
Reception Quotes

There are 1258 quotes

"The creative process is also about how that process is received. Part of the beauty of the creative industries is the emotional connection between a human author and a human reader."
"Gratitude is the ultimate state of receiving."
"You've worked hard for this moment, receive it when it comes in and say 'Yes, I'm ready, I'm willing, I deserve this.'"
"Anything that's expressed from a place of love and compassion is going to be received better."
"The first game, XCOM: UFO Defense, garnered overwhelmingly positive reception when it launched all the way back in 1994."
"Let me tell you, you will never receive from a man until there is genuine honor to God, to his office, and to the anointing."
"There is no catharsis greater than working on something for a year and just seeing it so insanely well-received like that."
"My way forward is to really let all of that love come in."
"The manifesto's reception was regarded as a work of genius by some and entirely sane by others."
"A feminist retelling of Hamlet starring Daisy Ridley who had seen early screenings publish 13 reviews, seven of them negative, which translated to 46 percent."
"By the time it finally came out, we were all kind of over it."
"Metroid Dread seems to have been not only one of the most anticipated games of 2021, but also one of the best-received."
"The Last of Us HBO show came out and that was overall really well received."
"Dead Space Extraction proved to be one of its most warmly received. It wasn't a proper sequel, but it was an immensely strong game in a genre typically designed to hustle quarters out of arcade goers."
"Receive the good things with joy and gratitude."
"The Lord Jesus Christ can be received. Your sins forgiven."
"Audiences don't hate diverse characters, what they hate is being slammed as bigots for rejecting bad work from pretentious, unskilled activists."
"You're gonna feel that energy coming your way."
"Apparently people consider this movie subversive... if that's what the white male who wrote this movie was going for it didn't work."
"The love story between Rachel and Joey was badly received."
"People see the response has been really positive."
"They're going to really get what you're putting, they're going to really love it."
"The crew too is neither but it sure as hell isn't a masterpiece."
"In the first few weeks following its release, Dead Space received widespread critical acclaim and sold nearly 200,000 copies."
"So quite frankly, I can think of no worse place to meet a grisly end, the horrific irony of being murdered in a graveyard as very few of us will have to endure."
"A lot of people accepted my apology, and a lot of people heard what they wanted to hear."
"The series was an enormous hit with fans and critics."
"You work hard, you do your art, you put out what you want, and you hope people receive it well." - Jessie Ware
"Destiny 2 was well received by reviewers and the community."
"When you come to somebody with pure, absolute, unadulterated love, typically the response to that, the reception to that, is attractive to the recipient."
"Edward Scissorhands was positively received for its gothic fairy tale style."
"Are you ready to receive? Love and abundance are waiting."
"Of all the teachings in the New Testament, there's only one teaching that, after hearing it, many of his disciples left him... 'This is intolerable language,' they said. 'This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?'"
"It's hard for me to imagine that people actually want to listen to what I say."
"Overall reception for Sonic Forces so far has been fairly positive."
"I never get the details from anyone that they actually read the book. I get told that they like it, but who's going to go up to me like, 'I read your book'?"
"If you do what you love, then people love what you do."
"20 nature moments that are one in a million."
"If you're hoping that it will be received by others, it will."
"There's one search that stands alongside these huge topics that curiously doesn't get quite as nice of a reception and that is A Day with SpongeBob."
"I'm sobered by how much I've received from the Lord."
"Afterlife is being so well received and it actually looks like it is probably going to turn a profit."
"It's not about the messenger, it's about the message."
"Perhaps Clippy wasn't this catastrophic failure on Microsoft's end but simply a product too ahead of its time."
"The film was well received over here but the psychological details were overlooked."
"Church, just begin to receive, that's the power of the Holy Ghost flowing."
"I receive that impartation, I receive that, I receive that I believe the Lord has passed out mantles to some people tonight with that kind of boldness on their lives."
"The release of 'Black Dress' was well-received."
"You can't control the reception of your creative work, you just have to accept that once you've created it and put it out there into the world, it's not yours anymore."
"Empire Strikes Back is not a truly terrible movie... it's not as fresh and funny and surprising and witty but it is nice and inoffensive."
"If Quentin Tarantino says it's good, people will become much more receptive."
"Did modern warfare live up to your expectations?"
"Chrono Cross was well received at the time and a financial success."
"This apology is not being received very well and that's totally understandable."
"I feel like this expansion's been a pleasant surprise for a lot of people."
"You guys have been really really warm and welcoming."
"It actually ended up being a very well received game nearly twenty years after it came out."
"How do you feel about the success of your book?"
"The essence of information is the feeling that you receive from it."
"I'm really proud that Bastion happened and that it was well received enough by people that we could keep making games."
"That's right, I get some messages that are like offended."
"I fully receive your compliment, thank you thank you thank you."
"The worst thing an artist can get is indifference."
