
Cancer Prevention Quotes

There are 468 quotes

"Did you know that the food you eat can play a major role in preventing and even fighting cancer?"
"By incorporating these foods into your diet, you can take proactive steps towards reducing your risk of cancer and promoting overall health and well-being."
"Prevention is key when it comes to cancer. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, eating a balanced diet, and staying physically active, you can help reduce your risk of developing cancer."
"If just half of Americans ate one more serving of fruits and vegetables, we would prevent 20,000 cancer deaths every year."
"Daily sunscreen use can not only help improve the visible signs of skin aging but it can prevent them from accumulating and it can reduce your risk of skin cancer."
"Both drugs objectively improve sun damage in the skin on biopsy, suggesting healthier skin, and both can remove sun damage that would otherwise lead to skin cancer."
"Being in a better frame of mind, exercising, eating right, being calm—all of that changes things physiologically that make your whole body better at fighting cancer."
"Remember that a healthy diet combined with regular exercise and other healthy lifestyle choices can help reduce your risk of cancer and improve your overall health and well-being."
"Mounting research tells us that you can decrease your odds by working on something called epigenetics. You may have terrible genetics when it comes to breast cancer, but if you do the ten things below... then you can actually flip the proper epigenetic switches that effectively turn off your genetic risk of developing breast cancer."
"Intermittent fasting does lots of good things... First of all, you keep your blood glucose levels very low normal, which is good. Remember, cancer loves sugar."
"Most of the great advance in cancer over the last 30-40 years came from people not smoking."
"If you can understand what it is about the diet, about the lifestyle that's so important, you could actually take that woman in San Francisco and reduce her risk of breast cancer by a third. That's very, very powerful knowledge."
"The number one cause of cancer is cigarettes, and the number two cause is obesity. You want to drop cancer rates, you help people get rid of excess body fat."
"Your immune system is so powerful that when it's in its best shape, even when you're 80 years old, it is strong enough to fight cancer."
"Men that ate between three to five servings of cruciferous vegetables a week had a 40% decrease in prostate cancer risk compared to men that ate less than one serving per week."
"People with autoimmune disease are reacting and getting less cancers because their immune systems are more finely tuned."
"Strength training alone... showed a large study comparing cancer risk reducing cancer risk in different forms of exercise strength training blew all the other ones away."
"Fiber feeds our healthy gut microbes, important for preventing cancer."
"The blood circulating through the bodies of vegans has nearly eight times the stopping power when it comes to cancer cell growth."
"According to the World Health Organization, up to 50 percent of all cancer cases can be prevented with what are known as modifiable risk factors."
"Monitor your belly fat. Belly fat is the number one cause of cancer."
"If we can keep our bodies healthy, have our body fight cancer, have our body stay healthy... That's why we're here."
"To defeat the war on cancer, to never get cancer in a lifetime, to not get demented, and to push the envelope of human longevity...that we can all live to be about a hundred years old in great health...is insanity, simply insanity, not to take advantage of that."
"So once again, we are playing for the Prevent Cancer Foundation. 100% of all your donations this year go directly to Prevent Cancer Foundation."
"Men who consumed cooked tomatoes two to three times a week had up to a 50% reduction in their risk of developing prostate cancer."
"More than 50% of cancer deaths are preventable with the knowledge we have right now."
"Contains phytochemicals that are effective at killing cancer cells and suppressing cancer genes."
"We are raising money to support the Prevent Cancer Foundation. Our mission is saving lives across all populations through cancer prevention and early detection."
"Cutting down inflammation minimizes the risk of cancer development."
"Beans and cancer: eat beans, you have low rates of cancer."
"Just losing weight at that rate is... dramatically reducing your risk of cancer."
"Half hour of exercise a day: 80% lower risk of cancer."
"You remove the polyps before they become cancerous."
"Dark green leafy colorful fruits are very rich in anti-cancer nutrients."
"Men need to take the HPV vaccine. The incidence of head and neck cancer in males is skyrocketing from HPV."
"Less meat and more vegetables will help fight prostate cancer."
"Blueberries: A noteworthy Ally in the fight against cancer."
"Sunscreen is there to protect our skin against Burns, skin cancer, signs of aging."
"If you maintain your muscle mass and strength into your Advanced years 70s and 80s, the report showed you had a lower risk of dying from cancer by 30 to 40 percent."
"The incidence of all cancers combined is lower among vegetarians than meat-eaters."
"Broad-spectrum SPF 15 or higher have been shown to reduce the risk of skin cancer and early skin aging."
"Weeds win on a high carbohydrate diet; cancer cells thrive."
"Ketogenic diets lower glucose and insulin, reducing growth factors for cancer cells."
"I want to focus on preventing and coming up with better methods for treating people and just preventing the cancer itself."
