
Interpretation Quotes

There are 14029 quotes

"I'm not telling you what to think. Differing opinions are good; interpretation is the best thing."
"Communication is not what you meant to say but what the other person received."
"Problems are only problems if you interpret them as such from your narrow perspective."
"If you are a writer or a director of a film, and so many people have commented on the apparent queer subtext of your movie that you have to come out and make a statement saying, actually isn't gay, it means it's gay."
"When we're looking into the stories and interpretations of the Sumerian tablets, there comes a point when we have to change our perspective as to the nature of who or what these gods were."
"You can choose what meaning you give to things and you can choose how you interpret information."
"These holy scriptures were meant to be taken symbolically, not literally or historically."
"The scriptures should not be read literally."
"The story is the story that is told, and you can walk away angry and you can walk away debating and you can walk away arguing, but that's why it works. That is why it's art."
"A narrative is strong if it still leaves room for the personal interpretation of its player."
"Learning to be without placing stories on it or placing interpretations of it."
"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. But sometimes, it's a penis."
"It's not the casting that defines the character; it's the character themselves."
"Using that, you can draw a link between two things that were completely innocent to take on a meaning that's completely the opposite of that. That's humor."
"The interpretation of the facts is based on the theory to explain this."
"With the benefit of hindsight, we know exactly what they meant by this, of course."
"A rich internal world...includes how they interpret situations and people, their imagination."
"Joaquin Phoenix's Joker is like a weird Rorschach litmus test for empathy."
"The description in Genesis is a description of how the world exists, not in a scientific way but in a way which takes into account that intelligence is necessary."
"It's almost like they feel like they have something they want to say to you or a point they want to prove."
"Believing in God or not isn't about certainty but about what framework allows us to interpret and navigate the complexities of life and existence."
"The whole vast world is completely misunderstood and think it's a little child wrapped in swaddling clothes that was found by the shepherds two thousand years ago. That's a sign of the birth in man of the creative power of God."
"Many of the adaptation decisions are interesting or excellent in their own right, presenting an interpretation of the text that is wildly different, but just as compelling as Jackson’s."
"There's a lot of value in religion... We could have just seen what things were metaphorical, what things were literal, and tried to keep the wisdom that was inside of it."
"Without the interpretation of the universe by man to the glory of God, the whole world would be meaningless."
"Understanding is not just seeing the explicit, but interpreting the implicit."
"The classic psychoanalyst would have a field day with that."
"Art is subjective; it can mean a lot of different things to different people."
"The core tenets and true message of Naruto, as a whole, is something that can mean a lot of different things to different people."
"That is why two people with two different minds can appreciate a story on different levels."
"Representation involves interpretation and interpretation involves encoding and decoding messages."
"Science is not just 'just the facts, ma'am, just the facts.' Science is interpretation, science is the facts as you put them together and make sense of it."
"Regardless of how people interpret that role in that movie, no one's gonna be able to take that away from you."
"Welcome to FNAF, where every story has like three meanings, and you could layer on every single meaning onto every single thing."
"A writer only begins a book; a reader finishes it."
"Science doesn't lie, but interpretations are very critical."
"Studies... must always be taken with a grain of salt."
"This old woodcut of the story of the blind man and the elephant is a reminder that any complex subject can be studied in many ways."
"I'm rock solid in my faith, but every time I open the Bible... I understand this differently than I used to."
"It's not what they're saying; it's what it feels like."
"If people find that controversial, then I would just refer them to the Sermon on the Mount, which I think is, in my mind, for my faith, more central than an obscure passage in Romans."
"Paul is offering an interpretation of what will happen to those that had already died and ends the passage with 'Therefore encourage one another with these words.'"
"Photographs, which cannot themselves explain anything, are inexhaustible invitations to deduction, speculation, and fantasy."
"Let's really look at this. There's so much to break down in this image alone."
"Great art sets out to reveal the truth, whatever that truth might happen to be."
"My religious beliefs are my religious beliefs... They're mine to interpret, they're mine to understand."
"Songs allow a person to put their own imagination, experiences, and dreams into the lyrics. People can interpret it in many ways."
"The purpose of media literacy should not be digging down to the one single correct meaning, but to give someone the tools to at least look at a piece of media and understand what it's showing them."
"Media is always open to interpretation, and enjoyment doesn't diminish that. If it really bothers you, you can simply enjoy the thing the way you want. The goal is not to solve, but to experience."
"It's not the event that determines the outcome; it is your interpretation of the event that in turn determines the outcome."
"Art is subjective. Your interpretations and opinions of it are valid."
"Apocalypse does actually mean like revealing, uncovering, so rather than being destructive, it's a time when everything hidden becomes revealed and available."
"Physicists don't like things not making sense, and so the interpretations of quantum physics are an attempt by many different physicists to come up with ways of making quantum physics make sense."
