
Revolution Quotes

There are 3882 quotes

"It's a revolution akin to the personal computer and the smartphone."
"We are shifting into a revolutionary period of time in our society where you have information vast amounts of information at your fingertips."
"There's never been real change without a little bit of resistance, without a little bit of revolution."
"The enlightenment was an extremely important time period when a great number of key scientific, philosophical, and political revolutions happened across Europe."
"I think we're looking at meditation as the next big public health revolution."
"The revolution has to be done with education."
"The revolution has to be done with education. True anarchists know that."
"The Revolution was understood as a matter of Providence to these men, including the greatest of them, George Washington."
"If we want a movement or revolution to succeed, action and ideology must go along together."
"The mission is to end the concept of mental illness by creating a revolution in brain health."
"Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win."
"The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win."
"Revolutions pretend to start new. And in some way, revolutions do start new. Old elites are overthrown, violence is applied, regimes are changed, and so on. But nevertheless, there is a weighty inheritance, which will have to be dealt with in one way or another."
"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government."
"This revolution will lead to a fusion of our physical, digital, and biological identity."
"This is essentially a revolutionary movement seeking to redefine humanity as Klaus Schwab says."
"It's the job of the artist to make the revolution irresistible."
"We are changing our own lives; Wall Street is no longer in control, we now have the power."
"We are a party that had very limited space in the print and even the electronic media... But then a new revolution took place, that's the social media."
"The goal is to bring lots of people into Bitcoin and teach them why the revolution is so magical and so amazing."
"The Enlightenment is a revolution; it's not some everyday workmanlike change to the intellectual world."
"The Liberty Tree in colonial times was used by gentlemen as a place to gather and discuss politics and the upcoming revolution."
"If we continue to keep our faith in it, despite the fact that it isn't working in obvious ways that we can see every day, there's going to be a revolution and we're not going to have any capitalism at all."
"We are at the beginning of the digital biology revolution."
"Ultimately, we have an opportunity to revolutionize romantic relationships...establish healthy norms starting with a first date."
"The real revolution is the revolution of consciousness, and each one of us first needs to eliminate the divisionary, materialistic noise we have been conditioned to think is true, while discovering, amplifying, and aligning with the signal coming from our true empirical oneness."
"The real Revolution is the revolution of consciousness."
"This is the biggest revolution I've seen in generations... this revolution saves lives. It doesn't cost lives."
"Animal Farm is about a group of animals led by a pig named Napoleon who take over a farm from an evil human farmer."
"The AI Revolution... would make it effectively speaking the third major Revolution in human history."
"A revolution in consciousness will change all things."
"All of us have to be the revolutionaries for our bloodline."
"We do not have time to be polite. This is a revolution."
"The real revolution here is decentralization."
"Revolutions only start when revolutionaries rise up and start to spread the word on the injustices in society."
"The Hunger Games almost gets it right by showcasing that taking down the Capitol and gaining control of Panem isn't the end of the story."
"Every revolution... it's about people thinking about connection."
"The revolution will not be televised... It's an economic digital revolution."
"Loving yourself is a revolution. Let that revolution begin today. That is my hope for all of you."
"The role of revolutionaries should be as the imagination movers of society, linking past, present, and future to generate and power creative and uplifting revolutionary movements that can shape society for the better."
"So begins the gamer revolution article written by Paul Tamburo."
"We fought a revolution to bring ourselves together... But what unites us is a commitment to those common set of ideals."
"Revolution is almost always a doomed enterprise, one that succeeds only because its leaders issue the practical and are endowed with what the theologian Reinhold Niebuhr calls sublime madness."
"The warm sun and smiling sky of Italy is no climate for revolution. Naples is not Paris."
"People are ready for a political revolution."
"This country was founded on protest; it is called the American Revolution."
"I think this is the greatest revolution, bigger than the internet revolution."
"This country was founded on protesters. It is called the American Revolution."
"As Aristotle said in politics, poverty is the parent of revolution and crime."
