
Morality Quotes

There are 32046 quotes

"I'm reprogramming myself and it takes a minute. I have a pretty clear knowledge of what right and wrong now."
"Is this somebody with whom I can collaborate, cooperate, form a friendship, form a romance? Or is it somebody who's so morally different from me that I can't imagine relating to them?"
"The evil that men do lives after them; the good is often teared with their bones."
"If you want someone to like a hero, you have them save a cat, and if you want someone to hate a villain, you have them kick a dog."
"Practicing gratitude is both the morally correct thing to do, and the key to lasting happiness."
"Through healthy parenting through healthy self-governance, we become hopefully better and good more than we are bad."
"I don't consider myself a super moral person or a religious person... but it's kind of a moral test for our society: Are you willing to put your selfishness aside enough to protect your selfish interests?"
"The frontal cortex makes you do the harder thing when it's the right thing to do."
"Morality is doing what is right regardless of what we're told. Religious dogma is doing what we're told regardless of whether it's right."
"How can you protect if you don't have empathy?"
"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind. ...And the second is liken unto it. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."
"I think that if you gave every person a button, and if you push the button you'd get a million dollars but it would kill another person that you have no idea who they are, 95% of people would hit the button."
"Morality is more complicated than internal happiness."
"Just because something is legal, a law doesn't necessarily mean it's moral."
"What does it benefit a man if he gains the whole world and then loses himself at the end?"
"Life is a test on your morality, and you will be judged based on your behaviors."
"Good people don't kill. Good people spare their enemies. Good people show mercy. You're a good person, aren't you?"
"Steven Universe makes the claim that killing a tyrant makes you as bad as them. It doesn't. That statement is just wrong no matter how you spin it."
"Empathy is a lot more important than a rigid structure of morals."
"Not everyone is all good and all bad. We all have a little bit of black and white, and everyone has a little gray area."
"The pillars of morality are reciprocity, a sense of justice and fairness, and empathy and compassion."
"I'm far from a saint, but principles and what I believe to be right and wrong is something that's always been very important to me."
"The fact that millions of people share the same vices does not make these vices virtues."
"I think there's a different lens through which we can look at historical events that is less us versus them, less good versus evil."
"January 6th was an act of criminality, an act of evil."
"Every day you can choose to do something that is going to make things worse and bad and evil for you or those around you, or you can choose to do things that are good for you and your family and those around you, and that brings value."
"It's almost like superheroes shouldn't kill people, and that's literally what makes them superheroes."
"Good stories are never straightforward moral lectures; good stories always contain the other perspective."
"Losing a sense of self-importance ends up being the key to truly moral behavior."
"Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character."
"If your good deeds make you happy and your bad deeds make you sad, you're a believer."
"Every religion teaches you that...how to live a good life morally, that is profiting."
"Judgment is reserved only for the offense of an abuse of power, and the more innocent the victim, the more egregious the sin."
"The only thing necessary for the Triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
"For there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so."
"We should support Ukraine because it's the right thing to do."
"Support for Ukraine is not only strategically important; it is a vital moral necessity."
"Look at each conflict, get an understanding of the facts and find which side you think we should probably morally support."
"Truth, beauty, and morality... are things that our consciousness is concerned with and very important."
"If people do go to hell, it must be their own choice and not God's choice."
"The obligation to seek goodness is a fact about the universe." - Keith Ward
"You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
"You cannot understand your possibility for good until you understand your possibility for evil."
"The fear of the Lord is hatred of evil. Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate."
"It cannot be right to do what they're doing under any circumstances, no matter what they say, no matter the excuse."
"The history of Israel and Palestine is complicated in one sense, in that a lot of things have happened, but morally the situation is not complex at all."
"Any leader that's trying to kill your integrity or your character, you run from. Anybody that's going to make you compromise your morals, you run from."
"We are witnessing an unprecedented moral and ethical decline, a significant sign that the prophecies spoken of in the scriptures are not just ancient words but living, breathing truths unfolding before our very eyes."
"Kindness is contagious and it provided the light that reclaimed ground lost to evil and darkness."
"You come to church not to learn how to get rich, you come to church to learn how to get right."
