
Relationship Quotes

There are 38040 quotes

"Video games have an interesting relationship with creativity, don't they? On one hand, games are unique among all artistic mediums in being able to present us with interactive worlds filled with tools for creative self-expression."
"We are in a relationship with our food, and that should be a relationship that brings you great joy."
"Sometimes the sex can be so passionate and powerful that it makes the bond grow stronger."
"You were made for relationship with God and loving relationship with others. This is your design."
"Nothing can stop me cause I'm addicted to what you and I realized."
"A relationship is not a place to go get; it's a place to go give."
"Peace and prosperity go together; when there is peace, there is more prosperity."
"The pursuit of science enhances faith; it does not obliterate it."
"He didn't only save our restaurant; he saved our marriage, our family."
"The payoff for having so many conversations and working really hard is the phase of life that we're in right now, which I call the 'desert phase' of our life. We've raised our voices, and now we get to see what we've accomplished. We get to see our hard work in our children and now live our lives with each other, just celebrating our payoffs."
"Communication was the number one most important thing in a relationship."
"Through each other, you find missing pieces."
"Do you want to know something funny? An odd, quirky bit of irony about the relationship you and I share? I feel as if you already know, if you've been listening instead of just hearing me."
"This person, you're going to have this relationship with, it's going to be scary and unknown to you initially."
"Love is the best in me serving the best in you."
"I wish I knew how to heal our connection so we can be together."
"They hold a very special place in their heart for you. No matter how distracted they get, no matter how busy they get, no matter what they're doing, you're always there with them in their heart."
"Prayer is to try to open up a channel of communication, to try to develop a relationship."
"Anyone who has never gotten angry with God does not have a real relationship with God."
"Structure and non-reactivity will help the relationship. So, you can implement these from any which way."
"The only person I want to have dinner with is you."
"The spotlight of the gameplay is on your relationship with this dog."
"That dinner was incredible." "Thank you, dear."
"You cannot teach a child that you do not love, and there are large numbers of children in classrooms where they are not loved."
"We are together. We've been through so much that has made our relationship so much stronger."
"One of the best things I ever did was be 100% truthful with my dad."
"If you love and value yourself, if somebody doesn't reciprocate, you're gonna make, hey, it's their loss. I'm gonna find somebody that wants to hang out with me and is excited to see me."
"Fear and anger often come packaged together."
"Love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins."
"This person adores you and they see you as just the best thing ever."
"Communication is the most important part of a relationship."
"To Jacqueline, for being the most incredible fiancee in the world. I couldn't ask for a more incredible woman to have by my side."
"I feel like love should make you feel good, of course."
"Whenever you experience jealousy and you didn't feel like it was debilitating and crippling, you actually increase your appreciation for your partner."
"Being able to sleep next to each other is a huge part of a relationship."
"God is in pursuit after a relationship with you and he's not going to stop coming."
"Nothing healed me like the relationship with Jesus that I have, and that love, and that security, and that tenderness, and that safe space."
"Do you trust me enough to give them up, not give up on them but to give them to me?"
"Love can be just as challenging as any battlefield."
"The trust issue is a significant one...trust has been substantially damaged."
"Everything I have is yours, and I will give to you everything that I have."
"I think the two of you have a soul connection, a very strong connection, very intense, like a lifelong thing."
"They are saying yes to this relationship... they say yes to you and to this connection."
"This does indicate that this connection is going into a higher vibration, which is good. This indicates something more positive, something very successful, something healthier."
"I had to be willing to risk my relationship with her to get her out."
"They're very willing to go the distance for you, to make moves for you, to do more for you than they would do for others."
"The joy and the meaning and the impact of seeing my wife accomplish something in her business... like it's so much more impactful and meaningful than the best one-night stand I ever had."
"Find your missing piece, who completes your puzzle."
"We're taking a romantic date night just the two of us."