"To interpret is to impoverish, to deplete the world in order to set up a shadow world of meanings."
"Interpretation is not bad; it develops and deepens relationships, letting us secure quality and share it with others."
"The thing that is embarrassing is not that people disagree with my favorite interpretation but that we as a community don't agree."
"In the time of John, it literally just meant the unveiling, the revealing. It's to reveal, to make clear, to show something."
"The greatest thing about this scene is what it isn't."
"Sometimes critics or viewers or fans do read into stuff that wasn't intentional, but simultaneously, there are some directors who can and do put an incredible amount of thought into every little detail and choice they make."
"Knowing a director's creative intent and other people's interpretations helps us better understand the language of film and the process of communicating a certain intent on screen."
"People cherry-picking from Roman history to support some modern ideology is a particular pet peeve of mine."
"Words are not reality, and unless we slow down to determine what they are pointing at, we may not fully hear or interpret their meaning."
"Mulholland Drive is an exercise in perspective, a realization that all we see can display some element of truth, especially if it becomes ingratiated to our very being."
"The entirety of this prehistoric animal's last moments alive are recorded in this rock, with all sorts of behaviors able to be interpreted from the marks it left all those millions of years ago."
"Statistics are not reality," said Simons, "they're just a way of showing reality."
"Alien isolation isn't a great game just because of the franchise; it's a great game because of its unique and thoughtful interpretation of the series' tropes."
"No matter how you reconfigure it, re-skin it, or exaggerate whatever aspect of it, it's all connected to us, humankind, in some way."
"Every time a myth of a god gets written down, it's like a photograph of that god in that single moment of their development, or like a single frame from an animation."
"You never say only what you say. The mystery is that what you say, the way you say it, the style, and so on can give a different message, can undermine that message and so on."
"The moment of [Jesus'] perceived victory [by the devil] actually became the moment of his defeat."
"The best paintings are not copies, they're interpretations based on very soulful interpretations."
"We all love the Stanley Parable because it lets us stick it to some snooty artist who's trying to tell you what his art is supposed to mean to you."
"Video doesn't lie, but yes, context is the key. I say this about videos: context is king because it rules the interpretation."
"To a child, images of hellfire and gnashing of teeth are actually very real; they're not metaphorical at all."
"What in the world could imitation of the divine ideal possibly mean?"
"No other people in all of history would have looked at throwing softballs at one another on a school playground or in a gym and said, 'Right, this is how we're oppressing each other through dehumanization.'"
"It doesn't matter what Fooly Cooly means. It isn't supposed to make sense because it symbolizes the often nonsensical nature of the adult world."
"I think it might be, are we interpreting this like hyper autistically?"
"If your view is that you can go through the holy book that serves as the foundation for your religion and on your own pick out the things that you think are right and wrong, you are your own God, you are your own religion, and that book is irrelevant."
"Take our perceptions seriously, but that does not entail we have to take it literally."
"Yahusha is our Passover. Let me show you, as Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 7: 'Indeed Messiah, our Passover, was sacrificed for us.'"
"We are left with a fictional universe that is fluid, can be interpreted, and ultimately change and keep fresh throughout the years without invalidating old fans or intimidating new ones."
"He wasn't the victim of Roman violence and injustice; he was the victim of divine love."
"We don't try to squeeze things or fit things into God's Word. We start with the Bible and use it to explain the world around us, including dinosaurs."
"The Bible is illumined by archaeology. Sometimes our reading of the Bible is challenged by archaeology."
"Truth is a slippery concept because it can be used very many ways."
"You may not be able to fully interpret it or explain what you're feeling, but you certainly felt it."
"Have you ever gone to a movie, saw a movie, knew that the movie was good, but also knew that the movie had all these different hidden messages connected to it?"
"Not a single unequivocal statement in the complete Bible where Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, himself says that 'I am God' or where he says 'worship me'."
"That's like a really kind of cryptic message for you to be reading as a kid."
"The Bible is not a history book... It's a personal story about you."
"Music has a way, I think everybody can come to their own, and everyone so, and that's sort of what it reflects for me."
"The two witnesses here may symbolize the saints."
"This is a wave that God is sending to the earth."
"If you render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's... it seems to imply that God doesn't need your money."
"History is written by the victors, but what does it really mean?"
"The phrases 'believing in science' and 'believing in God' can have such a variety of meanings that this statement really communicates very little about its users' actual ideas."
"Facts are the world's data. Theories are structures of ideas that explain and interpret facts."
"Philosophy itself is a dynamic and evolving field, characterized by a multitude of perspectives, an ongoing dialogue, and differing interpretations of fundamental questions."
"What makes it so amazing isn't that it's a one-for-one recreation; it's that what Black Mesa ends up being is a distinct version of the experience."
