
Intellectual Property Quotes

There are 750 quotes

"The UK has the global gold standard for intellectual property and copyright, which allows a market for creativity and allows creative businesses to grow and thrive."
"Those that monetize their mind unlock a luxury unfathomable to those who monetize their time."
"Artists do this all the time and realistically, if you were so concerned about stealing, wouldn't it be a good thing if they started using dollmaker games to come up with character designs instead?"
"I wrote my own patent. I went to Barnes and Noble and bought a book called Patents and Trademarks."
"I'm not even a huge fan of Splatoon, but they've contributed a lot to Nintendo as an IP."
"The more you try to pull movies and television and video games and books from the festering corpse of their ideologically bastardized intellectual property, the more they will forcefully, violently fall from grace."
"But at some point we as a society must say, that is long enough - that formulation of an idea now belongs to all of us - we all can build upon it freely."
"The patent process creates assets out of ideas."
"You have to protect your copyright, that's all we've got."
"If Disney wanted an IP to make a theme park out of, they should have done Pokémon."
"This patent heist won't end well for the US or the world."
"My characters are my intellectual property...I am the only one who can consent to whether it is allowed to be used or not."
"Intellectual property refers to the ownership of an idea or design by the person who came up with it. It gives a person certain exclusive rights to a distinct type of creative design, meaning that nobody else can copy or reuse that creation without the owner's permission."
"People like steal your content all the time on YouTube, but the thing is like the content is the easy part. It's the you know, having people watch it that's the hard part."
"Britain's Air Ministry had declined to keep Whittle's patents a secret. Freely available, they quickly made their way to Germany, just as the Nazis came to power."
"Anything life-saving, medicine or vaccine, should not be copyrighted and prevented from being reproduced elsewhere."
"Unlike companies like Nintendo or Disney, who will take every opportunity to snipe out anybody using their IPs to make independent creations, Scott Cawthon was actually supportive of people using his game as the backdrop for their own creations."
"China has been exploiting the United States, infiltrating our universities, and stealing our intellectual property."
"You are such a great person, I copyrighted the videos."
"Proof of copyright and correct chain of rights has been provided."
"People who create stuff do deserve to get paid for what they've done."
"It was a genius strategy to get the rights to his show back."
"To deny the product of a man's mind is to deny the very concept of property itself."
"Copyrights and patents steal nothing; they create value."
"Can you write the copy? You cannot write the copy, but you can't copy the right because that's someone else's material."
"Copying is not theft. Stealing a thing leaves one less left; copying it makes one thing more. That’s what copies are for."
"Under the current Copyright Act, the only thing that can get a copyright is an original work of authorship."
"Piracy IS a problem. And, if someone is pirating your work or even worse, making a profit off of it; you have the right to stop it. But not at the cost of freedom of speech, and fair use IS freedom of speech."
"The guy who designed the Mini and the X5 needs his royalties. It is not paid."
"Unjustified threats can cost you, which it can. You make an unjustified threat of trademark infringement, it gives rise to several damages, remedies including damages and an injunction and so on."
"They took not only a lot of the plotline and the story concepts but they also took the music."
"Once you wrap your head around the notion of, 'Wait, I could take anything, any idea, transform it into a digital asset, create ownership of that digital asset, and now sell it,' it's an incredible concept."
"Fair Use is not just a magical word that people use to try and get out of copyright infringement, Fair Use is a very real exemption to copyright infringement laws." - YMS
"The only thing more laughably cruel than YouTube's copyright system is society itself."
"We cannot forfeit that capacity... by allowing the Chinese Communist Party to infiltrate our research institutions."
"Defining what is and what isn't fair use is higher than trying to hit the toilet bowl when you're half asleep."
"The Star Wars IP was the most valuable IP in the world."
"Words and short phrases such as names, titles, and slogans are uncopyrightable because they contain an insufficient amount of authorship."
"Not all hope is lost just because a given piece of intellectual property isn't protected by copyright doesn't necessarily mean it's not protected."
"Article 13 is the European version of the DMCA for slow learners."
"Copyright infringement is a strict liability offense."
"Originality is the bedrock principle of copyright."
"Spider-Man belongs to Sony, they don't have to give Marvel anything, and they know that."
"The merge between Fox and Disney to return the rights of both the mutants and the Fantastic Four to Marvel is still being worked out."
"I mean the Legends period of Star Wars represented a time when the IP was a lot more chaotic and less restrictive and so things were a bit more free form for better or worse."
"If you don't defend your copyrights and trademarks, you may as well not have them."