"Every second of every minute, every minute of every hour, every hour of every day will serve as a gracious reminder God honored my heart's desire by entrusting me with you."
"I love you so much, and I was thinking if we could be a couple."
"In some cases it's obvious, because we had a very close relationship to that person or animal, but in other cases, it's bewildering, because somehow, despite our best efforts, we are unable to reframe and shift our mind to the idea that the person or animal that at one point was here, and so very present, is now gone."
"This masculine feels such a profound connection to you that he is so scared of letting you slip away."
"I see healing coming in for the two of you... forgiveness is what I'm hearing as well, which is really beautiful."
"You need to feel related and connected to your partner."
"Christianity ultimately is a relationship with a person."
"We're not a fake but a real couple; we now tell each other how we feel, as to make up for the time we couldn't be honest with ourselves."
"You didn't have to do that for me. I didn't do it for you, I did it for us."
"I also like bubbly girls and... girls who are caring and loving and have strong convictions."
"I could have mountains of evidence that my spouse is faithful...and still, in fact, be wrong, but I am reasonably justified based on the information that I have."
"A relationship that divorces the woman from herself is any relationship that demands she put her values and goals in storage to accommodate the other person."
"Understanding a partner's psychological needs and family history can provide something of tremendous value."
"Love can be defined in many ways, but one way is a feeling of strong and constant affection for a person."
"They just feel like they're very much on a mission, the mission to make this work between you two."
"I always say, gosh, like I cannot believe that God gave me [spouse]. How am I worthy? And then he's looking at me, he's like, what are you talking about? How am I worthy? We aren't. That's the point."
"I was first introduced to dream boards by a family friend who put her childhood crush on her dream board every year and ended up marrying him."
"Somebody that we can grow old and be childish together."
"Communication, because I had a lot of questions... but one thing that really helped me was... he created a space where nothing was an awkward question."
"Explore yourself. I'm here for when you get home."
"Peace, tranquility, affection, respect, and support."
"Never pause on pursuit. Never stop pursuing your spouse."
"I didn't know what love was until I met you."
"You have a very strong connection with this person."
"If you have those values in line and also expectations and values as it relates to the relationship itself and roles in the relationship, if you agree on those, almost everything else can work."
"The way a war is won is through relationship and trust."
"You really have been by my side, I do cherish you for that."
"I felt that she needed some space, and maybe an apology was due."
"I love you, and you are the best guy in the whole world for me."
"It's just like something about that is so wholesome, and watching the relationship unfold over these pages, you're like, yes, like I want it to happen."
"Something about the instant chemistry that both of these characters have is so lovely."
"I love the whole opposites attract thing going on."
"All was lost and so was I, it was you who got me by."
"I want to hold you, miss you, and long for you. I'm constantly thinking about you and fantasize about us being together."
"As a trainer grows stronger, so do their Pokémon."
"Cassandra is trying to keep our marriage spicy."
"I feel so much beauty, harmony, sweetness, and shelter between us."
"Say what you mean. I feel like they do want to express more to you."
"As soon as they're ready to kind of let down their guard, I feel that they'll just have like this really overwhelming love to unleash for you."
"Arya going on in detail about what she loves and admires and how, in lecturing her as if she's his own daughter, is beautiful."
"You really help this person just focus on their happiness with that sunshine, lollipops, and the five of cups reversed."
"There's something about you that just makes them feel so ooey gooey and soft."
"When I first met my wife 25 years ago, my thing was, 'Can I cook for you?'"
"Showing you how I truly feel about you was the best thing that ever happened to me."
"Providing a stable environment with a sense of safety and things to do and exercise and things for them to explore, then you're really going to have a much deeper and satisfying relationship with them."
"One day your kid is gonna love you back like really, really express love to you back."
"I want to build something real with you, something that lasts for a lifetime."
"Families coping well with impending death often deepen their relationships as a result of that loss."
"They want to grow with you in more ways than one."
"They truly want or wanted a true connection with you."
