
Humanity Quotes

There are 35916 quotes

"Creativity...is what differentiates us from every other species on the planet."
"The definition of being human is [to embrace] creativity. By ignoring this creativity, you're giving up on yourself."
"The majority of people are good; we just need to remind each other of that."
"I know I'm supposed to hate humans but there's something about them. They don't just survive, they discover, they create; just look at what they do with food!"
"What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculty, in form and moving, how express and admirable, in action, how like an angel, in apprehension, how like a God!"
"I'm all about just alleviating suffering and helping All Humans."
"The moral sense or conscious is as much a part of man as his leg or arm."
"Humanity does not suck... Humanity is an amazing, amazing, amazing being when it's defined by its top."
"We don't know what it means to be really human. My working definition of the word 'spiritual' is what it means to be really human."
"You're a person, you're a human being. You're a son, you're a daughter, you're a husband, father, whatever it is. That's what you are."
"We are incredibly symbolic creatures; we're not just out to make as much money as we can."
"It's not about contribution to science; it's about contribution to humanity."
"Carry the flame of humanity deep and deeper on into existence."
"We are on the verge of something super interesting in humanity."
"COVID-19 is taking so much from us, but it's also giving us something special: the opportunity to come together as one humanity to work together, to learn together, to grow together."
"His Holiness the Dalai Lama says, 'Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.'"
"What really worked was learning to speak with kindness and humanity."
"We believe that the benefit to humanity is, in the end, about the benefits outweigh the negatives."
"What we are talking about is basically existential as it relates to humanity because these changes in the wiring of the human brain away from the areas that let us be forward-thinking and compassionate to the areas of sudden emeriti, connected and caring about each other, and caring about the planet."
"What is the legacy of humanity? It should be knowledge."
"We should be thinking about what we want to leave behind when, as a species, we're no longer here."
"I treat people with humanity, they at least engage me with humanity."
"The pursuit of humanity, creativity, knowledge, fairness, rationality, playfulness, authentic love, virtue, truth, beauty, and a feeling of joy and real deep gratitude and fulfillment with life."
"Transcendentalists... believed in the inherent goodness of nature and humanity."
"Every one of us is human, every one of us wants to be happy."
"We are here to make mankind an interplanetary species."
"It is unflinchingly and unapologetically human."
"The challenge is not just in seeing the world but in understanding the human within it. That will argue throughout these lectures, that we cannot escape considering the human being."
"Isn't it ironic that the essence of what makes us human, which is in my view happiness, love, and compassion, is what's going to save our world?"
"I think you have to see the obvious common humanity in us to bridge the divide."
"Does it really matter what makes us human? Not in a biological sense, but in the sense that Philip K. Dick thought of it when he wrote 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?'"
"As long as there is still a risk that some will lose their humanity by losing their empathy and instead becoming a tool or weapon, the deeper questions beneath 'Blade Runner' are still relevant."
"What does it mean to be human? The original 'Blade Runner' made it clear with its opening text that replicants are, for all intents and purposes, identical to humans."
"Empathy is a very valuable resource for humanity... it has the power to resolve conflict."
"You are beautiful no matter what you are, no matter who you are. You are a human being and you are beautiful for merely existing."
"We must not see any person as an abstraction. Instead, we must see in every person, a universe, with its own secrets, with its own treasures, with its own sources of anguish, and with some measure of triumph."
"Whether you're Bill Gates or a shepherd from Senegal, you should receive equal treatment and consideration."
"Put people before money, before accolades, before attention or status. Always put people first."
"We have forgotten about our humanity, and that has got to change."
"Humans are the apex of all apexes because we are the most adaptive species to change."
"We're all human beings; we all have our own stories and our own traumas and deserve to be heard."
"We have to restore the humane apparatus to religions that has been extracted by exploiters who use religion the wrong way."
"Africa is about to grow because we are ready to add value to humanity."
"Imperfections are not inadequacies; they are reminders that we're all in this together."
"When I lived as a monk, a lot of the wisdom that we studied and the Eastern literatures that we spent time excavating were not aimed at monks; they were just aimed at humanity."
"Each and every one of you is a human being. I think a lot of creators lose sight of that, and it breaks my heart that they do."
"Life can be very hard, so sometimes it's good to get away, but escapism must be in moderation, otherwise, we risk losing our humanity, detached from the truth and what's real, vulnerable to being part of an evil machine, and probably miserable because of it."