"God wants to bless us; that's the one thing that comes from Romans 8:28."
"The translation of Seraphim quite literally means 'the burning ones.'"
"One death, that's what 1D means. Everyone gets one death."
"As I was going through the background and lyrics, I was struck by how applicable they are today."
"You remember what the story was, the Christianized version is that Joseph of Arimathea used the chalice to collect the blood and water flowing from the side of the supposedly dying body of Christ on the cross. But see, this is where it gets interesting because it's another interpretation about what became of that blood and what the purpose of collecting that blood was."
"There's so much detail that some fringe historians believe the Sayhuite Monolith is a topographic model of the surrounding area."
"Even the simplest, most obvious things are interpretations of the world around us at many different levels of thought and feeling and perception."
"If you're thinking cosmologically, multiple universes is a tenable interpretation."
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it."
"Everything we read into your story...is read as evidence of who you are and what kind of person you are."
"It's totally fine that language is complicated and it's even fine that we have disagreements on what words mean."
"Shakespeare is robust... it's not so fragile and delicate but we have to stage it in this way or that way; it can handle it, it's powerful stuff."
"It's like asking how does a shovel become a murder weapon. When it is used to murder someone, this isn't hard."
"Ask three philosophers what X is and you'll get four different answers."
"Colosseum is a Rorschach test, it's what you make of it."
"Sometimes what appear to be coincidences can actually be miraculous."
"The convergence of so many signs of the times is truly astonishing."
"This is a multi-layered film that combines theology, science, and fantasy with no one definitive interpretation."
"Every one of your dreams is carrying a meaning."
"I suspect I'll be in the minority for praising this film. It will be described as empty, uneventful, meandering. But for some, it will leave a spell. It is a parable, yes, but it is also simply the story of these people and how their lives and existence have suddenly become problematic. We depend on such a superstructure to maintain us that one or two alterations could leave us stranded and wandering through a field, if we are that lucky." - On The Happening
"Some believe they could be signs of something big, maybe even the world's end."
"The darkness in Goya's work reflects a bleak and pitiless view of humanity."
"The Bible...seems strongly to give the impression that I could have done otherwise."
"If you have a recurring dream, it's not just a random occurrence; it's a message, a lesson, or a warning."
"To have a successful democracy, you actually need to have citizens who are good at the art of interpretation."
"Hermeneutics is really the art and science of interpretation...the meaning of a text occurs at a crossing of worlds."
"The fine line you have to walk with being ambiguous is whether it was ambiguous because the person doesn't have the answer or because they want you to ask the question."
"There are multiple interpretations of Mulholland Drive, and as Lynch has remained cryptic whenever pressed for answers, there can be no definitive guide when it comes to explaining all that Mulholland Drive means."
"It's shocking that you can take different types of people, put them in the same room, see the exact same event, and they'll come out of it with completely different understandings."
"If you are inclined to believe that Trump was pushing a quid pro quo, then the transcript certainly does not disabuse you of that notion."
"The symbol of the all-seeing eye is a very ancient symbol...it has a specific meaning and whether or not it was used later by Freemasons or by certain organizations that is quite possible, but we cannot reduce the symbol to its historical contingency."
"You said Jesus was God, so Romans killed God."
"The best thing to do is ask them what is the context. Can you explain to me the specifics that you're talking about that allow you to interpret the passage this way?"
"It's not the stats that make the strategy, but how you use them."
"Does your interpretation remain the same? Or is it now deemed meaningless because the creator had no meaning when creating it?"
"Batman: The Movie is not a satire or parody of Batman. It is a totally legitimate, even great version of these characters."
"It isn't that the Bible is true; it's that the Bible is the precondition for the manifestation of truth."
"Don't obsess over words so much. Find the meaning behind the words, then decide. You can find your own name and your own future."
"Listen, don't obsess over words so much. Find the meaning behind the words, then decide. You can find your own name and your own future."
"Parables are familiar to many people, but not always correctly understood."
"Do you think the Constitution should be used to create new rights? Senator, the Constitution is an enduring document."
"Jesus the stone mason, that really does seem to be the best interpretation of the original text."
"The dictionary has over 40 different definitions of the word 'good,' but number one on the list is moral excellence."
"Remember, history isn't just about facts and dates, but about understanding how the past has influenced our present."
"Just because Genesis 26 refers to Philistines in Canaan, in the biblical sense, that probably doesn't refer to the later sea people that arrived around 1200 BC."
"If that's not a message from above to say that your luck is about to change, then I don't know what is."
"That's the whole point of the will, to bring out the person's intent."
"It's not Beauty that kills the Beast, it's colonialism."
"According to Gerald Holtom, the lines of the symbol represent a dejected man placing their arms out to the side, in a display of weary innocence."
