
Companionship Quotes

There are 35261 quotes

"Wherever two people are together, the spirit of God Himself is present."
"Getting a dog, because the dog loves you and you'll have unconditional love for the dog, is a wonderful antidote to falsehood."
"Being in the presence of other people when you're grieving, even if they don't say anything, is important."
"You're not alone. You're not alone. None of us are alone."
"We call a dog a man's best friend for a reason."
"Learning how to lead from a perspective that puts us into a king persona, a king mentality, is where women rise into a place of companionship."
"No one can fix you, no one can take your pain away, but I can hold your hand."
"It's hard to find someone who makes you not feel so lonely."
"Sometimes the most healing treatment in the world is simply realizing that you're not alone in your experiences."
"Your guardian angels want you to know you are not alone."
"Through each other, you find missing pieces."
"I don't think anybody needs anybody, but I think it's good to have companionship and have help."
"Let it go, let it flow, and the things that are meant to stay will stay by your side."
"You don't need love, but you would like a nice companion."
"I wouldn't want to be stranded with anyone else other than her."
"A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother."
"Life is about walking with Jesus, not just wanting to work for Him but not lose sight of what it means to walk with Him."
"Rose explains that Suzune and Usado are likely together, which means there is nothing to worry about."
"The only thing we've found that makes the emptiness bearable is each other."
"I am in the process of becoming my own best friend, the person I am the most happy to be with."
"Being next to this guy, she feels a difficult to explain sense of calm."
"I'm doing great now that we're here together."
"If you have a dog, you know it's not just a dog; it's like a human right there."
"It's important to find the people that you feel like you can share yourself with or take care of you."
"Friendship needs to be about something... friends look forward, they've got a spot on the horizon they're moving towards."
"From now on, you don't have to do anything alone."
"Your friend, you like them for their personality, for who they are naturally."
"We're right here with each other through this. We can do this."
"You're going to find yourself in good company."
"Joel and Ellie, the long bereaved father and the prickly orphan, are compellingly opposed people, barely alike at all, and that's what's going to make them such good road trip companions."
"Envy provokes misery, and misery loves company."
"You will achieve your desirable companion, what you've been waiting for."
"Nerf was just unconditionally my best friend. He came with me everywhere."
"Your aura is intoxicating and I want to travel the world with you."
"Don't need them to fix me, I just need them to sit in the mud with me so I don't feel alone."
"He feels like he can conquer the world if he is with them."
"Sometimes, life's about the hot dogs you share, not the ones you eat alone."
"Without you, all I do is frown. There's nothing better than having you around."
"There is a God who loves you so much that He would never let you walk through any season alone."
"Fight like a knight, so I can reward you. Do not be fearful because you are not alone."
"Your inner voice is your most loyal companion; make it your best friend."
"Our lifelong animal companion, tied to us in spirit, a manifestation of who we are."
"I know that you are not alone, and no one hates you."
"You are very protected. No matter what you've been through, the Angels have never forsaken you. You've never been walking this journey alone."
"She's kind, she's smart, funny, she makes me feel special, she is my soulmate."
"I think that you don't suffer less, you suffer differently. And the most important thing is if you're not alone."
"Everything is good. You're happy. You have friends. Even your dog looks at you differently, nodding in approval with their dog wisdom."
"When you love yourself, you're truly never alone."
"Be clear about whose company you want to keep. It has an effect on our mind."
"God is committed to walking with us where brokenness in our life is concerned."
"Being able to sleep next to each other is a huge part of a relationship."
"You're not alone... somebody is on my side, they've got my back, they are here with me right now."
"His only friend in the house is a servant girl named Yea, who always finds an excuse to come to him."
"Together we are going to become the best of friends."
"It's like having a True Companion that reacts to your interactions."
"It'll be a good time because I'm spending it with you."
"Try to find that person for you who you just are enthralled to do laundry and taxes with."
"Rescue... Help others and ask for assistance when you need it. I think it's going to be a situation where you two are sharing and talking and being supportive."
"Boxy is always there to give me a hug when I'm feeling a little bit down."
"As long as you have each other, you'll be okay, you'll figure it out."
"Who you spend your time with, who you surround yourself with, that's quality. It's not about who gives you an expensive jacket."
"I think I need a companion. Someone reliable, someone loyal."
"O Muhammad, the companionship of the Most High."
"I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is ending up with people who make you feel alone." - Robin Williams
"I had companionship, friendship, someone that understood me, I had love."
"I am with you, I will never forsake you, no matter what."
"Part of guinea pig care is companionship. That is a care requirement."
"Whether you're a saint, astrologer, politician, entertainer, scientist, or criminal, we all have a companion who will help us fulfill our goals."
"She asks him to stay with her forever and he tells her he'll be with her for as long as she wants him."
"Everybody's better when they're with somebody. We are not meant to go through this life isolated by ourselves."
"You gotta hang around people who find you funny."
"I want to see what a life looks like when you share it with somebody. Yes, and that, the good, the bad, the ups and downs, but that idea really speaks to me."
"You're my lover, you're my best friend, I love you."