"If we don't create mechanisms to guide humanity into leveraging the positive elements of that, we're headed for a bumpy ride."
"The only thing you care about is helping somebody who is in need. Why? Because they're a fellow American, or maybe they don't even maybe they're not American... It's a human being."
"People are not a burger. They're not a McDonald's set of fries. She's not a Happy Meal, she's a person."
"The most important lessons I learned from my own parents, who spent years in the war and then years as refugees, who basically explained to me we didn't stop loving, we didn't stop laughing because it was fundamental to our humanity in the midst of degradation."
"What we need more now than ever is humanity."
"The potential of humanity starts to become much broader."
"Digital superintelligence might be the most significant technology that humanity ever creates, and it has the potential to be more dangerous than weapons."
"We're born to help people, and if we can't help them, let's at least not hurt them."
"The story underscores the importance of friendship and how it shapes our journey towards understanding and accepting our humanity."
"Our ability to form abstractions about our mortality is one of the deepest elements of what it means to be human."
"Humanity's should not have logically existed for as long as we have... somehow, despite endless hurdles of self-imposed destruction, we keep growing."
"Each and every one of you, there is something about you that adds to humanity, the elevation of it, the upliftment, the evolution of it."
"See the universe as a friendly place, see people as basically good."
"Learning about space and watching the story of humanity spread to the stars happen is watching the future happen and seeing history unfold."
"The human race is at its best when it is trying to achieve the impossible."
"We are a species of explorers and we meet many setbacks on our quest for knowledge. But we persevere. We, not as a nation, but as humans, will always persevere into the future."
"Helping human beings is just okay to do and you don't need to optimize your ROI."
"An individual alone is like a finger. It's the group that's human."
"All people, regardless of who they are or where they come from, typically want three things: to be seen for who they are, to be valued for who they are, and to be accepted for who they are."
"The courage and humanity those people are demonstrating makes their work some of the most meaningful things that can be done as human beings."
"This incident, though heart-wrenching, underscored the risks and challenges that lay in mankind's quest to explore the cosmos."
"99.9% of people are just so polite and so good."
"For many centuries, humanity considered the Earth as the center of the universe. Now we know that it's very far from the truth."
"This is extraordinary human achievement at its best."
"If you have opportunities and you don't take them, that's a disservice to humanity."
"Love of humanity has been one of the great master motives which has stirred countless thousands of men and women in many forms of dynamic and successful action."
"This is a hopeful narrative of the human race."
"The history the human race is to overcome, to transcend ourselves, and to empathize in larger social units."
"One thing is for sure. There are thousands, hundreds of thousands of people that believe that we come from the stars."
"At the end of the day, we are all people, and no one needs to deal with that stupid Stress and Anxiety."
"It is this love of humanity that fuels our passion to make our communities better, to take those risks, and to work to ensure that everyone gets a chance."
"We need a strong border, a safe border, and a humane border."
"Humans' capacity to encode these very vast numbers of symbolic representations... is a uniquely powerful capacity that has enabled a lot of what we see in the world today."
"Men would be monsters were it not for the natural feeling of pity. It's pity that humanizes people."
"The idea that we're having a conversation down the generations about the nature of humanity and its ideal."
"The obligations we take on in our lives are the things that make us the most human."
"We need to re-inculcate in our kids a feeling that they have obligations and responsibilities, and that this is what makes us human."
"I reach out my hand and my heart to connect and unite all of humanity."
"I fundamentally believe in the goodness of people. We are all one people."
"Since day six, He's done nothing else in the earth unless He does it in partnership with a man or a woman. That's how much God respects the laws He put in place."
"One day, I hope that we will look back at this and shudder, and we will have a hard time comprehending the inhumanity of the statements."
"The only pronoun we all need to share is human."
"Humanity is haunted by the fear of death, and all our immortality projects are a response to this deep-seated fear."
"Mental health is so important and people forget sometimes that we're all just people."
"When I look at all these faces, I think to myself, humanity is going to be all right."
"Whether you are all the way left, all the way right, we are all people."
"Together we can overcome the challenges that lie ahead and create a world in which humanity can stand proudly among the stars."
"We believe that the disclosure of extraterrestrial life and the ensuing contact with these advanced civilizations will usher in a new era for humanity."
"In this brave new world, the boundaries that have long divided us — nationality, race, religion — will dissolve, revealing the underlying unity of all life."
