
Ethics Quotes

There are 24903 quotes

"We're not here to promote robots or specific technologies, but rather to provoke a discussion on the ethical implications of technology in society."
"It's really important for you to do self-reflection on what's okay for you, what lets you sleep at night and what doesn't."
"The Googlers say, 'Don't be evil.' At least do not harm others. And if you can, if possible, bring some benefit to others."
"We believe that the benefit to humanity is, in the end, about the benefits outweigh the negatives."
"I don't put anything out into the world unless I think it's going to be of benefit to the audience."
"Technology inherently isn't good or bad... it's how it's used."
"We're moving into a land of both empathy and ethics, of nutritional knowledge and empowerment."
"Morality is doing what is right regardless of what we're told. Religious dogma is doing what we're told regardless of whether it's right."
"Markets are very good at figuring out how to do things; they are not good at all about figuring out what we should do."
"Each person must never be treated only as a means to some other end, but also be treated as an end themselves."
"What we don't want is people to get wealthy by rigging the system, by trying to limit innovation, limit competition."
"You can't build your own happiness on the unhappiness of others."
"It's impossible to build one's own happiness on the unhappiness of others."
"Sales is not about some [expletive] manipulation tactics... it's literally just about serving the customers' needs."
"If those things are conscious, you just created the biggest genocide in the history of the human species."
"Would you rather own a Sweetgreen where you make 5% the money but everybody gets healthier, or do you rather McDonald's or Coca-Cola, you poison everybody but you make 10 times the money?"
"Freedom is not the ability to do whatever you want whenever you want to do it. Conservatives believe that freedom is doing what you ought to do."
"The dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweigh the dangers which are cited to justify it."
"Just because something is legal, a law doesn't necessarily mean it's moral."
"I'm not going to sit here and defend the rights of some animals and then say that we should eat meat. I don't think that position is defensible."
"I think the strongest arguments that you can make in favor of veganism are the moral ones."
"Good people don't kill. Good people spare their enemies. Good people show mercy. You're a good person, aren't you?"
"Steven Universe makes the claim that killing a tyrant makes you as bad as them. It doesn't. That statement is just wrong no matter how you spin it."
"We could just build a whole society based on competition and profit-driven growth where there is no culture, no God, no ethical boundary which will not bow down before money."
"I'm not going to make it by taking advantage of other people."
"Good work combines three things: it combines what we're really good at, our excellence, with what we're really passionate about, what engages us, and what we value, with our ethics."
"If Superman was legit in our world, that's what he would do. Why would he have all these good values if he's an alien?"
"Empathy is about more than isolated interactions between individuals. It's about seeing the world ethically and the people who populate that world not as ideas but as complete human beings."
"A contract between human beings should be honored."
"We are so technologically powerful that we cannot possibly survive in the primitive ethical condition that still obtains."
"Ethical fading can grip an organization's culture where people within that culture become capable of making highly unethical decisions believing they were well within their own ethical frameworks."
"We were not trying to sell something, and we're living through a time now where the most powerful marketing message you can have is to actually be a good person."
"It's almost like superheroes shouldn't kill people, and that's literally what makes them superheroes."
"Surrogacy... little babies need their mothers, and mothers are not factories."
"Whether it's intentional or not, this sort of action leads to inevitable cronyism and regulatory capture."
"If something is illegal, it's illegal. You can't violate the law and then put in a clause that says it's okay."
"My goals must always be exciting and honorable."
"There is no excuse, neither moral nor ethical nor democratic, to continue with a capitalist system that so badly uses and abuses technical change as the one we have."
"Personal responsibility is more important than politeness because politeness can hide a lot of evil."
"Conscious beings... it matters morally how we treat them."
"We should be leading the way in the ethics and the discussion of ethics when it comes to climate change as well as artificial intelligence because these will, by far, I think, be the dominant two realms in the immediate future."
"It doesn't matter how jealous or hurt someone is, that never gives them a reason or excuse to destroy the lives of others."
"What you do matters, what you believe is really secondary."
"Once you know better, you've got to do better."
"Every president will face difficult choices; whether to intentionally commit a federal crime should not be one of them."
"Plagiarism shows a lack of respect for those in your community."
"We know what AI is capable of, we know how dangerous it will be, yet everybody sits there saying, 'If I don't do it, someone else will.'"
"People who exploit others and take advantage of already marginalized people for the sake of their own profit have no place in our community."
"I just don't understand how these people sleep at night."