"A lot of guys are just looking for people to talk to. Like older guys especially, they just kind of want some kind of companionship."
"A surprising amount of them seem to not care about that part (sex), but that the connection and having somebody was like the most important thing."
"I wouldn't want to spend my actual birthday with anyone else."
"We call dog man's best friend for a reason; you can help those who need it most."
"It's been an absolute pleasure spending the afternoon with you. Thank you so much."
"You're craving something more real; you're craving someone to love you, someone to be there for you."
"You are never alone. Being alone is an illusion."
"You two together will have this fun banter sort of relationship."
"If you are so lucky as to find someone to spend your every day, that's in itself a journey, a lifetime of endless study."
"The journey can suck, but if you have the right company, it doesn't matter."
"You enjoy the journey, you will enjoy your life. It's neither about the journey nor the destination; it's about the company."
"No one's looking for followers, but what they should be looking for is brothers and sisters to walk beside them."
"Most of the time we were laughing, and there were certainly times where we were crying, but it was mostly laughter."
"Hey man, do you wanna be my best friend? I'd love nothing more in the world than to be your best friend."
"Guys like us, they got no family, and they ain't got nobody in the world that gives a hoot in hell about them. But not us."
"It builds a solidity into your life and a reality into your life to have someone who's along with you on this very long voyage."
"Sea otters hold hands so they don't drift apart while sleeping."
"By the way, it's not uncommon to find them together either snuggling or one doing a major cleaning of the other's ear, which is a beautiful service on the part of each of them."
"It's not about finding someone who won't hurt you. It's about finding someone whose company is worth the risk of potential pain."
"Best relationships come when you least expect it."
"Somebody that we can grow old and be childish together."
"You deserve love, you deserve someone that sits with you even in uncomfortable situations."
"I'm thankful to spend time with her today, Miss Britney."
"For me, it's the friendship. This is my boy, this is my homie, this is my life partner."
"Intimacy to me is laying on the couch watching TV and falling asleep together. Sometimes, intimacy is not even having to talk, just being amongst one another."
"You are with yourself 24 hours a day for the rest of your life. No one else will even come close to that."
"No one should feel controlled by you; they should want to be with you."
"It is not good for man to be alone," hints at God's own state, making it clear that needing someone is very different than needing something.
"Your intelligence, your humor, your tenacity, your willingness to just go with it, and your friendship, it's been a lot of fun."
"In these cases, the robot looks at you the way you want; it will never have a headache, it will always laugh at your jokes, and it will never judge based on shortcomings."
"Two are better than one; if one falls, the other will lift up his friend. But woe to the one who has no friends, for if he should fall, he has no one to lift him up."
"We are only as good as the people we surround ourselves with every single day."
"What's the point of life if you don't do it with people you can't live without?"
"But all of these things are good. That you...they're talking about companionship, friendship, you know, support systems, you know...someone to talk to, all these things, okay, that's great, but you can have all of that in just a normal friendship."
"Guardian angels exist. They are not imaginative doctrine but companions that God has placed beside us in life's journey and should be listened to."
"I'm young, I want to see the world and take people with me."
"Look how adorable my dogs are, they're like, they're just cuddled up together."
"I'm very fortunate in a situation where I'm not lonely, but imagine having somebody you wake up to every day of your life and just having that ripped away from you overnight."
"This place is super creepy, and what's even worse, we're not alone."
"May God send you people who have eyes to see you, not just a heart to love you but eyes to see you and who will fight with you for what God has for you."
"This is definitely somebody that you feel safe with, that you know in your heart is like, this is my person."
"Dogs are our partner in survival and a magical animal."
"Their lives are miserable, pointless, and filled with a decidedly unearned guilt, but unlike so many characters, they persevere because they have each other."
"The joy is in experiences and it's in the people that you experience stuff with."
"I'm thankful to be here with you. It's the best."
"So, bats, I was thinking you really could use a friend in here. Someone to talk to, share secrets with."
"Don't live your life pursuing a dream of the Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, live your life pursuing the companionship of the Prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, in Paradise."
"You provide me no companionship, yet you rob me of solitude."
"He who travels fastest travels alone, but he who travels furthest travels with others."
"You're here! We're going to have the best day ever."
"This person is quite certain though that they're very happy with you. They enjoy your company majorly."
"I love those days when we just disappear from the world and we just do our own little thing in our own little world."
"Stay strong, stay with me. Stay with me is the most important part of that."
"I just feel like they're ready to calm down and just have this peaceful life with you."
"Creating a shared kids' bedroom is not just about saving space; it's about nurturing bonds and fostering a sense of companionship among siblings."
"I feel like I'm a very chill and like, you are the chillest person I've ever met."
"I just want to play my comfort game and not be alone today. Thank you to my friends who have been with me the entire night to keep me company."
"When people are hurting, they just need us to be with them."
"I want to spend every moment with you. I am not leaving you."
"You're the best friend in my whole wide world."
"We're on a journey, and we don't know where we're going, but as long as we're going together, I think we're going to be alright."