"Anything that stops people dying prematurely from cancer is always a good thing."
"It's our immune system that does the job of surveillance and security against cancer."
"Cancer is a preventable disease in most cases."
"Foods can help starve a cancer by cutting off its blood supply."
"The Prevent Cancer Foundation funded a screening research program to evaluate the use of mobile coposcopes in resource-limited countries, making cervical cancer screening easily accessible to Rwandan women."
"Years before cancer emerges, we can start to understand the microbiome as the harbinger of a problem but also the solution for the problem."
"Each food individually in the G-BOMBS list, the greens, the beans, lower cancer rates by tremendous amount."
"Turmeric may inhibit certain forms of cancer, like melanoma and breast cancer."
"We can influence estrogen metabolism with a bunch of phytonutrients... like your cruciferous vegetables broccoli cauliflower cabbage kale."
"And then we look to see is there anything causing inflammation in the body... because we know that cancer likes to grow in the face of inflammation."
"Let's fight cancer the old-fashioned way with food."
"Make it a goal to consume 10 of these cancer-fighting foods this week."
"There's some really good evidence that longer fasts that stimulate autophagy may be efficacious for cancer prevention."
"How do we create a terrain in your body right that's soil where cancers less likely to grow."
"Having healthy active tumor suppressor genes is going to greatly reduce my chances of getting cancer."
"And yes, we can win the war on cancer: we have the information right now in the studies that show the body is protective against cancer."
"Exact Sciences' mission statement: 'We aim to eradicate cancer and the suffering it causes through tests that help prevent cancer, detect it earlier, and guide treatment.'"
"Beans have a compound called inositol pentakis phosphate ip5 which is very powerful against cancer."
"Those polyphenols if I stay in your color stay in your skin and color your skin and they and they protect you against skin cancer."
"Onions have been shown in scientific studies to be protected against almost all types of cancers."
"Mushrooms have powerful angiogenesis inhibitors and aromatase inhibitors."
"Diets rich in green vegetables have more powerful anti-cancer effects and extend human lifespans."
"Mushroom consumption lowers both prostate and breast cancer."
"The first genuine anti-cancer vaccine on the planet, and its efficacy is absolutely, I'm getting goose bumps even thinking about it."
"Turmeric and curcumin, some of the most powerful compounds when it comes to fighting cancer."
"Food is medicine that can also fight cancer if used as part of a complete lifestyle transformation."
"Veganism decreases your chances of acquiring colon cancer."
"Their vision is to stop cancer before it starts."
"Consumption of soy reduces the risk of things like breast cancer and prostate cancer when compared to dairy consumption."
"Routine screenings and early detection give people a fighting chance."
"Americans in general do not eat enough vegetables and fruits... makes it less likely to develop cancer."
"Intermittent fasting: associated with inhibition of aging, cancer, and more."
"Fasting has tremendous benefits on your immune system and it can slow or interfere or even reverse cancer."
"Empowering individuals to reduce cancer risk."
"Keep vitamin D levels above 100 for cancer prevention."
"Obesity is a massive risk factor for cancer."
"Changes in moles: a potential sign of trouble. Get them checked."
"Meat is not good for cancer so eating more plant-based, getting physical activity, these are all really good strategies to reduce the risk of prostate cancer and for better quality of life in general."
"Fulvic acid... most strong antiviral anti-cancer agents."
"All subs, bits, all of that stuff for the month of January will go to the Prevent Cancer Foundation."
"You need to eat certain seeds folks... that is the cure for cancer."
"Literally, they're protecting us against testicular cancer."
"Just increasing your fiber intake by 10 grams of fiber a day reduces your colon cancer risk by 10%."
"Onions are some of the most powerful anti-cancer foods."
"Practically every cancer studied has been shown to be related to vitamin D levels."
"Turmeric, with its active ingredient curcumin, has potent anti-cancer properties and is also capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier, holding promise as a neuroprotective agent."
"The only real successes we have in cancer medicine are really in prevention."
"Exercise is associated with lower cancer rates."
"Early detection is vital to surviving enter cancer really."
"Spiteful screening is one of the best ways we have to protect yourself against cervical cancer."
"Don't ignore the invite, cervical cancer is so preventable."
"November is pancreatic cancer awareness month. Talk, test, and take control. You will make a world of difference." - Michael Landon
"Preventative detection for cancer is why my mom is still alive today."
"Early detection is crucial when it comes to testicular cancer and your chances of survival as well."
"Most forms of cervical cancer are preventable."
"We chose filters that offer excellent UV protection, covering both UVA and UVB rays."
"Substituting plant protein for animal protein is associated with a reduced risk of colorectal cancer."
"Fiber intake showed a 50% reduction in colorectal cancer risk."
