
Training Quotes

There are 13785 quotes

"Training creativity it's not about art; it's about success in any aspect of life."
"By actively training the breath, we can increasingly gain control over a range of physiological processes in the body."
"Consistency is what pays off and I think it pays off for a different reason than we think. Sometimes we want to see the physical or the financial results right away but I think a big part of it is that you're training your nervous system."
"If we could improve awareness, we can improve outcomes."
"I wish I had that tool (meditation) when I was in training because it's stressful."
"Nutrition obviously has a massive impact on recovery in any type of physical training, but especially something like this."
"Your ability to change really never stops in response to exercise. Plasticity in tissue is extraordinarily high and it responds very well to training."
"You've got to study that, man. You get there and you want to quit, and you don't. It just makes it a little easier. That's all the repetitions do."
"You can't expect to win the gold medal in a week."
"I trained and I ate and I survived like I didn't have a dime."
"Pain and suffering inside our company with great glee, and I mean that in a happy way because you want to train, you want to refine the character of your company."
"Training is a key element of making somebody an employee."
"The first time we're going to just have citizens going with no professional astronauts. These are civilians more or less, and they've had a very short amount of training."
"Training for muscle growth is never going to be the same; it requires adaptation, understanding, and strategic application."
"Training is a fine line between doing too little and doing too much."
"In Sanskrit, bhavana means to cultivate. In Tibetan, gom means to become familiar with something. So obviously it's like training."
"There is no avoiding hard training if you want to grow, but if you want to grow the most, your training needs to be hard and smart."
"Advantages can compound. Having better aircraft is an advantage. Having better-trained pilots is an advantage. Having better sensors and network is an advantage."
"Training is supposed to enhance your life, not detract from it."
"Training is going to be largely defined by what you want, what you're willing to do, what your body and life are willing to allow, and your personality."
"How can a goalkeeper save four penalty kicks out of five? That tells you that they have put a lot of work on the training ground."
"A lot of training can help you with confidence in your abilities."
"Ruck is certain that if he can train under Alicia, he is bound to become stronger."
"Once you take the weight vest off, you're gonna be flying and performing like a real athlete."
"I couldn't commit myself to training properly until I was getting more sleep."
"The overall intent for this video was to help you guys be able to pick out some drills to actually train on the Range in an effective manner."
"Security awareness training helps the organization understand the importance of security to the company as a whole and to each individual."
"A little bit of a canary in the coal mine is not necessarily your strength but your speed."
"It might take three or four weeks or more to get back to Baseline after a truly intense...training protocol."
"Training reveals character; in the heat of the battle, true fighters are born."
"Being able to train with Jesse for a few days and see people who have been in a similar situation as myself push themselves, it was very inspiring."
"We need to do more for you. I spent seven years trying to help, really help, train people to become you."
"The only way you're really going to find out is if you really dial in your nutrition, really dial in your training... and just see if you get pretty jacked."
"Bruce Lee wasn't just randomly doing these exercises; he knew they were special. By adding isometrics to his training, he wasn't just getting stronger; he was becoming faster too."
"I'm not ready for them. I'm only a trainee Jedi."
"More training, accountability, and we need to have higher standards when we're hiring people."
"You couldn't ask for a more dream scenario as an athlete than to have Dustin Poirier in training camp for the same card as you."
"Neuroplasticity... shows that virtually any sort of talent or skill can be created through training."
"It's a very training-heavy field. Becoming a pilot is an enormous accomplishment in itself."
"They have trained over 1.5 million young Africans... creating over 400,000 direct and indirect jobs."
"There's no reason in principle why we shouldn't be able to train our intuition in these areas just as we can train our physical skills and things like playing the piano or train our taste buds and noses in getting to know about wine and that kind of thing. Everything in principle should be trainable."
"If we look at things as processes and we assign verbs to them, then we can say, 'Okay, I'm functionally overreaching or I'm truly overtraining,' which is a matter of degrees."
"Training isn't something you did; it's something you do."
"Well-trained dogs are really happy dogs because they know exactly how to act."
"Training should be fun and engaging for both the trainer and the dog."
"Ash learned a lot about what it takes to be a Pokémon Master, what real training and bonding with your Pokémon mean."
"You have to look at the training history. Go look back. If the guy had a major leap in ability, not skill necessarily, but ability, then that's very suspect."
"Training is the process of accumulating a physiologic adaptation that you have thought about, that you have determined is going to be advantageous for your physical situation."
"You don't need deep learning experts to train your deep learning model for you."
"She truly wishes to become an adventurer so he instructs her to start training early and often."
