
Self-actualization Quotes

There are 1144 quotes

"The definition of being human is [to embrace] creativity. By ignoring this creativity, you're giving up on yourself."
"The journey of self-actualization is a continuous exploration of what it means to be fully human."
"Self-actualization is not a destination but a process of becoming more authentically ourselves."
"The self-actualized life, the inspired life, is the kind of life that's available for you."
"Brain health is very important to self-actualization."
"This entire journey of self-actualization...will introduce you to new facets of reality that you had no idea existed before."
"The medal comes from going out and being all you can be, being everything that you can be with the potential that you were gifted."
"Self-actualization is a lifelong process, not something that you do for a month or for a year to fix one problem in your life."
"Self-actualization is the summit of human growth."
"Self-actualization is found in doing high-value stuff like pursuing beauty, excellence, truth, justice, contribution to others, helping others in some way, making a meaningful impact."
"What I'm interested in talking to you about is using psychedelics not just for fun or for exploration but for actual self-actualization work."
"Vtubing is a tool for self-actualization I've used a lot; it's genuinely helped with self-discovery in the ways you're able to express yourself."
"This is the self-actualization needs... includes stuff like morality, creativity, discovery, acceptance of facts, truth, awareness, and contribution."
"This is the state of Living Godhood ... This is the state of Self Actualization ... This is the state, of complete and total, Awareness and Awakening."
"Live your purpose. Otherwise, you're a discount version of yourself."
"In my experience, this is the most haunting kind of depression: knowing that you're meant for more than where you are right now but you can't quite act on it."
"Allow yourself to fully grow and blossom because when we're protecting ourselves too much, we don't allow ourselves to blossom."
"Your higher self is just the evolved version of you that has everything you desire."
"Self-actualization sits right at the very peak of Maslow's hierarchy of needs."
"Self-actualization, this feeling of fulfillment, it's right at the top; it's right at the end destination."
"We have greatness in us, but unfortunately, that's where, for most people, it stays."
"You're here because you believe that human potential is nearly limitless, but you know that having potential is not the same as actually doing something with it."
"Internal growth is actually the most difficult thing. That's why self-actualization is at the top of Maslow's hierarchy of needs."
"You'll be focusing on the things that make you feel like you're on your true prosperity path."
"Colin Wilson felt that serial killers were a fairly modern phenomenon and that they are primarily motivated by the need for self-actualization."
"Self-love is important because you will never self-actualize if you do not love yourself."
"The beauty of this is that I set myself to be at peace before success came."
"If you're following along with me and you're on this self-actualization path, you're on this path. This path will completely transform your life if you just stay on it."
"Every great man is an actor of his own ideal."
"All happiness depends on the active voluntary use of imagination to construct and inwardly affirm that we are what we want to be."
"You're not living up to your real potential. That's why people get anxious."
"Your greatest self has been waiting your whole life; don't make it wait any longer."
"All you need to do is believe you are what you want to be, and then let the world... go to work to make your assumption possible."
"Take out a piece of paper, write down everything you want in that person, and then become it."
"The only way to become what you want to be is to just be it. You can't just wait and expect for it to happen."
"I knew that if I was going to be alive in the true sense, I needed to follow my passions and interests."
"You are more than your potential; you are your success."
"You can make yourself what you desire to be."
"Your first duty to God, to yourself, and to the world is to make yourself as great a personality in every way as you possibly can."
"There's not much you can do to make you more self-actualized than save millions of lives through a foundation."
"The prize here is truth, your development, and your self-actualization."
"A conscious organization's goal in the personal realm is to promote the self-actualization and self-transcendence of everyone it touches."
"One hallmark of self-actualized individuals is that they are unfazed by uncertainty, mystery, and paradox."
"Strategizing about your self-actualization should be the prime focus of your life."
"The most important thing that you can do for yourself, for your soul, for your future, is to focus on your wants, your needs, and go in the direction of what you desire."
"We have the right to health care, we have the right to bodily autonomy and to be an individual person to chase your self-actualization."