"Majority of colorectal cancer cases are preventable through lifestyle modification."
"These things are also shown to be anti-cancer, so there's some potentially anti-cancer benefits in eggplants."
"Mushrooms are anti-cancer angiogenesis inhibitors, which is really good."
"Men and women who don't eat meat, egg white, or dairy proteins have significantly lower levels circulated within their bodies...this is one way to explain the low rates of cancer among plant-based populations."
"HPV vaccine is very effective in preventing cancer."
"Fiber is our friend in the fight against colorectal cancer."
"It is impossible, impossible for cancer to thrive in an alkaline environment."
"If mTOR is always crushed, cancer risk is minimized."
"The seaweed wrapping or nori is a great source of antioxidants which guard against cancer."
"If Americans on average just say the same no half of Americans Jay said is single more serving fruits or vegetables every day we would prevent twenty thousand cases of cancer every year."
"Flaxseed muffin study: Decreased division rate, aggression, and increased cancer cell suicide rate."
"Why do we love fiber so much? Oh, so many reasons but a wimpy 30 grams of fiber a day will drop breast cancer by as much as 40 percent."
"Citrus fruits like oranges and tangerines bestow a real modest 10 reduction in breast cancer."
"Cervical cancer awareness: encouraging people to seek help and prevention."
"Removing omega-6 from the diet reduces the risk of skin cancer."
"Vinegar is associated with lower esophageal cancer rates."
"The lower carb diet you eat, the less likely you are to develop cancer."
"October is breast cancer awareness month, make sure to check yourself regularly."
"I have a really big fear of getting cancer... the more I ingest her knowledge and the more I start to apply it to my own life... it's removing a lot of my fear of dying of cancer."
"Exercise is the best insurance against cancer; the premium is only 30 minutes of exercise a day."
"The benefit of locking a cell in a senent state is so that it does not produce new cells that may have DNA damage and may become cancerous."
"Niacinamide aids in DNA repair after UV exposure, reducing the risk of skin cancer."
"The amount of fiber you consume is inversely correlated with your risk for colon cancer."
"Even two to three cups of tea a day can lower your risk of developing ovarian cancer for example by up to 50%."
"Diets rich in fruits and veggies may actually lower your risk of cancer."
"Intermittent fasting... by lowering caloric intake actually is an anti-cancer strategy."
"Those men who eat just two to three servings of cooked tomatoes a week have a 30% lower risk of developing prostate cancer."
"The chance of actually getting cancer is reduced by 42 percent if you exercise."
"Just eating one white button mushroom a day can help lower breast cancer risk."
"Lactobacillus rooteri... helps wound healing, helps control your metabolism, lowers excess body fat, protects against colon cancer and breast cancer."
"We think it would be the perfect place to demonstrate protection against cancer or cancer prevention."
"Mushroom consumption is associated with a lower risk of cancer, driven mainly by lower breast cancer rates."
"Once you stop drinking, you're actually lowering your chances of your body developing cancer."
"If step number one is don't get cancer, step number two is catching it as soon as possible."
"Raw vegetables have the most consistent and powerful association with the reduction of cancers of all types."
"Raw vegetables showed the most consistent and powerful association with a reduction of cancers of all types."
"Moringa was highlighted for its cancer preventive activity."
"Eat more beans and legumes. Beans and legumes have consistently been shown to lower your risk of cancer or a cancer recurrence."
"Maintain a healthy body weight. Women who maintain a healthy body weight will lower their risk of cancer."
"High carb diets, plant food based diets, are the ones you want to eat to prevent and treat cancer."
"Sunscreen does not cause cancer. It prevents cancer. Everyone should use SPF every single day."
"An apple a day may keep cancer away. One study showed that those who ate an apple a day had 24% less breast cancer than those eating fewer apples."
"Just a daily consumption of gim, like a sheet of nori, drops breast cancer by over 50 percent."
"Exercise is good; cancer is bad. More exercise should mean less cancer."
"Aerobic exercise seems to be the focus for cancer prevention. Any amount is beneficial."
"A combination of exercise and weight loss is important for reducing cancer risk."
"But when we look at breast cancer, when we look at prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, and other forms of the disease, plant-based diets reduce the risk that the cancer will occur."
"50% of cancers could be prevented through lifestyle choices which would include diet but also includes physical activity, vaccinations using sunscreen."
"Wow, he created foods that actually will inhibit the growth of cancer cells."
"Nearly half of all cases of cancer are preventable with diet and lifestyle changes."
"63 percent of cancer cases among men preventable."
"Protect a person or an organism from getting cancer."
"Testosterone given as replacement decreases the incidence of breast cancer and reduces the chance of recurrence."