"The Maverick movement is officially the Maverick revolution. This logo means so much; it's about people not being afraid to pursue their passions and follow their dreams, regardless of what the naysayers do or think."
"He was passionate about the hood because he's a revolutionary."
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable."
"The Solera 500L could potentially start a real revolution in the air travel industry."
"These are revolutionary times all over the globe. Men are revolting against old systems of exploitation and oppression, and out of the wombs of a frail world, new systems of justice and equality are being born."
"We need a revolution of values in this country."
"If you're part of this generation, get involved and let's make this happen. The revolution is happening on the ground."
"We are not above them; we are them, and I would not want to be part of any leftist revolution that precludes their will for our supposed enlightened sensibility."
"Imagine if the revolution was tomorrow, maybe we could work with Comrade AOC or Senator Bernie Sanders."
"I think it's not just an evolving of cinema but it's a revolution."
"I think that we need a fundamental pattern disruption of the economic, social, and political status quo in this country...I think we need a genuine nonviolent revolution of consciousness."
"How long can you opiate the people? Ultimately, the French Revolution showed that people will break out in extremely ugly ways."
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
"When someone is truly awakened to the reality of their Divinity and their co-creation, that is Revolution."
"Revolutions are always bloody, but it doesn't take away from why this is happening or the fact that it should have been."
"The AI revolution, like the industrial revolution, will bring some discontinuities."
"Dragon's Revolution finally comes through, and the Tenryuubito system falls because, you know what's gonna happen? They're just gonna raid the freaking vaults of the world nobles."
"We are in a financial revolution. You got to kill those old habits, you got to kill that old mindset."
"The hardcore scene has turned out some revolutionary type people."
"Revolution means to turn forward... we are in a revolution we are revolving whether you're doing it or not."
"Aquarius, the water bearer, literally pouring water, the new knowledge and ways of thinking onto humanity, revolutionizing the human soul."
"The great Aquarian era can be grounded properly and really revolutionize the planet; it will be revolutionized by people and individuals who are really willing and ready to sacrifice themselves for humanity."
"We've been fortunate to live through some revolutions ourselves, even probably responsible for some. The main process that seems to happen is a methodological advance is made that opens up some new area."
"Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship."
"When you want to make a revolution, you don't go around; you go through."
"What he's doing is not an evolution, it's a revolution."
"Nonviolent revolutions are the ones that actually last."
"Amazing inventions revolutionized our domestic lives."
"In essence, [the Second Amendment] speaks of the right to revolution against tyranny as championed by one of Jefferson's favorite writers and philosophers, John Locke."
"My radio show, I'm introduced as your voice of moral, cultural, and spiritual revolution."
"The oppressed peoples of this world must become conscious of our collective power, defend our immediate interests, and fight to revolutionize society as a whole."
"The idea that humans, both the weak and the powerful, the rich and the poor, should decide together, each person having equal weight, the course of their nation, this idea is revolutionary."
"Americans don't want a revolution, they just want change."
"The United States is one of a vanishingly few countries in the world that had a revolution and came out better on the other side."
"The most effective revolutions are those which left the buildings standing and all the apparent outside characteristics of society still seeming to be there, but inwardly everything had changed."
"The Haitian Revolution was the greatest slave uprising, not just for African diasporic history but world history."
"The fire of freedom is shaking the world; this is the beginning of the French Revolution."
"True justice for Black Americans can only come through a complete revolution of values."
"People of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
"It's time for a revolution, and we have to throw off the neoliberal agenda which is pro-fracking, which is anti-climate change, and anti-science."
"Time is up, time for a peaceful Revolution. Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution necessary."
"The wheel has completely transformed how we travel."
"In the time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
"As a birthright of the revolution, I shouldn't have to care about the monarchy... but I do feel... that I should appreciate the value of constancy and tradition that is represented in the monarchy."
"You are all actually living today in the middle of a revolution... Life around you is actually changing so dramatically and so deeply."
"It seemed to me that a huge revolution was going on."
