
Challenges Quotes

There are 20577 quotes

"Currently, you've been going through a time where maybe it feels like a certain project or idea that you've had has not really been working out, or maybe there's just been a lot of opposition or resistance."
"Mind management becomes absolutely essential in us being able to cope with anything that we've gone through."
"There's no better education than facing every demon, and it's all gonna come out and it's not gonna be pretty."
"Life's greatest lessons come from our deepest challenges."
"Achieving huge goals and stretching to reach your potential requires you to do those challenging, stressful things, and to stick with them even when it gets boring."
"I physically was unable to focus... and originally at school, and I had an attention deficit issue."
"This video didn't go to plan at all, the odds were stacked against us from the start, but we gave it our best shot and we had fun."
"The longer I am away from YouTube, the harder it is to come back."
"Nutrition science has been wrong in many big ways and it has something fundamentally to do with the fact that nutrition science is a difficult science to do."
"The more we've gone into the internet age, the harder it is to find the truth."
"Comfort is the killer of man, and discomfort, challenge, problems – that is where all growth arises."
"You're doing a really good job despite lots of challenges and confusion."
"The mark of your success isn't going to be which mountain you climbed, the mark of your success is going to be how good you've become at climbing whatever mountain presents itself in front of you."
"The fruit of everything good in life begins with a challenge. Everything is a pill that's worthwhile in life."
"Do not be deterred by The Thorn amidst the Roses."
"A distraction can mean a curveball... something that's coming at you that you don't anticipate."
"Who's had a curveball in their lap before? Raise your hand."
"Thank God for not just your blessings but also for your hardships, and your trials."
"No overnight challenge is complete without some snacks."
"I could survive this challenge all night long as long as I have cookies."
"When you dream big, your problems become small."
"Powerful Survivor who has endured a winter storm."
"As a black woman owning my own business, we have it so tough already."
"Life is a test; it's important to be grateful for not only life's blessings but its sufferings."
"Being a parent is one of the hardest jobs in the world."
"Technology gives us new ways to connect, but also presents new challenges."
"To get stronger, you have to take knocks to the face left, right, and center... to crawl through a pile of [challenges] to get out the end free and strong."
"Hard times can destabilize relationships, but actually, they can also bring people closer together."
"Dean's a fighter; he's not gonna back down from a challenge."
"The wind always blows the strongest at the top of the mountain."
"This has to be the hardest storm I'll ever weather, but damn, I know I'll sail through it, if not for me, for my children."
"God only gives the toughest tests in life to people that can truly handle it."
"You don't just go through it, you grow through it."
"Realize that both paths will be terribly difficult, but only one of them leaves a possibility of your future happiness."
"Those back against the wall moments, they define your life. They become what you take with you for the rest of your days on this planet. They make you who you are."
"Life's struggles and difficulties become chances or opportunities for awakening."
"Nothing is more challenging than the difficulty of changing perspective, fundamentally altering your perceptions in a way that will enable you to face dire trial by fire scenarios with solutions that could not be found otherwise."
"What pain do you want in your life? What are you willing to struggle for?"
"We develop character by facing the challenges that come along with life, by moving out of victim mode and more into 'I think I can, I think I can'."
"We need to go through these valleys to appreciate those mountaintops."
"The best pathway forward is to face the things that challenge, confront, and threaten you voluntarily."
"The universe is not throwing hardship on you to mock you; it's preparing you for big desires and dreams."
"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."
"Innovation solves problems, and we have a lot of problems now."
"It was a moment where I wasn't sure if it was going to be okay, but God always shows up."
"The roadblocks are showing you what your strengths are and these roadblocks are showing you what is for you and what is not for you."
"It's hard to get, again, an undrafted player to win an MVP award. It's just going to be really difficult to do."
"For Allah, all things are possible... This is a test, and ask Allah to help you. Allah can change their heart."
"I was always interested in why some people wilted in the face of failure, shied away from challenges, when people who are no more talented or able were embracing challenges and thriving in the face of failure."
"You don't stay humble by trying to be humble; you become humbled constantly, right, by trying to do stuff that's out of your league."
"The biggest challenges are often not financial."
"The situation is calling for you to have faith."