"They have a lot of emotion for you, more than what you think."
"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me."
"You created the honeymoon. You lived that honeymoon."
"If you understand how you created and you understand the reasons why you lost it, then you have an understanding to recreate the honeymoon experience and make it an everyday experience for you."
"Creating a feedback process with your partner is one of the most important steps in establishing a healthy relationship."
"The value of being able to give feedback and receive feedback in a relationship is one of the most important processes that partners can be in."
"I taught her how to use the bathroom, brush your teeth, and all that. Nothing but smiles when we were together."
"When you try new fun ways of getting to done, your relationship with the thing changes."
"Christianity is not about a bunch of laws and regulations that need to be fulfilled; Christianity is about a personal relationship between the Father and you."
"The Christian life is about having an everyday, all-the-time relationship with the Lord."
"I'm trying to not self-sabotage as much as I usually do, especially with this new relationship because it's something so good."
"You fall in love wherever you water the grass at."
"In order for a relationship to work, both parties have to provide on everything: financially, emotionally, mentally. There has to be a balance."
"Whenever it's unbalanced, there's gonna come a time when somebody feels that they're being used or they're not getting what they feel they deserve to get, and then the relationship [fails]."
"I can text my wife all day long, 'I love you, I love you, I love you,' but I'm giving her frontal lobe data, I am not giving her body the sense that she is safe and loved."
"A good caregiver is someone who is available, consistent, and responsive, and the child wants to know that the caregiver is close and connected."
"Human knowledge is locked in an intimate relationship with power."
"Sacred union, honor and treasure your relationship for it is truly sacred."
"If you want your life to count for Christ, never stop pursuing an intimate relationship with your spouse and love your kids."
"They recognize the connection and they recognize that it's a deep connection."
"I want my wife to be healthy again. I want to hold her. I want to be with her."
"All he has to do is be nice to his friends and brother; everything will be fine."
"It feels like it's been an eternity since we last sat down and talked like this."
"We love each other, so we share everything we have."
"What good is any relationship if nobody's talking to each other, if there's no communication?"
"Your person really finds you adorable; they feel like you're a breath of fresh air."
"This person is really amazed by some sort of talent that you have."
"You have a very unique way of viewing the world that this person loves."
"This person feels like it's a no-brainer when it comes to you; they really do like you."
"This person really feels that you're beautiful."
"This person does feel like you're out of their league."
"Having the right woman by your side, that's very sweet. It's the force multiplier that can take you further than you thought you could go."
"If you're going to have a friendship with someone or an intimate relationship, you treat them as if they have intrinsic and transcendent value."
"Trust in divine timing; this connection will unfold very naturally if you allow it to."
"Your union will be very much based on this theme of communication. Best buddyness, friendship, platonic understanding or communication is a huge theme with your union."
"Your union can be very playful. Again, this theme of fun comes up, this theme of playfulness, childishness."
"Your union with your person can be very transformative, where your partner transforms you, you transform them."
"Your union together will do things where you learn something new, where you guys expand each other's mind or experiences."
"Communication is the foundation of a good relationship."
"Relationships are about growing and changing together, not about two finished products perfectly fitting together."
"There's something powerful and beautiful about a relationship that's just between two people."
"It's really nice to have that work sort of payoff because you get to spend time with someone that you truly love."
"You need to cultivate your situation, keep the flame going."
"Whatever has happened in your connection has been divinely guided."
"At centre is the relationship between Lee and Clementine."
"I owe it to my husband; at the end of the day, my husband means the world to me."
"I married my dream girl, but the truth is, like my dream girl was like ten notches below who Abby is."
"To me, a loving, positive union, a loving, positive relationship, that's a revolutionary act."
"There's definitely a purity in this connection."
"Everything you do brings you closer to love and your soulmate."
"Credit is like love; it's not diminished by sharing."
"Apologies are a band-aid; the wound is still there underneath."
"Love is to take the other as part of the self. Period."
