
Belonging Quotes

There are 12644 quotes

"People want to connect with something; they want to be a part of something bigger than themselves."
"Belonging is being a part of something bigger than yourself but it's also the courage to stand alone and to belong to yourself above all else."
"True belonging never asks us to change who we are; it demands that we be who we are."
"The one thing I've learned in my research above all else is that in the absence of love and belonging, there's always suffering."
"Is home a place, or is home like a feeling? Because the closest thing I have to feeling like I'm at home now is when I feel like I'm at home, it doesn't really matter where it is."
"When I open the door and I come home for the first time I see family for the first time in years, sometimes I'm like, that's the feeling I get when I truly realize, 'Oh, okay, I'm home now.'"
"I have a commitment to this place that you'll probably never have to any place in your life, ever."
"Leadership is about creating a world to which people want to belong."
"People want to feel part of something bigger and meaningful."
"You are imperfect, you are wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging."
"Rejection is not rejection; rejection is just redirection towards where you truly belong."
"When we don't accept ourselves and we don't belong to ourselves, we lose ourselves in the process of trying to fit in with others."
"We have a culture code of relationship here at Transformation Church. We believe that we belong together."
"Wave belongs to the ocean, never the ocean to the wave."
"In the end, finding out where I belong helped me discover where I came from."
"You're going to feel more at home than you've ever felt before."
"I never felt a stranger in America. From the day I landed, I went for the gusto, and I got it. I live the American dream."
"The longer you stay somewhere that you know you don't belong, the more you begin to believe you don't belong anywhere."
"You are so precious to God, those of you who belong to him."
"The child has an absolute need to belong... This drive to be close to somebody in order to be taken care of... is called attachment."
"It's time to go home, and they declare that they will be going where they belong."
"I just always wanted a family that loved me."
"A lot of folks can relate to that... wanting to be loved, wanting to belong, wanting to be touched, and not being accepted for who they are."
"It's better to find the place that you belong, you know, and open people might be very annoyed that they're not appreciated by more conservative types."
"The community has wrapped their arms around us, and it's a wonderful feeling."
"When people come to the ACA, they usually are just passing through... but what they leave with is friendships that they keep for a lifetime."
"It's like this light is turning on in your heart, and there's a new understanding of where you belong and where you're supposed to go."
"When you find your calling in your life, you're going to feel home. You'll feel like it's right where you belong."
"Every kid is yelling on the inside: please somebody tell me I'm special, somebody tell me they notice me, somebody tell me that I belong in this world, that I'm loved."
"When things go wrong, there's a place where you belong. Come and join the family, all are welcome."
"True happiness only comes from the feeling of being part of something greater."
"Humanity's greatest desire is to belong and connect."
"Always go where you are wanted, welcomed, and celebrated, not where you are merely tolerated."
"I don't have the words to capture this journey. I want to inspire people to feel like they belong in this country."
"I love it. I've been here for more than 30 years."
"The more they try to vilify him, the more attractive they make him to people who feel they've been left out by the establishment."
"Instead of walking into a room and being like, 'I don't belong. I don't know anyone,' thinking about, 'Why do I belong? Who can I know?'"
"True belonging is a spiritual practice and it's about the ability to find sacredness in both being a part of something but also the courage to stand alone."
"In the absence of love and belonging, there's always suffering."
"One thing people want more than being right is to belong; it's to be loved; it's to be a member of a community."
"Welcome to the party, and it's okay, like we all were meant for our right times to come into this party."
"I think we all relate in some way to feeling like an outsider, to feeling not seen."
"We belong to the future now; we no longer belong to the past."
"The third type is the longest lasting type. It's about being part of something bigger than yourself."
"We are innately social creatures; we want to feel like we belong, that we're loved and accepted."
"I love you. This isn't a channel; this is our community, and it belongs to each and every one of you guys as much as it belongs to me."
"The stars are yours just as much as they belong to anybody who's been on this planet."