"If you always win, then you're probably doing something wrong."
"When I was a cadet, what's the cadet motto at West Point? You will not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do. I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole."
"Thou shalt not kill, that includes killing yourself."
"Choose to be loved, do what is right for everyone involved."
"I was a CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole."
"I think most of the civilized world believes that religious leaders shouldn't be crazy rich."
"Nobody deserves to be harassed for literally anything, whether they made a mistake, whether they did something intentionally bad. There is no reason to threaten someone's safety or their life."
"Our obligation to act is not just medical, it's moral."
"There's no circumstance in which dropping bombs on children is okay."
"It cannot be right to do what they're doing under any circumstances, no matter what they say, no matter the excuse."
"Questions like 'What is consciousness?' and 'Who has consciousness?' have a deep impact on ethics and politics, on law, and on the moral choices we make every day."
"Ethics and politics are no longer about divine commandments or about alleged laws of nature; they are about feelings."
"Understanding the vital link between consciousness and suffering will help us deal better with a whole host of difficult questions raised by artificial intelligence."
"The surest foundation for ethics... is that we are one."
"Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."
"Develop a moral philosophy and answer the question, what kind of a life do I wanna live?"
"This is just the inevitable product of a philosophy that says we can do the most good in the world without actually really caring about other people and our obligations to them."
"The things that are good or bad for us as human beings are there in the nature of things; they're there for us to discover, not to invent."
"I can't think of any other moral theory that better grounds objective moral values and duties than Divine command morality."
"Ethics itself is not the end of life; ethics, moral good life, is the basis for spiritual life."
"The right to kill somebody is not yours, like unless it's self-defense."
"Philosophy can do a lot of great things, but I think where it really shines and what differentiates itself from other mental disciplines is in the realm of ethics and virtue."
"There is a difference between depriving somebody of a thing versus taking a thing."
"We as Google had a moral responsibility to hold the collective psyche in a thoughtful, ethical way and not create this sort of race to the bottom of the brainstem attention economy."
"To cheat, rob, and defraud another brings lack, loss, and limitation to yourself."
"Ultimately we must each ask ourselves what is and isn’t acceptable and then let our voices be heard through our actions."
"If you were thinking about the most moral possible action, wouldn't that be the voluntary constraint of the evil that you yourself are likely to do?"
"All war is crime...The deliberate bombing of civilians, which is what we did, was both wrong and militarily highly ineffective."
"To truly be a king, not a gluttonous tyrant or a power-seeking despot, one must use his strength and authority for the good of others, even though doing so may cost him dearly."
"You don't deal in morals and ethics, sir, you deal in law."
"It's a story that will take us from Oxford University to the Bahamas and back, a story about charity, ethics, crime, technology, and history."
"How hard is it for people to just do the right thing? Seriously, just do the right thing."
"It's incredibly disrespectful to fake a mental illness for any reason."
"That which promotes human life is the good; that which destroys human life, that which destroys human flourishing, is evil."
"'Humanity Lost' presents a version of morality that transcends the physical."
"Sacrifice is something people decide on their own, not something they force upon others. It is a choice between the survival of the fittest and stepping over the rights of the weak."
"Having power isn't nearly as important as what you choose to do with it."
"You are not obligated to complete the task, but neither are you permitted to abandon it."
"I think that Serbia, like, I don't think it's responsible for a country to commit an ethnic cleansing and then you to stop them, you're like, 'Oh yeah, okay, so we'll stop, and then we'll do like a little vote on whether we get to keep the territory that we ethnically cleansed.'"
"The notion of Serbian agency in the context of their military tactics not being just counter-insurgency but a full culling."
"Morality is about maximizing well-being and minimizing suffering."
"The day may come when the non-human part of the animal creation will acquire the rights that never could have been withheld from them except by the hand of tyranny."
"We shouldn't harm sentient beings unnecessarily."
"A good deed to an oppressor is an evil deed to the oppressed."
"Cheating is effective. That's why a lot of people cheat."
"For the love of money is the root of all evil."
"Morality exists; there actually is morality, there is right and wrong."
"Objective truth exists; objective right and wrong exists."
"You have a choice to do a good thing or a bad thing."
"I am not to destroy another person's house of worship. That's what my ethics teach me."
"Ethics in the context of how to live life well and make good decisions really feels like the right framework."
"Ethics is the great connector; just stopping and thinking about the consequences of what we say and do on someone else is already really huge."