"It sounds so easy, just accept who you are, but sometimes it's a lot easier said than done."
"The sense of optimism should always grow strong as the problems grow strong as well."
"Mistakes, setbacks are natural parts of learning. It's what happens when you take on challenges."
"Every season has different challenges, and if you can anticipate the challenge, you can make that season a lot more enjoyable."
"Being in poverty is hugely coercive, it's hugely time consuming, it's hugely mentally taxing."
"Adopt a health-promoting diet in a world designed to make you fat, sick, and miserable."
"You renew people's faith in goodness. Your challenges have made you more compassionate."
"Unbelievable team win for the cold hearts, a short-handed cold hearts tonight."
"You become more by facing these challenges; you learn and you grow."
"Cafe Amazon entered the Chinese market before 2019 but faced setbacks exacerbated by 3 years of pandemic restrictions."
"It's what I like to refer to as the designer's curse."
"There is no job that is more rewarding or tougher than raising human beings."
"This connection... it feels a little bit rocky right now, but there is a lot of happiness."
"When we work together, we can overcome challenges."
"Procrastination is really a problem with getting started."
"We only really need motivation for the things that are like short-term painful for long-term gain."
"Perseverance means the ability to continue doing something in spite of difficulties or opposition."
"Problems are life's way of seeing if you're ready to level up."
"Life will present you with many challenges, and I hope that you will carry from this talk today that you have the power to choose your response, or at least practice getting better over time."
"Ordinary life is fraught with problems, it's fraught with difficulties."
"No matter the legislation, we're going to have disinformation and fabricated videos being turned out like crazy."
"You can manifest whatever you want to, but accept the challenges along the way."
"Turbulence is the price you pay for flying high."
"The cold turkey might be great on a sandwich, but sometimes it's not the easiest thing when you're breaking bad habits."
"Every challenge is a gift for me to grow, and that I have so much to give to the world and everyone."
"Our toughest challenges often lead to our greatest achievements."
"Life is a constant up and down of hitting rock bottom and rising to the top, then hitting rock bottom."
"God gives his hardest battles to his toughest soldiers."
"Ships don't sink because of the water that gets around them; ships sink because of the water that gets in them."
"Governing isn't easy, being a leader isn't easy."
"Persevere through everything that comes up in life."
"Every one of us who tries to do cross-disciplinary work finds himself disadvantaged in that area or field with which he is less familiar."
"This is making you really strong... like a butterfly... it has to break out of the cocoon... but that struggle gives it the strength to fly."
"United Nations peacekeepers are deployed in some of the most challenging and perilous environments in the world."
"This man, the smartest man in the galaxy, who can heal any wound, who has taken down God, who has brought himself back from the brink of death, now has to confront the one thing that he can't fix."
"Complete challenge and earn rewards coveted by Space Cowboys across the solar system."
"Together we can overcome the challenges that lie ahead and create a world in which humanity can stand proudly among the stars."
"Let us embrace the challenges with faith and courage, knowing that in every change and uncertainty, God is working out his perfect plan."
"When you ask for strength, you'll be sent a challenge because the challenge will make you stronger."
"Find really good teammates because that is what makes these large-scale challenges for humanity possible."
"Ultimately, the idea of identifying who is an adult or who isn't puts a really big issue in anonymity for the internet and privacy in general."
"When your roots are deep, you need not fear the storm."
"We're passionate about the things that challenge us, that make us feel like we've overcome a difficulty."
"If you shift from hard to hard to hard to hard and you never push through the hard, how can you ever get anywhere?"
"The greater the challenge, the better the performance."
"It's only through challenges that we can actually see our potential."
"A relationship with two people is difficult enough to manage; bring a third in, and now you really got a mess."
"The only way the gate can close or the dungeon can be cleared is if they kill the boss."
"I love having a kid and having a baby. It's awesome, but it's really hard."
"If you face fears a little bit at a time, fears and challenges, and you do that voluntarily, then you become more than who you are."
"This is going to be a longer race. It's going to be a marathon."
"Having a conversation about our challenges makes me more eager to work and more excited to film."
"You have been through some [stuff], and generally, the universe will make us go through some crap because the uncomfortability is almost like motivation to get us to level up."