"Despite lukewarm reviews and a mixed response from fans, the movie was a box office smash."
"Some people are going to love it... and other people are going to be like it's not for me."
"Believe, wait, and receive. It's that simple."
"What an epic moment for her here, you get this Homeland reception."
"If you’re going to get upset over my 6/10 rating, just remember that you’re not getting upset over me saying the movie is bad."
"The law of subtraction is that the degree to which you can let go, is the degree to which you will receive."
"Hackavat... it's outlandish, it's ridiculous looking, it's Turkish. It's a cool concept, like I like the concept of it but it's not one that many people are very fond of at all."
"Rescue Palooza was welcomed and praised by fans and journalists alike." - Captions
"That's the only way you're going to receive anything, if you actually believe it."
"We've only been greeted with absolute kindness thus far."
"Your first job as a Christian is to receive."
"Gregor is a robot, first FNAF Theory and look how well received it's been, look how good that's gone for all of us."
"True scouting is about knowing the character of players."
"Bring it on, bring it on, yeah, because they're ready to just receive everything that universe wants to give them now."
"The Eucharist is a gift, not an entitlement, and the sanctity of that gift is only diminished by unworthy reception."
"Untold, our arrival has even made national news - what a truly lovely reception."
"A reception illumined by the presence of the secretaries of War and the Navy."
"I believe it and therefore I have received it. Amen."
"We want to acknowledge that not all of you saw it that way, many took our new focus and our words to heart and understood exactly what we tried to convey."
"Despite the controversy it caused, it still was very well received by the industry."
"Super Sonic Warriors was a different style of fighting game, very weird at first but incredibly well-received."
"Bullet Train has so far been very well received by critics and audiences alike."
"The entire team was moved by the amazing reception from players across the world, we were stunned by the love we felt for this unexpected team-up."
"Nourish your self-worth, empower yourself to reach your greatest star."
"It's not terrible, but I can also see how you could hate this so much."
"The movie was very well received, but unfortunately, there's not enough of it."
"Some people will hate it, some people will think it's cool."
"Operation Grim Sky: The Hereford rework hasn't gone over well."
"I know some of you love that and I know there's gonna be people that don't like that."
"This isn't going to be for everybody, but you know what? That's what's going to happen whenever you ask somebody to do something new and different."
"It’s all yours and it’s all free. All you have to do is receive it."
"This one seems the most universally well received...called it 4.5 out of 5."
"Again one's gone down really quite popularly...pretty positive."
"This new version of the character has actually been received quite positively. Hopefully now Venus can be a proper recurring character in the franchise."
"You're going to be given this, and it's a blessing to receive this."
"Your energy, your communication, whatever it is, this person hears it very, very loud and clear."
"We have to have a sense of beautiful gratitude for what we already have to receive more."
"It's always meant to be an overflow, like we receive from God and then we try to package it really quickly to then almost get validation that we actually received something worth receiving."
"You got to receive it in the spirit first, whatever it is that you want God to do for you."
"The book is very well received, very interesting, and enjoyable."
"Grace is not earned and it's not deserved, it's received only by one way, by faith."
"I think people are ultimately receptive to good stories."
"I think it's rude and I think the intent behind it is not very Christ-like, but I'll receive it."
"Batman: The Animated series... became an instant success receiving an overwhelming positive reception from just about everyone."
"The worldwide reception to this movie has made a cynical man happy."
"Honestly, I kind of thought it was a throwaway idea, but it seems like a lot of people liked it."
"In fact the press you could say was imPRESSed, with rather positive coverage and previews and reviews, if understandably cautious."
"The reception that Tales of the Lost has been everything I could have asked for."
"We're always tapped in, it's just whether we're able to receive it or not."
"I'm so excited to see how some of these are received, I'm stoked."
"I'm ahead of my time, that's all. The audience will catch up eventually."
"I'm actually very excited to see what's going on with Burberry now I definitely didn't expect it to go down this direction this soon but really interesting to see what the public reception will be to this."
"You are the high priestess; you're ready to receive."
"A six-part Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles crossover comic was released with pretty good reception."
"We have received you and you said, whoever receives you, you give us authority."
"I don't think any artist has ever just posted, 'I'm scared you guys are not gonna like this news'."
"The magician manifests, the empress receives; she magnetizes."
"The story was incredibly well received among the Batman readers and the professionals of the comic book industry, hailing it as the definitive version of Batman of all time."
"The only reason why this album is considered a flop is because of just how big G-Unit was in 2005."
"An excellent introduction to our new doctor and companion."
"Nobody's deliberately making comics to piss you off."
"I can't believe this movie wasn't more like hyped when it came out."
"I wasn't sure if that openness would be met."
"So considering that despite some initial backlash, in the end it was still well received even when it originally premiered."
"Be ready to receive something very powerful."
