
Business Growth Quotes

There are 2289 quotes

"The UK has the global gold standard for intellectual property and copyright, which allows a market for creativity and allows creative businesses to grow and thrive."
"Business growth is a vessel for personal growth."
"Setting up passive income for me has been a three-year journey so far, and it's allowed my business to generate about $20,000 a week."
"The employees who loved their jobs more, who were most engaged, who were most productive, were one of the highest correlations with Revenue growth answered yes to the following question: 'My supervisor or someone at work cared about me as a person.'"
"It is very hard to build a very big business. Like, most people will never build a business that makes a million."
"Now, four months later, we're a fully operational business, but it hasn't been an easy task to get to this point."
"Personal growth is a gateway drug into business growth, and business growth is the unconventional path to self-confidence."
"It's because of all the investment we made prior to that, that we continue to grow because of the loyalty of our customers."
"You have to constantly reinvest into the business."
"Money is just fuel to grow the business and help people and not much else."
"For me, money is just fuel to grow the business and help people and not much else."
"Companies that excel at marketing not only survive but they grow in value. But marketing is hard work; it's a world of ambiguity and constant challenge."
"Rumble cloud services are the essential cloud services you need for any size business to innovate and grow."
"The only way to go to that billion-dollar, multi-billion-dollar valuation is collaboration."
"Every decision in those areas begins to define your brand; a comforting and consistent message to your target market might result in customer loyalty and opportunities for growth."
"Everybody wants to grow their business, and we all go through different phases, just like human beings go through phases."
"Entrepreneurs who have great business ideas often don't have the capital to make their ideas a reality, so they often take on investors who later get to reap the rewards of the growth of the company."
"We all want to create consistent, repeatable, and scalable ways to grow our business and our income, and we want to do it better, faster, and more seamlessly. Why? So we can actually enjoy our lives, take vacations, and spend quality time with the people that we love."
"Inside of our program, we have people like Johnny who just broke $100,000 a month with his agency by streamlining his processes."
"I don't know when Honest stops growing, but I don't think it's in this decade. I think they're just going to continue to grow and grow and grow."
"Amazon had managed to throw it...it was huge like it had a massive amount of growth and it held that growth for quite a while."
"Philanthropy strengthens your standing in the community and will ultimately draw in more business."
"In just two short years, they have grown from a startup to a top shelf contender, creating a super loyal following of consumers hunting down their clean, high-quality products."
"We were able to scale from nothing to 50 million in 20 months."
"Their journey from a small Polish PC game distributor, who struggled to find funding to create a single low-budget role-playing game, to one of the largest gaming companies in the world, off the back of only a few actually released games, wasn’t just unusual. It was literally something that had never happened before or since."
"We are no longer okay or content with just having LLCs; no, we are starting profitable businesses."
"It's easier to grow a business when it's personalization because it makes the customer excited and makes the customer feel part of it."
"We must grow our business with conscience. We need to grow it the right way."
"She became a partner of mine 10 years ago, and what she's done with our company in 10 years is absolutely amazing."
"I swear every time I visit his shop, he's got a new business going."
"You can't price match them; you can't find these unique things elsewhere. They've got a small slice, they're growing like crazy already, and they've got endless potential to expand."
"By 1999, just two years after founding, Evergrande was Guangzhou's seventh largest real estate company."
"The real beauty is that after they sign their first client, it takes them around half the time to sign their second one."
"It's always better to sell again to the same customer than it is to have to acquire a new customer."
"Influencers are amazing and businesses have been built to the billions of dollars just on influencers."
"If Royalty Soaps ever grew to the point that I didn't have creative control over certain things or we had to lower the quality of our bars to meet demand, I would feel like that had gotten out of control."
"California and New York... those states have priced themselves out of growing businesses anymore."
"You can't have exponential growth as an employee; you need to incorporate and build a business."
"If you're not willing to collaborate, you're not going to go to that next level."
"Your business will not only grow but dominate in this highly competitive modern world."
"It's expected to significantly grow SoFi's revenue and grow their tech division. We love to see that."
"It feels like hell while you're crawling out of it, but once you're out of that spot, once you get your cash flow and your business straight and you get enough clientele built up, man, it just snowballs like crazy."
