."
"You take everything in your life that's a distraction or takes away your focus."
"The quicker you say no, the quicker the right things come into your life."
"If you don't have a plan, you're often just like a rudderless ship."
"Do everything you can to create a scenario in your life where you have control of it."
"You can tell a principal woman by how her life is organized."
"I don't worry about things that I can't control. I worry how I'm going to live."
"It's not that complicated, but God is number one in your life and everything else will work out."
"Change is constant, personal, and how you manage it makes it variable."
"She takes ownership for her choices in life."
"Realize you are in control, directing things in your life."
"Moving from compulsive to conscious activity."
"Are you ready to be the boss of your own life? Are you ready to be in control of your own life?"
"You need a wants management strategy or you're going to be running from thing to thing to thing."
"You are the CEO of your life. You have to run your life accordingly."
"Fame like you said, fame can kill you or it can be the greatest thing in the world if you use it right."
"Putting something like this, it gives you a huge peace of mind."
"Practice your own discernment with all of your life in general. Just practice your own discernment."
"By controlling our thoughts, we govern our actions. By governing our actions, we mold our life and circumstances."
"Stay in your lane, there's no traffic in your life."
"The urgent things show up as tasks just by their own. But the important but not urgent, they don't have complete urgent completion dates yet those are the things that change the arc of your life."
"You only have one life, one set of 24 hours per day."
"Make your time your own, experiment with it, and figure out what works for you."
"All this planning, all this stuff you've come out with, oh, it's gonna work this way, I got my binder, yeah, that doesn't work in real life."
"Plans are very helpful; they help you get what you need to get done."
"If you make God a priority, all other things will follow."
"You know I have I have big what I like to call Evolution goals that anchor the four um core systems of my life right and you know that's my health my life my wealth and my work right."
"Organizing is like Freedom; having an organized space is the ultimate life hack."
"You can fix your own life... focus on things in your control."
"You're wasting so much time in your life with things that don't matter."
"Help me to eliminate anything that's unhelpful or unhealthy in my life."
"Create a synchronicity. Keep your own contracts with yourself."
"This is what I want or declare this is what I'm doing and see how the pieces will kind of fall."
"You never overcome your fear of failure, you just live your life in spite of it."
"Prayer is the crowning of your life with dominion and authority."
"You got to get your priorities in order and, you know, this is a very, very... obviously it's turning out really well to say the least."
"If you get your life in order build useful skills pay off your debt build wealth and build good friend family and professional networks then none of these people and their crappy philosophies will ever be able to touch you."
"If everyone is crazy in your life and everybody's been looking forward to have some introspection."
"Let's not become passive spectators of our own life, hoping that things come our way. Let's be purposeful about making it get better."
"Position is everything. Being in position makes life a tremendous amount easier, gives you more optionality."
"You only control two things in life: your actions and your reactions."
"Life is 20% what is given to you and 80% what you make of it."
"It's not about energy management at all, it's about life management."
"Money makes an amazing servant but a terrible master."
"If you've been hoping to get your life back on track, now's the time to do it."
"Stop majoring in minor things. This is just a distraction."
"The big three is the ultimate productivity hack to simplify a complex life."
"If you don't create structure, it can own you and start to affect your creativity in negative ways as well as your life."
"Product-market fit is adjusting the product to meet the market."
"Habits are literally everything in everyday life."
"The more you try to control your life, the more out of control you will feel."
"Your mentors, the people you're around, your community, they're going to help make sure that as you take command and you deal with the mayhem of life, you're doing it well."
"Stabilizing of life, less shocks, catastrophes, disasters, and upheavals."
"Having a plan has been one of the best things I've ever decided to do."
"Your life is what matters. All you can control is your life, and that's how you win in life."
"Prep time will save you time and energy, which you can then put back into your campaign or use for the rest of your life."
"You're given one life, and it's down to you what you do with it. We all have the same 24 hours in a day." - Molly May
"therapy helps you stay connected to what you really want while you navigate your life so you can move forward with confidence and excitement trusting yourself to make decisions that align with your values"
"But you can't boil the ocean. Change yourself first."