"Only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing."
"Morals serve as the dominant principles of conduct, facilitating harmonious living within communities."
"I've seen great good and great evil. I hope the good outweighs the evil."
"I can't think of any other moral theory that better grounds objective moral values and duties than Divine command morality."
"It's not arbitrary or capricious, and therefore the whole question devolves to this: in issuing these commands, did God wrong somebody in a way that would be inconsistent with his justice or with his love?"
"Ethics itself is not the end of life; ethics, moral good life, is the basis for spiritual life."
"If murder is wrong, then it has to be wrong for everyone because murder would be a human action that would be consistent across all humanity."
"Morality applies to situations of choice, and if you have a gun to your head, you're no longer in a situation of choice."
"The right to kill somebody is not yours, like unless it's self-defense."
"Polluting someone else's property is always wrong, no matter what."
"If you have to lie to win, you don't deserve to win."
"It's time for everyone to do the right thing."
"Without religion, good people would do good things and bad people to do bad things, but it takes something like religion to convince good people to do bad things."
"Be not thou envious against evil men, neither desire to be with them."
"Usado decides against it, fearing the beginning of a life of crime over a $5 umbrella."
"No one else is cursed to be Batman, but there is still a future with Batman because there are good people who will make that choice."
"You guys are really big on justice; you probably have a strong sense of morality."
"Do unto others as you would have done to yourself."
"If you were thinking about the most moral possible action, wouldn't that be the voluntary constraint of the evil that you yourself are likely to do?"
"Believe it or not, most people who play games are generally good people, and when given the role of a protector, they'll generally take it seriously."
"The tree of knowledge of Good and Evil...seems to be the pinnacle of that kind of civilization."
"I'd rather you limp into heaven than strut into hell."
"That's the moral basis of living; it's the foundation of actually figuring out the answers to your questions."
"The individual is the only moral agent. I need to decide how to live my life, and the purpose of my life should be my life."
"He's a monster, but we want him to get away with it."
"God judges the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day."
"The prohibition that God places on humanity... is that there are moral guidelines that are absolute, that aren't within the human realm."
"Are there truths, things that are true that transcend our subjective experience? Are there moral values and obligations that transcend us all and therefore obligate us all to align to them?"
"Alicia denied there was no way she would do something like that because killing humans was just too much for her as a hero."
"'Humanity Lost' presents a version of morality that transcends the physical."
"Morality builds and binds; it's utterly crucial to living in a complex social species."
"The fear of the Lord is to hate evil; the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."
"Morality is the act of behaving in a manner which makes sure you and your people survive."
"Morality is about maximizing well-being and minimizing suffering."
"Nobody fears hypocrisy except the believer and nobody feels safe from hypocrisy except the hypocrite."
"A good deed to an oppressor is an evil deed to the oppressed."
"God loves honest people, and only honest people are good people."
"We're all the bad guy in somebody's story, and that's just is what it is. You will not leave this earth without one person being wronged by you."
"Cheating is effective. That's why a lot of people cheat."
"Truth is love, truth creates, truth gives inspiration. Distortion deceives, distortion destroys, distortion attacks."
"For the love of money is the root of all evil."
"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing."
"Morality exists; there actually is morality, there is right and wrong."
"You have a choice to do a good thing or a bad thing."
"The devil uses illusion and sleight of hand... the devil must deny that he is the devil because if the devil ever realized that he was the devil, he would have to stop being the devil."
"There's never a bad time to do the right thing."
"To sit on the sidelines is to take a side, and all of us will be judged by history."
"The right hand is actually associated with righteousness; the left hand is associated with shady behavior, criminal behavior."
"The proper sacrifice is the voluntary willingness to bear your cross."
"Wisdom is being so in touch with reality that you know what is the right thing to do in the vast majority of situations that the moral rules don't apply to."
"I think that entertainment can be productive much in the same way that a fun television series can imbue moral character into the people who watch it."
"I think that inherently it is in human nature to be good."
"Catra isn’t evil just because she’s evil, she’s the product of her circumstances."
"Morality, to me, is about principles. The rules are not the morality; they're the outcome of a morality."
