
Intrinsic Value Quotes

There are 344 quotes

"It's not about the reward, or even being celebrated as a master of your craft, but engaging in a natural human instinct to create, doing something that feels worthwhile for its own sake."
"We see ourselves a very specific way...intrinsically know that you're worthy, you intrinsically know that you're deserving."
"Just by virtue of who you are, you have worth; you don't need to do anything to be worth something."
"Any living being is so worthy without even trying. Just simply by existing, you are already worthy."
"I am worthy of my own love. I don't have to earn love any more than I have to earn the right to breathe."
"Your best bet is to do what you can to take care of yourself properly, to treat yourself like you're someone responsible for helping, which is partly because I do believe in this ancient, fundamentally Western idea that people are of intrinsic value."
"A sense of purpose can't be given to you; it has to come from within."
"Knowing that the God of the universe says that you have value no matter what... no matter what you look like, no matter whether you're handicapped or what, you have value no matter what."
"Human beings come in with values. There's some essential value. It's what Mr. Rogers used to tell me when I was a kid on TV: 'You're special just the way you are.' And I believed it. That I came in special. I don't have to produce something or consume something to justify my existence."
"Nature's intrinsic value value that doesn't solely derive from our enjoyment or use but that exists in and of itself, independent of humans."
"So Felix, when you don't feel like you need validation anymore, that's when you start feeling your intrinsic value."
"I prefer an asset that is no one else's liability, an asset that has intrinsic value versus somebody saying I'll pay you someday."
"People have intrinsic worth, despite arguments suggesting otherwise."
"Love, judging itself and without regard to contingencies, is a human good, perhaps the greatest of human goods."
"Your worth is not based on your achievements...you're a very worthy human just as you are."
"Your destiny every day is what gives you your intrinsic value and the significance of your life."
"Life is not subject to your perception of the value of life; life is of objective merit."
"Everyone has intrinsic value and, if given the right circumstances, could make some really cool things or be considered a massive success."
"The highest things in life are useless because they're done for their own sake."
"Value investing is a long-term investing strategy that quite simply boils down to buying high quality businesses when the stock price represents a solid discount to the business's intrinsic value."
"Gold has what's called intrinsic value because we as a society, for all the aforementioned reasons, have chosen to value it."
"We are not born that way; we are born with the God within us."
"It's one of the things that they recommend: helping others tends to be the best way to deal with your own problems and get a lot of that intrinsic value."
"The real value and worth of a person come not from what they have but from who they are and the vibe they put off."
"Respect and love from those closest to you are more valuable than any amount of money or fame."
"A deep gratitude and joy in the thing itself."
"Passion isn't in a person, a place, or a thing. It's something inside of you."
"There's also the person, human beings are human beings."
"Every single one of you has something good deep down inside. I know you do."
"Sometimes we may just think that these are irrelevant because you cannot connect a dollar value to these values."
"There's a lot of intrinsic meaning to be felt in that."
"Bitcoin is potentially the only cryptocurrency with fundamental value."
"What if we stopped focusing on incentives and gear on loot and skin and we instead focused on the experience?"
"Remember, whatever you do, you do it because deep down in your heart you believe it is better and more lasting."
"We have intrinsic value... even if you do something terrible."
"There's no money that can put anything on that... Like the warmth that I feel in my heart or like the tingles that I get from just knowing that I changed somebody's life."
"The desire for freedom adheres in the human mind and in the human soul."
"It's not just about price, it's about the underlying intrinsic value of bitcoin."
"Use money to buy freedom... money's greatest intrinsic value is its ability to give you control over your time."
"True value is actually understood... it's no loss to your overall value."
"The money should not be the drive at all... It's not worth it."
"You have lost time, you have lost place, you have lost environment, but you have not lost value."
"If you're doing what you like and the work is fun then you are inherently successful."
"I had always known that you were special, not only because of what we went through but just because of who you are."