"I don't want to be part of any club that would have me as a member."
"All of us need to feel needed, wanted, loved. Amen."
"We will help you if you need help, and everything is okay. You do belong here."
"The Holy Spirit has sealed us; He has sealed us as belonging to God."
"I can see that when you showed me that picture of yourself... what if I go to the 14-year-old me, that Red Solo Cup represented a hug and being welcomed into the group."
"Work provides a sense of accomplishment, belonging, and self-worth."
"He finally remembered how it felt to have a family."
"You are only free when you realize you belong to no place – you belong every place – no place at all. The price is high. The reward is great."
"Belonging everywhere, which is really nowhere, is what sets us free."
"Our worth and our belonging are not negotiated with other people. We carry those inside of our hearts."
"Your self-worth and your belonging is not something we negotiate externally. It's something we carry in our wild hearts."
"Breathe the man with soul so dead who never to himself hath said, this is my own, my native land."
"When you are marked, this means you can be identified as belonging to a particular group... for us as believers who are marked by the Holy Spirit, we can be identified as belonging to Jesus Christ."
"Prayer is the bridge between longing and belonging."
"The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles have counseled together, in a spirit of prayer and with a yearning to understand, how to help all who feel alone or feel they don't belong."
"The biggest lesson I learned... is that when I know who I am, I know what I want, I know how to change myself, I know resilience, and I know belonging."
"Belonging to me is easy now... it's not a geographic location, it's this collaboration of everyone around you."
"Identity is just this collaboration of everyone around you and that's where I found my belonging."
"Your single biggest security need as a physical human, is belonging and connection."
"The opposite of belonging is fitting in because fitting in is assessing a group of people and thinking, 'Who do I need to be? What do I need to say? What do I need to wear? How do I need to act?' and changing who you are."
"We're never free until we belong nowhere, which means we belong everywhere, which is no place at all. The cost is high, but the reward is great."
"The minute I become who you want me to be in order to fit in and make sure people like me is the moment I no longer belong anywhere."
"The cool thing about the internet is it gave people the opportunity to feel like they belong if they felt like an outsider."
"One of the coolest things someone can do is scan a room, find a person that is out of place, and try to make them feel like they belong."
"I need to go where I'm loved, where I'm appreciated in the physical world."
"For many, the desire to belong and be part of a tribe is very innate."
"For every one person that makes you feel like you're too much, there's going to be hundreds of people that make you feel like you're more than enough."
"I believe every human being wants to be part of something that is special, that is important, that is exciting."
"We're wired for attachment, for connection, for belonging, for unity. That's how we're wired, and our suffering occurs when our true nature cannot manifest itself."
"Don't let other people tell you that you don't belong here."
"Belonging is important, and it's a real need that all people have."
"I never actually felt like my own age or ever felt like I fit in until I went to college."
"This book is about family, and belonging, and your sense of home."
"Our citizenship is in heaven, which means heaven is our home."
"How was it possible that she could feel like a homecoming to a man who had never before had any sense of home?"
"I still have hope in America. I still like this country; this month I consider this as my own country."
"Everybody here is a family; I consider you guys our extended family."
"I love leading people, I love being a part of that network, that family."
"These moments are very rare, they don't happen often... You belong here, baby, you are here."
"Whatever you've experienced, whatever separation you feel, you're still here. You belong here, and it's good to be here."
"Outside is scary and inside is lonely; we need a third place."
"God drew you to this house because He's calling you home. He wants to make your heart His home."
"Fandom is that for a lot of people. It is the mini found family that you cultivate over loving something so much."
"For the first time, I felt wanted here. You guys became my family."
"You are forming us, you redeemed us, you called us by name, we belong to you."
"Don't turn your back on Africa. Sadly, the case for a lot of Africans is where you find yourself is home. But if you're living in the West and you're an African, you are living in an environment where you're being tolerated."
