
Proactive Health Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"By incorporating these foods into your diet, you can take proactive steps towards reducing your risk of cancer and promoting overall health and well-being."
"Nobody's healthcare is going to work unless the people participate in being healthy."
"Your health is in your control, and don't rely on the medical profession to diagnose you with these diseases when they're already very advanced."
"The earlier the better, even before you're born, you should be working on [longevity]."
"Health care is intermittent and reactive; it needs to become continuous and proactive."
"If you have the opportunity to get proactive things done with your health, consider doing those things sooner than later."
"Don't wait for something that may not arrive. Get the vaccine that's there today."
"If you have a genetic condition, you can be doing something about it. What can we do so we can start doing something about dementia?"
"I don't think that this subject is talked about enough until we're at a place where it's like we are trying to get pregnant, and I think there's so much you can do before to understand your body."
"Just by doing that, we now know that your immune system is going to get stronger."
"Let's change the paradigm, stop reacting, go out know the viruses before they know us."
"To find a cure, we need to be honest about the situation from all angles."
"Most of health does not get created by the doctor... it's created by your lifestyle."
"Being proactive is half the battle. If you can avoid all the sun damage, that's half the battle."
"What we need to be focusing on is the creation of Health."
"The beauty of a vaccine is, if your body knows what it's dealing with, it can go thermonuclear on it as soon as the virus shows up and destroy it before it even has a chance to establish a foothold."
"Action, not a sit on the couch and get healthy program."
"Read metabolical and if you think that what's in metabolical is worthwhile gift it to your doctor it all starts with education."
"Let's think about creating generational health."
"If you can heal, you gotta do what you can do."
"Cancer is like a seed... you can't do anything about the seed, but you can do something about the soil."
"Take cancer seriously folks. Get checked often, get a second opinion when necessary, and, most importantly, listen to your doctors."
"I should get a vitamin K, is it K3 or K2 to go with this? I haven't done it yet, get those three, very very important."
"Stop waiting until you become sick to transition to a vegan lifestyle."
"Healing is something that happens to you. You have to make the conscious effort."
"Nutrition matters, and if we're really ready to get serious about mental health, we need to get serious about the critical role played by nutrition."
"If you want the medicine of the future to be different, don't look around for someone else to do it. You do it."
"Be proactive so you don't get those problems that you then have to deal with."
"Do something about it right now because it's not all of a sudden you're just gonna magically lose the weight." - Alan Robertson
"Health is not just about what you avoid, it's also about what you do consume in abundance."
"Never hesitate to seek out for help, do your GP first if needed."
"If health workers do not vaccinate in your village, take your children to the nearest health center to be vaccinated."
"I think you need to step up and say, 'I don't know, but I want to have myself evaluated neurologically.'"
"When you're out in the cold, proactively eat and drink before you get cold or hungry or thirsty."
"You need to take control of your own health care and question everything."
"Spend your money on wellness or prepare to start making time for sickness."
"It's time that we all take health into our own hands."
"We're not trying to be immortal or stop the aging process, just trying to optimize Health span."
"Start making little changes and start getting healthier."
"Had we been doing that all along on a more frequent basis we may have been able to catch this infection really early on."
"You should go and engage in your health and try to alter your risk starting today. Don't wait."
"Not working on recovery is working towards relapse."
"There's no need to wait for it to get bad enough. If you're experiencing symptoms, then you definitely need some treatment."
"Make sure that you're healthy so that you don't just one day say to yourself, maybe this is my day."
"The body has an innate ability to heal itself as long as you act like a detective."
"Our health is not predetermined by our genetics."
"There are myriad life choices you can make that maximize heart health and minimize the chance of disease."
"Modern fertility helps you map things out on your own terms."
"We just can really, by tweaking our nutrition, get a profound effect."
"We have to take proactive steps to protect our DNA."
"You should be taking approaches to maintain... health for the entirety of exposure."
"You can prevent, treat, or even reverse [chronic diseases] by activating your defense systems using food."
"You can always choose to eat different, you could always choose to research and be aware."
"Let's fix this, let's get healthy as a country."
"Take every opportunity to walk—it's walk day."
"Be proactive about your health and actually be mindful about some of the impacts that the lifestyle choices you're making have on your health."
"Why wouldn't you want to eat antioxidants to counteract the Advanced glycation products?"
"If you actively create your health, you avoid the disease state."
"Drive your health into the direction of 100% function."
"The only way you can achieve good health is by you taking charge of your health destiny, of you controlling your own health."
"Empower yourself to do everything possible to have a healthier lifestyle so that you can stay away from even needing doctors in the first place."
"Getting antibiotics before you can't is always a good idea."
"The most powerful, doable, and obvious solution to COVID-19 from the very beginning is rapid at-home testing."
"I come to the conclusion that in order to be healthy today, you almost have to be militant about it."
"Swinging the sword of the Spirit puts the enemy on the run, brings healing, peace, boldness, and activates victory and stability in our lives."
"Do something for you, be proactive with your health."
"I don't tolerate living in pain, I don't tolerate having anything wrong with me, I figure out how to solve the problem immediately so I can keep myself in optimum health all the time."
"You'll have a natural desire to care for your body... and you'll want to do more good things for yourself."
"With slight tweaks in our diet and our lifestyle, we can really turn these lab tests around." - Casey
"By optimizing health, we can actually slow and even start to reverse the disease."
"If she makes some big changes in her life, if she tries to be more active and she really sticks to it, she could actually stop her body prematurely aging."
"There's something incredibly exciting about this idea that there's things that you can do right now that really can reduce your inflammation."
"If you look at this, you're going to know, 'Hey, I'm inflamed, and I probably should do something about it.'"
"Preventative medicine is always better than reacting to a disease once you've already got it."
"Don't be afraid to go to your doctor's office if you need to go there and you need to get treatment."
"This is not inevitable from wear-and-tear of aging and that there is something that you can do about it."
"These are things that people can do without taking an extra fancy drug to actually decrease their risk of diseases associated with aging."
"It's never too late to start changing this from happening to you."
"What we do know from science is that we can do something to change our destiny."
"Extremely important to prevent lows rather than treat them."
"Imagine the relief of knowing that you're taking proactive steps to support your kidneys and improve your quality of life."
"For the first time in history, a nation, our own United States, is in the fortunate position of being ahead of an impending epidemic."
"Sometimes you really have to take your health into your own hands."
"We've got to be the CEO of our own health... there's little things that we can do that can prevent you ever being in that place."
"Let's take our health into our hands and start meal planning as it is hundred times better than having a takeaway."
"Health is not something that happens to us, but it's something that we are active participants in."
"Wouldn't it make more sense to make sure that you work that you don't have those health issues so that you can have a normal life?"
"When we do that, we can decrease the risk of that person getting cancer in the first place."
"If you want to optimize instead of waiting until there's a problem, let me optimize so I don't have a problem."
"Definitely recommend starting therapy when you're not in a crisis."
"Support your body now versus having to pay for it later."
"People are trying to become less reactive and more proactive about the overall health management."
"I am taking my health into my own hands right now."
"Don't wait to go to therapy when there's something wrong, just go."