"Our business volume has gone up 82% in the last 10 years, 37% in the last three years... our customer satisfaction scores have gone up."
"To this day, we live our life with a deep state of gratitude, and ever since, our businesses took off even more."
"This is a crazy compounding profit-generating machine that's going to grow profits like insanely."
"Build your business one follower and one customer at a time."
"We have so many companies coming in, people like Tim, you're expanding all over and doing things that I really wanted you to do right from the beginning."
"Seed stage and venture capital investors expect you to 10x the valuation of the business within five to seven years."
"He's known as the growth consultant for a lot of fintechs and a 'finfluencer' in the financial domain."
"The more you help your clients grow their business, the more your own business will grow. Focus on creating value, and the rest will follow."
"If you want to grow your video business, you need to stop focusing on the product and start focusing on the problem you're solving."
"The importance of learning from missed opportunities is that you'll never evolve as a businessman or entrepreneur."
"It brought in a lot more revenue, which was helpful, totally. So we were able to do more tours, and we just really reinvested everything into the company to help build it."
"Our goal is to get a hundred for you guys in here to teach you, to transform your life and your business, and the people that you take care of."
"Raising prices is actually the easiest way to grow revenue."
"One of the huge benefits of starting your own business is that you can continue to learn new things."
"You may not see five grand a month your first month... but please keep in mind, I've seen all of these businesses hit well beyond the six-figure mark."
"Strategically I think it makes sense for us to go up Market."
"Exponential growth: It took 12 years for Tesla to build their first one million Vehicles, took 18 months for the second million, 11 months for the third million, and less than seven months for the fourth million."
"If you're not profitably growing, what are you doing?"
"Companies that grow at 100 a year or [__] Open AI that grew up Chachi MPT that went from zero to 100 million users."
"If you had to double your revenue in the next calendar year... it's such a great question, because it points out exactly the places where we're complacent and we're just like 'I'm content with this level of growth, I'm not gonna really work hard.'"
"I love where you're going with your business since the last time you and I spoke."
"Our little housing area... we need some serious businesses up in here."
"Being a content creator right now is the fastest-growing type of small business."
"There's never been a successful growth company that wasn't a technology company."
"Online sales skyrocketed over the last few years."
"Leverage is the key to scaling your business."
"In order to succeed in their mission to accelerate the world's transition from fossil fuel power, they need to scale their business quickly."
"There's not a lot of businesses out there that you can see that growth."
"If we build the people, they'll build the business."
"Your business will succeed when you get really comfortable with being uncomfortable."
"Auto Ordnance went from taking basically 20 years to sell 15,000 guns, to making and selling a million of them over the course of 2.5 years."
"Team growth is the most valuable growth for any company."
"This is going to be a very interesting thing to watch you guys grow for sure."
"Our revenue's and our customer base is growing more than ever, it's kind of crazy."
"If your business wants to grow and you don't let it grow it'll probably collapse anyway."
"Each year that you're a reseller, it's a stepping stone to something new."
"It's not about getting rich, it's about growing your customer base."
"If you can increase your guest frequency by one visit a month, that's a 12-15% increase in revenue."
"Shopify is there to help you grow, whether you're selling scented soap or offering outdoor outfits."
"A stronger company is not necessarily growing the top line at all costs."
"Well, I consider it a business now 'cause it's grown so much. And speaking of growing, I just wanna continue to grow my projects and I wanna be an all-inclusive art supply brand."
"There's a lot of demand for the product and we're growing the production rates as fast as we can."
"It's not like a small incremental change; it's like that gap closes and when that day comes, it's an amazing thing for the gross margin."
"Moving from free to starting to get paid, and then to higher ticket paid, really is just how much access they get to you."
"It is almost hard to believe that Shen has quickly become one of the biggest fashion retailers in the world."
"The company has experienced exponential growth over the last two years."
"Roughly 25% of Coca Cola's revenue was generated from new or reformulated products like Coke Zero and Coke Energy in 2020 compared with roughly 15% two years ago."
"A startup is a company designed to grow fast."
"The skill is really just all about the people and how you can become a better leader in the process of growing your business."
"By the end of next year, we aim to reach over $50-75 million in income."
"Businesses can scale with patient capital, stay long-term thinking."
"It's so hard as like a business person, you want to grow."