"I wanna create the existence management system that helps you manage how all of it fits together... to continually live a consistent state of Joy."
"Reality is your masterpiece, frame by frame."
"You can't do life well if you're doing relationships wrong."
"Either you get some help so that you can deal with this and compartmentalize the hate and push it to the side or you reorganize your life."
"We live in a world there's a lot on our plates but what's actually valuable and how should we address doing what we actually want to do?"
"My priorities in my career, my priorities with time, my priorities when it comes to what matters as a person, what matters to me to create..."
"Embrace what you're in control of in your life."
"What can I do now, you know? What did I do now? Is it worth me worrying about all those things that happened when I could be focusing on the now and the future?"
"I feel really positive about everything. I don't know, I feel like I finally got my life on track."
"Your home life and your business life have to be aligned money-wise."
"If it doesn't enrich my life, it's got to go."
"As long as we're talking about the Gardeners, think of life like a big scrapbook. The challenge is to incorporate both positive and negative elements." - John
"It's your job to make sure that you prioritize them in spite of your chaos."
"Be intentional about moving through your life, let people go if needed."
"I've never quite found a system organizing my entire life that's worked, and that's where my love for bullet journaling has really come in."
"Own your day; your days are your life in miniature."
"From now on, you can make life work for you, not against you."
"Never in his own life, in someone else's control."
"Being intentional with any area of your life is so, so important."
"I got the literal most insanely busy offseason of my life."
"My life is work, I need work to be relegated to the place... and have my personal life be my main squeeze."
"Whether you are a street cleaner or CEO, you should be planning your day, having intentions for how you start and begin your day, and when you do this, you are living life not on default but you're living life like a warrior."
"You don't have to lend books out to people if you don't want to. You don't have to lend your life out to them either."
"Make sure you name everything, it'll make your life way easier."
"You have to prioritize at times. Certain things take priority. Sometimes discipline and priority, like that's the real truth."
"Independence just enables you to get on with your life, not to always live waiting for something to happen in the future."
"It's all up to you in the end to decide when to go and how to do it."
"Everything arranges itself in a way that's easy and effortless when you know how to flow."
"Life is all about saving time, whatever you can get away with, get things done faster."
"Your life becomes consistent when you cut out the emotional roller coaster."
"Your environment can either enable you or distract you from going where you want to go."
"I don't really believe in the term balance, I like priorities."
"Balance is the key for number 8; balance between personal and material life leads to invincibility."
"Your time is the most precious thing that you have."
"Take the pressure off myself... the order in which you prioritize your life is especially important."
"It's not a resolution of 'I gotta get my life on track.'"
"You have to take time to weed the garden, your soul, your marriage, your life."
"You will have powerful control over your life."
"All the real men out here, all the real women out here, do a stress test on your life."
"You always want to take care of your responsibilities."
"You have to have the not to do list and eliminate the things that can destroy you."
"The most productive people in the world almost all of them live their life based on their calendar."
"Once you have responsibilities, you start to prioritize better."
"No saying no leaves margin for you to have nothing on your calendar so that you can just enjoy."
"You guys really seem balanced though, like you know how to keep your life in balance."
"The law gives you power to bring any condition into your life that is not harmful."
"Getting present is like taking your car off of autopilot."
"Even things seem dumb on the surface 'cause everything seems dumb if you phrase it the wrong way."
"Your space matters to you, and if you're with people that don't respect your space then they're toxic."
"If things fall apart despite you successfully managing all those other elements in your life, then you've only got one person left to blame: yourself."
"Most people live life, they have no clue what their next 10 moves are gonna be."
"Most of it's just stoicism. If it's in your control, do what you can about it. If it's not, then there's nothing you can do. Don't worry about it, move on. That's pretty much how I live."
"You either have to balance being really good at keeping them separate, or you have to sacrifice."