"These moments of coming out aren't always met with a simple happily ever after. Scenes of rejection, ignorance, and estrangement are just as common, reflecting the real-life experiences of many people in the queer community."
"The scariest part about this challenge is every second the car sinks deeper into the water making it harder to get to and harder to see."
"Believe that it's just this darker energy must be faced and worked through."
"If you can survive with these peers in the wilderness with nothing more than the clothes on your back and a couple of minimal supplies, then there's nothing in this world that you can't tackle."
"The Biden Administration has introduced new measures aimed at addressing the situation, but legal challenges loom large."
"Life gets busy, and sticking to healthy eating habits can be tough."
"The test of a man is about his integrity, the ability to stand there in spite of all the problems."
"Life comes at you fast; ban comes at you faster."
"Your greatest challenges are your biggest blessings. Don't give up before the magic happens. You're leveling up."
"This challenge was super fun, watching friendships form like you guys did."
"Not only can you trust the universe, but you can trust yourself to be strong enough to navigate the challenges that you're going through."
"The universe is really saying that whatever you're going through right now or whatever unfolds this month is not a punishment."
"Parenting is one of the hardest jobs that we're not taught how to do."
"A lot of the times, we don't get these gifts unless we learn a lesson first. That's just the nature of life."
"The two parts of his name are what makes him the show’s hero – he is 'cowardly' enough to feel threatened by all the crazy stuff life throws at him, but has the 'courage' to power through it to protect the people he cares about."
"We are now irrevocably joined in an enormous coalition of seven billion people and growing. The opportunities for human enrichment at this scale are enormous, as are the dangers."
"It's important to be motivated by the challenges you face. It is nothing to be frightened of if you believe in yourself and your senses."
"These challenges are actually blessings disguised as challenges and they're teaching you to be more organized, more stable, more consistent."
"And I might question, and I might fear, because the problems often seem insurmountable, but haven't we always risen to meet them?"
"Landing on Mars is always difficult; more than half the missions have failed."
"When a gifted child fails, what they need more than anything else is a bigger challenge, not an easier environment."
"It's never going to be as easy as you expect it to be...business is problems."
"Challenges are going to come up that are unexpected and it is never easy."
"I love people who work in startups, I love entrepreneurs, in part because it's so tough and isolating."
"Bettering yourself and protecting your peace is not always easy."
"We still really struggle with diversity... it needs to be a part of the conversation."
"Navigating life's ups and downs with high self-esteem turns challenges into stepping stones."
"The problem was, people with disabilities were having a very difficult time, if not an impossible time, trying to grab a pair of these."
"It's by challenging your kids, not by protecting them, that you make them resilient."
"Sometimes you cut, you might cut too deep...that sets you up for growth in the future."
"The challenges you have in life or the weaknesses you have in life are the ones that you need. They are directly aligned to your purpose."
"We unlock our greatness by working on the hard stuff."
"Democracy is complicated and there are fundamental difficulties in making it work in practice that we've never been able to fully resolve."
"Where you stumble, that's where you should dig for treasure."
"The entire world economy is on extremely shaky footing."
"I've beaten a pumpkin boss, I've beaten the cave dweller, I've, of course, beaten the Ender Dragon 'cause it sucks."
"These laws are going to make it challenging for people to seek proper health care."
"If there's anything you listen to, all the stuff that I described that was really tough, it was not as hard as me quitting my job."
"Marriage is all about growth, growth that you would never sign yourself up for."
"Chris Wilder: 'It's been a real painful season. There's a lot of broken and damaged players out there.'"
"Our friendship felt stronger than ever through this, but my relationship with the rest of the world continued to deteriorate."
"Honestly speaking, I don't know where to begin from here, aside from tackling it head-on by forcing myself into random conversations wherever I feel like it."
"The worst is now behind you, and you are surmounting any previous challenges."
"Some are very dangerous, extremely miserable, and almost impossible to do."
"You'll truly never know what you're capable of until you step outside of your comfort zone."
"Challenges don't make you unconscious; they make you more conscious."
"Life becomes easier, not free of challenges, but much easier."
"Fulfillment is often born out of really hard things; it's doing hard things right."
"Brokenness may be a bridge where you can see promotion."
