
Pride Quotes

There are 47687 quotes

"We're Manchester United. That's not acceptable."
"Katarina was supportive and proud to see Allan stand up for a girl facing difficulties."
"Love is the greatest power of the universe. We need to embrace it and be able to be proud like a Maasai warrior."
"I am proud of where I have grown in my life, where I was to where I am."
"I graduated from the University of Cambridge with a 2:1 in Psychological and Behavioral Sciences. This is my baby, and I did it."
"This boy from Hackney in East London... I did myself proud."
"Your future self is going to look back at you and he's either going to look back at you with pride or with resentments."
"Feeling and knowing that you've used your life in a way that makes yourself proud. That you're proud of you, you felt like, what a journey, and I just left it all out on the field."
"The only time I will be a proud Christian when Christ is the crown of my glory."
"The first time I felt somebody people being proud of me is when I joined the military."
"A lot of people take a good bit of meaning and pride from the work that they do. It makes them feel like they have a place in the world, like they contribute, like they're useful. It's statusful."
"Your purpose is to create the fucking you that you're so fucking proud of in every way and give that person to everybody you come across."
"Salute to the chat and everybody that's black and proud to be black every day."
"I'm upset with you, but I'm still proud of you."
"I want my woman, my wife, to look at me and be proud."
"I was on my high like I have never felt this insane and proud of myself in my life."
"We're very proud that we are continuing to be at the forefront of daring mighty things in planetary exploration."
"The pride of a Luchador in their mask and gear... that's part of the magic."
"When you make your decisions based on your pride and your ego, you often make very bad decisions."
"Do you regret joining the army? No, I don't regret a thing I've done. Not one thing. It made me who I am."
"Honestly, the best collaboration I've done so far."
"Let me remind you what it looked like before and then what it looks like now. I think it's absolutely stunning."
"I should take pen to paper and let you know just how far you've come and how proud I am."
"I was going to write a letter to tell you how proud I am of all of our life together."
"Annabeth's fatal flaw is hubris, otherwise known as excessive pride."
"Every child would be proud. So dramatic and compositionally great."
"I want to see people taking pride in what they do."
"It's a fantastic community. I'm very, very proud of what we've built."
"I'm proud of who I am, but now I have employers and coworkers that are also proud of who I am."
"Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall."
"The fear of the Lord is hatred of evil. Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate."
"Every step I take, I do with pride. Here I am, a black indigenous trans woman. The music hits, the pyro hits, everybody is looking directly at me on a national platform, and I am living my best life."
"So yeah, every step I take is absolutely with pride because I know that me going out there, simply just to wrestle, is more than simply just wrestling to someone out there."
"I'm proud of it, but I'm more proud of the people that were involved in it because we've all got a story."
"A man's pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit."
"He's back in love with food. I want to make myself proud, my family proud, and Chef Ramsay proud."
"She was very proud of being able to support herself and her child on her own."
"You're incredibly brave and I'm proud of you as a single mother."
"I swear to Sir Alex, when my house is done, you will all be jealous."
"You have to have pride in yourself. You have to have something about you, whether it's your last name, whether it's just the smallest thing, you have to be proud of yourself."
"We're going to be talking about pride. Now, I'm a proud creature, a vain, narcissistic little thing. And you know what? It's great, actually."
"I hate that pride is a deadly sin. It makes me crazy."
"You deserve to bask in your accomplishments; you deserve to feel proud of yourself for a lot longer than you regularly allow yourself to feel proud."
"You have officially decided to hang them up... and we couldn't be more proud of you."
"This piece is about simplicity. Well, that looks quite nice. I'm proud of it."
"You owe nothing to anyone. I'm so proud of you, my friend."
"There's a slippery slope there from compassionate virtue to overweening pride."
"Someone to be proud of us so you are never too old to not need that parental figure to be able to share in your journey with you."
"We are proud of you and aware of your achievements."
"That's a great idea. I'm so proud of you, son."
"I care a lot about my work, I care about you guys, I am really, really proud of everything I've accomplished."
"Your mother is up there looking down on you. She's so proud."
"My biggest green flag is probably my body. It's one of the things that I'm just proud of. It's my temple."
"Mafia proving yet again they're one of the coolest fan bases out there."
"It's not too late to give them something to be proud of."
"The main emotion I remember is one of pride... This is everything. It's my hobby, it's my passion, It's My Life."
"Most companies only care and love their flagship products, whereas we want to create products we're proud of across all price points."
"If the new content does fail, then I can just walk away with pride and knowledge that I did something great."
"I'm so proud of everyone who has come forward and proud of all of you for your kindness."
"How can I be proud of something I created as being the first African-American woman to create a show on Bravo, star in it, and executive produce it, how can I be proud of it and tell my children to watch when they're accusing me of drugs?"
"I'm glad I'm clean and sober, and I'm making you proud."
"Achievement and feeling accomplished and proud and having recognition too."
"If you have unforgiveness, you have pride. You have to crucify your pride if you want God's power."
"I am so proud of this team; this has been years of hard work."