"At the end of the day real value is bigger than money and all that people want it."
"I still need that intrinsic human connection to tell me like, okay, like what does this mean to me as a person."
"Your value and your worth truly, absolutely, definitely, honestly comes from within you. It really frees you up when you are aware that your value is innate and nobody can really... nobody really has a vote on your value."
"His value is priceless, just like a MasterCard."
"There's something so inherently beautiful about people expressing themselves in a way they can never profit from."
"Remove the problems out of your life so you can carry on enjoying what you enjoy."
"I don't want it to be a means to an end, just the simple act of learning new things has its own value."
"Comparisons are illusions, recognize your intrinsic value."
"Allah put in us the 'ruh' - the profound deep thinking."
"Great fighters are like great beers, it doesn't matter where you come from, it matters what you're made of."
"Your intrinsic goodness of life is always better than any suffering."
"Life is meaningful... there's something in you that makes life beautiful."
"Your value has not been tampered with. Your value is innate just because you made all of these mistakes does not mean you're worthless."
"Does a life have value for its own sake or is that life more or less valuable depending on what it believes?"
"We have to trust that there's reason behind just the results that we're facing right now."
"These are sources of value that like sometimes like millions of dollars cannot touch."
"Humanity are ends not merely means in ourselves." - Jim
"All women have inherent value though even hoes."
"It's what I love about it, that human part of it."
"Gold has been money for 6,000 years, and it is the primary currency metal because it is indestructible and holds intrinsic value."
"Your worth isn't out there; it's intrinsic, it's inside of you."
"Once the derivatives unwind, that's going to create dollar selling and the dollar will go to its intrinsic value, which is zero."
"Bitcoin has a much higher intrinsic value than gold."
"Learn for the sake of it, the sheer hell of it because it's intrinsically worthwhile in itself."
"The most beautiful thing about your essence about your special magic is that it doesn't need any of those external wins to exist."
"Music speaks of everything in a musical piece is a part that exists in relationship to a harmonious whole right and it has its own intrinsic reason for being and it speaks of meaning."
"Each of us is golden by nature, born knowing truth, connected to our bliss. But then we went to school..."
"Gold had intrinsic value. It still has value today."
"Every human person will have unique intrinsic categorical value, period."
"The celebration of the dignity and beauty and grandeur of the individual... is self-evident, it's axiomatic."
"Each human being has a unique worth and there is something of God in everybody."
"It is the work that counts, not the applause that follows."
"It's not about the trophy, it's about the value."
"I think people are beginning to figure out that... the crypto itself is backed by nothing."
"Life is beautiful and worthy of protection I mean that and."
"There's some things in life that are so valuable that you can't put a price on it, where the dollar value means zero literally."
"Independent play encourages autonomy and a kind of centered, intrinsic, internal sense of value and meaning."
"Bitcoin has intrinsic value in the sense that it's the most liquid large and safest way to store self custodial portable value."
"Basically Bitcoin has intrinsic value in the sense that it's the most liquid large and safest way to store self custodial portable value."
"Nobody as a person is poor, they have value, they have gifting, they have talent."
"How you look does not define your worth... your value and your worth as a human is far deeper than physical appearance and physical aesthetic."
"You should be playing the game because the game is good to play, and then you just happen to get these rewards because you're playing the game."
"We will never have anything greater than who we are, butt naked. Butt naked, you are the greatest gift God has given you."
"Gold and silver are God's money, humans have intuitively known it's real."
"Every individual possesses inherent worth and dignity."
"It's better when people do a thing because they like it."
"I have a good heart and soul. So what do you have, if you don't have seven million dollars worth of [ __ ]? Then what do you have?"
"Regardless of their appearance, these are truly amazing."
"Your value is innate... it doesn't matter what life has beaten you up with."
"The unique nature of women is something incredibly precious."
"Roy Keane was just a very very good footballer but basically a manager on the pitch you can't put a value on that."