"We're not your friends. We don't belong here with you guys. We need to close the portal."
"Welcome, well, well, look who's one of us now."
"We often thrive in spaces that celebrate shared histories because a general sense of 'I fit in with everyone else' doesn't cut it for some people."
"You feel like the sweetest home I've never known."
"You are all valuable to me and to Juniper Hill."
"The minute I step inside, it feels right, it feels familiar."
"It was like being in this place where I was understood. And I had felt so misunderstood for so long."
"Once inside, I became engulfed in a feeling of warmth and belonging. That's just the effect this place has on you."
"Thank you so much for being part of this family."
"We do all have a need for belonging, and the reason Cults are so attractive to people is because they do provide a source of belonging."
"There is a love, there is a beauty to being known to exist within a world that has other people."
"I was adopted by a married couple and their young daughter who became my adoptive younger sister. When I realized that neither of us were ever going to be taken from each other, I distinctly remember that feeling."
"You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession."
"If any man have not the spirit of Christ, he doesn't belong to Christ."
"The best people you'll ever meet are at crypto meetups, and for most of us, we found once we got into crypto and started interacting with people that these are our tribe."
"The purchase of a product is like a ticket into a club; when you buy a product, you're making a statement to yourself and to the outer world about what you believe in."
"This is where I'm home; this is where I'm alive."
"Connecting with others who support you can enhance your sense of safety and belonging."
"A step away from the churn and burn of the daily routine, to step closer to the place you belong."
"I used to have nothing. And then I got this. This job. This family. And I was better because of it."
"We are all one big family now, part of the Genshin universe."
"I really did enjoy going to the church. I knew everybody in the church, like everybody knew each other."
"Just because it feels strange doesn't mean it's not yours."
"The vision that became obvious to us was that we needed to make sure that he felt like he belonged."
"The ability to connect with others who share similar interests can help individuals feel less alone and more connected to the world around them."
"This is home for me, man. I grew up in these parts, man, just an amazing place."
"You guys gave me a place to belong, a place where I'm allowed to be myself."
"We are a one big ape family. That's the biggest thing to remember."
"Community was always about not changing yourself to belong but belonging to those who take you as you are, all your flaws, all your fears, all your mistakes."
"People want to feel powerful, unique, desirable, part of a team. Conspiracy theory groups offer a community where you get to feel special."
"Heaven's Gate may have been a cult, but it wasn't a cold cult or a scary cult, really. It was a place that was filled with warmth and love and companionship, acceptance, and it gave these people a place where they felt they belonged when they maybe didn't feel like they belong to anywhere else before in their lives."
"This is where I belong. This is home. Real dirt, in the sunlight again."
"The theme of the film is searching and searching for where you belong."
"You don't have to be good at anything to feel like you need to fit in."
"It feels amazing to be a part of a new family."
"They all come from the community... that's exactly that community."
"I want a place to live where I'm wanted. I want to be part of a family."
"The thing about the whole journey was the community, the feeling of everyone in the club being so great, so close."
"The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein."
"It's not just me you're walking away from here. You have the chance to be part of something much bigger than yourself."
"Nature is our home; we've just forgotten that."
"Fathers are kind. Fathers protect you. Fathers raise you. I was protected by the monks of Azarath. I was raised by my friends. They are my family. This is my home, and you are not welcome here."
"It feels like you're a part of a community because you are."
"I felt this unwavering pull, this sense of belonging to Hawaii."
"You can call it what you want, but I call it home."
"You belong anywhere you want to be. You belong in the room."
"Home is where people notice when you're not there."
"Country road, take me home to the place I belong."
"To me, it's like a home to me. I feel like I'm part of a family."
"You will not find your provision out there; you belong to God. Your provision is a place."
"The belonging you seek is not behind you; it is ahead."
"You find your people when you find your people, and it's gonna come when it comes and when you're ready for it and when you need it."
"I knew that I didn't really belong to this place, not really."