"The people who actually make results and get gains are the guys who not only train hard and consistently, but those who can get a training style or a routine that they actually like."
"By the end of Day 1, you will have transformed local data, web data, and a little bit of curiosity into stunning visual analysis and business insights."
"Nobody gives a [expletive] about your starting genetics because the only thing people care about is where you end up after years of training."
"Training is just like a budget for a person who has a regular paycheck. You have to decide am I going to buy a couch or am I going to go on vacation."
"If you want to be a fighter, train like a fighter."
"Early on in her training, Alina's incredible skills were quite apparent."
"Perhaps her sustainable training regimen is at the root of her continued longevity."
"You need to add something to it, progressive overload, train harder than last time."
"You have to be very on point, never miss a training session, never miss a meal, train as hard as possible... it all comes down to how bad that person actually wants it."
"When you're on the mat, you focus on one thing and one thing only."
"Recovery means taking sufficient time so that you're able to come back strong for your next session."
"Experienced meditators can significantly reduce pain with only four training sessions of mindfulness-based meditation training."
"I just spent $10 million training you. Why would I fire you?"
"The most prepared human beings on the planet are Special Operations units, not because we're some elite human beings with superior genetics... but because of paying attention consciously to this idea of preparedness."
"It's training time. I will become the strongest ghoul."
"The key to technique based training is more about practice and technique rather than sheer strength."
"Gymnastics is pretty much street workout but on steroids and very strict, including strength, technique, and isometric based training."
"Just train hard, eat hard, sleep hard, and as long as those three factors are in a good state, expect results to come."
"Frog Kata is a fighting style used exclusively by those who have mastered Sage Mode and trained with the toads of Mount Myoboku."
"Naruto met Killer B, the jinchuriki of Eight-Tails, and requested to train under him."
"Ironically, it was actually a confidence builder for me to get through it, but it definitely inspired me to get into IFR training."
"Supervised learning uses labeled inputs to train models and learn outputs."
"You rehabilitate dogs, but you train people. I train humans."
"And if you never start trying and training these progressions, you're never gonna reach those advanced exercises."
"I've never ever been as happy in camp and about training camp ever." - Tyson Fury
"What we did was that we trained people in how to set up a mutual aid network between your neighbors in leaving and helping each other meet their needs."
"He uses his training to help other prisoners prepare their appeals."
"Reinforcement learning is a bit like training a dog."
"Pain threshold... probably the Shaolin monk's most devastating weapon is their pain threshold which has grown through their rigorous training of the mind and body."
"We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training."
"Your ability to train hard, provide adequate nutrients, and bring that fatigue down as fast and completely as possible between sessions is kind of the trifecta of getting really good results."
"If you're training really hard and you care about your results... then you have to take all the stuff that you do per day, squish it down a tiny little bit... and spend a little bit more time in the evening relaxing."
"If you would not have a man flinch when the crisis comes, train him before it comes." - Seneca
"This video is a master class in determining deception in trained deposition experts."
"If you give people the right training to carry out their work to the necessary standard and you praise good work when it is completed, your team will always do a great job for you."
"It's one of our oldest customs that when a witch turns 13, she has to leave home for a year to begin her training."
"We must start the fighter training from scratch and should be guided not by someone else's but by our own understanding."
"This training module is to practice quick reaction skills on determining if something is a friend or a foe."
"Maybe someday we'll just train software like dogs, and we won't write code anymore at all."
"Wolfrick tells Ash that he needs to have this deep trust in their Pokemon."
"Wasson is crushed as Ibuki informs him that Yoi will handle the basic training."
"Success is made in the off days. You want to win a championship? Train in the off season."
"The Justice for Black Farmers Act... would award 160 acres, a home mortgage, a loan for farming equipment, and agricultural training to 200,000 recipients over 10 years."
"Specificity means that to get a certain outcome in training, you need to train for it."
"Effective reps are actually training the muscle fibers to a point where they might have to adapt."
"Periodization means that your training is changing over time, which we want because if you keep giving your body the same stimulus it's already adapted to, then it'll stop making adaptations."
"Every day we're going to start from basics and add a piece either in scale or complexity or in endurance to push you a little bit further."
"The goal of this video is so that by the end of the 30 days you can skip rope freestyle continuously for 10 minutes."
"You're gonna start to build a little bit of endurance working this even without the rope."
"Neural network training is essentially adjusting weights until the function represented by the neural network essentially does what you would like it to do."
"Swift is great for keeping your motivation up when you're riding indoors, but many of their workouts and training plans are overly complicated, too high-intensity for the winter, lack proper recovery, and aren't individualized to meet your personal needs."