"I think every baby has a blessing. I think we as human beings we have the power within us to take control over our lives."
"Value is driven by what you are as a business."
"Humanity is full of hope, our salvation lies within each one of us."
"So no matter if no one else on this planet found Jake valuable and worthy of love and acceptance then Jake would still be able to know that the creator of the entire universe does."
"Life fulfillment doesn't have a price tag on it."
"I love music for the sake of music satisfies my hunger and beauty for the sake of beauty pacifies my soul."
"A child that's conceived out of either of those horrible sin-filled acts is no less value than you or I."
"A correct biblical worldview helps you understand it's not about what we do that's bad, but the good that comes out of us."
"The dance is its own truth, it is the movement that matters."
"There's something deeply intrinsically beneficial to the fasting."
"Start with the work, don't worry about fame and fortune, be concerned with the work itself."
"The intrinsic goodness of life will always outweigh the intrinsic badness of suffering."
"Everything that you have that you want to accomplish is actually already in you."
"Being American means looking out for the good in people; everyone has value."
"Mathematics definitely is characterized by beauty."
"Life becomes wonderful when we recognize the treasure within ourselves, just like discovering a diamond beneath our home."
"Your self-worth should come from your existence and not what you have or do for other people."
"I had to put sunglasses on, that way you can't tell I'm a stunt double."
"It's important how it makes you feel inside."
"Education should not serve a pragmatic goal but should instead be an intrinsic end in itself."
"My worth isn't found in views, it's in me and myself and who I am as a person."
"Generate something because you actually get value from it."
"When we are created equal with unalienable rights... if human life has essential worth it can only have it on a transcendent basis."
"Minnie is worth much more than just her social status."
"Nature has made the most perfect creations that can ever be created. You can't surpass nature."
"We all have intrinsic value as Americans, as citizens, and as human beings."
"The intrinsic goodness of life always outshines the intrinsic Badness of suffering"
"I have met some incredible men and women with Down syndrome and they were just the best, most honest, most beautiful people inside and out."
"The idea that human beings have intrinsic worth and intrinsic quality... springs from the Judeo-Christian tradition."
"These things have so much more value than just their monetary value."
"It's what's on the inside that counts y'all."
"Your true net worth is what can never be taken away from you."
"Just because there's no money involved doesn't mean there's not value."
"You have incredible built-in value that you were born with."
"You alone are enough, you alone right now as you are have that wisdom."
"You feel it, it's like as much as you as your heartbeat."
"It's not the badge, it's the heart behind it."
"Your worth doesn't come from your achievements or how good you are at things, you're valuable just the way you are."
"You have intrinsic value and worth simply because you're created in the image of God."
"I hope you enjoyed this updated video on how to calculate intrinsic value."
"There is no one on this earth that is not a great Soul."
"The most precious substance we have is not stuff but it's our power."
"The value of an option is made up of intrinsic and extrinsic values."
"The discount to intrinsic value is the best predictor of future returns."
"Land will never go to zero. There's intrinsic value in it."
"... what makes life meaningful isn't whether it's nice all the time ... it's whether it has intrinsic value ..."
"The concept of intrinsic value used to be a lot easier... But it is harder now. It's way harder."
"You should be doing things in your life that aren't in means to an end. You should be doing them because of the intrinsic value they have in themselves."
"Your meaning and your value as a human being cannot be taken away."
"True beauty stands on its own and doesn't need validation through praise. Just like genuine beauty, things like truth, honor, and kindness don't change in value based on others' opinions."
"The Consciousness that creates civilization is intrinsic."
"Intrinsic value. It took me a long time to figure out how to build that. It's super simple, isn't it? So simple. It's doing something for being neighborly and being of service with no expectations, no scorekeeping."
"There's some piece of you that has no shape, size, color, or weight but it is of infinite value and dignity."