"Every person should be able to live up to your full potential."
"It's that the path to true happiness is one of self-actualization that will most likely defy societal norms in one way or another."
"Using other people as an instrument in your own self-actualization is a horrible trait to have."
"The greatest fulfillment and pleasure that you get from life is not these low-level pleasures... but it's the high-level pleasures of self-actualization, work, growing yourself, pushing yourself, conquering obstacles."
"Self-actualized people are not normal by society's standards. They tend to resist society's values and expectations."
"Self-actualization is not about fixing problems, it's about living life to its fullest."
"Self-actualization is the process of actually bringing to bear the potential that is in anything."
"A queen self-actualizes when she uses her gifts in the area of her passion."
"Self-actualization always starts with knowing your gifts and using your gifts to satisfy the hunger of your inner passion."
"A Queen self-actualizes when she formulates a vision for her life."
"A queen self-actualizes by maintaining mentors and coaches in every vital area of life."
"Powerful women focus on self-actualization, manifesting their full potential."
"Eventually, you're going to come to a point in your life where finding your purpose, figuring it out, that's not optional anymore. It's a need to self-actualize."
"Humanistic psychologists, many of them influenced by Maslow, believed that every person, male or female, has a strong desire to reach their full potential, to reach the highest level of the pyramid which is self-actualization."
"Examples of people who are self-actualized are people who have made a change in the world positively or those who influence those around them in a positive way to create good outcomes."
"Self-actualization is the need for growth, the need to realize your full potential."
"Self-actualized people have a superior perception of reality and an increased acceptance of themselves, others, and nature."
"Self-actualized people take full responsibility for how their life unfolds."
"Self-actualized people have great freshness of appreciation and richness of emotional reaction."
"Self-actualized people live to experience joy rather than to experience pain."
"I think this is a part that's the only part that I think is missing from Maslow's hierarchy of needs is identity, personal identity."
"The person you're capable of being is your self-actualized self."
"Self-actualization means becoming independent of the opinion of others."
"This is a time where in 2023 you're meant to be in the spotlight. You're not meant to burrow yourself anymore; you're meant to come out, you are meant to spark that fire and fly."
"You got one chance on this Earth. Make the most of it."
"The quality of people's lives and the degree of self-actualization they experience is directly proportional to the quality of the questions they think about."
"What does your dream self look like? If you could write any book and map out how you'd want your life to be, what would that look like?"
"Surrender to your full power; your life is calling for you to step into your full power rather than playing it small."
"Greatness is self-actualization; evolving well and contributing to evolution."
"Money is a tool. It's a tool to buy back freedom, to help you reach your higher self."
"The more you own your truth and move through layers of fear, doubt, and disbelief into your most creative, productive, powerful, loving, decent, noble self, the more you will see yourself as an instrument of service to the world."
"It's only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potential."
"It's not what you have, it's not what you're born with, it's what you do with it. Lots of people live productive lives with borderline personality and histrionic."
"TM is more than relief from stress. It's about the holistic development of the brain, the total development of the personality, the integrated functioning of the person - mind, body, relationships, behavior - and that is called in the literature 'self-actualization.'"
"If nothing is of any consequence, what's to stop you from doing anything? Responsibly, it could be a useful tool for self-actualization."
"Imagine that there's a version of you that wants something and then there's a version of you that has something."
"The greatest work any human could ever do is not how much money you make, it is not how much cool stuff you can own, it is the work that you do on yourself to self-actualize."
"The pearl of great price isn't the possession; it's self-actualization."
"To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of being, is the only end of life."
"Empowerment, which is what these talks are about, is the authority or power given to someone to do something."
"The power of positive thinking and moving forward in life and achieving what you can while you're here."
"Don't sacrifice who you could be for who you are."
"Who knows who you could be if you were everything you could be?"
"Self-actualization: being able to live your life in a fulfilling way that is an expression of how you want to live your life."
"I am living proof that we can be anything we want to be, but it is about doing... it's about trying to be the best that you can be."
