
Patience Quotes

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"Don't rush it, but try to take the right steps toward what you truly want to do and be happy with what you're currently doing."
"Be patient and persistent; if you have a vision, be persistent to that vision, be patient with it."
"A three-year-old is not half a six-year-old; a six-year-old is not half a twelve-year-old. They're three; give them a break. They're six."
"Masters are always very chill; they don't show off their strength until they really have to."
"Stacking skills is how you do something great, but stacking skills takes time."
"The rewards of finding and maintaining balance are neither immediate nor permanent; they require patience and maintenance."
"Having to work really hard and wait a long time to get what you want amplifies the reward once we eventually reach it."
"Slow and steady wins the race. Stop trying to rush things."
"The real good results come months down the road. You're looking at your skin, and suddenly people are commenting on how good it looks."
"There is never any hurry on the creative plane; and there is no lack of opportunity."
"You will be rewarded; just wait it out. Right now is the time for hard work."
"Give yourself some grace, try to be patient (keyword: try), and remember my favorite proverb: Everything cool is hard at first, even ice cream."
"When I run after what I think I want, my days are a furnace of distress and anxiety. But if I sit in my own place of patience, what I need flows to me and without any pain."
"An empire isn't built in a day; it's built every day."
"Patience is the skill of understanding that results take some time to occur."
"The best way to get rich quick is don't get rich quick."
"When you're making decisions, slow down. Slow is fast."
"The first step in crisis management... is just slow it down."
"Evolution is a process. Be patient with yourself, but be diligent about growing."
"Everything takes one and a half times more... but as you said about your cycle, when you slow things down, sometimes you enjoy them more and you make better things."
"Phases are totally normal and healthy. Don't expect constant action, constant motivation, constant upward growth."
"Really, the way bamboo grows is that it takes five or ten years for the bamboo roots of the plant to establish themselves. During that time, nothing is growing up top; the root system is growing and preparing itself for a massive spurt of growth at some point."
"You can't expect to win the gold medal in a week."
"Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; love is not arrogant or rude."
"Love people. Let people figure things out. Be patient. Call out bigots when you need to. Love yourself."
"Life is a marathon, not a sprint. There are so many things that people see in the short term that can benefit you but in regards to 30, 40 years down the line..."
"I preach self-love, but that takes time and patience."
"Islam has improved my life in several areas...it has allowed me to become more patient."
"I don't know a lot, and in my experience, these things are helped when we as people are willing to slow down a bit and willing to let a situation just unfold a little more to see what's happening and what will happen down the road."
"We need more compassion, more patience, more grace."
"Don't drive yourself crazy waiting around for something. If you want something bad enough, make it happen."
"If you go to the root, it takes longer, but it lasts longer."
"If you rush the process, you might just topple over without a solid foundation in place."
"In general, in our culture, people are too much in a hurry."
"Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry."
"Trust the process. Keep getting better with time. That's what it's about."
"Self-care takes time. You can't rush through it."
"You're going to have an increased need for closeness in your relationships and you're not going to have a lot of patience for frivolous relationships."
"Having patience, DCAing, and holding - that's how you truly win."
"The stock market is a place that transfers money from the impatient to the patient."
"Give yourself time. Be patient with yourself."
"Patience is the most important thing to deal with trauma."
"Trust the process and enjoy this time right now. Be assured that it's coming; it's going to happen."
"This relationship could work if you have the patience and understanding for each other. If you both want this to work, you will make it work."
"I've been praying for it...I do trust in Allah that when it's ready, it's gonna happen."
"I related to animals... the root of empathy and patience."
"The Bible says, 'Whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.'"
"It's not about timing the market, it's about time in the market that matters."
"Long-term investing has never been the hot thing to do."
"I'm a very patient driver. I really am never really in much of a rush."
"I'm in a dark place, please be patient with me."
"Don't settle, know what you want, and eventually, it will come. And also, expand your horizons."
"The Lord is not slack concerning his promise... but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."
"The hardest thing about being a dad is having to exercise the patience required until your children believe what you see in them."
"Every moment... is demanding of us more patience, more compassion."
"I would rather get rich slowly but get rich for sure."
"Big life changes require patience and a long time horizon."
"You will find acceptance; it just takes time for some people."
"I know that this whole self-love thing is so difficult to understand... but it's actually something that can take a long, long, long time to work on and to practice."
"We're to be patient with one another. And all of us have had to be patient with others and we've had people who had to be patient with us."
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast."
"Have patience sometimes dreams grow slowly. Don't worry, the hard work you've invested will bring about a bountiful harvest."
"Be patient with yourself, rest when you need to, a lot of that message of let go, no expectations."
"Be patient...your career is a very long time, this middle piece of the narrative is actually relatively longer than we often feel like it is."
"Find help, find relief, find that contentment through patience and prayer."
"Holding the wild cards till the end is certainly working."
"We have a lot of progress to make; we're on the right track, it's going to take some time, but it's a start."
"The whole earth is waiting patiently for the manifestation of the sons of God."