"The main tenets of a program that we always look for are that it is specific to whatever goals that you have."
"Goku begins training with Roshi shortly after the events with Pilaf take place, eager to learn everything Roshi, the god of martial arts who taught his grandfather, had to offer."
"For showing off how strong you really are, if you never do singles, doubles, and triples, you're not really doing your best."
"As a challenge, I'm going to train for 30 days in Kanchi like One Punch Man. The ultimate goal of this playthrough is to become the world's most powerful human being and strike down all enemies with one punch."
"Elite level gymnasts have an absolutely incredible work capacity... That work capacity gives gymnasts an unbelievably wide base of training to build upon."
"The available evidence suggests that combining large volumes of low-intensity training with careful use of high-intensity interval training throughout the annual training cycle is the best practice model for development of endurance performance."
"If you want to maximize performance, don't take shortcuts."
"It's discouraging and upsetting to see such talent go to waste. It's almost like a slap in the face that their years of training, hard work, and pushing their bodies to the extreme to achieve their dreams became easily disposable."
"Doing something that intentionally and consistently overloads your grip strength is incredibly useful for climbers."
"Train optimally; don't burn yourself out, don't undertrain, find the optimal zone for you."
"You're teaching the dog rules by limitation. People start believing in themselves."
"Training and diet are instrumental in making DK the monster that he is."
"She's learning all the obedience commands through positive reinforcement."
"Visualize what your training session is going to look like, also anticipate the what-ifs."
"Education is showing why something might work, while training is doing the behavior and getting feedback."
"A black belt is a white belt that never stopped training."
"Bernie would say those lions are 'roarsome', which is precisely why I handle the training instead these days."
"87% of people surveyed said that they feel as though they are training their replacement through robotics and AI, but they don't feel they have a choice because if they don't do it, someone else will."
"Training, planning, exercises, putting appropriate procedures in place, so that those responders come home safety at the end of the day is critical."
"It's the hours in the gym that's most important. It's the eating."
"People will look at me and say, 'Oh, you know, how could he do it?' and it's like, 'I've been training for 30 years.'"
"The beautiful thing about the actual training process of the Alpha Star League is that it actually develops a whole diversity of different strategies over time."
"I'm Scott Rouse, body language expert and analyst, and I train law enforcement and the military in interrogation and body language."
"After subduing the demon chakra in Naruto, Jiraiya suggested training Naruto and Boruto together, knowing the foe would return."
"Everyone in the training grounds was overwhelmed to witness Ironu's ability as nobody guessed that she would be holding in this much potential in her."
"So much testing, so much design, so much thought, and an incredibly well-trained Blue Origin team."
"Train a release cue once your dog can stay in the position for 5 to 10 seconds."
"The most important part of teaching a sit stay behavior is proofing the release cue and adding stimulus control to that release cue."
"There's no such thing as a good or bad memory, there's a trained memory and an untrained memory."
"I'm currently undergoing the Knights of Favonius's chivalric training. Yes, I haven't passed the selection trials yet."
"Training should be addictive. Imagine training was addictive; everybody would train, everybody would be fit."
"Consistency over intensity. Intensity should be done once in a while because, by nature, intensity can only be done once in a while."
"Your energy levels, your mood is gonna be far more up, and training is going to be more addictive."
"You shouldn't have to have training to carry a firearm yourself, to have a firearm yourself, to own a firearm."
"I am the cultivator of water breathing; are you here to learn this art?"
"We are going to train this neural network to actually figure out the correct weights and biases by itself."
"It takes time, patience, lots of love, kindness, and treats, of course, to train a giant teleporting dog."
"We do not rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training."
"It's also very important that they are trained to use the...rocket systems effectively."
"We are not training you to be the best students; we are training you to be the best software engineers."
"If you're a competitor and want to get better at what you do, this is awesome. If you're a coach and you want to become a better coach, this is awesome. If you're a trainer and you want to become a better trainer, you will learn so much."
"When the training is completed, the finished product is a strong, well-motivated, physically conditioned Marine."
"Everything I'm going through right now is just training me for the next level."
"You're being trained to seek their validation, to make sure that they don't get upset."
"Stand in Baby is a one-of-a-kind newborn training mannequin of realistic size, weight, and movement."
"All his students were simply the best at their craft... They were the first non-Brazilian team to take a team World title."
"She has dumbbells, no dumbbell workouts. She has AB circuits, full body, low impact, high impact."
"With enough positive self-talk and positive visualization combined with proper training, coaching, and practice, anyone can learn to do almost anything."
"That was a pretty decent training session. Learned some new things."