"Slender Man didn't really take off until Marble Hornets decided to run with its IP."
"If you're the only person that can obtain authentic versions of your item, then everybody else is selling it that's not you is violating your rights."
"Why not just make your own intellectual property if you want to do something that has nothing to do with what made the original so special?"
"A company attempting to enforce their IP protection doesn't necessarily have to be right."
"Everybody steals your stuff and never gives you credit. It's just the way it works."
"It's not asking too much just to link a channel or link an Instagram that has artwork of you."
"This is the time to start launching a little bit of IP to start testing the waters."
"The Lord of the Rings fandom stood up for the IP."
"Excessively strong intellectual property rights may result in a slower pace of innovation."
"Fair use is what allows every movie review and critique and response video and commentary."
"It's such a blatant rip-off of a small brand."
"Increase access to intellectual property and data rights."
"Change the conversation from intellectual property and business development deals to do a pull request on an open pilot."
"There is no Canon. There were several hundred creators all adding to the melting pot of the IP."
"As far as trade secrets and intellectual property go, it's hard to think of a better-known example than the Coca-Cola formula..."
"The Wertheimers, renowned for their immense wealth, epitomize a story of gaining billions by capitalizing on another's genius."
"Sign the [__] deal... because in 10 years from now right you own your material."
"You don't have a right to something someone else's made."
"Ideas, know-how. I know how to develop a machine. I have an idea about how to manipulate a genetic code. I created a wonderful composition of music."
"Plaintiff respectfully seeks a preliminary injunction stopping defendants from using evermore trademark."
"When copyright dies on a given intellectual property, that's when you really open up the door to creativity."
"Be careful what you copy. I didn't say not to copy. That's dumb. People will tell you sometimes, 'Don't copy. Be an original.' No, you need to copy a little bit."
"If you play a game that you really like and you want to make a carbon copy of that, as long as you don't use their own stuff, you can do that."
"Michael Jackson wanting to own the rights to Spider-Man."
"You should not be buying Aeon Mustai because you are supporting a game that straight up was stolen from its original creators."
"Despite being knighted for his work, Sir Richard Owen was renowned for stealing other people's ideas."
"You can patent anything you want, you can make research papers all you want with AI. But it doesn't mean it's real."
"I think you absolutely do right you got a lot of the time it's derivative but not derivative enough you didn't create anything you captioned it in a lot of cases."
"Fair use isn't a series of hard and fast rules that can be easily figured out but a set of guidelines that can help judge a use on a case-by-case basis."
"I figured it would make a well-rounded video since it is a laptop I'm leaving for Jan."
"It's a damn shame because it pains me to see Blizzard go through this kind of turmoil when they have so many amazing IPs that they could leverage."
"Copyright is why you have good material. Copyright is the reason people create art."
"It would suck if filmmakers patented their aesthetic."
"They know that they're getting public domain content and then marking it as they own it."
"When I'm done with humans, they won't be able to say 'honey I'm home' without paying a royalty."
"It's everything but it's also nothing because it turns these characters into avatars of our imaginations literal intellectual property instead of people with motivations that we care about."
"I ordered one... it was going to be 400 500 no 250 maybe... no they introduced this thing at eighty dollars eighty bucks."
"Think of all those IP underneath there, right? You got Bioshock, Grand Theft Auto, Borderlands, XCOM, Civilization, Mafia, Midnight Club – all these great games."
"Disney owns some of the most beloved IP on the planet and they've been pulling it all off the shelves to try and keep their content offering on Disney plus robust and most importantly sticky."
"IGN phrased it like this: 'Pokemon fans are coming for power world, the Pokemon with guns game that is taking steam by storm because they claim the designs are stolen and lazy.' Some folks are on the other side and just want to start blasting away."
"Imagine not creating something and thinking that you can tell other people that they can't use it."
"These kinds of patents are so unfair and entrench so much global inequality."
"Challenge yourself with the things that you've learned today."
"Charles Darrow is often credited with inventing Monopoly, but he actually stole the game from Elizabeth Magie, a turn-of-the-century feminist and left-wing activist."
"Entrepreneurship is the creation of an asset: intellectual property, media, or tech."
"Barlow and Bear cannot take that right, made valuable by others' hard work, for themselves without permission."
"Don't even think about it. Just contact Nintendo."
"We take the protection of our IP very seriously."
"Sometimes an IP just fails to provide enough stylistic gameplay and narrative innovation to keep players engaged."