"Surrender the need, the desire, the want to make it happen right now and align yourself to the understanding, the guidance, the solution that evade you."
"Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish."
"Keep that vision clear, keep seeing that thing that you know is about to arrive and, in divine timing, it will."
"The people that win in this cycle are the people that have patience and a strategy."
"Everything truly happens with purpose and reason. You will see the whole picture in time."
"You need to be content with where you are right now and know that all these things that you want are going to happen, it just takes time."
"Everything can be accomplished at Nature's pace. Don't worry if things haven't happened before, don't worry if things seem slow at times, have patience, keep your focus, and keep going."
"On the horizon here, you have to just be patient and keep moving towards it. That's going to help you quite a bit."
"Value your relationships, people really matter. Slow down; anything great takes patience. We are part of nature... living in harmony with nature, being patient, valuing your relationships."
"If you can live more humble, you can hold your breath longer."
"Be patient. It's impatience... People aren't patient."
"Building wealth is a marathon, it's not a sprint. This is not something that's going to happen overnight."
"You got to have patience, because building a business, building a side hustle, getting the raises, doing all you got to do to earn more money does take time."
"You need to devote at least five years to something to even see if it's going to work."
"Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it."
"True wealth building is always slow and steady."
"A good investment plan is always slow and steady."
"The key to success here is patience. Rushing in like a bull in a china shop will only lead to disaster."
"I learned patience with this business. You got to have patience."
"God loves us. He only wants the best for us. When God says wait, here's what you listen to: 'I'm loving you.' That's what He's doing."
"Trust the weight and have patience. There is a reason a connection may not be happening yet; it's just not the right timing."
"Patience is a dying breed in football and society."
"Patience is a gift from God, but it isn't something we work up; it is a gift of God through the Holy Spirit."
"Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage; yes, wait for the Lord."
"Whenever we push God, 'Well, Lord, I've waited long enough,' it's time for me to have what I want. Watch this, God is your greatest protector."
"You can never lose waiting upon God. Trust Him, listen to Him, wait for Him, and watch to see what happens."
"Patience is a gift from God, but it isn't something we work up."
"Cultivating high self-esteem is like tending a garden: it requires patience, care, and the right conditions."
"Beautiful patience is all that's left for me, only Allah's help can be sought against the creative lies you come up with."
"It's very important that you remind yourself over and over and over again on this journey to be more patient."
"It's really simple: Are you taking action? Patience only works when you're taking action."
"The ability to have patience is actually a great gift from Allah."
"There is no greater blessing that's given to a person than patience."
"Indeed, there are signs in this for every person who is patient and grateful."
"Patience is to show patience towards the obligations of Allah, to stay away from the prohibitions of Allah, and towards the decrees of Allah that may bring you pain."
"I do have a lot of patience; I've displayed a tremendous amount of patience."
"The reason you wait is because the promise God has for you is usually discovered in the process."
"The only thing harder than waiting on God is wishing you had."
"We're taking our time. There's no need to rush."
"I'm trying to work on patience today; that's not my best quality."
"Patience is one of those qualities... patience is the highest of all the spiritual qualities."
"Patience is waiting in the moment; impatience is waiting in the future."
"Love never stops being patient, love never stops believing, love is always hopeful, love never gives up, and love never fails."
"I hope you enjoy whatever I choose to do next. I'm still working on it, so please be patient."
"Seek Aid in this journey of yours with patience and prayer, and verily it is heavy except for those who have humility."
"We were tested with hardship and we were patient, but we were tested with ease and we were not able to be patient."
"I think if you're getting with a woman, you should try and see her in all her seasons."
"Patience is required not just when you're doing something but patience is also required when you are attempting to get clarity on what you are supposed to do."
"Patience isn't just about if you wait; patience is about how you wait."
"Your time is coming; you're a builder. God just wants to build in you first."
"Trust the timing. Trust the wave you came in on. Time is not running out."
"Be patient, you're absolutely on the right path."
"We don't have to hurry; it's fine to take our time."
"A watched pot never boils. Taking your eyes off the pot is exactly what it's going to take."
"There's no need to rush; it's going to happen when it's meant to happen."
"When you meet your soulmate, you'll see why God has blocked your sight. It's for your own good. It's for a better cause."
"One doesn't set themselves free, we set one another free with patience, kindness, and courage." - Narrator
"Patience cures wrath by one first understanding the needs and desires of others before acting or speaking."
"We collectively have to lose patience more and more and faster and faster with obviously bad arguments."
"Keep watching big winners that hold near their highs because they might come back."
"Real relationships are a marathon, not a sprint."
"The day you plant the seed is not the same day that you eat the fruit."
"It's definitely a time to be patient and be kind to others."
"Be patient with yourself, allow yourself to blossom."
"Play the back until it's your time to play the front, and when it's your time, go full throttle."
"How to be aggressively patient... you are so aggressive and assertive on your part, but psychologically you're patient to know everything's going to work out."
"Patience is key. Patience is virtue. Patience is life."