"For most people to live a fully actualized life, that being a parent is an integral part of that."
"And then we can start talking about self-actualizing and moving into the career of your dreams and becoming, uh, you know, moving from paycheck to purpose as Ken's book says."
"What strong female characters tend to focus on instead is self-actualization: the idea that she already has everything she needs to succeed and all that's required is to let go of the limitations imposed on or by others."
"Are you going to allow the true self to become individualized and self-actualized in spite of other people rejecting you?"
"Work your magic. Don't deny your true talent or your true calling."
"One of the points of a self-actualized individual is that they're highly intuitive and that they use their intuition as a compass to direct their life."
"We've got in alignment... You're vibrating at a frequency that matches your soul's intention: awake, living your truth, best self."
"You gotta own your journey. God gives you what's for you, and you gotta walk in that."
"In pursuit of becoming like Batman... you probably don't need to learn forensics or lock-picking. You can become the Batman of your own life by becoming that passionate and that driven."
"At the top of the pyramid, self-actualization becomes zero-sum."
"Manifest your dreams with confidence. Trust your intuition, seek out blessings."
"You're more likely to create your own life if you tap into what you find fulfilling."
"I am Erza planeswalker, I have become my best self."
"Live the wonderful life that is in you, let nothing be lost upon you."
"When we truly embody it and start living it, then we really can begin to achieve more by doing less."
"Are you going to confront it? Are you going to allow the true self to become individualized and self-actualized?"
"Make the most of yourself; you can serve God and man in no more effective way than by getting rich."
"Human potential is at its highest when a human is free."
"Live up to your potential instead of imitating someone else's."
"I define success as the commitment to the pursuit of the fulfillment of your true potential."
"Create the best version of yourself that you can."
"You are designed for accomplishments, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness."
"You're being called to action, ready to accomplish great things and truly come into the fullness of who you are."
"It's a very unique journey of self-actualization."
"You are a powerful manifestor, you should call that to you."
"Pretending to be the ideal self until you become it."
"Your edge is where you stop short, where you compromise your fullest gift and instead cater to your fears."
"You need to invest in yourself first before anybody's gonna give a damn."
"Choosing your job based on whatever is popular or whatever is paid the most... is a really bad way to choose your destiny."
"Boldly pursue that which is on the inside of you."
"It ain't about being more than a man or oh my God I'm just more than you because I got this yo I think really is me as a woman before you met me I achieved my goals and I get to be the woman I wanted to be."
"You're stepping into your power and grabbing hold of your destiny."
"I think we all deserve a right to... chase your self-actualization, be the person you want to be."
"Soul food: feed your soul and release anyone or anything hindering you from becoming one with your destiny."
"The self is everything you could be across time."
"Beliefs and ideologies are the biggest trap in self-actualization."
"Perfectly designed to help you fulfill your being, live your truth, experience your power, and reside in the perfection of your divine loving heart."
"The key to stepping into your purpose is operating in your god-given gifts."
"We can be better than what we've been, we can be who we are at our best."
"This is your time to step up, to take some control or take some charge, and really own your power."
"I am constantly in alignment with the universe... I feel the joy of my achievements as present and tangible now."
"The whole idea of getting an education, there was no question, why I'm doing this. So I can fulfill my human potential and I'm gonna do me."
"They have taken advantage of their inner calling."
"I will act with consistency to forge my ideal life."
"The only purpose of life is to be totally who you are."
"I'm allowed to do what I'm meant to do in the world."
"The manifestation is going to be a natural byproduct of this version of myself."
"Becoming one with yourself is universal law."
"Once you understand who you are, then you will have the keys to unlock."
"It's about becoming the best version of yourself."
"I think I'm very close to the best possible version of myself."
"Is this my highest potential? What am I afraid of? What's holding me back?"
"You're powerful there's a reason that we're so connected to stories about Immortals and gods at our our highest self we're very much that."
"Life is perfect as it is. You have so much going for you."