"Plagiarism is to take someone else's idea as their own or to not credit The Source."
"For one, it's infringing on trademarks. So basically, this is just taking an authentic watch, their design, their brand, and then blatantly using their brand logo, trademark, and kind of claiming it as your own."
"I think there's a lot of potential with Silent Hill as an IP."
"We're talking about the revival of dead Activision IP and there are a lot of them."
"We understand the value of our stuff... I wanna own all my [expletive]."
"Plagiarism is good again. Apparently, according to the New York Times, plagiarism is okay."
"Actions speak louder than words when it comes to understanding how much Nintendo cares about protecting their properties."
"They have this uncanny knack for taking a good thing and choking the life out of it, and then moving on to the next IP."
"The power of creating new IP, especially for games, is that you actually get to build a whole fictional universe."
"If you want to do your own thing, don't license someone else's thing."
"If you created something that got like let's just, if you created something period and then get credit for it, wouldn't you be mad?"
"We want to protect intellectual property without affecting the fundamental integrity of the Internet."
"Don't let brands manipulate your love of some intellectual property into giving them money for something that has nothing to do with that thing."
"We've had this in the kind of Creative Commons everything is a remix stuff but we still have mostly focused on giving creators individual rights."
"It's critical analysis, it's educational, and it's transformative in the usage of that IP."
"If you have an original idea, if it's good, it won't be yours for long."
"Plagiarism is an act of war against everyone else in your industry."
"Passing off other people's work as your own isn't it?"
"If someone saw a clip of your video out of context, would it be possible for them to tell you're quoting someone and where it's from?"
"The Commons is not only to do with pieces of land... it's to do with intellectual property, shared resources."
"Do I get to license it or can anybody just do what Bri did and say 'Hey, give me advice from that book'?"
"We're against using our intellectual property to feed into the sausage machine that is AI."
"This has real protection on IP, real protection against tech transfer, financial services, currency provisions, agricultural barrier eliminations."
"We talk a lot about chilling effects here in this space in virtual legality."
"Your idea is yours and they do not take your idea."
"It also means things like abolishing intellectual property laws that prevent the technologies that we need."
"The FBI says China steals up to 600 billion dollars worth of U.S intellectual property every year."
"Do you have any million dollar ideas that everyone watching this can steal?"
"People absolutely loved playing that for the crossover of IP and the gameplay."
"Dog Studio has been acquired by yourself for a whopping eighty-nine thousand pounds along with the original eighteen original IPs."
"How do we make it more secure for creators writers and producers? Share the awesome [__]."
"I just think this happens so much more often than we even know, where people just steal each other's ideas and products."
"I forgot to mention that you all just obviously agreed to terms and conditions when entering your artwork. I now own your ideas and will reap the benefits."
"The current copyright law stipulates that copyright protection exists for an artist for the duration of their life plus at least 50 years after their death."
"A call to take into account the harmful effects that intellectual property rates cause."
"They filed a copyright claim against him for both videos that he had mirrored."
"Fair use allows the public to use not only facts and ideas contained in a copyrighted work but also expression in certain circumstances."
"Fair use is a right, not just an affirmative defense."
"John's estate continues to earn royalties from his music catalog merchandise and other intellectual properties."
"If the UK wanted to show leadership... agreed to waive the waiver request of trade-related intellectual property rights." - Dorothy Guerrero
"I think it's going to be one of the most significant intellectual properties born out of native NFT land in the history of time."
"Your rights to your work revert back to you anyway."
"Amazon spent 500 million dollars to rip off a story they paid for."
"Intellectual property pretty complicated topic. This is super oversimplified but make sure to be aware of it, know what you own via contracts, and protect it."
"A copyright protects original work, whereas a trademark protects items that distinguish or identify a particular business from another."
"Fair use is when you use somebody else's copyrighted materials in a way that is fair enough that you don't need to get their permission to use them."
"Let's end the era of cheap knockoffs and instead facilitates IP based games that we can all be happy with and proud of."
"You don't have to sell the rights to your thing."
"Be careful what you wish for, people have been pushing this idea that it needs to be this big IP."
"Ultimately though, the argument is inane in 2020. It's amazing to me that people are upset at someone saying that the creators of content should be allowed to make some of the money from other people using their content for profits."
"Names can't be copyrighted, they can be trademarked, but only if they are representing a company or product."
"Queen occult is copyrighted to me, names can't be copyrighted."
"Hey look, if it's your content, you have the right to claim it, you should be making money off it."
"Tesla's true value actually isn't per se pumping out cars... it's the IP of the brains they attract."
