
Gameplay Quotes

There are 2161 quotes

"The key, I think, isn't trying to insulate creative and mechanical gameplay systems from each other... but instead to use the respective strengths of each style of gameplay to enhance and enrich the other."
"It's not a set it and forget it with the equipment where this combination is best for this strategy and this combination is best for this strategy. It all depends on the strategy you play and how you play it."
"It's been a long time running for Sentinels fans, but the advantage of getting to see all that excellent gameplay already from this squad is that they have had to play a lot."
"I almost stopped playing Elden Ring because I got immersed in the gameplay... but then I checked out a lore video... and it was so damn good, it pulled me back into the game."
"Even with how poorly it tells the story, it's a phenomenal game."
"Psychonauts' greatest strength is that it manages to tell nuanced stories without interrupting the flow of gameplay."
"I got to be precise. I still got to attack. I got to hunt a rook trade now was good for me."
"I just bent, I saw the seam, the middle wide open, I ran it, and Steve Young threw the ball literally where it could only be caught."
"That's pretty good for replayability, I think, that you don't have to do the same thing; you can do different aspirations."
"All in all, the gameplay in The Last of Us provides the perfect vehicle to deliver its fantastic story."
"The game would have incredible emotional depth and claimed that RDR 2 would feature great story elements and great gameplay elements."
"What can be done to elevate games while Horizon Forbidden West could have been a nine for me if they cleaned up the story, had competent direction, tightened up gameplay sections."
"Good looking graphics do not necessarily equal good gameplay."
"Weapons have strengths, and you've got to play to those strengths."
"The expansion pack is to celebrate the full lifetime and memorable milestones of every Sim and every Sim family, making family relationships and all relationships more meaningful in your gameplay."
"Plus, could be kind of fun with Sentinels with chainsaws."
"We have to figure out how to use the abomination."
"We got to focus a lot on story and gameplay because that's really important."
"It may be a lot shorter than the first BioShock, but the gameplay is so significantly better that I still love it way more."
"Mice and Mystics...leads to what Brian Locket is doing with Above and Below. These narrative books did become a basis of gameplay."
"It's meant to be a game that's fun for people to play, not necessarily something that's just incredibly complex and difficult."
"The thrill of the chase and the thrill of the hunt, the gameplay isn't bad either."
"I just like the idea of giving players the option on how they want to play rather than forcing everybody into a very restrictive system."
"Gameplay is king in this game, but the narrative...is really good."
"Final Fantasy X-2, which has just some of the most fun gameplay and silliest side quests, and the dress sphere system is just really the best system of any Final Fantasy game."
"Everything feels earned, the way that you fight is not only connected to your specific style of gameplay and the way that you want it to be, but the gameplay is reflecting the character."
"We just convinced Azy to go and betray his alliance, which in turn got him killed. Azy, you are officially a legend."
"The Fire Emblem roster may look bloated and samey, but it really isn't when you play as them."
"Many a player has lost a game because they were playing an endgame while their opponent was still playing a middle game."
"Interlinking systems and levels with a lot of scope leads to expressive, fun gameplay that rewards experimentation and makes players feel powerful."
"Warframe has stunningly good gameplay and an excellent narrative-driven tutorial."
"Community is king, users are king, and gameplay is king."
"I understand slowing things down a little bit, feeling a little bit more grounded in the gameplay."
"We loved Blackout because it had longer time to kill, that had smooth and fluid movement."
"Once you do vehicles, it changes the gameplay... it lets us really for the players make it an experience where we know how fast they're seeing things."
"I think the emergent gameplay compensates for it and makes it a really enjoyable experience, even if you're not amazing at it."
"In this kind of game, you know, toss doesn't really matter because you have to play well, regardless of your bowling or batting."
"Metro 2033 Redux is not lacking in the gameplay department; it genuinely drips attention to detail."
"It's played very similar to dodgeball on the ground, except it's on trampolines."
"You can have my pawn; I'm playing knight d2. If you take on b3, I take with knight, the whole board opens up, and white is ahead in development."
"Dishonored was met with lots of critical acclaim and was praised for not just its oil painting art style... but also over its gameplay, its support for many varying play styles and abilities, and its general ability to give you a good time without taking itself super seriously."
"If you're going to have text on screen, you should be willing to have the gameplay be ignored."