"Saying that this resonates doesn't even do it justice, in my opinion. Created by Sun Yuan and Peng Yu, they named the piece 'Can't Help Myself.' What a masterpiece, what a message. Damn, that's deep as hell, bro."
"Christianity is usually thought of as a religion based on the death and resurrection of Jesus. Well, is that what Jesus' own religion was about? Was that what he was preaching? And if not, then isn't Christianity the religion about Jesus rather than the religion of Jesus?"
"The Islamic State is Islamic. It is rejected by nearly all Muslims. It has an interpretation that I would actually agree is a fringe interpretation and is a death cult."
"The framing of that shot because he's tired of being alone, and he's inside of a tire. That's brilliant."
"The Word of God is only God's word when it is accurately interpreted."
"Could He be saying the storm you think will destroy you is the very thing I will use to strengthen you, to uplift you, to bless you?"
"Joker holds a mirror up to its audience and, as is always true with a well-crafted mirror, what one sees in it remains entirely personal."
"The word fascist basically just means 'bad guy' today."
"Symbolism acts as a kind of pattern of reality."
"David Koresh had written out the interpretation of the first of the seven seals, but there was still a long way to go."
"Wow, the double meaning of 'far' like you don't recognize her but far as in she keeps you far away."
"Some saw the flood as God's tears, the massive amount of water...was the result of God's tears over man's sin."
"Dreams represent the language of the spiritual realm."
"We bring meaning onto things, and that meaning can be very different depending on who is interpreting it."
"The allure of that video is that like we sent a bunch of cartoons to space and aliens interpreted that and made a child's cartoon but it's just like disturbing stuff."
"The risk of having these stories is... it doesn't matter what you look at, it matters what you see."
"The European Union is the beast out of the sea, the beast which St. John saw."
"St. John's description of an image having life and even speaking fits precisely with a vision of video footage."
"It's a Supreme Court whose interpretation of freedom of religion is the freedom to impose religion."
"Is it possible that Isaac knew when he said, 'Father,' like Yeshua said, 'Father,' Isaac wasn't saying 'Father' to Abraham... maybe Isaac's saying 'Father' to God."
"The Bible can be a difficult book to interpret and understand."
"What you find in Bukhari can be not quite what you find in the Quran."
"This is art. It's like an onion because there's layers."
"You always have the power to decide. You always have the power to decide what something means, what to do next."
"Attribute to stupidity virtually everything, and malice virtually nothing."
"It's all open to interpretation, and there's no right or wrong because you're the artist."
"I wouldn't make a blanket statement that religious beliefs are evil, but I would certainly agree that there are evil things in the Bible."
"I love the sound of silence, the electric version from Simon & Garfunkel. It's a really great song. You know, you listen to the lyrics, and I don't think it applies in any way, or for the most part, to today, but it kind of feels like it does."
"It's been going on for ages and it will always continue to go on. It probably won't be blatant, but just the words, it says all you need to say. You know what the undertone of what he's trying to say means, no matter how you try to spin it."
"The lovers kicking it off and the recent past strong connection could be Gemini on your chart, but let's keep going."
"Science can only tell us data, we need to be able to interpret that and for that we need philosophy."
"But there's something actually there, and you allow the audience to figure it out for themselves."
"It's not necessarily about deciphering it. It's about what it means to you."
"I think authors of content should leave their interpretive aspects of their narrative work alone once it goes out into the world for consumption."
"I disagree with the way that interpretation has been interpreted."
"Tradition is the living faith of the dead. Traditionalism is the dead faith of the living."
"Compelling is a useful word when evaluating something as elusive as quality in art. Does it move you in any direction? Did something happen or did it leave you stagnant? No one knows what it means but it's provocative."
"How do you learn how to read them in the right way?"
"There is no right way; music theory is just a way of describing what is there to be used."
"When the TOS is vague then I do have a problem with it because it just leads to a system where it's highly interpretable."
"Read between the lines, nothing is ever obvious."
"The entire story of Christ is told in many ways from the cosmic to the microcosmic."
"There's definitely a lot more behind the actual meanings of these posts and maybe John is actually trying to tell us something."
"Nothing's as black and white, no pun intended there, as it seems."
"Be in awe of the Creator. That's what the true interpretation of fear is."
"Equity does not mean equality; frankly, it can mean quite the difference."
"The open-ended arc... depending on an audience's interpretation of the film."
"This album is about Jays relationship with God not mine not yours, but I do find it best to have a broader understanding of something as important as spirituality before offering these Christianity for dummy like tutorials."
"When God hardens Pharaoh's heart, he's giving Pharaoh the capacity to choose more broadly."
"Theory is thought framework, a means of interpretation, and in this context, a means of predicting sociological trends and interpreting them."
"Choosing a method of constitutional interpretation is also choosing how people will experience the law."