"The character of Jar Jar Binks became one of the most divisive aspects of The Phantom Menace."
"I make this for people and they like it, it blows them up."
"Even if you create the perfect video, people would feel weird about it because it was perfect."
"Horizon got a lot of advertising when it came out, but was a critical box office failure."
"The movie got mixed to positive reviews."
"I went and pitched it to these guys thinking they're not going to be into it as a TV show and to their credit, they really liked it."
"What played a big part in the lukewarm box office takings were the reviews, which were very harsh."
"Even if not everything works with the new version, that doesn't mean that you won't like it or that it's not worthwhile."
"Lord, I receive. Lord, I receive."
"Being a Christian doesn't mean you have received, but it means you are better positioned to receive."
"There's like a Regal feminine energy here. The Empress receives."
"Getting yourself into a head space of gratefulness and thankfulness puts you in the ultimate state of receivership."
"The game also had four different endings."
"The initial release was extremely well received."
"People just absolutely lap it up."
"That was it. It felt more like easy, you know what I'm saying? To just drop [ __ ] like that, and the fans were receiving it, bro. They were really, they were really [ __ ] with us heavy."
"Roots would become one of Sepultura's most well-received records."
"Everybody's not going to love what you write."
"This album just seems to be more and more well received as the years have drawn on."
"Your most powerful magical ability is your ability to receive, fully."
"...I would think that a lot of old-time wrestling fans probably liked this because it was different."
"So if you're going to use cable the same cable for both transmitting and receiving, 50 ohms is the best compromise."
"it has a warm reception in not only military law enforcement civilians but also obviously in Hollywood"
"These cards would become even more infamous for New Horizons because the U.S release was a complete disaster."
"...people still love stone cold it was just it it it worked in a sense but not really you know he was getting booze but in my opinion I think people still love them too much people a damn thing said that this didn't work out too well..."
"Just because I say something or I feel a certain way, it doesn't mean that it's the right thing, you know. It may feel right to me, but if that message isn't received, then it could easily be rejected."
"You arrive, you're greeted at the door."
"It was a great performance. The crowd loved me."
"This energy isn't for you, but this energy is for you."
"Books have to earn their way in three different ways now: ratings, which used to be the only thing, international sales, and also that thing of being repeatable."
"He's such a lovable character and we are ready to welcome him."
"Batman Earth 1 vol 1 was very well received upon its 2012 release."
"I expect everyone to greet me like that as they come in the door."
"It's going to work in most settings, it's going to be inoffensive to most people, and it's going to be well received by most people."
"...the SA 93... was very well made and very well received."
"The response has been absolutely incredible."
"Somebody will like it and stuff and have a bit of fun with it."
"Just because people watch something doesn't mean that they necessarily liked it."
"But when the second season aired two years later in 2015, something changed. It was way more popular."
"She loved the attention she was receiving."
"You're being offered a spiritual gift from the divine mother, Leo. Let yourself receive her loving gifts."
"People reacted well to that hope, they reacted strongly to Char's Counterattack."
"I'm scared that you don't have the ability to receive the principles and actually value them."
"...a lot of good feedback on that."
"How is God calling us to receive him and to be received by him is revealed in his word."
"There's no one in the world that enjoys taking criticism."
"The feedback that we've gotten has been absolutely fantastic."
"Literally, when 'Anaconda' came out and she was performing, I think it might have been on the VMAs and like, I swear to God, white America was not having it."
"Receiving is an act of generosity."
"The fans are just ripping on this thing."
"The 5G speed is amazing on it, and the 5G reception is incredible."
"This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
"I think a lot of people will like this."
"Things are arriving in divine timing for you."
"Be open and receptive and receive what the universe is sending your way."
"The message and meaning of this album is intended for those who get it, those who are tuned in to the right frequency."
"Audience pushback is one of the biggest examples of why superhero movies are dying."
"It is no small thing that the King of glory stoops down to be received by men and to receive man."
"The heavens are open, and all you gotta do is receive what is falling."
"This isn't a sign that most of the audience enjoys it, it's a sign that you've lost most of the audience and no one's even giving you a chance anymore."
"Some will mock you, some will listen to you further, and some will believe."
"You know Disney Marvel messed up when the only Echo that people talk about was the one in the room during Neil Duckman's reception at the Golden Globes."
"People have to believe in order to receive."
"Jesus was so confident and so received that first word."
"We're excited to go back, but they're not gonna be cheering for us this time."
"I don't think you've quite learned how to receive yet."
"This was like CW's from people that enjoyed it and maybe some that didn't enjoy it as well. It was not CW's, oh my God!"
"When Sonic Youth played in Europe, they were incredibly well-received."
"The world receives you in a congruous way, like it's a band that's doing a thing that feels like we get the message."
"The reception was amazing... quickly became one of the best-selling albums of all time."
"I think people will really like it."
"People really love this show... I've heard that several times."