"If you choose to act in ways that disregard the moral metrics, then you're not acting morally. If you do act in ways that do incorporate the moral metrics, by definition, you are acting as a moral agent."
"The survival and flourishing of individual sentient beings is the basis for establishing objective morals."
"Morality is transcendent and objective in the sense of not being just a trait of individual humans... It's what you get by being born human."
"The moral arc of the universe bends at the elbow of justice."
"Morality is something that carbon atoms can embody, given a billion years of evolution."
"Fairness is a tendency in social species... when we exercise the capacity for fairness, we're being labeled as acting morally."
"It's morally superior to be an atheist, to say I would rather live without that ghastly master/slave mentality."
"Morality comes from humanism and is stolen by religion for its own purpose."
"Morality is subjective until enough people believe in it."
"If we as a species kind of have a consensus on what moral behavior is, then that becomes objective."
"Morality has to do with all those tendencies that allow me to say this thing I treat with fairness and compassion and empathy because I recognize this thing is like me."
"It's an honor to speak here. I'm gonna speak about human values and about morality and how we can understand these scientifically."
"There are many reasons to think that [religion] is not the best source of value talk. But the thing that religious people are right about...they're right to think that we need a universal morality."
"Clearly when it's important to see the world correctly, we manage to work around the limits of our visual system. Clearly we need to find some way of legislating and developing social and political mechanisms that enshrines our better judgment and our real moral wisdom, and leaves us no longer vulnerable to our moment to moment failures of moral intuition."
"The question is, given what we are, how do we maximize human well-being?"
"I think morality reduces to human well-being."
"Our core moral intuitions, what moves us, is actually quite similar from culture to culture."
"Nobody thinks that being terrible to your in-group is what constitutes a moral life. So we need to broaden the in-group."
"The moment we start talking about how human beings really flourish, we can cut through a lot of this."
"Morality is easier than it's often made. That's about getting over these metaphysical humps."
"Nobody's pretending that we have solved all the hard problems in morality. It's just that I don't think the hard problem of morality is, 'Hey, why do we care about well-being?'"
"Science can determine human values, and therefore, morality could be a new branch of science."
"Ethical matters always involve consciousness."
"Philosophy can help us think more clearly and explore issues like morality."
"You either die the hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
"You can objectively say that it is wrong to throw battery acid in the face of little girls for the crime of reading."
"It's not just an assumption that I believe that torturing babies for fun is wrong, I think that's really true."
"The reason people disagree on morality is not because they don't know the right thing to do, they just don't want to do it."
"I'm going to be arguing that a belief in God or the existence of God is not necessary for morality."
"Lying hurts people; that's why you shouldn't lie."
"To believe in morality as a genuine objective state of affairs is to believe that there are reasons to act morally."
"Any man who tries to be good all the time is bound to come to ruin among the great number who are not good."
"The religious claim to objective moral values is ultimately based on a subjective recognition of the superiority of a person's particular religion and the feeling, rather than the fact, that the morality of that religion is objective."
"Secular moral systems...are about us. They are about what is in our well-being."
"Morality is objective in that there are non-subjective evaluations of consequences of actions with respect to a goal."
"We all make our own moral decisions... I take responsibility for my moral decisions."
"Why would we seek the relief of suffering without objective morality? Because we are a social animal, we have evolved a morality that includes empathy."
"Objective evil presupposes objective good, and objective good requires God."
"The shadows prove the sunshine. In order to have shadows, you have to have sunshine. In order to have evil, you have to have good."
"Having the right to choose is more and not having the right to choose as immoral."
"Morality is just a measurement system, not an ought system."
"Secular morality is fundamentally superior to religious morality because our modern morality demands that all Americans promote, with vigor, the freedom and fairness of our Constitution."
"Moral fabric requires institutions because morality undergirds those institutions. When you obliterate the institutions that preserve morality, it is not a short road to the obliteration of the underlying morality itself."
"Morality should not be about imposing one's values on others, but about recognizing and mitigating the suffering our choices cause."
"If a man has the firm conviction that God alone is the doer and he is his instrument, then he cannot do anything sinful."
"We have a basic human need to think of ourselves as good. We don't like to think of ourselves as bad or evil."