"This is an example of innovation, of creative gameplay, of emergent gameplay being conceived on the edge of the implemented game systems."
"Early on, talking about the first portion of the demo where you're fighting with Sephiroth, you start to immediately see the differences in gameplay from the first Final Fantasy VII Remake."
"This system is the bread and butter of L.A. Noire, the crowning jewel that everyone remembers."
"You don't even play as a country exactly; you play as a dynasty."
"It's a fantastic title with a fantastic amount of gameplay and offers a really different mirrors feeling to Pillars of Eternity."
"I think that I just slightly outplayed them because I also played really well."
"This challenge was all about playing to win."
"Any advantage to buy you time is gonna be worth its weight in bags of sand."
"It's exciting to be seeing all these new gameplay elements come together. When combined, players should have a wide variety of missions and unexpected encounters just waiting for them to create their own Star Citizen story."
"Super Mario Odyssey is a jewel that shines with perfect controls, fresh possibilities, and gameplay variety. An experience filled with surprises and challenges to explore everywhere."
"Ideally, you don't want to encourage passive gameplay; you want your players to be active in the moment."
"This blending of storyline and gameplay immerses players like no map has ever done."
"Every weapon in Fistful of Frags has its place, from the basic revolver to a bow and arrow to a hatchet with great melee hit detection."
"Queen takes e4... sacrificing the queen for a rook and a piece."
"I'll try to maneuver my knight to f6; it wasn't doing a whole lot."
"Good things happen when you centralize your pieces and make it a priority to play through the center."
"It's all part of the tactical plan, ladies and gentlemen, to drop below 15% so that we can deal more damage."
"Everybody wants to handle it." - Commentary on players expanding their game.
"When you switch over, you hold reload. A timer's gonna go on the screen for 10 seconds. It starts at 9 double zero counts 10 seconds total. In that time frame, all those debuffs for every bullet is applied until the magazine is empty."
"Your Weapon of Choice dictates your playthrough."
"The movement is good, even in the simplest ways."
"Octane is the legend for you to make those plays... he has a very free-flowing and natural playstyle."
"Pathfinder's grapple is still what carries him into the aggressive and flashy play-making category... stay very elusive."
"When you actually go through the motions of completing missions and assassinating targets you will be surprised at just how fluid the gameplay Loop can feel."
"Whatever the point of your game, that point has to be born organically within the context of your film."
"Every time an orange enemy dies during volley fire that duration will refresh so you can rack up a seriously impressive body count."
"The game isn't asking the player to choose between good and evil; it's trying to entice the player into using the shiny magic toys despite their cost to other people's lives."
"Emerging gameplay moments that Dragon Dogma 2 keeps providing allow for you to have a different experience compared to everyone else."
"The decision is not one that is meant to change the gameplay or one that makes the characters go on a different story path; it is simply meant to make you think."
"Basics are better than most of the lands because they just do their thing and no downside."
"Absolutely, here's one: Cabal Coffers. Tap it and then it creates mana equal to the number of swamps you control."
"But if you don't want to answer the question, you're going to have to take a step forward onto the next game space."
"That's what this game is all about, running into problems and how you deal with them."
"The game has a very powerful ability to strongly incentivize that you don't do whatever you want."
"It's mechanically satisfying, with a clear difference between a bad player and a good one."
"The camera hallway is insanely fun to mess around in. It's a gameplay that no other map in the game has."
"Honestly, the fast-paced nature alongside the aesthetic and story we've come up with make this build incredibly fun to play."
"We're going to be breaking Ethiopia with a strategy that I don't think anyone else has ever shown off."
"Dark Star Thresh game: all action, no bs, complete arcade gameplay."
"Dying Light creates an intensely satisfying and self-sustaining rhythm of play."
"A decent chunk of this list are the least worst monsters that are rank 11 to 12."
"It's trying to make the game more fun to watch because there will be more kills that happen."
"The tension between risk and reward creates intense gameplay moments."
"Repeated fails don't make the enemies easier, they make you better."
"It's hard to explain but, sometimes the limitations within the gameplay is what makes the game fun."
"The replayability of this game is really high."
"He's got that ability to just kind of, he's got a nice feel for the game."
"King activity is important even with queens on the board."
"Ultimate Custom Night has undeniably some of the most fun gameplay and the most replayability."
"Whole repair drone, good item for me to sell and poop on."