"You're allowed to use copyright Works in transformative ways."
"This is the one character, the one franchise, the one intellectual property that I'm always going to be obsessed with."
"Determining whether piracy takes away value is not at all impacted by the definition of theft. It'll take away value or not regardless, just impacts what we call it."
"The Balancing Act of enabling people to express themselves freely and to create things that we can all enjoy but also to be rewarded for their efforts."
"I think creating a complete dupe of something, same exact colors, that same exact formula and same packaging, I think that is like where I draw the line."
"Bethesda or more precisely Todd Howard has gone on record saying that he went after the fallout IP because of how big of a fan he was."
"There is an undeniable frustration that comes from an algorithm stealing your life's work."
"Fair use is not a proactive defense against a lawsuit, pro fair use is a defense in a court of law."
"There is absolutely no reason not to steal a mechanic from another game."
"Now is the time for the company to grow its IPs because the company itself is growing."
"Somebody has to keep them honest... I think I can count on you."
"You completely change the context when you repost someone else's work."
"I think as long as it's not a direct ripoff."
"Our patents are real, we spent the money to research and develop those things."
"Intellectual property rights, as the crystallization of human wisdom, should be respected and protected to maintain fair competition."
"Intellectual property, no one else can take that from you."
"The trademarking of phrases is a potentially really dangerous tool."
"This guy is saying that you know in November of 2023 the rights went back to me."
"Beyond receiving little credit, because Engelbart and English were working for Stanford Research Institute when they developed the first mouse, the eventual patent that was granted for it in 1970 didn’t belong to them."
"Launch your IP in the 10 or 15 or 20 ways that we have at your fingertips."
"I get mad when I think that there's a certain point where like you can kind of own a royalty-free song." - Gus
"It's meant to protect your intellectual property from theft and abuse."
"Disney doesn't own Marvel when Universal Islands of Adventure opened... so Universal and Marvel made a deal."
"I love that score and somehow it's like you haven't borrowed that from an already existing song so the source not eligible."
"Abusing copyright harms both creators and the community."
"The trademark for iPhone and iOS were actually not owned by Apple but instead by a networking company called Cisco."
"Patents and trademarks have become a nuclear stockpile in a legal game of mutually assured Tech destruction."
"When you're talking about creative work, stealing is incredibly important."
"Disney do not have that same attitude at all. Disney is very particular about protecting their IP."
"We've never pursued a patent, we've written 91 papers."
"This concerns an Argentine TV station that would broadcast pirated content from Nickelodeon as well as Disney before it was shut down."
"Remedy sold their property, especially considering the deal Rockstar proposed."
"We're on the cusp of a time when copyrights in a range of visual Works will expire."
"If you don't really attach your name to it or normally build your own trademark, then no one's ever gonna..."
"This is much less dramatic than it seems, right? This is much less dramatic than like a Nintendo coming after people for even talking about an old game."
"It's wild to think in the same document they said this was never intended to Foster competition you literally benefited so hard from having people use you as a lingua Franca for Dungeons and Dragons and now you want to take it back."
"Thanks for joining me, I'm Leonard French, your favorite copyright attorney, and this is Lawful Masses, your favorite legal news and education program."
"The ogl effectively allows independent Publishers to use a basic amount of the DND content and their rules for their own projects and products without ever paying royalties."
"As a content creator, we're putting our intellectual property, we're putting our ideas and hard work out there. I expect to know why something happened."
"George Lucas being the only creator who actually held on to his rights." - Manuel Godoy
"From an idea to a multi-billion dollar IP, it was an uphill battle tattered with conflict, betrayals, risky deals, and ultimately ambition."
"Sony might look at that and say well we do have some pretty big IPs like a God of War, Horizon, Gran Turismo which would probably work well."
"The idea of Sherlock Holmes is in copyright but the Sherlock Holmes who is emotional turned out that it that will only came to pass after Conan Doyle was it a war."
"To promote the progress of Science and useful Arts by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings."
"Blockchain trademarks are crucial for securing ownership in the evolving internet landscape."
"Dean Thomas made a tremendous point, and stealing it and using it as my own."
"Patents are what drive research and development."
"European leaders are raising doubts over the United States's proposal to waive intellectual property rights for COVID19 vaccines."
"He ended up winning the suits and essentially walked away with the rights to an entire comic book universe."
"Maybe a new IP is in the works since there won't be any major releases from established series."
"Honoring the intellectual property of artists is a logical thing to extend to visual artists, not just musicians."