"You want passion in your relationship...you want to have a girl that you find very attractive and you like her personality."
"I received a lot of opposition from my friends and acquaintances but ignored all the negative remarks and decided to officially be in a relationship with her, followed by marriage."
"Love is not about owning someone; it's about helping someone."
"You've done as much for us as you think we've done for you."
"Soulmate connections are marked with equal investment."
"Hey Sam, I know that big argument just happened, and you don't really want to talk to me, but what's your soulmate color?"
"He made me a whole person. I owe you everything."
"True love here is very, very obvious... This person has the ability to transform your life."
"Communication, treating your partner with kindness and respect, and understanding what they want is more important than anything."
"You were created for relationship, you were fashioned and designed for intimacy with God."
"They feel as though there's unfinished business between you."
"Even though you have differences, it's totally compatible which is beautiful."
"They're starting to just more consciously recognize the love that they have for you."
"I feel like they really want this to last. I feel like they're kind of testing it out."
"What we're missing is that whether I'm happy in a relationship or not does not just depend on whether my partner checks the boxes, it depends on my own flexibility and my own willingness to be happy in spite of not getting what I want."
"Happiness in a relationship is something that is built, not found."
"We think that the success of our relationships depend on the other person, but a lot of the success of our relationships depend on us and how much we're willing to grow, how much we're willing to sacrifice, how much we're willing to put our partner ahead of ourselves."
"If you're testing someone, there are already doubts."
"It just made sense to me inherently that to have a relationship and to really have it work and to have it last for a long time... something has to happen, and it won't happen spontaneously."
"Interdependence... means you are independent, the other person is totally independent, you're happy by yourselves but you do enjoy each other's company."
"This is definitely a relationship for self-growth."
"You have to want the best for the other person and for the relationship, and within that confine, you want to tell each other the truth."
"I've actually begun to develop a healthy relationship with social media."
"You're the one for me, and I'm counting on you."
"You are the reason I do everything. You give me purpose. I think my lucky stars every day someone so kind and beautiful was willing to settle for me."
"Every day feels like a dream thanks to you. You really mean the world to me."
"The most important part of our relationship for me was Hannah helping me see myself as valuable."
"You both are so resilient and devoted to one another even throughout the trials and tribulations."
"I promise to forever love you, and no matter how rough or scary or hard life gets, I will stand by your side."
"Mother is a term that describes a woman's relationship to her children."
"Even if you were to fight with this person, they would try and work things out... it's how they are resolved, it is how they are dealt with which is so important."
"Thank you for your confession. I'm glad to hear it. I've liked you since freshman year too. I would be happy to be your girlfriend."
"You're someone who gives your all, and they want to be there too, in that way."
"If you're a dog mom or a dog dad, you know the relationship that you have with your fur baby. They just show you unconditional love."
"This person will always care about you. They will always want the best for you."
"It's a strange sensation not being sure who you are, but that's what happens when you're part of a pair."
"We just want love because then your love never fails."
"It's heartbreaking to hear Kevin have to recount a lot of that because you feel the moments of when his relationship deteriorated."
"This to me convinces me that what I said earlier about Elaine and her fidelity to Amber... is much more likely."
"You were the shadow to my light, did you feel us?"
"I really wonder if you still think about me the way that I'm still thinking about you."
"In my dreams, I see a beautiful future with you."
"I think that you and I were destined to end up together. I think that we fell in love and we work hard at our relationship."
"It's a more permanent form of relationship, solidified by law, not something you just walk away from a breakup from. It's a commitment, ideally for life."
"You are manifesting a soul2soul relationship. You are connecting to the soul of another."
"Correlation is simply a relationship... Causation is where one thing causes a change in the other."
"A relationship is a connection. It is not a burden, as some people would paint it out to be. It is an immense gift."
"The minute you develop a relationship with somebody, it is as if they have handed over to you the most vulnerable aspect of their being. We call this the heart."