"Deus Ex represents the best of both worlds: a rich setting and clever, engaging storytelling alongside open-ended gameplay."
"There will be people who want to tackle a co-op action shooter looking purely for that grinding gameplay loop, just as there'll be those who want to learn the story."
"Nightmare Creatures: A game I actively want to take my time and enjoy."
"This whole thing is about a game. It's a game."
"Even Ghost of Sushima is doing a better job of having dynamic gameplay."
"There's very little reason to run around on foot on the ground or on your mount to explore the map."
"Oh, he will not lay it down. This is how good Jason Mercier is, he just got three better hands to fold and one worse hand to call him."
"If you're gonna call a raise with an ace and you hit one, you should at least stick around for one bet."
"I'm gonna raise here to make sure he's not taking a flop six ways."
"It's got very good gameplay mechanics... It feels satisfying when you're shooting them."
"It's just the right pace when you're actually playing the game."
"It's kind of cool to have that memorable gameplay with Shatter Spleen."
"The core experience with the gameplay is so much fun."
"Our matchmaking process does not Impact gameplay elements."
"I love it! I love being evil in this game. Come on, let's go conquer the galaxy! Who's with me?"
"One of the things that's amazing about Magnus's games..."
"The culmination of this game's gameplay, story, and most importantly its atmosphere is a product that is far greater than the sum of its parts."
"The gameplay of the Arkham series is something that is enjoyable at its core."
"It’s the fact that the game’s core themes are so perfectly represented and conveyed through gameplay."
"This kind of oddly revolutionizes, and this is gonna be the stupidest thing."
"The abilities are easily the coolest part of the gameplay."
"I think the game succeeds in being a great addition to the franchise and delivering great gameplay on top of a compelling story while changing things up enough for it to feel fresh and not enough for it to lose its identity"
"For flop play, our fold equity should be the first determinant of our action with our pot equity coming to close second."
"We're going to go ahead and complete sort of the mission loop or the gameplay loop."
"Instakill rounds aren't literal instakill. They still have 150 points worth of Health but it's like you're on round one. Instakill rounds are definitely something that you really need for high rounds."
"The constant increase in strength exhibited by the Pokémon and yourself showcases how growth through gameplay should be the main force driving these games forward."
"No two playthroughs are going to be exactly the same."
"Raptor... it's rich with theme and choices, it's clever, it's very well thought-out."
"Let's go for a combination of different banana Farms here, just to make sure we got a wide range of Pop abilities."
"We now have 70 units in our army and we have a maximum of 106 so it just it just shows how good renown is."
"Absolutely impeccable gameplay from 100 Thieves."
"It's the closest thing we've got to a cops and robbers in the Mon."
"The changes are a lot of fun to explore and to play."
"I think when you take that ttk and slow it down just a little bit you give the chance for counter play."
"I'll still play it I still fundamentally have a good time with Gunplay and all that kind of stuff."
"I think that there are people out there playing Kessetto that are not playing snakes, they are kind of doing that unblockable thing."
"Newtopia two, this is the improved sequel you can now move diagonally which is cool and you can even attack diagonally this right here improves the gameplay quite a bit."
"Inklings are kind of like, get in, get out, do what you can till you have to refill back up. It's just fun to have it a match you've got ink everywhere floor colorful just seems wrong party the party with the inkling."
"Associated with Marip plow? Yes. Is your character Irish? I don't think so."
"This game features one of the strongest gameplay loops a Zelda game has ever had."
"Skyforge is a nice combat system with some lovely graphics and actually really engaging boss fights featuring various mechanics and challenging encounters held back by a general lack of polish."
"Not only is it super super irreverent and wacky and silly all at the same time, but it also has a really compelling gameplay Loop."
"Did you overstep? On is still around, chompers come in, there's the kill for Huni."
"Life is a game and I decide how it's played."
"This leap attack thing was the most fun ability in the game because you can just Spam it over and over."
"How do you dominate a game? You dominate a game from the Midfield."
"The game is at its best when you're running around and dodging all over the place."
"The gameplay of Undecember is both easy to understand and satisfying."
"The player is an agent of chaos in a world that is full of very discrete systems and then inherently will lend itself to funniness."
"What seems like an overcentralizing strategy can actually be encouraging us to play in a fun way."
"You can actually hide inside of it or you can use it as a dual purpose where you can trap enemies inside of it."