"Let's just do it right, whatever it is. Quality, safety, environment. Do it right and make it something you can be proud of."
"A moniker must unify our community, draw people together, and serve as a source of pride."
"God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble."
"And you should be standing. You should be proud."
"Are you proud of me? ...I beat the hide knight."
"It's important to get this truth out here; we're not giving our achievements away."
"I'm very proud of myself, actually, at the moment. Just on a reflection point, I've been pretty good the last few weeks. I'm doing much better."
"I'm a genius. I've literally taken an IQ test."
"Pride is a way to say we're here and we aren't going anywhere. And we are visible."
"I want to make videos that I put my passion in. I want to make videos that I'm proud of."
"Pride has historically been a lot of things: a parade, a march, sometimes a protest or a riot. There are a lot of directions that pride can take."
"Pride should be an uncontroversial celebration of queer identity and queer history as a way of putting on a good face for the normies, giving people who are on the cusps of the community an entry into it, showing people what it's all about, and being fun."
"Don't get yourself killed over some pride, man."
"Be proud of who you are, where you've been, and where you're growing."
"I've never done anything that I am more proud of."
"We have to write an ending to our story that we can look back on, that our future generations can look back on, and be proud of."
"You did good, kid. Very proud of you indeed."
"What I'm most proud of is that it got done in what was widely regarded as the most amiable department."
"Take pride in yourself and all that you have become."
"We take pride in our sense of humor here at the permit office."
"You're somebody who has and will be very proud and find success in the amount that you research and learn this lifetime."
"She's a princess in my eyes, but she takes pride in that."
"Nothing can take that away; we can say we've done this."
"And he points to the flagpole. And on the flagpole, the gay pride flag is flapping in the breeze. And he goes, 'That's for you.'"
"My greatest accomplishment is... When people compliment you on your child or your children, and it's unsolicited."
"I love being black... I love what I've done."
"I'm very proud of what we've done in philanthropy, very proud of the work of the foundation."
"If it means saving people's lives, we're gonna have to put our pride on the side."
"Your family is actually really proud of you."
"What are you most proud of? I was able to be myself through the whole process."
"That was still a good story you wrote. You should be proud."
"The rewards of becoming a better person are vastly better than the pride of being happy with my issues."
"Pride cometh before the fall, and there were none more prideful than the Phoenician and his sons."
"We've raised 36,000 pounds for the Mind charity... I feel like a proud parent."
"I have never been more proud of you than I am right now."
"You're doing something amazing and you should be proud of it."
"You're different and you're proud to be different."
"We will wear our turbans, our hijabs with pride because we are proud of who we are. We will not let terror win."
"I was strong enough... you would be so proud of me."
"They'd be so proud...of the person that I've become because I've worked so hard for it."
"I told and I've been getting this awesome award in front of a room full of people."
"It took me 53 years to get rid of shame, but I don't have an ounce of shame today. I'm so very proud of who I am."
"You can brag to your friends and coworkers that you have your own cryptocurrency."
"I'm trying to take pride in the things that are good."
"When you see someone's got your skin on their gun, it's super cool."
"I am confident humankind will look back on this period and be proud that when we saw, we acted."
"This actually might be my greatest ever accomplishment."
"There is no greater Police Department in the world than the NYPD."
"I don't think it's just the paycheck. I think it's also their pride."
"How does one become proud of who they are and their heritage and culture and history without it turning into a racial war or a racial animus?"
"I am a self, that means something. I work hard and create something in the world, and I am proud of that."
"Being who you are and being proud of who you are gives you that kind of like really constant emotional buzz."
"When we're old and decrepit and looking back at the end of our lives, will we be proud of who we are?"
"I want to be able to look back on my life and be so proud of myself forever."
"This is all temporary. I want to be forever proud of who I was as a man."
"There's some pride that you feel knowing you can help the people around you."
"Never be ashamed of your masculinity my hairy friends because it built the roads beneath your feet."
"I am really, really proud of the progress that I've made, and I promise you that you can progress exactly like how I've done."
"We're not doing 500 million views a month, but I can look back and say the stuff that I made is stuff that I'm proud of."
"It's crazy, we sit back and we peep little bits and pieces... we're real proud of y'all 'cause we see how far y'all come."
"Seeing the smile on my mom's face, remember how my mom was dressed? She was dressed like she had a million-pound business meeting."
"This Andretti Autosport team, this NAPA Know How crew, it's unbelievable."
"It is truly an honor and a privilege to be able to convey the significance and the exciting history of this site to you all."
"You got a medal at your first competition. I'm so proud of you."
"Throughout this whole journey, I learned so much about myself, and I'm still learning so much about myself... I'm so proud of the point that I'm in right now and I'm so proud that I'm finally able to accept myself."
"I'm super proud of him, of being able to shift gears and still, you know, display your passion for other things that you love in the world."
"It gives you great joy to see one of our students achieve this feat during their time at the Academy."
"It hurts to lose, but I'm proud of you, little buddy."