"Walking a dog is not just going back and forth; it's about connecting with the world, surviving together, becoming thirsty together, hungry together, tired together."
"Dogs help us return to our natural, simple, profound way of being – they remind us of who we are and what's truly important."
"The God who will never leave you nor forsake you is with you in this moment."
"What a phenomenal advantage it is to not be alone in a survival situation."
"The key to a good marriage is where you're hanging out in a cafe, and one of you goes, 'Oh my god, did you see that?' and the other one goes, 'Oh yeah, can you believe it?'"
"You can turn boring stuff into games, find some company to join you, and celebrate small victories along the way."
"By our third date, we were head over heels in love and have spent every day together since."
"It's not that scary, you have me and Gooby. We'll go first."
"River found his way into my heart very quickly."
"May Allah grant us the companionship of the Prophet (peace be upon him) in the highest levels of Paradise."
"If you just let me be with you, I'll help you with all the other stuff."
"The gold standard for a lot of people's relationships is like a best friend that you also sleep with."
"I'm just so glad that you're here. It must be difficult traveling when you don't know anyone."
"Companionship and friendship are the things that make for a better and happier life."
"I have a pet now. I'm going to name you Timmy."
"You need not worry about the future, and you aren't alone."
"Help us walk through the valleys onto the mountain top, knowing that You're there by our side."
"The quest for understanding and companionship is a journey fraught with challenges, yet rich with the promise of genuine connections."
"The scene fades to black on the two of them sitting together drinking."
"It's better to have people on the road with you than to make more money alone."
"I just want to find somebody and be able to come home to and say, 'Baby, I'm home,' and she comes home and says, 'Baby, I'm home,' and I get a kiss. That's what I'm looking for."
"I hope you can find someone to share this life with because that truly is a beautiful thing and human connection is, in my opinion, a very beautiful thing."
"I see that even after all these years alone in this godforsaken place, your humor hasn't left you. It's good to see that smile again."
"I am so lucky to love him; I'm so lucky to spend every birthday with him."
"The hardest of times we've had, but I've always had you, and that's all I'll ever need."
"Ritual ceremony so they wouldn't be lonely in the next life kind of adds new meaning to the idea 'till death do us part.'"
"Keep going, I'm going to be there with you in spirit no matter what."
"He looks so pitiful. I think I need this Bullseye in my life."
"I felt better walking with you even if you couldn't see me, and I know you felt better too."
"The environment affects you... that's why in Islam we always try to stick with good pious people."
"If this is true, then none of us walk alone, none of us live alone, even if we die, none of us die alone."
"Cats actually have some really neat behaviors where if you put a bed around, they'll go and sit on the bed a lot of the time, and if you sleep in a bed, they'll actually come and sit on you and purr."
"You're not alone, you're not alone, you're not alone."
"God says it is not good that man should be alone."
"I'm grateful that I get to live at the same time as you."
"Once you see that someone understands your feelings, suddenly you're not alone anymore."
"Do what you love and do it with people that you love because it will be a constant process of discovering growth."
"I hope for everyone that's watching: Do what you love and do it with people that you love."
"We're going through this thing called life together. You never end it by yourself."
"Take my hand, and let's have an experience together."
"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."
"This version of Curie, with her wholesome French accent and sweet naivete, is a delight to travel with."
"I've seen every fight since the day I've known you, and I'm so proud of you."
"Together we'll hold back the sun in this moment, forever young, against the stream of time will run."
"Even if we go the whole way over and fall the whole way back to the bottom, it doesn't matter because we have each other."
"If you're going through a hard time, we're going through this thing called life together."
"I love him... I just wish that this weekend, you were just here, and we could just hang out."
"It's not necessarily the person you want, but it's the person you need."
"To your dog, you are their whole world. Never forget and never abandon them."
"He has blue eyes, just like me. He has your eyes, dude."
"I think a dog should enhance your life, and every one of my dogs enhances my life."
"The right drone is like a reliable companion, enhancing your creative journey."
"Dogs have been described as man's best friend for literally thousands of years. As well as playing an important role as a constant companion, they also hunt, herd, pull loads, protect, assist the police, military, and the disabled."
"Maybe it's time to celebrate the cute cuddly animals, those who are our friends in tough times and provide us with the company we need."
"Having a faithful dog assures a listening ear, a warm pot to hold, and even strong legs to run beside."
"Being a good friend is more than just hanging out with someone."
"A soul mate is a person ideally suited for another."
"It's not about where we are, as long as we're together."
"You're not lonely no more. You're the best friend I've ever had."
"To the believer, nothing is more beautiful than the constant companionship of the person of the Holy Spirit."
"Remember, if you are struggling with those, then you need to know something: you are not alone."
"This photo doesn't show a dog; it shows an eternal friend and a family member."
"God says, you'll never walk alone. I'll go through it with you."
"He was searching for whatever made him feel like he wasn't alone."
"At the end of the day, you still have a hunger for something that can love you back."
"Dogs only live, you know, 12, 13, 14 years... so you always gotta make sure you give your dog a spoiled, amazing life."