"We cannot accurately imagine where this is going over hundreds and thousands of years, but what we can say is we have developed ethical codes and values that help us live better lives."
"It's almost as though there is a God and he gives us a choice. We can use our emerging technological abilities to improve the lives of the human species and create an abundance where no one needs to starve or be deprived, or we can create a greater means to destroy ourselves. It's our choice."
"Promoting greed or putting guard rails to prevent from greed; there's not a significant difference there."
"Just because you can do something doesn't mean that you should."
"Protecting queer people who aren't out will always be more important than exposing potential queerbaiting."
"Doing good isn't just about what you do; it's also about how you do it."
"For a show ostensibly about teaching people to be good in the afterlife, The Good Place asks a more profound question: 'Can those lessons actually make us better people? And if they can, does that matter?'"
"You might think you can bend the fabric of reality and treat people instrumentally, violate your conscience without cost, but you will pay the piper."
"Morality, to me, is about principles. The rules are not the morality; they're the outcome of a morality."
"It's bad in principle to inject billions of people with an experimental technology."
"Moral tendencies exist in many species; they can be tested for and have been demonstrated in many species, including people."
"If we knew enough and if we understood enough about morality and about situations, we should be able to come up with best resolutions in line with what would be considered correct moral applications."
"The administration of law, especially that of criminal law, should be free from all temptation, bias, or prejudice."
"An appearance of impropriety is generally considered conduct or status that would lead a reasonable person to think that the actor is behaving or will be inclined to behave inappropriately or wrongfully."
"It seems to me the only way we can get to a world in which we converge on the same kinds of moral, environmental, political, social solutions to global problems -- the only way we can get there is to have some kind of universal framework for talking about right and wrong and good and evil."
"We can't get confused between answers in practice and answers in principle. Just because there may not always be clear ways to resolve these issues in practice doesn't mean there aren't right answers."
"The appearance standard recognizes that even when no actual conflict exists, a perceived conflict in the reasonable eyes of the public threatens confidence in the legal system itself."
"Harris does not simply claim that science can tell us what humans do value, but what humans should value."
"Ethical matters always involve consciousness."
"It is incumbent upon us all as individuals to decide who we are morally."
"There must be right and wrong answers to questions of morality and values that potentially fall within the purview of science."
"Ethical values are derived from human need and interest, tested by experience."
"It's not just an assumption that I believe that torturing babies for fun is wrong, I think that's really true."
"The reason people disagree on morality is not because they don't know the right thing to do, they just don't want to do it."
"I'm going to be arguing that a belief in God or the existence of God is not necessary for morality."
"Freedom of speech and having an opinion is a beautiful thing, but I'm talking about people that are like genuinely trying to ruin people's lives."
"The only reason that anybody could possibly choose one religious morality as more ethically viable than another is because they feel it provides a better framework for moral truth."
"Morality is objective in that there are non-subjective evaluations of consequences of actions with respect to a goal."
"We all make our own moral decisions... I take responsibility for my moral decisions."
"Morality is just a measurement system, not an ought system."
"The big technological, ethical, moral challenge for the human species is to save this planet."
"Veganism is about reducing unnecessary harm. It's about trying to take into consideration the life experiences of others."
"What has higher value, the suffering of others or our convenience?"
"If we have the ability to choose a less harmful way of living, it becomes a moral obligation to do so."
"Morality is a set of principles that decide on right and wrong conduct."
"If we're right about this, then it's probably the most important ethical issue of our time."
"AI is a tool, and like any tool, it could be used ethically and it could be used unethically."
"Winning the right way or even losing the right way is better than winning the wrong way."
"Karma has a way of making people pay for their wrongdoings."
"There's no such thing as an ethical billionaire."
"Character, strength, honesty, honor, good character, ethics, morals, righteousness, morality, virtue, decency, fairness, scrupulousness, sincerity, truthfulness, trustworthiness."
"It's wrong, like pure and simple it's not okay."
"Being rich personally is not worth destroying your society."
"Irregardless of how desperate you may become at any given time to acquire wealth, power, success, or fame, never use children as leverage or social currency, especially under malevolent or erroneous pretense."
"Don't affirm what you know are lies. Don't cooperate with what you know is wrong. Don't abandon what you know is true."
"Our society necessitates some level of ethical compromise for convenience, but it's about the impact and intention behind our choices."
"We demonstrably cannot trust corporations to self-regulate."
"Morality and legality don't always mesh up. Sometimes the laws don't fit with how we feel."