"Retention is the single most important thing for growth."
"We went from zero to a million dollar business overnight."
"A red ocean sucks and a blue ocean can take you to amazing new heights."
"23 percent is a pretty impressive growth rate for a company like this."
"It's a very powerful tool in my opinion and it's a great way to essentially improve your email strategy further on down the road."
"Isn't that kind of what we're all here for, is to convey emotion? I mean, that's the beauty of art and music, is to take what's happening here and... and use the tools we're given or that we've developed."
"We make real stuff. I mean, we have real stuff, and we sell it, and we try to make profits, and we're going to try to grow our business."
"Last year, we grew almost 90% while almost every other manufacturer contracted."
"Make it simple, make the rate low, and commerce will blossom."
"Tesla's energy storage business will grow faster than their electric vehicle business long term as well."
"We're now starting to already see a big turn of profit."
"We have a better growth model, better markets, better USPs."
"Affiliate marketing is always going to be an amazing opportunity because it is just one of the best ways for a company to grow their company and to sell their products."
"Leave yourself some room to expand because eventually you're going to want to have a lot more stalls than this."
"We needed this money to get to these levels in the first place."
"Every single step that you move them on that timeline to their desired outcome every time you move them closer by helping them their desire to buy your stuff increases as does your credibility and it goes up exponentially with every single step."
"Scalable business. Something that you can grow without a lot of infrastructure."
"Small business is no longer small business. It's big business. It's one of the biggest businesses."
"There's just so much to learn from Amazon, and this little company in Seattle had become a trillion-dollar empire."
"He could have sold Amazon... since then he just keeps on coming up with really good ideas" - Jeff Bezos's enduring commitment to innovation and growth.
"Making big moves in the space, they're gonna be a billion dollar company before too long."
"By 1990, Apple's sales surged to 5.6 billion dollars."
"You can't grow a successful business without first giving lots of value."
"This company is aiming to double its global market share to 10 percent."
"For companies that are growing in this industry you're going to see regular product launches."
"I like you guys. You've got a good attitude and I think you can take the business further and I can definitely add value, so I'm gonna give you an offer."
"Maybe I need to be more open to having outside investment into the business, absolutely."
"Arm is uniquely positioned to service the massively booming demand for companies needing higher performance chips... and it's locking in those customers and really raking in the dough."
"The money's not in a swimming pool in the backyard guys and hundred dollar bills it's in businesses all over the country growing jobs and increasing innovation."
"I think redwood materials is going to be one of the most exciting growth stories beside tesla over the next decade."
"If I have a store and all my people were coming to shop with me and making me grow, that means that the people that are working in the store, they're also growing."
"Look at how quickly the line's filling up. Oh my god, it's going so well."
"Collectively, these seven companies added $5.1 trillion in market cap just in 2023."
"Scaling this facility up will take time but JB knows that entrepreneurship is a marathon not a sprint."
"My brand in general is just growing as a whole."
"Money to me is just a way to help people and grow the business."
"Scaling from 100k to 500k is no joke of a smoker."
"Investing in yourself and your business is incredibly important to growth."
"Stories end while companies try to achieve endless growth, and I think this has completely blurred the way people are looking at the art of storytelling."
"Love comes walking in, maybe in the form of an apology."
"But anytime you take something that the American consumer already loves, and you innovate around it, or you elevate the form in some way, it creates opportunities for growth."
"At some point, the market's finally going to wake up and go you know what despite the fact that no other company of this size has ever ramped production this fast it appears that Tesla now has a history of 10 15 plus years of defying expectations."
"We are approaching 500 employees strong now and we'll be up to a thousand strong by the end of the year."
"They make mistakes, they regret their actions, they get upset, they care for those closest to them, they laugh, they cry, they smile."
"I like to go through and share with you how to generate more leads make more money and grow your business."
"Companies compound in value more consistently."
"Squarespace is the all-in-one platform for building your brand and growing your business online."
"StreamYard scaled to 30 million dollars in Revenue with just a couple of people."
"At this point, your focus is on expanding your reach and attracting new audiences to your business."
"Own something bigger than you because there's a limit to how much you can do, but there's no limit to how much you can own."
"Worry about growing your customer base. Do not worry about how those orders are going to be shipped. That is the job of ShipStation."