"By perfecting your life, perfecting yourself, becoming your true self, that's what's going to bring this into form."
"Stop playing small and start living a more dangerous life by playing on the jagged edges of your talents."
"It's not the way it works not the way it works and I see y'all are stepping into your power though you all are stepping into your true power."
"Some of us enjoy life by fulfilling our potential, by seeing what we're made of."
"You have this energy within you. When you set your energy towards something, it happens."
"Rather than fighting one political ideology with another, they're fighting against ideology altogether, and defending some type of formless freedom or self-actualization."
"The death of music was about my recognition that music for me plays a role in that actualization rather than being the role itself."
"The number one purpose of life: it's to grow, it's to become who we are destined and built to be for the benefit of our but also to make the world a place of more love, more light, more heroism, more creativity, more productivity."
"Life is short, I better do something right now to start owning my genius, to start stripping away my fears."
"In order to have, you must do. And in order to do, you must be."
"Construct an event which implies fulfillment of your desire, something that will have the action of self-predominant."
"Leo energy is about being a master of your creation and your reality."
"So you can show up in this world and be the person you were called to be."
"Manifest your own reality, no more sitting on the sidelines."
"He is obligated to fulfill his word; whatever God promised, He will fulfill."
"The possibilities are endless, so go be that thing that you want to be."
"The inner shapes the outer; live in congruence with your true desires."
"Eliminating distractions allowed me to focus on self-actualization."
"You start becoming a fully actualized person when you're financially independent."
"Manifest things from a place of your higher self and values."
"This Saturn Transit will be an incredible time of self-actualization that would definitely come with its challenges but will also come with its rewards."
"Balancing theory versus practice is foundational to your success with this self-actualization journey."
"I found the trailhead of the most important thing in life: self-actualization."
"Move towards whatever your inner calling is... make those dreams a reality."
"Move like a boss. Just in case you are unaware, I feel the urge to inform you that you've been created, you've been called, and you've been commissioned to be a boss."
"Live the spirit of these things until they become yours by right. It will then become impossible to keep them from you."
"This is what I was supposed to do with myself."
"Be the best you and when you present the best you, can't nobody [ __ ] with that."
"We're made of the Enlightenment that people are trying to ascend to."
"We really see you at the highest version of yourself."
"I just felt like I'm where I'm supposed to be."
"Your energy does trigger people to be awakened to their highest possible potential version of self."
"We can finally do what we were meant to do, be who we were meant to be."
"This is a time for us to all step up into our own individual unique powerful selves."
"Pursuing your magic is the hardest thing you'll ever do, but it is the most worth it quest of all time."
"Find the thing that you love and that's probably going to be the thing that you should try to excel at."
"Manhood isn't something that just happens by accident."
"Most people think they want to be a millionaire... but what they probably really want is to not have to be forced to slave their life away in a cubicle."
"The original version you were created to be is the best possible version of yourself."
"Imagine you at your absolute best, everything in your life just clicking."
"Life is about learning; you can never ultimately reach your self-actualization."
"Act on your highest Joy to the best of your ability."
"You're more focused on manifesting your dreams and goals."
"The purpose of life is to fulfill potential."
"Recognize ultimately that the other is you then that is true self-actualization that's true transcendence and that is the purity of love."
"Build something bigger than yourself, leave a legacy. Don't settle, ask for exactly what you want."
"Own your potential, see the big picture, and realize you're closer than you thought."
"The unplugged Alpha is the best way to live your life if you want to get everything that you want out of life."
"You are stepping into a totally different realm of power."
"You got the green light. It is time for you to take action. It is time for you to awaken that warrior within you because you are a warrior, boo boo."
"Step into your sovereignty, your authority, your power."
"Once you find the truth, you have to express it, you have to let it out, you have to shine in it."
"Self-actualization as discovering what you were meant to do and committing to the ardour of pursuing it with excellence."
"Answer the calling of your purpose, take center stage."
"When you're in your power, there's no limit to what you can achieve."