"Go where you're celebrated, not where you're tolerated."
"In contemplating the interconnectedness of nature, the sages have discovered how we fit into and indeed belong to nature."
"This community means a lot to me, and I really want them to know that they're loved."
"Self-worth is my belief that I belong wherever I am in whatever room or space that I'm in and that I bring value to that space."
"You and I will be fine, we'd belong together."
"The Dark Brotherhood is not just about assassination; it's about family, about belonging."
"In the shadows, we find our purpose; in the darkness, we find our home."
"I'm your people, you're my people, we're each other's people."
"You are accepted. You have been grafted into the family of God."
"I have called you by your name; you are mine."
"This nation belongs to you. That's who it belongs to."
"You have received a spirit of adoption as sons and daughters by which we cry out, 'Abba, Father.'"
"People are looking to be part of something bigger than ourselves and yet we've lost the things that used to ground us: Faith, patriotism, hard work, family."
"Being safer at home doesn't mean being alone. You are still an important part of your community."
"Your authentic self is enough, and your type of people will find you."
"The church is not a building you come to; it's a family where you belong."
"I do have a place here, and I belong here, and I have friends who care about me."
"Who is my mother and brothers? But those who do the will of God."
"You're their home, you're where they belong."
"We're officially a ninja of the leaf village."
"Wearing the navy cap meant that I was part of a bigger force, part of something that was bigger than myself. Just being able to say, 'Hey, the people, the RDCs that trained me, taught me, I'm able to say, 'Hey, I'm part of the U.S. Navy just like you are now.'"
"That's because there's still hope. There might still be a place to call home."
"Find your family of frequency. Find your soul tribe."
"People join the community because the community is what it is."
"Well hello, Neighbor, it's so nice to have you here. Where you belong."
"This is our home now, so you'll learn to start to call me by my name. Not Marcia, not dear, Maggie. Maggie Rhee."
"Fight clubs were a phenomenon... it created such a strong feeling of community."
"We find evidence of a deep-seated need for acceptance, a longing for belonging."
"This book is about the concept of home and how we find home in the people around us, in our friendships. Sometimes, people can feel like home just as much as a place can."
"Mr. Stark, you've become part of a bigger universe. You just don't know it yet."
"We like to feel part of something larger than ourselves."
"I loved the overall core message of this book... about not fitting in and how sometimes it can really take a long time before you find people in your life that you really connect with."
"Kong has really felt like a teenage orphan for most of his life and always looking for his family."
"This is our family. Everybody's going to think about their family."
"Found family is the beauty of finding a group of people that get you, understand you, that can rely on you and you can rely on them."
"Finally, let us never forget, the world has many places, many dreams, and many roads, but in all of the world, there is no place like home."
"This place felt more like home than where I was living."
"Orphan Paul finally found the love he had been searching for a long time, the love of a family."
"The word home I think it is where you are at the moment."
"Everyone has these thoughts and feelings and wonders if they're in the right place."
"Hey, you're one of us now. That's really, it's really special."
"We've created a world in which people have no place... belonging is the bedrock of citizenship."
"This is home, where I belong. I always say, like, this is where I live."
"When people have a sense of belonging and community, they don't resort to violent acts."
"This spirit of generosity and radical love is shared not just by our residents but between our residents. It is what makes this a special place that we are proud to call home."
"It is time for you to feel loved, to feel needed, to feel desired, to feel wanted, to feel like you matter, to feel like you belong."
"We have to recommit ourselves to the notion that we all belong here."
"Home is the place where your soul feels like it belongs."
"Those who have a strong sense of love and belonging have the courage to be imperfect."
"Home is the place that when you have to go there they have to take you in."
"It really means a lot to be in something that means a lot to a certain community."
"You feel disconnected, you feel like you don't belong."
"There's always this underlying emotional appeal of being a part of a belonging."
"He made me realize I don't wanna run away, that you guys are my family and I belong here. And so does Dan."