"The most important time to practice patience is when you have none left."
"Trust the process. Everything needs time to grow and expand."
"I think just everything takes time, and so you just have to surrender yourself to the process."
"So take your time with this person, don't try to rush things."
"Your patience... is going to be definitely well paid off. You're gonna be reaping the benefits in October."
"Be patient and get excited now like you already have the thing that you want."
"The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit."
"Just exercise a little bit more patience."
"Be prepared, be patient, and be perseverant...if you're able to weather the market volatility and stay strong, you will come out fine."
"I'm a really good Mom. I have a well of patience for my child that nobody in my life, myself included, knew existed."
"Patience. Don't rush, and just take your time. Good things will come to those who wait."
"Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength."
"The biggest thing I would tell you, advice-wise, is just to pump the brakes a little bit, focus on understanding yourself, and then things will come in time."
"Trust the process. I knew it was going to come, and here it is."
"All human wisdom is contained in these two words, 'Wait and Hope'."
"Fear the anger of the one who's always patient with you."
"Understand that instant gratification is not a thing that men often experience; everything is progression, it's work, it takes time."
"If there is any metabolic adaptation or metabolic suppression present, with a very patient approach, you can probably increase your calories at a slow enough rate."
"Patience is just saying the tide will come in when it's ready. So, this connection might require a bit of patience, but all of the best things do."
"I possess all. Affirm this and patiently wait for the manifestation."
"You don't need to move quickly; trust in divine timing."
"Be patient with yourself, be forgiving of yourself, be compassionate of yourself."
"We want a microwave miracle, but we serve a crock-pot God."
"This period is temporary, and you know that."
"Don't rush the process. If you rush the process, all you get is responsibility without experience."
"You guys are being asked to be patient and not to give up hope because you are manifesting a life partner."
"Count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations, knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience."
"Take things one step at a time. There's no need to rush."
"Good things are coming even if they're not here right now, but you've got to believe in it."
"Nurture the seeds of patience and reap the rewards of personal achievement."
"These are the moments where the roots go deep, and the branches get bigger, and the tree bears more fruit, but it's a process and doesn't happen overnight."
"The mantra is everything is revealed in due time."
"The world is open to new ideas and change. It just takes time."
"Change is a slow process, one that needs to be taken step-by-step."
"Time is your greatest ally when it comes to investing."
"If you're going to change things, go slowly. Choose the incremental over the immediate."
"I think a lot of investors think, 'I always have to be making trades or I always have to be taking some sort of action,' but every single second you're not doing something, like you're holding, and that is a decision in and of itself."
"Be patient; it doesn't all have to happen at once, and if you fall on your face, that's okay. We all do."
"Let us not be weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap if we faint not."
"For manifesting to work properly, based on research, there is no timeline involved. You must give up the 'when' and focus on seeing and feeling yourself taking the steps."
"Months or even years may pass before forensics can spark a fire under these cold cases."
"There's plenty of time. What you need to do is go at your own pace, and you have to pick a problem that you're insanely passionate about."
"When we love ourselves enough, we no longer feel impatient or annoyed at the lack of giving from others."
"It's a reminder that if something is midway through a project or if there's someone in their own life that they're kind of sorting things out, we should never be too quick to judge something before we see the big picture."
"Identify what you want and then wait for it to go on sale."
"Improvement is a gradual process and you likely won't see grand changes right away but what's important is to be forgiving and understanding with yourself when that happens."
"Be patient with yourself, forgiving with yourself because you can't just improve every day for a month but you can try to improve today."
"Can I get my shot over here, thank you. I've been waiting since Wednesday to do this."
"Most importantly though, take care of you. The holiday season's crazy... Just be patient, be assertive, explain facts."
"Persistence eventually pays off, not when you want it to pay off necessarily, but it eventually pays off."
"I think you have been very patient, and this patience has actually led to this opportunity that's coming up."
"Take your time here and go slow; the mark of a really nice build can be how well these string ferrules are installed."
"The way the stained glass window is actually rebuilt is not even by drawing the schematic...somebody's actually going to have to go out, find the sand, make the glass, color the glass, create all of those structures."
"The love I feel for you is patient and grand."
"I need to just be patient and wait for that setup."
"The best things in life take time, they require that we hold up our end of the bargain and that we trust life will fall into place."
"Romans 12 verse 12 says: Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer."
"Delay gratification, delayed gratification, are the two most important words you need to understand to actually get into self-improvement."
"Stop worrying, no need. There's a lot going in your favor, just let give it time to cook and manifest. Rome was not built in a day."
"Professional traders are not in a rush to put money to work; they want to sit back and wait for a scenario that makes sense."
"This transformation is more like the gradual growth of a tree from a small seed to a sturdy oak, each stage of growth building upon the last, requiring patience, resilience, and a willingness to embrace the unknown."
"You have to be nice to people and work on them over time, and they will change."
"Rome wasn't built overnight. It's gonna take time for you to see the fruits of your labor."
"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer."
"Learn how to play the long game. We need to be done with time urgency."