"Find a way to make it fun because if you're doing it for the intrinsic joy of doing the thing, you're not worried about the numbers."
"He put something on the inside of you that matters, that has infinite value."
"Life doesn't need a meaning, life doesn't need a purpose, life is its own reward."
"Human beings are created with purpose and value."
"The key is to understand how market price relates to the broadly defined intrinsic value, which includes the future prospects."
"The worth of our lives comes from who we are, not from external factors."
"Do not depend on the hope of results, but on the value, the rightness, the truth of the work itself."
"Recall that genuine compassion is a state of being rather than an act. Let go of the need for approval, concentrate on the joy of giving, and remember that the true power of kindness comes from its inherent worth rather than from expecting anything in return."
"A stock has to get to intrinsic value at some point. That's a Bedrock of Benjamin Graham, right?"
"If something is not pleasurable in itself, something is intrinsically wrong."
"Every single person maintains the spark of the divine."
"Sometimes a job gives you more value than just the money."
"You should always respect people because people have intrinsic worth and value even if they haven't developed the capacity to have opinions yet."
"Every single good deed that you do has some kind of intrinsic value to you, even if it's something that you feel like you don't want to do."
"God loved us not because we are valuable, but we are valuable because God loves us."
"An activity that is done for itself alone, not to get somewhere, not to get something else."
"Freedom is intrinsically good. Or is it really?"
"The magic is in us, it's in you, it's in me. It's not in the gear."
"It should never be about an award. It should never be about the medal or the color. It should be about how you feel."
"Intrinsic value matters, and it matters a lot."
"Intrinsic value is an all-important concept that offers the only logical approach to evaluating the relative attractiveness of a stock or businesses."
"you start more and more to concentrate not on the results but on the value the rightness the truth of the work itself"
"Even if this car never appreciated in value, I would not care."
"Those are things that are intrinsically worthwhile. Given the chance to pursue them, people do."
"I believe that all life has intrinsic value."
"What is most important is what is inside that engine."
"It's beautiful and priceless in itself, right? Gives you a peace of mind that you know you can't buy."
"Your nephs is so valuable; there is no price tag on your soul."
"Worth is not up to a vote. Your personal worth is a birthright."
"Quite apart from its instrumental value, Open Society also has an intrinsic value, namely the freedom of the individual."
"The reward is in the making of the thing in the first place."
"Play the long game. It won't ever matter how much money you make or how many followers you have or what product deals you make because you'll stay attached to the heart and soul of why you're doing this."
"We should pursue curiosity for curiosity's sake rather than use another thing."
"You are worth it no matter what, your worth is there no matter what you're doing."
"Christianity teaches that human dignity is extrinsic."
"You have immeasurable value, you have intrinsic importance because you are made in God's very image."
"First of all, I believe that job satisfaction gives people a sense of fulfillment that no money can guarantee."
"If you took these shoes apart and tried to disseminate the gemstones or melt down the gold, you'd end up with a paltry sum of money. Really the value is in its history."
"Embracing this notion of working on yourself and also notion of growing your intrinsic value is a very crucial concept and a very crucial distinction for you to make."
"It's about calling forth the motivation that people already have, not installing motivation into them."
"The root of high self-esteem is a type of self-esteem that doesn't require words or memories."
"God created you and me with intrinsic value and worth."
"Value investing is about buying at a discount to intrinsic value."
"The value of a life is much more."
"Your value is non-contingent; your value is not dependent upon anything."
"A person would have value even if they were not valued."
"It was just for the sake of playing music, there was no money in it, no future to speak of in it, you know, all those things I just loved."
"Everyone's got Buddha nature, even the worst people."
"Unique amongst all the creatures is the human being, for we shared the nature, the imprint, and the image of God, and that and that alone ascribes infinite eternal value to you."
"Your worth is not external. You were given worth at birth."
"How valuable is that, to do it by thought alone?"
"You're enough because you were created enough."