"I'm doing that for legacy, I'm doing that for karma, I'm doing it 'cause it's the right thing to do."
"Morality would basically go towards, like yeah, in many senses there is a group mentality to it."
"I don't believe in personal morality. Morality is the rules that we all follow together."
"Science might tell you that if you eat something, you'll die, but for you to say that dying is bad, that's a moral question."
"The moral question was, 'Should we value things that make us healthy or unhealthy?' That's a question of normativity."
"Morality is a set of principles that decide on right and wrong conduct."
"What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose the most important thing he has, his soul?"
"They killed everyone. Who, guilty, innocent, didn't matter. Who pulled the switch, all that death didn't fix anything."
"I think we have a moral obligation to minimize unnecessary suffering when it occurs."
"Even if somebody's trying to do the right thing, it doesn't mean you should trust them."
"Principles always are more powerful than force, and good always supersedes evil."
"Rawls argued that it's a mistake to think that distributive justice is a matter of moral desert."
"Murder is a manifestation of the universal failure of values."
"The ability to murder without remorse is embedded in all of us, but some of us are able to resist it."
"Integrity: A common expression for the compromising of a person's integrity, morality, authenticity, or principles in exchange for personal gain, such as money."
"You also need a Redemption, you need forgiveness, you need a path to coexist and collaborate and use speech to find common ground and to negotiate and compromise."
"He's a gross representation of what terrible things a terrible man can do when he has access to immense power and wealth."
"It's wrong, like pure and simple it's not okay."
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."
"Admiration is...a manifestation of the religious instinct."
"Every economic system has a problem of exploitation if it's not bound by certain levels of morality."
"Morality and legality don't always mesh up. Sometimes the laws don't fit with how we feel."
"If you do what's right and you stand up for what's right, you can't control the outcome, but at least you did everything within your power to do what was right."
"I don't think anyone deserves anything. I think if you're a shitty person, you don't deserve love."
"Using someone's death who had nothing to do with this childish drama is overstepping the mark of morality and ethical implications."
"What is a sin? A sin is when someone knowingly chooses to harm another person, fully aware of the consequences."
"Holiness is two things: Do what's right and walk humbly with God."
"At some point, you have to have some foundational moral level where you say, 'This is what we're going to consider right or wrong,' and then you have to operate from that foundation."
"It's a good thing, but you really have to keep it ethical."
"Every act of kindness matters, but every act of darkness is duly noted."
"Persal remembers his Grandpa's words to always defeat the evil and help the weak."
"There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children."
"You must have no qualms with taking them. This puts you in a difficult position. You seem to be in pain. You are noble in spirit as well as blood."
"What profit is it if you gain the whole world and lose your soul?"
"Racism still exists in the United States, that instances of racism are evil, that we can all condemn them, and then we should all be on the same side when it comes to this sort of stuff."
"Attention is a moral act because it changes what actually is there in the world for us to find, and it also changes us."
"The reason that I behave myself and live well is not because I'm afraid of the consequences, but because I want to be a good person."
"What good is it to gain the world but lose your soul in the process?"
"Morality is part of the equipment of being human."
"The ultimate moral purpose is to reduce the suffering and enhance the flourishing of human beings and other sentient creatures."
"If God did not exist, objective moral values and duties would not exist."
"The reality is, there are certain things that humans naturally crave, that they naturally find moral value in, that they naturally need for their happiness."
"It is harder to be a good man than to be a great man."
"The only thing that really matters in this world is actions. What people's intentions are don't matter; what matters are deeds."
"I'd like to believe that people do it with good intentions. So, isn't open source and funding open source...isn't that also one of those moral responsibilities that companies need to take?"
"What was once good would be looked at as evil, and what was once evil would be looked at as good."
"Morality is based on the oneness of existence and the divinity within each of us."
"This life is a probation...making moral decisions because this life is a test, and so God strikes his balance between providing sufficient evidence and also not going against their free will."
"It would be immoral for me to break a window and steal stuff. However, if a dog's having a heart attack and there's a defibrillator behind the shop glass, the most immoral action I could do would be to not break the glass and get that."
"Morality, specifically well-being, is something that we see and it's actually demonstrable."