"This game satisfaction levels for me were marvelous, especially when you pull off an awesome headshot or when you stealth kill an enemy, it's just so satisfying."
"Using weapon attacks and Aya's superhuman abilities together makes battles really fun to play."
"Winter is incredibly beautiful and it also has such a range of gameplay." - Ralph
"Challenges are perfect for that type of car." - Host
"There are lots of solutions to these problems and that means there is great replay value here."
"Cast spells, slay monsters, discover secrets, and save the world."
"Chess is a mix of quick plans and long-term strategies."
"The gameplay really speaks to me because of that but also the character art design they just have so much personality in them."
"Everything from shooting to exploring to building, there's no one way to play the game."
"Items that offer a ton of gameplay-changing affixes are what the game needs."
"Wow, at the least expected moment Harry the H Pawn makes an appearance."
"Seasons change everything: visuals, gameplay, driving experience, events, and championships."
"For playing the build, it is pretty straightforward a lot of the time."
"Thank you for your recommendations, hey guys, I don't think you guys are gonna get any gameplay today, okay?"
"And he is basically the OG 1v5 quintessential top lane carry."
"Mock speed isn't some out of place gimmick that disrupts the flow or monopolizes the main game it's an organic evolution of the character and genre."
"Making sure you're putting this into your own gameplay I can guarantee you'll see massive improvements in your skill your gun skill."
"Changing your gear for the situation actually gives you an advantage."
"Rizzo coming up clutch for G2, narrowly missing that shot, but Jknaps getting it right back out to him."
"Nobody's gonna know. Here I go. I'm gonna shoot you with the magic missile. Got him!"
"For all of the praise Dr. Will is given... his game left a lot to be desired."
"Making choices during the gameplay... forced to make a decision and I gotta live with the consequences."
"Pedry is incredible. I love the fact that he's got five-star skills as well. Just feels insane on the ball."
"The new gameplay direction of Overwatch 2 is a massive improvement over the original."
"Using it should basically change the way a player approaches encounters."
"It's just a telegraph to the player that you have different choices you can make in those particular situations."
"The biggest thing that it does is it leans heavily into its role-playing elements."
"Something I didn't realize is that apparently this game actually has its own twists."
"RumbleVerse's fantastic wrestling-flavored gameplay has everything going for it to become the next big thing." - RumbleVerse
"Spider-Man 2 launched for PS2, Xbox, and GameCube in 2004 and, despite the repetitive side missions like pizza delivery, critics were in love with how it made them feel like Spider-Man."
"Everything or Nothing is a third-person shooter with stealth elements, and it works and controls well."
"I love spending my resources and putting myself back to low HP."
"DeAndre Swift was definitively the third down back last week."
"There's not one skill or attribute in the game that isn't useful in some way."
"The main point I wanted to make is I needed to capture as much gameplay footage as I could in the very beginning without going into too many spoilers."
"I don't play violent games normally, but that one is kind of a violent game, and yes, I do play it. But yeah, I know, it's not killing, we transfer them to the professor, technically."
"The meaningful gameplay happens in the negative space."
"Ocarina innovated the industry in more than just its gameplay."
"Trials Fusion, keeps you coming back for more."
"Horror gameplay is a lot more than jump scares."
"The graphics are crisp, the maps are dynamic and fun to get to know, the gameplay is exhilarating and the controls are the best of what mobile gaming has to offer."
"Run in, cause havoc, and run out. That's the Dark Eldar way."
"Infinifactory keeps everything moving quickly and doesn't enforce breaks in gameplay."
"The major selling point of the PvP was the high impact gameplay moments."
"Banished is based on survival more so than anything else."
"It definitely has that 'just one more play' feel to it."
"Situational awareness is as important to the gameplay loop as weapons, health, and movement."
"It's a game that thrives on creative thinking and problem-solving."
"The primary mechanic of day stages is the boost."
"It comes with some fun random gameplay ideas... like cross-stitching."
"Creating pawn breaks to open up the position."
"It's about making sure the gameplay actually lines up to the experience you feel."
"All of these gameplay systems are meant to immerse you in the world."
"Harvester is fuel depot, they changed the whole freaking map."
"Your horse is no more just a means of transportation, it's truly a companion."
"Your sims can develop preferences from playing the game."
"Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time would become a smash hit following its launch, players found plenty to enjoy in the game's story, puzzles, platforming, and combat."