"If God allows brokenness in your life, He's going to use it, bring good out of it, and bring you through it."
"Game development is very difficult, especially for an MMORPG that is trying to be as ambitious as Ashes of Creation is."
"It don't matter where you're at right now in life. Think futuristic because the stuff you're going through right now is just a passing-through situation."
"I think that the primary challenges right now tend to be around ego, materialism, and a disconnection from self."
"The trouble will stay with you or keep returning to you until it teaches you what you need to learn."
"Sometimes aspects of relationships need to be ruined in order for the relationship to grow."
"Basketball is very similar to the game of life. There are going to be challenges, but if you put in the work and you constantly put in the work, that's the only way you're going to grow."
"Making an MMO is hard as [expletive], and making an MMO of our size is even harder."
"Life is like a roller coaster, there are literally ups and downs involved in it."
"I mean, I just think that that's progress. In general, we made progress, and I think the challenges of any given point in time continue to evolve and change."
"Living in convenience does not bring power. The power we need to withstand the heat of our day is the Lord's power, and His power flows through our covenants with Him."
"As you allow your love for the Savior and His love for you to sink deep into your heart, I promise you added confidence, peace, and joy in meeting the challenges of your life."
"All of us are Davids, and all of us can take on lions and bears and giants in our lives just like him."
"I don't like to play The Sims on easy mode, I want extreme challenges!"
"The greater we evolve, the greater the challenges."
"Even in the face of unfortunate unintended circumstances, it is better to stick to your morals rather than sacrifice them."
"If what's in you is not stronger than what's coming on you, you'll break."
"No matter what challenges face your way, you'll come back and you'll come stronger."
"Have you ever been with someone who doesn't know how to communicate their feelings? It is the worst thing ever."
"The Feminine Mystique...brought attention to challenges that women face."
"Just because the wind is against you doesn't mean that God is not for you."
"We are trying to fix and upgrade the train while it's moving."
"Despite all of the challenges that they had to face and how little rest Nikita and the folks at BSG have had over the holidays and into the new year."
"An astonishing creation of humanity but also a deeply tortured, troubled character who achieved so much in his time but ultimately was placed into a situation that was in many ways an unwinnable one."
"The very sorts of things that are hard to automate are the sorts of things folks tend to find mentally challenging and satisfying."
"It doesn't feel like there's a mountain too high that we can't stay on top of."
"I love strategy, I love trying different things, but in this run, it really does feel like you keep running up against the wall, hoping one of the times you break through."
"One should not be daunted by difficult problems because there are always more solutions than problems."
"It is a boys club and unfortunately they don't want us leading like we're doing now."
"Faith has to show up when things are unstable. It's got to show up when things are difficult."
"We create our own villains... we need dopamine organically, so we need those real problems coming in our way so that we can solve them and progress. That's a healthy brain."
"You're killing yourself with ease because it's too easy of a life to live. You need, you have to have problems. 'I suffer, therefore I am,' of course."
"Part of that equation was capability versus barrier. So, at what point do we stop tearing down the barriers and instead focus on building up the capability?"
"The problem is parenting is not easy. Like, parenting is so hard, and it's so easy to become a parent."
"A big scary problem is just a bunch of small solvable problems."
"If it hadn't been for Andre, we wouldn't have made it. This was a difficult interview. It flattened both of us."
"You're only going to fix the problem by looking at the data, finding out what are the challenges, fix many of these challenges, and realizing you can't fix everything."
"The world still has lots and lots of problems; some of them are very hard to solve, some of them are very easy to solve. If that's true, why wouldn't we want to solve the easy ones first?"
"Life cannot simply be about solving one miserable problem after another."
"It's like passions and dreams, they go out the window like I'm trying to survive in this."
"You have faced so many challenges in your 36 years; never would I imagine we would lose you to a pandemic."
"Obstacles present opportunities to overcome."
"You have to be willing to take out the trash... You almost have to go through that in order to get to the great thing on the other side."
"People make more mistakes when they're not challenged, when they don't have to explain things and get others to go along with it."
"Any challenges that happen to you are going to turn you into a better person."
"Despite its challenges, string theory remains one of our best candidates for a theory of everything."