"Cruciferous vegetables are really amazing because they contain these compounds that are directly cancer suppressive, but they also interact with a receptor in our digestive tract that actually turbo charges our immune cells."
"Soy products reduce the likelihood of getting cancer and are associated with better survival."
"We know from studies in breast and colorectal cancer patients that those who are more physically active significantly reduce their death from their cancer as well as all-cause mortality."
"Studies have shown that the EGCG epigallocatechin galley, the magical molecule in green tea, has the power to stop the initiation promotion and metastases of breast cancer cells."
"A daily intake of merely 10 grams, which I don't think about food in grams so let me just tell you, it's the equivalent of half of a button mushroom, a half a button mushroom a day, dropped breast cancer rates in Chinese women by 64% over those who were not mushroom eaters."
"Soy consumption before, during, and after a breast cancer diagnosis is not only safe but it seems to be highly protective against occurrence, recurrence, and death."
"Consuming one and a half ounces or 40 grams of more than 70 percent cacao solid dark chocolate gets an anti-cancer thumbs up."
"Aggressively treating obesity will have a significant effect on preventing or reducing the risk of developing obesity-related cancers."
"Berries, berries, berries for sure. They really pack a punch to breast cancer. They're packed with fiber which helps you bind excess estrogen and poop it out."
"Just staving off the cancer in the first place, whether or not you die from it, is a massive win for green tea."
"If you want to decrease your chances of cancer, fast."
"There are preventable cancers. We know that."
"A plant-based diet can be effective for cancer survivors, possibly preventing relapse."
"People with lung cancer who eat more broccoli tend to live longer."
"Here's the thing: our immune systems, when right-sized and given the chance, is strong enough at any age, including old age, to wipe out cancer."
"Boron aids in hormone regulation, especially estrogen and testosterone, and has been studied for its potential role in cancer prevention and treatment."
"The two raw green vegetables, raw onion scallion, and the two cooked foods, beans and mushrooms, give you a very favorable microbiome."
"Soybeans are one of the most protective against cancer, especially hormonally sensitive cancers."
"Strength training by itself, independent of other factors, will reduce your cancer risk across the board by 25%."
"There's nothing so clear-cut that it's as simple as saying, 'eat this, don't eat that' and you will or won't get cancer."
"Herbs and spices have anti-cancer properties."
"Vitamin D might even play a certain role in preventing cancers."
"Soy, in its unrefined state, actually lowers your chances of cancer."
"Aerobic exercise is a really powerful tool for modifying our biology to reduce our risk of developing cancer."
"The strongest data in terms of directly and indirectly affecting tumor is through plant-based diets."
"We know from a large body of work that the effects of a plant forward, a majority plant-based diet, has many, many effects that all work in concert together to probably have the greatest anti-cancer or risk reduction effect."
"People on Metformin have 30 percent less cancer and all causes of cancer."
"Soy is not just okay to have, it's protective. It literally... exerts the opposite of what cancer requires in order to maintain its existence inside your body."
"A plant-based diet is two things: you're not only chewing and swallowing and then allowing these plant-based chemicals to get into your bloodstream, flying through your body saturating cells with anti-cancer properties."
"Those who are sedentary have 30 to 40 percent more breast cancer over those who bust and move for three to four hours a week."
"...the evidence shows that soy can serve as a treatment for the disease or to serve as a preventative role."
"The emerging evidence on aspirin’s cancer protection highlights an exciting time for cancer prevention."
Monk fruit "may be used for daily consumption as an additive in foods and drinks to prevent or treat pancreatic cancer."
"The lycopene in the tomatoes will help you to not only fight infection but also fight cancer."
"If we're not supposed to eat those things with the theme of the night being a high five if somebody came up to you say me right now and said hey Dr Barnard what are five foods that we could be eating that would really drop our risk of cancer what are the most protective."
"Different tissues in our bodies accumulate resveratrol in different concentrations. Using high dose in the upper range will make sure I'll get an anti-cancer effect within all possible tissues."
"Senescence cells are really important to prevent cancer from taking off."
"Green tea polyphenols have powerful chemo protective effects against skin cancer."
"It reduces the risk of cancer, a large number of cancers for women and men."
"For colon cancer research has shown that drinking two to three cups of green tea causes a substantial reduction of about 47 percent."
"The only diet proven in a randomized control trial to reverse the progression of cancer was Dr. Dean Ornish's Whole Food plant-based lifestyle program."
"Metformin reduces the risk of certain gastrointestinal cancers in diabetics."
"The notion here is can you use the immune system to identify these very early lesions before their cancer, intercept them and prevent them from becoming full-blown cancer."
"Plant foods have fiber in their natural state; these are all cancer fighters."
"Nearly 90% of all colorectal cancer cases could be prevented by making changes with diet and lifestyle."