
Writing Quotes

There are 12664 quotes

"Don't worry about becoming a best-selling author. Paradoxically, it's the people who don't try to become best-selling authors and focus on writing the best goddamn book that they can, that wind up as best-selling authors."
"A writer can be paid as much as they want, depending on what they write and how far their writing spreads."
"I'm currently writing book four, but I don't want to be rich or famous or any of that. I just want to keep it a small thing that I'm sharing with you guys."
"You can't edit nothing. You have to put something down that you can edit and then make better."
"Trust the creative spark you're feeling and express it through writing stories that inspire and enlighten."
"Whenever you find yourself using backspace more than twice, there's probably a better way of doing it."
"Humor writing is all about the timing, the pacing, and the music of the words."
"Writing is about exploring the world and the human condition."
"I wrote that piece because I needed a bit of it was during a, you know, intensely sort of healing process. I was really using the tool of writing to help kind of explore my own heart and my feelings."
"These timelines are so confusing; that's just lazy writing."
"Creative writing, whether it is poetry, writing a book, or writing anything, is one of your creative gifts."
"Just move your hand and write the way into your heart."
"I set a goal to write 500 words a day for my book, and I got my book done in two months. Wow."
"Writing inclusivity: Just do it. Write diverse characters, represent diverse groups of people."
"Writing imitates life, so you need to go out and live."
"I think one thing that I've learned throughout my career is that if there's a certain subject or topic that flows naturally out of you as you write, that tends to be your best content."
"Vivec himself was a prolific writer of history, poetry, and philosophy."
"The absolute best part about my job is being able to help others who want to write, who want to recognize and master the intricacies of storytelling."
"Making the ridiculous palatable is the greatest sign of effective organic writing."
"I write about ideas that have molded me; my work is somewhat autobiographical."
"Writing is the foundation of any and all content."
"Writing... creativity is what basically sets us apart from robots and animals in general."
"If you write, you're a writer. And if you wait for perfect, you're hiding."
"Write about your life; that'd be a good thing for you."
"Writing is a protracted form of thinking, and the advantage to writing as thinking is that writing makes you smarter than you are without the paper and pencil or without the computer."
"For me, writing is more fun than talking because you have more control over it."
"The invention of writing by Nilo-Saharan Africans from Nubia would change history considerably and prove the invaluable contributions of Nubians to human civilization."
"The fastest way to clear your head is to get your thoughts out onto paper."
"I love writing so much. For me, it's just like always been my therapy. I just love it."
"Write yourself out of despair. You don't need to be Hemingway to express yourself and find solace in writing."
"Pen in hand, I find my strength, the courage endowed upon me by my one and only love."
"You don't need to feel threatened. You're a great writer."
"I wrote a 40,000 word book simply because I wanted to tell a story with a dragon in it."
"Get your thoughts on paper, make them real, and just write. You don't need to know what you're going to write. Just write your thoughts."
"If you have a book inside you, quit sitting on it. Hatch it."
"Books involve writing, sort of expressing thought... there's a craft there's a certain elegance to good writing."
"My wife, Dr. Carrie Chap, who you've also met, said, 'Don't write unless you have something to say.' And that was the best advice that I ever got."
"Solve some challenges, learn some cool new things, and I'm going to be doing write-ups, of course."
"You are going to make the most money when you write about what you feel, what you have experienced, and what you have been through."
"The cuneiform system of writing developed by the Sumerians is one of the most significant among the many cultural contributions of the Sumerians."
"The increasingly sophisticated system of writing also helped the civilization develop further, facilitating the management of complex commercial, religious, political, and military systems."
"You can't fix something that doesn't exist. If you finish a crappy first draft, guess what? You have something you can work on."
"Writing is thought crystallized on a piece of paper that can then be reviewed."
"Words are the writer’s tools, and seeking to describe the ineffable—to give language to these things, discover the boundaries of their tools—is the writer’s business."
"I wrote 13 novels in 10 years. This was a good strength to me."
"Sanderson's Laws have worked very well for me, in order to help me create the types of magic systems I like to create in books."
"If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that."
"You spend all this time as a writer trying to break in, alone in a room, telling stories and hoping someone will eventually listen."
"Being an impressive writer is different from being an effective writer."
"The hardest section I found to write was the last one... 'What is to be done is always much harder than you know what's wrong.'"