"The revolution that we speak of is not a small thing; it's a complete upheaval of the way that we look at everything."
"A revolution...will put an end to all these shenanigans and serve as a standing lesson against those who have put Nigeria in the condition that it is today."
"Maybe we do need a revolution, yeah, we need a peaceful, respectful revolution but one that's got courage."
"Advocates of the Electric Universe expect a 'shock to the system' with revolutionary implications."
"Fusion technology can potentially revolutionize the energy industry."
"In a world with no private life, abandoning social formations was a major revolution."
"The Revolution had recovered its true course." - Robespierre
"Our revolution must be intersectional, be chill... promote good vibes... advice gather often, be brave... principles over product."
"This marks a little bit of a structural revolution."
"Yes, voting can absolutely be a part of the promotion of a revolutionary sentiment."
"If participation in bourgeois electoralism will dull the edge of your communist revolutionaries, those communist revolutionaries will certainly not survive the temptations after a proletarian revolution."
"This is like an actual revolution by the people."
"Every revolution needs people that are willing and ready to fight."
"The American Revolution was not conservative; it was a liberal one."
"Critical race theory is then in a very real sense a counter-American revolution."
"We need a cultural revolution within the gaming developers."
"The most successful revolutions are those that start as popular movements but then eventually are led by a small group."
"Rosa Luxemburg's own words on the matter: 'Can social reforms substitute for the social revolution? Certainly not.'"
"If the crowds had had determined conscious leaders instead of windbags by noon that day, Berlin would have been in their hands."
"I think this is one of those pivotal revolutionary moments. Everything is changing."
"This is the revolution... populist Uprising."
"This left-wing Cultural Revolution is designed to overthrow the American Revolution."
"The American Revolution was an ideological revolution where we decided the government must serve its people."
"We are existing now in an era of activism, revolution, and global uprising."
"She revolutionized the whole modern fashion industry."
"It was a time of spiritual awakening, a time of revolution and great change."
"The beauty of the 18th century Revolution is that it enables more inclusiveness over time."
"Revolutions are horrible things. France, Russia, China never recovered."
"1804 becomes important because it's the date at which the implementation of the dream of real revolution and real equality and new nation status and the ability to defend your new nation is manifest."
"Before we can have any reasonable hope for implementing decisive revolution, we gotta strive to have the people on our side."
"Propaganda is scientifically developed persuasive communication... our revolution would benefit the vast majority of society and so the truth is on our side."
"Dual power structures serve the revolution directly by providing logistic, legal, and material support to comrades in need."
"These technological revolutions are not trivial; they're fundamentally revolutionary."
"Our founding fathers used their personal guns to overthrow their own government"
"We got to just burn it to the ground, build a new world out of the ashes."
"This is our last chance to avoid either a tyrannical symbol or a bloody and pointless civil war."
"The revolution is Without End. There is no end goal."
"Nothing real will happen unless we have a political revolution."
"The issue is never the issue. The issue is the revolution."
"It is the right of the people to alter or abolish a government."
"This is arguably the most important revolution in all of human history, perhaps even in the history of our planet."
"Revolution is what this country was founded on."
"The consequences of this revolution play out chaos ensues with riots erupting all over Gotham."
"Sovereignty: every revolution in history has been fought for sovereignty... It's tangible, it's noticeable, you get to elect the representatives who make the rules for your country."
"The revolution that we need is a cultural revolution."
"Get ready for a revolution in the polymer industry guys."
"The revolution must be continuous. Once it stops, it becomes the status quo, the power structure that it ceased to deconstruct."
"We've accomplished peace and a new society. It's a revolution."
"Liberate Hong Kong, the revolution of our time."
"We're on the cusp, I believe, of the revolutionary generation."
"The revolution is not going to be televised, the wars are not going to do whatever you see is what they allow you to see."
"The only Escape is to tear it down entirely in the hopes that something new might spring out of it."
"Rebelling with people of different backgrounds and from different stations in life is critical for a revolution to succeed."
"Imagine overthrowing a government without the tech the government has."