"We are the only species that could even know that we were doing this to ourselves."
"The idea of making humanity a multiplanetary species, that idea has come."
"Humanity's drive to explore the cosmos is not bound by border. Discovery strengthens diplomacy."
"The most common underlying problem globally with humanity is one of identity. People don't know who they are."
"We are designed as human beings to love others, to really recognize the beauty in others."
"Dreaming is pivotal in our humanity. We need more dreamers, we need people who raise our awareness and keep our minds open to things that do not forge part of our reality."
"Space is the province of all humankind; peaceful uses of outer space only."
"Find really good teammates because that is what makes these large-scale challenges for humanity possible."
"It brings out the best in humanity...the form of movement they were drawn to, they felt like it was not only bringing out the best in them but it was allowing them to see the best in others too."
"Mars is the planet that will give us the critical tests to whether humanity can break out of the planet of our birth and become a space-faring species."
"If economic globalization is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of transnational corporations."
"Stop looking down on yourself for having been human."
"We stand here as Jews, Christians, Muslims, those of any religion and no religion, and we stand united on the side of humanity against barbarism."
"In an effort to secure humanity's domination on the galactic front, our species would spread outwards towards the stars, in hopes to become more than just a single planet-faring race."
"Mutants are humanity's children. In other words, mutants are not the end of the human race; they are the continuation of the human race."
"Even though civilizations collapse pretty reliably, there's never been a total collapse of humanity, and there's always been a general moderate upward trend in people's sort of social development."
"This new lab would be nonprofit, developing AGI for the benefit of humanity."
"I feel like sexuality is the biggest wound in all of humanity."
"What would the next version of a human being look like who is vital, who is loving, who is kind, who is compassionate, who comes from a perspective of unity not separation?"
"I think we have a really strong need for people who want to have a positive impact, and art is such an important medium for communicating ways that we can come together as human beings."
"Human beings were created, and this set them on a path: humanity stepped into a new beginning, free of slavery, and into a journey of self-discovery."
"Guts is the most relatable protagonist to me of all time because he's the most human main character I've ever seen in any story ever."
"Remember, each of us are human and we each have our own individuality and that's why you gotta stay weird, fam."
"The seed vault is going to be one of the most valuable treasures of humanity one day."
"They are beginning a journey that will take them on voyages of exploration like humankind has never seen before."
"They represent the best of humanity and our most fervent hopes for the future."
"A reminder that even in the darkest of times, humanity has always found ways to confront and conquer its fears."
"The very future of humanity may depend on the results of this project."
"When you buy a cookie, you're buying something that's so human. If you have ever had a cookie, or a cake, or a pie, you've probably had it from someone that cares about you."
"We humans are a species that have a deep connection with our past, as we believe that the past is what shapes the future."
"Humanity is more than the physical, more than the aesthetic, an idea that can linger no matter how… shambling a mass of flesh might be."
"Humanity had learned to survive through catastrophic disasters, pestilence, wars, and holocausts. Now, we aspired to seek out new lives among the stars."
"'Humanity Lost' is a stirring tribute to how personhood can endure no matter how altered the flesh."
"'Humanity Lost' presents a version of morality that transcends the physical."
"The Secret of genuine success: any individual can be happy, healthy, and prosperous if they will seek an opportunity to serve where there is an unlimited opportunity to serve humanity."
"It makes you realize just how human this thing was — that they sat down and wrote out what they believed and all signed it."
"The circle of altruism has broadened from the family and tribe to the nation and race, and we are beginning to recognize that our obligations extend to all human beings."
"Science tells us how the body works; it's not always so noble, but yet just knowing gives us a broader picture."
"To generalize, humanity is waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel."
"The beauty is in being wrong... it's showing that you're fallible, you're flawed, you're human just like everybody else."
"It's important to keep in mind... that these are real people with real lives."
"After the year we've had, we all need some serious faith in humanity restored, and if you look around you, you'll find that people can be so sweet and cute."
"This is essentially a revolutionary movement seeking to redefine humanity as Klaus Schwab says."
"Ethical decision-making tethers us to our humanity."
"Diversity isn't just some kind of nice-to-have thing in our species, it's the sole survival strategy."
"What we're talking about is something that's not technical, it's personal. This is about what it means to be a human being."
"The friends he makes, that keeps his sanity despite the futility of his existence."