"Most people are really fine speakers; they can say sentences perfectly...if you think about writing as an extension of your voice, it might come way easier to you."
"Writing activities develop skills in organizing thoughts and ideas in a clear and coherent manner."
"You should make sure of the facts before you write something."
"Writing is difficult; it's a skill. You're communicating some story and image that is clear in your head, and you're trying to teleport that image into the heads of maybe thousands of strangers."
"Every book that I write is autobiographical in that every character that I create is a part of me, imagining myself in a world where these real, three-dimensional people live."
"It's very easy to write very complex things... but I love stuff that is simplifying; it makes it much more accessible."
"My dream is to put all together and to make it become like a book, to make myself a kind of modern times Marco Polo."
"I dealt with it so in here for so long. That's why I was a writer."
"I enjoy the process of directing and writing, telling people what we're wanting to do and executing it in a fun way."
"Grant wrote as much as 10,000 words per day... fueled by pure grit, determination, as well as morphine and topical cocaine to dull the pain."
"Those two things exist inside of me, and my attempt to make sense of that apparent contradiction is what makes me a writer."
"Part of the joy of writing is the journey of discovery of yourself and others."
"The strong writing, clever humor, and colorful animation captured the hearts and minds of grown-ups around the globe."
"I taught myself to write by...I picked up a book called The Bonfire of the Vanities and started reading it...I used his book like a textbook."
"If you can feel love and you can put pen to paper, you can write love."
"Writing comes very easily to me. Everything else in the world is tough, but writing, I don't have any problem with that. I can't write fast enough to keep up with the things I want to say."
"The ultimate goal is for you to complete your book so that you can publish it, you can get it out there, you can start making money from it, you can have an impact, and you can have your message be heard."
"If you have a strong enough why, enough reasons to do it, and it's actually real for you, then that will pull you towards writing your book every day and getting it done."
"If you want to bring your characters alive, focus on the dialogue and making your characters speak in a distinctive way."
"I have to feel a personal investment to things that I'm writing. I admire people who don't have to have that personal investment."
"So you get cities and specialists and eventually writing so that you can pass knowledge on to people who aren’t physically present."
"Writing a book is a common example of passive income. You don't get paid for writing the book, but once it's done, it keeps selling."
"The act of writing is like driving at night. You can't see beyond your headlights, but you can make the whole journey that way."
"Rogue Trader is one of the most well-written and immersive 40K games ever created, in my opinion."
"Immortality is kind of hard for writers for several reasons."
"Writing a really kick-ass script... that's how good your script has to be."
"I love re-drafting because of the power it has in terms of improving my work, at least from my POV."
"It's much better to write about something that actually aggravates you or riles you up in a passionate way, something you're really passionate about."
"It's a very, very good time to be a writer, firstly because there's so many unexamined presumptions in our time, and secondly, not many people want to tread on them."
"What I'm taking from this entire conversation is that that second article, the way that that person structured what they were saying about what you said and Time and everything, is how writers should go about writing articles."
"It's like that Hedberg joke: 'If I think of something funny, I write it down. If the pen is too far away, I convince myself it wasn't funny.'"
"All I can do is write about what's truthful to me now."
"Like its predecessor, Portal 2 is superbly written, incredibly well voice-acted, and is built on a solid foundation of puzzles that are challenging enough to keep players hooked, but not so difficult that they’ll rage quit."
"It makes you feel good to the very core of your soul that you wrote something like that."
"Writing books is more like building cabinets. It’s a sort of craft."
"The real craft of writing is limiting yourself and ensuring that the jokes fit with the character arcs and theme."
"That simple exercise of writing a letter...has been shown to improve one's own performance, not just in the immediate term but also in the future."
"Every sentence must move the argument or explanation forward to the conclusion."
"There's only one way to learn how to write an essay, and that's by writing the essay."
"Give your character's plans, give them a history, give them loves and hates; make them feel and make them react."
"If you write...and you would like to be an author, man, that's where to start. Just write."
"Writing doesn't have to be long or complicated to really hit you in the feels; it doesn't have to be overly complex to say a lot."
"Every word has been picked out for a reason and is used for a reason and placed where it is for a reason."
"The Sumerians developed the cuneiform writing with small, wedge-shaped objects and clay tablets to engrave the symbols."
"Your writing is a reflection of your thinking."
"Doom describes himself as a writer, and he's trying to write a classic book that you'll want to recommend to someone."