"Your actions were truly outstanding in every record, and I couldn't be prouder of you all."
"I feel proud that there's moments in my life that I can look back and say, wow, I really showed up for myself."
"I played all day on Sunday and won a tournament. The first prize was 9 grand, so I was very proud of myself."
"I'm really proud of the mark that I left on entertainment."
"The identity of being a Muslim never leaves you, and we are so proud of it."
"Be wary. Triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall."
"We should be proud. We were able to change the world in the end."
"I felt pride in any little obscure achievement my Goomba son could make."
"Feeling like you're good at what you do is a manifestation and expression of mastery."
"I think that we are putting out our best work we've ever done."
"They want you to know that they're proud of you for how far you've come."
"They're proud of you but they don't want you to stop your life."
"I am very proud of the fact that I also worked so much to free the two Michaels and to bring them back home." - Mr. Jean Charest
"It's like my Rattata is in the top percentage of Rattata."
"Python is definitely the best thing I've ever done."
"I'm proud of myself. Like, damn straight I am."
"I'm so proud of my daughter, Marissa, and all that she's accomplished."
"My children are what I'm the most proud of. My son... he's just a good man. My daughter... they're my life."
"And look at him, he's perfect. He's perfect."
"In my heart, I'm still very proud of serving. The last thing I want to do is lose the respect of the organization and the American people I love."
"It's healthy to have pride in the right ways."
"Be sure to acknowledge things in yourself that you are proud of."
"I'm proud to be here, I'm proud to be the first of my kind, and because I am the first of my kind, I know that I won't be the last."
"Humans are very outcome-driven animals; most research notes that people don't actually mind putting in long hours to achieve an outcome like presenting a report or finishing a harvest because they can feel a sense of pride and accomplishment in their work once it's done."
"Having a mission larger than yourself is... you need pride of ownership, you need joy, you need a mission."
"Make humanity something we can all be proud of."
"Up in a way where, truthfully, I was very proud of the performance I put on. It's not always easy for me to say that."
"I have the best underwater base in the world."
"Be proud wherever you are. Be proud of it, please."
"I got a diamond hoe. Look at it, it's beautiful."
"At that point in time, I have never in my life been so proud and so very happy to be an American."
"You have to have pride in your last name, your nationality, your heritage, your industry, your community, your family, your country... everything is about representation."
"I pride myself that I deem I'm in the top three of best dinners."
"I'm the proudest man alive sitting at this moment in time. We've only got moments in time, that's all we will possess of any value."
"I am proud of my resilience. It's what slingshotted me the other way."
"I will wear that hatred like a badge of honor."
"You have every reason to feel proud and happy with yourself in each and every way because you have defeated the smoking habit permanently and forever."
"Being able to tell their stories and bringing you into their world is something I'm just super proud of."
"I took some deep breaths, applied everything I'd learned, and eventually started hitting some fantastic shots. I was so proud of myself."
"I'm the youngest, and I'm doing good things at this age."
"God gives grace to the humble and resists the proud."
"That bastard destroyed his homeworld, his father. Saiyan pride was everything to Vegeta."
"As a fan, it's exciting to be an early subscriber of someone because you can watch them grow and become more successful and feel really personally proud of them."
"I'm proud of myself. He ain't knocked me out. He knocked all the other guys out."
"Fear of loss of face had taken over from military reasoning."
"What matters is I have the best sword in Minecraft, so I don't care."
"I believe you'll be capable of walking whatever path you choose for yourselves now, with pride."
"I feel like I did a good job and I was proud of myself."
"When you decide to take pride in your personal space... you create pride and confidence in yourself."
"Sobriety is possible. I have seven years clean from heroin, meth, pills, and I'm so proud of that."
"I feel very happy, I feel very proud of myself."
"The warmth and coziness of this interior, then the sailing enjoyment, the sheer dependability and pride of ownership."
"I'm truly proud of you. You did everything you said you were going to do in life."
"I'm so proud of you guys. Keep going, man. Y'all going to do great things in life."
"I am an extremely prideful person, and the fact remains that I got out of homelessness by my damn self with my partner."
"When we are resurrected, may Allah make us of those who the Prophet is proud of."
"You've made the UK proud. You are the people's princess."
"Your grandpa Chipper was a great beaver; you can be proud to be his grandson."
"I am serious about how proud I am of my daughters. They are just really good people."
"When pride cometh, then cometh shame; pride goeth before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall."
"Your father is really proud of you, no matter what your relationship is."
"I'm so proud of this, and I hope you guys are in love with it just as much as I loved creating it."
"I'm just so proud of it, and the set and refresh mist, the brushes, you guys, coming in the superstar bag like honey we really had to go big or go home."
"Any time you need to stand up for what you believe in, do so with conviction and pride."
"We're taking this back to New Zealand. This is where the strap belongs."
"Your father would have been proud of you, Jyn."
"Lloyd thinks it's strange that he cannot help but think of the time he foiled a terrorist attack and feels that same pride today."
"I can't help but feeling real special that I'm standing next to probably the rarest Mustang on Earth."