"Witness that we are in the right place at the right time on the precipice of an absolute Revolution."
"A true revolution of values will soon cause us to question the fairness and justice of many of our past and present policies."
"Only when we have a revolution of values can we implant the fundamental changes needed for a more equal, sustainable, and peaceful future."
"At some point, revolution has to happen or else."
"What I'm talking about is a revolution of one."
"Do you want a global revolution? Because this is how you get a global revolution."
"Talking about the prospect of revolution at this point in American history doesn't seem as paranoid as it otherwise might."
"The American Revolution maintained most aspects of the society that it had left."
"Let's all think outside the box and start an outdoor revolution."
"We're in the middle of a revolution right now guys this is this is the start of something really big and this is not gonna be the final growing pain but just like all growing pains this one will be overcome."
"This is probably the most revolutionary thing since play to earn started back in 2021... we are genuinely onto something insane."
"That is where the spirit of revolution should be catalyzed right along that line when the establishment not only is corrupt but then they mock you and their corruption that should incite revolution."
"This revolution needs blood, and our beloved ones are ready to sacrifice."
"Shanks has been betting on the new era. He has been setting the stage for the revolution."
"You haven't got a revolution that doesn't involve bloodshed, and you're afraid to bleed."
"I love it when the people rise up against the establishment and the elites."
"Iran is undergoing a remarkable musical revolution."
"I do believe the rational Revolution is underway."
"Make it revolutionary, don't... make it impactful."
"Every revolution starts with young people, right? I feel like the Great Reset is really just a lot of older people saying, 'Here's how we have to hold on to this, you know, keep it all stitched together.'"
"Why you scared of Killmonger's rage? Because you scared of revolution."
"In choosing T'Challa over Killmonger, you've chosen charity over revolution."
"How is siding with the CIA to stop a revolutionary a positive outcome?"
"The CCP... is at its end... because if you look at modern industrializing societies, regimes fall because of revolutions in cities."
"Before the quartz revolution, it would have been completely unthinkable to get a watch like this Casio Royale for this price."
"Revolution is the overthrow of one class by another class and the subsequent suppression of the overthrown class." - Caption
"You have just as many revolutionary villains as you do revolutionary heroes, and most acts of revolution are mixed, complicated human affairs."
"Revolution is always an act of self defense." - CT Vivian
"AI will be the biggest revolution in human history."
"Critical education should be the central feature of a revolutionary movement building."
"For the revolution to be authentic, it must be perpetual."
"This is the final war financially fought and our weapon is crypto. Amen."
"Revolutionaries may have individually failed, but collectively they succeeded."
"The world needs to revolt and show these Psychopaths that they can't rule over us."
"These are fundamentally American ideals that we fought a revolution for in 1776 where we said we the people create a government that is accountable to us not the other way around."
"There is no fear anymore. This is a citizen's revolution."
"When the people have no bread, they eat the rich."
"The American Revolution inspired revolutions in France, Haiti, and in Latin America."
"The million mask March isn't about one single issue... it's a statement of solidarity, unity, and revolution."
"A revolution, coming soon to a neighborhood near you."
"Viva la revolución! Together, Governor, and the people will turn everything around."
"Abolish the monarchy, cut off their heads immediately, viva la republique!"
"The revolution cannot be set aside for peace."
"The electric vehicle revolution and the sustainable energy revolution has already begun and I don't think it can be stopped."
"In the last paragraph of the Communist Manifesto Marx and Engels call for a forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."
"A revolution in civilization is taking place."
"They've lost their mandate from heaven and the imperial family must be DESTROYED with an UNRELENTING, FURIOUS WRATH!!!"
"It would be a big revolution to bring companies and governments to give importance to the long term. That would be a revolution."
"America will not survive as America if any of the three die: Liberty, In God We Trust, and E Pluribus Unum."
"Young men launch revolutions when they feel hopeless, sexually frustrated, and left out of the system."
"It's not father son and holy ghost, it's equality liberty and fraternity."