"Grammatical complexity refers to the type of sentences you're using. You should include both simple and complex sentences in your paragraph."
"Linking phrases are very important to use and they add fluency and cohesion to your writing."
"A lot of writer's block comes from just lacking faith in the stuff you're writing, and the secret is to not give a [___]. Just write whatever garbage comes to mind."
"Reading like a writer means reading to learn, not just reading to be entertained."
"If every author's books followed all of the rules, then we would have very boring books a lot of the time."
"How do you frame contradictions within characters' actions to be a reflection of their complexity rather than an inconsistency? A great question."
"Your book, I could not put it down. It is a masterpiece. You are a brilliant writer."
"The writing in this book is totally unique. There are no other examples of it anywhere."
"There are a lot of people out there that want to write, want to create, and maybe they aren't artists, maybe they aren't painters, maybe they aren't poets, but they still want to create something that feels their own and feels unique and magical."
"I absolutely love writing it. It's probably my favorite thing that I do each week."
"I'm just living life, reading my books, writing my essays, and doing things that enrich me."
"To conclude, sequence and transition words are important because they help you connect your story together."
"'It's been therapeutic to write about it, and actively twist a narrative of pain into something with more hope and even humour.'"
"There are so many great writing things about this narrative: micro stuff, macro stuff, and even some seriously ingenious meta stuff."
"There's nothing better than finding yourself sort of 20 minutes into typing you think, 'Yes, I'm doing it. I'm doing it.'"
"What we were doing really was writing up to our readers."
"I will never kill a dog in a book. That is the Lindsay Ellis promise."
"Great writing happens when the satisfying narrative or emotional moments... are married to their character's capabilities and motivations."
"None of their inventions was more important than writing, which allowed them to record their religious ideas, royal records, kin lists, and bureaucratic records."
"I want to have a book to my name. If it has one star, I'm fine with it."
"The essence of writing is being able to use your imagination to stand in somebody else's shoes and see through their eyes, to engage in this radical act of empathy."
"I write a lot, man. You know, this is like my thing. Writing is my thing, so I just try to log interesting experiences, ideas, struggles, etc., that I'm having during the course of the day."
"He wrote several books without getting published and he kept going, and that type of perseverance had a profound impact on me."
"The emergence of writing appears to have been the consequence of a long period of development."
"My name is Jinx, please, I'm an activist writer."
"I was just typing up random words that came to my head. It was literally stream of consciousness writing."
"A blank document with the little blinking line is intimidating to me, but a blank page in a journal is incredibly inviting."
"Physically writing slows your thoughts down and helps you to process things a little bit more."
"Stories are made up of these three things: plot, character, and setting."
"The skill of a writer is what readers and editors are looking for."
"When bad things happen to writers, it's all just material."
"You are obligated to write... if you have experienced something in life that you owe the next generation."
"Write your conviction... it will make you stay true to the project."
"Writing is the most powerful act you can perform to guarantee life after death."
"If you don't write, somebody else will write for you, and they will not write the truth."
"It's not the writing that I care about, it's fantasizing about a better world than this one."
"Writing is fractal. Once you understand how something works at one length, you can actually apply it to other lengths, as long as you understand the principles that are involved."
"The reason you're learning to write is because there's no difference between writing and thinking, and the reason you're learning to think is so that you don't die or end up in Hell."
"You can actually just make something really funny and write it well, and that would be successful."
"It's really all on the writing and delivery as far as, you know, content like this goes."
"Do one line. The whole point of that is, of course, when you sit down, you never do just one line."
"Think yourself empty, read yourself full, write yourself clear, pray yourself hot, and be yourself but forget yourself."
"Joe Moringa has a very heavy task to fulfill, which is to put into orderly words and do it well, which she has done."
"There's just something that's extra satisfying about writing things down yourself."
"I would want to do something with writing, you know, growing up I wanted to be a sketch comedian, or a short story writer, or a screenwriter, or anything like that."
"Me, adding 'nevertheless' in my essay for a little razzle dazzle."
"Write things down. When you write things down, you are detached from them. You can see other perspectives."
"I decided that one day I would write something that would make little girls like me feel less alone."
"In the early 19th century, archaeologists began to find the remnants of ancient Sumer. This lost civilization contained many ancient documents and is probably the birthplace of writing."
"To be a writer is to be able to deal with solitude and indeed, you must have solitude."