"He cares about his newfound friends to the point that he would not discard any of that or his humanity."
"You are lovable just for being you. You're just a beautiful human on this planet who deserves love just for existing."
"You were a complicated bundle of all kinds of stuff, some of it good and some of it bad, and I accept all of it."
"To be human is to be both. Wrestle with that, deal with it, live in the gray."
"We're also the most capable, resourceful, and resilient species that has ever lived on earth."
"We share... the tendencies that allow us to be social."
"All human beings need a little bit of love and compassion in their lives."
"You are human, you will make mistakes. Hopefully, you'll make a whole lot of them because that means you are trying, and trying means you are fully alive."
"We are all sharing this experience in more ways than we ever give credit for. We always look at the differences, but there are far more similarities."
"We are now locked irrevocably in an exponentially accelerating race between our knowledge and our wisdom."
"The power of togetherness is one of the most beautiful aspects of being a human being."
"Humanity has made moral progress in a lot of areas; we live in one of the least violent times in world history."
"You don't have to be a feminist to support women. You just have to be human."
"The Federation isn't about ships. The Federation's about its people."
"What does a human do? This is what it means to be human. You use your intelligence."
"It's a realization that there's certain human qualities that we should try to build on and not destroy. One of them is curiosity."
"Whatever you do, failure is not humiliating; it's humanizing."
"Agape love is the kind of love that enables us to become more human."
"Mainstream media reports on that .01%... I'm stunned how good people are. I love it."
"It's only in our lifetime that humanity finally has the tools to reveal how rich and potentially vast our cosmic vista truly is."
"I decided to stop treating myself like a machine and accept the fact that I'm just human."
"We need to care more about people across differences. We would need to find shared humanity and realize that when someone has been hurt, it matters."
"There's a shared experience between every single human being on this planet."
"I think people are generally... wanting to get back to something that feels a little bit more connected to something human inside of them."
"I haven't tried to stab a single person while eating a meal with them. I live in a golden age of humanity."
"Our assumed consent and this unanimous obsession with profit and progress and optimization without regard for the soul of humanity is poison."
"Self-compassion steps in and gives you a sense of being valuable, not because you've reached some standard, or you've judged yourself positively, but because you are a human being, worthy of love in that moment."
"When you look at a child, you're still a human being."
"Empathy is a magical thing and I think we forget that we are human beings working with human beings."
"You're part of the ten percent of humanity that gives me hope."
"His insights and warnings about humanity, both individually and collectively, were not only ahead of his time but in many ways they are still arguably unheated warnings, immensely relevant to today."
"Every number represents a person, and every person has a story."
"Understanding how interconnected the whole humanity is, is crucial."
"Behind the shiny lives of superstars like Garth and Trisha often lies a mountain of heartbreak, disappointment, struggle, and basic humanity."
"Making mistakes actually is not only not bad, but it's what makes you more human and relatable."
"We are wondrous things in the universe and probably the most wondrous things in the universe."
"I care more about the success of humanity than I do about personally gaining resources."
"It's all about people. Never forget that it's all about people."
"If you want to change the world, measure a person by the size of their heart, not by the size of their flippers."
"We're all human beings at the end of the day."
"Morality is part of the equipment of being human."
"All of us are human beings, not human doings."
"I want to paint a slightly more optimistic view of how AI might help humanity rather than destroy us."
"Humanity: a truly beautiful phenomenon where everyone is welcomed, cherished, and accepted."
"This may reflect certain limits to the bounds of moral sympathy, but more important, it reflects the fact that we learn to love humanity not in general but through its particular expressions."
"You have made him a little lower than the angels and have crowned him with glory and honor."
"Dialogue between opposing sides is where you find humanity and where truth is ultimately found."
"Comparison is human, but not holy or helpful."
"A vote for humanity to prevail, for life to prevail."
"There can be no justification for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide."
"Accepting any justification for such crimes is renouncing our humanity and destroying the rule of international law beyond repair."
"Every human being made in the image of God, which I think is the single most important sentence written in the history of humanity."
"Practice self-compassion and allow yourself the grace to be human."
"You have to do the best you can to leave your mark and allow humanity to reach its potential."
"It's a picture, a portrait of our history of humanity and the hope we have for the future."
"This story is wild, between some of the propositions it has for why things have happened to humanity to different scenarios that could have taken place."
"Just because something's human doesn't mean it's good."