"There is no ethical consumption under capitalism."
"The decision to transcend into another state of being should not be for profit."
"Gatekeeping can be good. I mean, for instance, I don't want Nazis on the left, right? Or I guess in my swimming pool."
"Going vegan is not the most we can do; it's the least we can do."
"Wars of aggression generally bad. Never again to me means something."
"Using someone's death who had nothing to do with this childish drama is overstepping the mark of morality and ethical implications."
"What is a sin? A sin is when someone knowingly chooses to harm another person, fully aware of the consequences."
"At some point, you have to have some foundational moral level where you say, 'This is what we're going to consider right or wrong,' and then you have to operate from that foundation."
"It's a good thing, but you really have to keep it ethical."
"Racism is bad, police incompetence is bad, murder is bad."
"Skincare is more than just the ingredients and how they work on your skin; it's also about the ethics and the morality of the brands that you support."
"Accountability: An obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for one's actions."
"This is a type of technology that has profound implications for the future of human society. And we need to have a real conversation about whether we can have it in our society at all."
"Are we willing to confront a reality where, in the pursuit of profits, lives are gambled away?"
"The fate of the world as it careens through eternity is actually a consequence of the ethical decisions of each of us."
"Doing nothing is a form of doing something. Often sitting by and watching evil take place is an active thing you do."
"I have a conscience and I think about the impact of my research all the time."
"The reason that I behave myself and live well is not because I'm afraid of the consequences, but because I want to be a good person."
"The true scam is when we make it so that there are people who are dying for treatable things because the person who goes in to get their flu shot protects you and me too."
"We're not anti-people, we're anti-predatory industries."
"This is not about politics; it's about what's right and what's wrong."
"If we're sitting on the cure for biological aging and complex disease, it would actually be a crime against humanity to not move forward and find out."
"Nothing we do is so important that it is worth hurting someone."
"Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners."
"The man who says it is morally acceptable to rape little children is just as mistaken as the man who says 2 + 2 = 5."
"We are Muslims; to steal from a Muslim is a sin, to steal from a Hindu is a sin, to steal from a Christian is a sin."
"You can't buy something for two pounds that's been made, manufactured the fabric, who made it, in what conditions, you can't make stuff that cheap and have any good come of it."
"The United States must not adopt the tactics of the enemy, means are as important as ends, crisis makes it tempting to ignore the wise restraints that make men free."
"If you do buy it, you end up like Wilberforce, and you put yourself on the line, to what? To cost England a tremendous fortune over multiple decades to eradicate slavery around the world because of its moral inappropriateness because of the sacred nature of each individual."
"If you have the capacity to do something, you have a responsibility to do it."
"Do not hurt others and do not speak harsh words, even if they're true."
"It would be immoral for me to break a window and steal stuff. However, if a dog's having a heart attack and there's a defibrillator behind the shop glass, the most immoral action I could do would be to not break the glass and get that."
"There are a lot of people who believe passionately in some political things right now and shouldn't justify violence to try to achieve those ends."
"No number of good characteristics can outweigh murder."
"Racism, sexism, and discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated."
"Our highest courts consistently remind us that prosecutors are held to a unique and exacting professional standard."
"The goal for people should be like, 'Whoa, that was so cool, that was crazy,' versus 'Oh my gosh, I can't believe I was humiliated.'"
"Opting for the lesser of two evils is still opting for the better choice."
"Perhaps this time they kind of knew what they were doing was wrong and didn't want to attract attention to it."
"Under no circumstances is rape ever acceptable."
"What does it profit the man to gain the world and lose his soul?"
"None of this should be done lightly; it should be done within an ethical framework."
"People come out more pro-social, which is a strengthening of our inbuilt reciprocal ethic."
"We are continually finding the best rules and the best methods. This exactly mirrors the moral system I'm talking about."
"Having a good relationship doesn't mean making millions of dollars a year; it's about having decent morals, ethics, and being a good person."
"There are loads of ways of helping people; stealing from other people just isn't one of them."
"The men who beat Rodney King do not deserve to wear the uniform of the LAPD."
"If you can't manage the amount of live content that you have and you're constantly unknowingly and let's be honest, knowingly hosting child porn, then I don't think that you should be able to do that. Flat out."
"We have to make these judgments based on modern understandings of what is and isn't harm."
"Just because something is natural doesn't make it moral, and just because something is not natural doesn't make it immoral."
"We always have to determine what is good and what is not based on the effects that it has, the consequences they have."