"Now if you can go out and start a business you might be able to grow your business by 50% year-over-year."
"Revenue triples amid sustained demand for food delivery."
"It's like when you start a business, you are giving birth to a baby, you know? The baby's small, the baby is unable to do anything for them selfies. You need to assist them."
"Process over profits. The first years, you will learn habits that can set you up to either do great or... like me."
"These are excellent companies that are not going to stop growing. I'm not going fn anywhere."
"No limit is a university and now he his own boss making millions and millions and soon to be billions of dollars."
"Positive developments regarding business and wealth projects."
"Tesla didn't have technology when it started. But it does now."
"Recognition in career, job opportunities, and expansion for business owners."
"Books have been the single biggest factor in helping me start and grow my business to seven figures."
"Awareness can take you from that two-three mil mark to 10 million dollars a year without a real valid business model."
"I'm driving towards AITX becoming a multi-billion dollar incumbent that owns the ARS space."
"My goal is to help you thrive online so you can drive more visitors to your business and ultimately make more money."
"Facebook will suggest you invite friends to like your page, this is a good idea for three reasons."
"The upside potential in terms of what they're building is ridiculous."
"Once you can separate these two things, now you have the ability to build a real business."
"If all that this did was finally give you a funnel that was profitable or you could've dollar advertising in and get two hours back out would it be worth it yes."
"Find a winner, back them, scale them up, don't sell them. Ride the winner, keep investing with them as long as they're innovating."
"Being helpful and adding value, especially for free, you're gonna make a hundred times more sales."
"We're going to try to grow car production as fast as possible."
"You can scale it very rapidly and very quickly."
"Stick with it, you're committed, you're gonna actually see the growth, you're gonna see the results."
"Patience is key; it took years to scale up to tens of thousands per month."
"The reality is most businesses are going to expand because of demand... not the tax rate."
"The pandemic grew my business, believe it or not."
"With these methods, you can seriously take your business to the moon and unleash a firestorm of advertising all over the planet."
"Have a way of consistently generating meetings to retain your clients and grow your agency."
"It's so cool how this company has built itself from basically the apartment to multiple stories in a building."
"If you want to scale up your brand at some point, it's very, very likely that you're going to have to address capitalization or funding."
"Brands can scale really quickly when they do limited drops."
"We do have really serious growth potential in these projects."
"Chasing bigger is better - having more sales is better, having more customers is better."
"Zero to one million is impossible $1-10M is improbable and $10-100M is inevitable."
"The industry's grown... It's totally different than that 20 years ago."
"I think Sweetwater wants more money to grow because I think they're looking around and I think, if I was them, I'd be laughing at how no one's even trying."
"I launched new videos every single week on how to generate more leads, make more money, and grow your business."
"Your company damn they are rich MF errs and they are building the future."
"Continue imagining connecting with more and more people. Imagine 50, 100, thousand, even more new people a week turning into your work or business."
"The future is year one I project 82,000. Second year is 1.2 million and the third year is 2.8 million."
"We're creating these collaborations, generating this massive, massive ecosystem is what's going to sustain longevity for us as a company and for everybody else involved."
"Our total amount of operating expenses will slowly take up as the company grows. It's very hard to keep it flat with the rapid growth of the company."
"One company changed the landscape of film and TV forever, with revenue and subscriber base growing a whopping average of more than 30% a year."
"Malaysia's durian business continues to expand."
"No debt. And all this expansion is funded out of current cash flow."
"No scam businesses that grow, grow with Shopify."
"3.6 billion dollars is a lot of money that Bungie can use to hopefully grow the studio."
"Businesses are built one customer at a time, one sale at a time."
"Tesla could be a two trillion dollar company in just one or two years."
"FTX raises 420 million in funding round with backing from 69 investors including Tiger Global, Ribbit Capital."
"More than a store, Shopify grows with you. This is possibility powered by Shopify."
"We only added four tenths of a percent in fully diluted shares outstanding in the entire year."
"We seek profitability rather than growth, because growth doesn't necessarily add value."
"Start off local brick-and-mortar businesses is how I got myself off the ground...every successful agency owner I know who's making multiple five figures on a monthly basis started locally."
"You've got to judge it off where the business is going."
"He built the business from nothing to a billion dollars in sales in 17 years."