"Being flexible and adaptive as a writer is extremely important and criminally underrated."
"I actually do a lot of different things for a living, so that's a hard question to answer, but predominantly, I'm a writer."
"The beauty about the writing around Marla is that she is so viscerally unlikable. That's what makes at least the components about her so genius."
"Sometimes you'll be reading a manuscript, and the same word will occur three times within a couple of lines, and the scribe will spell the same word three different ways."
"Being a good liar makes you a good writer because when you're a writer and you write for other people, you need to tap into their stories. You need to convey a story that you might not even feel or agree with."
"The hardest aspect about writing the scripts is sometimes... the most successful videos are the ones that are based on stories and experiences."
"All I ever wanted to be was a novelist. That was my only ambition."
"I've always loved writing. Most of my short stories nobody reads, but I write for myself."
"If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better."
"It's better for those words to be on paper than ricocheting inside your mind."
"I'm gonna write the book that I needed...I want it to be really comprehensive and helpful."
"Writers are entitled to nothing. They should strive to earn their audience's attention, not expect it."
"You express your emotions best through writing."
"Bojack Horseman is one of the best, if not the best written cartoon currently on television."
"The writers wanted to be the last airbender."
"Organization is very important in a paper because it helps the reader follow the writer's train of thought."
"Just from writing 10 hours a day, writing blogs, ebooks, product descriptions."
"Write your video like it's the greatest story you've ever told. Don't just build it as a piece of information. Think like, introduction and then body and then like conclusion."
"I think the retirement for me would be writing because when you're not doing it for the money and the page views, that's when the gold comes out."
"Your conclusion is the last chance you have to make a good impression. Don't make mistakes in the conclusion because that's the last thing that will stick in their grader's mind."
"A truly effective twist is prepared with appropriate foreshadowing."
"My whole point in writing the book was there needs to be a prosecution."
"Allow yourself to write badly. Write a bad, bad, bad first draft and then edit it."
"I'm working on a graphic novel that's post-apocalyptic, a world retaken by dinosaurs."
"I was feel like I was writing The Sweet Spot."
"It would be a great idea for a book, and that's where it came from really."
"These arcs are frameworks that can set you on the right track to create emotionally resonant characters and stories."
"The human is really this his letters his letters I think are along with the the four Gospels the most influential the most impactful the most revolutionary writings that have emerged."
"There are also some sentences which, you know, they can read fine when you're doing it in your head but when you read them out loud, they just sound super awkward."
"Don't be worried about creating the best possible blog post the first time you ever write anything."
"Writers should think about the context of what they're writing."
"Your writing will be a record of your time, but more importantly, if you're honest about who you are, you'll help that person be less lonely in their world."
"She found herself again engrossed in writing."
"Writing my book has been my biggest therapy."
"He published his first story at the age of 13 in his high school newspaper."
"Writing is hard work, but it's not as hard as doing neither because then you're a mess, you're anxious and without purpose."
"Each word starts to matter because your life depends on it."
"Rusher authored over 100 books and 400 articles... leaving behind a rich Legacy of intellectual contribution."
"Structure your letter correctly: follow the format. Address, opening sentence, paragraphs, closing sentence, signature."
"Writing a book is really difficult, but if you put in the time and dedication, you can do it."
"A gentleman often endeavors to make sure that his handwriting is as clear and beautiful as the ideas he's attempting to put on the page."
"I want a piece of me to live on past me, and I think writing and having a published novel would be amazing."
"Writers have to be observers first, and you only get to a place where you can write about things when you studied it long enough."
"Sometimes the best inspiration that a writer can get is from learning how their favorite stories came to be."
"Write about what you are interested in, if you're really interested and excited about it then you can make it exciting for other people too."
"Writing allows you to escape, create your own reality. Writing is WandaVision."
"Writing this book was a welcome distraction, a way to put all of these emotions into something that could help other people."
"If I can write about it, it'll be okay. If I can write about it, it will be just fine."
"Journaling can really, really be your secret weapon."
"Writing through a lens means that I'm going to write about the concept of how I feel through the lens of an object."
"Writing is like magic man. I'm pretty passionate about this."
"He wrote it in a really compact way that's easy to read. That's super helpful."
"Writing is a personal way to get in touch with yourself."
"Just push through it. Once you start, once you pick up the pen, it'll get so much easier."