"Consistency, just like with everything else, both with training and with diet, it's really about consistency."
"If we don't try to be in the forefront of innovating how we're training our players, educating them about life in general—diet, how to exercise, and so forth—then other people behind us will catch up."
"The people who are pure 'I'm not going to believe it unless there's a study on it' are ultimately just as short-sighted as those who dismiss science. There's a marriage between training and science."
"Swordmasters of Hoeth, the Warhammer world's Jedi's... study for years upon years at the Tower of Hoeth in Saphery to really pick up their great sword and become these Swordmasters."
"Military working dogs are trained to be elite and loyal soldiers; they are a bullet that can be called back."
"K-pop training is like army training; we're not holding guns, we're just holding microphones."
"There's reason to believe different individuals can respond best to different training frequencies or splits."
"Some evidence suggests modestly increasing the number of weekly sets performed for a muscle group in trained individuals can accelerate muscle hypertrophy."
"People think eating healthy sucks and feels bad, but your body actually feels amazing when you've been eating healthy because you're giving your body the proper fuel, the proper way, that's gonna supply your body with nutrients that not only help you grow your muscles and get shredded, but also allowing you to perform way harder, reaching your maximum potential in the shortest amount of time possible."
"And that's why you need to couple healthy eating with smart training to get the maximum best results."
"You get that kind of training and background, all you got to do is apply the work and apply the tutelage, and you will get to the top."
"The 10 millimeter was too powerful of a round... It just required way more training than they were able or willing to give."
"It's not the mechanical device that's going to ensure your safety; it's going to be training, then we practice. It's going to be exposure under controlled and responsible conditions that will achieve that."
"Fundamentally, if you want to be the absolute best at whatever it is you picked, you've got to focus pretty much all, if not the vast majority of your training on that goal."
"Mike Tyson hammering on bags and on that human trainer of his...he's just as explosive as he was back in the day."
"To be consistent to a high standard, that takes training, and most importantly, takes discipline and dedication."
"Patience is key, and a lower frequency approach is going to be best for longevity and actually unlocking it."
"The first thing you need to do on this bike, and any other bike, is put your index finger on the rear brake. This is the one and only Golden Rule for wheeling any bike."
"You guys are stars. You've been training for this lifetime."
"If you have a guy that gets hurt once he gets back to being able to train...he will regain the attributes that he has lost."
"A lot of people get this idea that they become more powerful by doing really tiny, small snappy movements on really small holds, and in fact, the most effective way to develop power is to do big moves on relatively good holds but a lot of distance and ground covered."
"To achieve this level, he trains for five hours a day."
"You can't lift heavy when training like this."
"We had power and then we failed to train that power in any meaningful way on these captured institutions."
"If you are a noob then enjoy it, train hard and you'll do things which are going to be considered magic for the rest of us."
"Exercise selection is just as much an art as it is a science."
"Marine boot camp is extremely challenging – both physically and mentally."
"Every time you accept or don't accept a prompt, you are training it."
"Fasting trains your heart to control your body."
"Our goal is to train 3 million people and we're going to ensure that most of the people that have applied that interested in actually learning will get the opportunity to be trained."
"Training is doing what I can do today to enable me to do even more tomorrow."
"You would think I trained how to punch people's faces. You would think that I mean I I put in work I put in work each and every day"
"Police officers need more training, not less."
"From now on, he'll focus solely on Izuku's development and training."
"Train the way we did, no matter what, you win."
"I'm very satisfied with those results for that particular training session."
"Always go at the pace of your own individual dog."
"If puppy is praised for a behavior, it's more likely to offer you that behavior again."
"I will train this dog. Look at this loose leash right now. Shake, yes! Much better, yes! Look at me, she's getting trained!"
"Better than training the force is more than experience or speed, it gives."
"It's just interesting little things that you're not even thinking about that can throw your dog off."
"We often get into the habit of doing something like sit lie down leave it look at me or something like that your dog starts to get in the habit and assume that you're gonna want everything in that order always so this helps us mix it up."
"Even if your dog only knows five things write them down."
"I'm trying to condition her to be quiet even when exciting things are going on around her."
"It's important to teach your dog a come around."
"Your best progress is when you're younger."
"When the dog wins, that is the most valuable feeling because when they legitimately win, they feel strong and they enjoy that."
"I'm hoping biscuits is gonna bring the toy back to me. You know, it could be so tempting to rush puppies through things, but I'll tell you, if you can stay patient, a lot of times they surprise you."
"A long lead gives your dog the freedom to explore at their own pace."
"Take your time with your training, you know, learn to do things properly."