
Quick Thinking Quotes

There are 264 quotes

"Griffin did what of course any perfectly normal ten-year-old kid would do: he grabbed control of the car and safely executed a maneuver where he put the car through oncoming traffic into the side of the road, saving the lives of his great-grandmother, his four-year-old brother, and all the other drivers on the road."
Gabe Zimmerman
"Fortunately, Third Wudang reacted quickly to save the blacksmith by kicking tiles at the Sand Sea sect members, defeating them easily."
"The officer is able to throw something over the two deer, and what he does next is incredible."
"Quick thinking, the rider used his bicycle to make himself appear larger and shouted, which was enough to actually scare off the bear."
"Comedy you have to have chops, which is like, everybody can write a joke and tell a joke, but you got to be able to be quick on your feet."
"Leon finally chooses to attack at the moment when the slimes are charging their attack thanks to that vision and the foot handling technique he manages to finish off many slimes in a moment almost unintentionally."
"Peter Parker fans love him... he's quick on his toes... uses his intelligence combined with a spider sense... to get the situation to bend to his favor."
"Now is the time to think smart, think on your feet, doesn't matter what you do."
"Joseph's quick thinking really did see everything I love that."
"This constant chaotic whirlwind of emotions happening in our brain instantly, that all I just said could happen in a minute."
"Trust yourself and think quick on your feet."
"Using some quick thinking, Sooyin wrapped a metal breastplate directly around the combustion bender's head at the last second causing Pulley to blow herself up."
"That's the beautiful thing about compound interest."
"Fortunately, the captain of this boat really put his foot on the gas and everybody on board escaped uninjured."
"Take the sword, go into the house, grab anything else important from the trunk, go to the castle, hurry."
"Two plus two is four minus one, that's three, that's some quick math."
"Adaptability and quick decision-making are crucial for success in the race."
"These two Brave and quick thinking kayakers rescued a distressed moose calf from drowning after watching it fall from the Steep Mountain into the cold water."
"If Nick hadn't had such quick reflexes, the date would have been doomed; but he has some tricks up his sleeve and he's a great cook."
"Television taught me how to think on my feet because you've got really tight schedules."
"Scattergories: Think fast and get creative with categories and letters!"
"Many more people would have died last night if not for a responsible armed citizen that took action very quickly."
"He's saving scout well done mr snowman and nice quick thinking buster."
"Punch me, I might have to make a break for it."
"The crew's personas are immensely entertaining. Makoto's got an honest, oddly innocent understated charisma about him. Laurent's charisma is very much overstated. Abby seems to prefer thinking on her feet to thinking ahead."
"Take a look at how an honorable stranger saves a blind man from walking straight into an oncoming train."
"Everyone can learn from Megan McKernan's quick thinking and amazing recall. Leave pieces and parts of whatever you can behind."
"Tristan quickly moved his Tesla to block traffic and protect the woman from getting run over."
"Crest swiftly concocted an antidote on the spot and administered it to the girl, instructing her to drink it for relief."
"The cabin crew had also made split-second decisions that helped save lives."
"It's about survival and you know that was the only way I actually got to survive with John Wall because of that, you know, I had to think fast."
"You gotta be able to make good decisions, you gotta make fast decisions."
"You've got to think on your feet when it comes to medical situations."
"Wow, Justin was able to solve that one so quick."
"That African brother did what he had to do to get that glue out."
"Good work, Bobby! His quick reactions and clever idea saved his store from being robbed."
"People will definitely hesitate for a few seconds, so you have enough time to go in there and shoot the bad guys."
"I'm really impressed with your leadership skills and the way you can think on the fly."
"Indy's always been demonstrated as being a character capable of thinking of clever Solutions on his feet."
"Don't get tunnel vision. Scan for important moves quickly. Trust yourself and keep the game moving."
"I'm just so much more calm... I can think on my feet a lot quicker."
"How to survive a grenade: pick it up off the fucking ground and throw it back."
"My mom must have been thinking the same thing and stopped very abruptly and said to the man that she had forgotten something inside the theater and very firmly and quickly led me back into the movies and into the woman's bathroom."
"Quick thinking and adaptability are keys to success in any endeavor."
"For quickly sorting this bizarre mess out, we unlock the next achievement, 'The Superhuman Gambit.'"
"Trapped on an island. What do you bring? Boat. Yes."
"He's high octane, he reads books, his mind works really fast."
"He processes things at such a fast speed."
"Brayden from Alpha Sigma comes over with a wrinkled-up shirt and tie for your sorority formal... Spritz, spritz, fashion faux pas averted."
"Stephanie's Robin persona was marked by her ability to think on her feet, employing clever strategies and relying on her detective skills to outsmart her adversaries."
"Her tenacity and quick thinking earn her Batman's grudge and respect."
"Well played, this was honestly the best quick thinking I’ve heard in a long time."
"I appreciated training because you learn to think real fast."
"Thinking fast, the clerk provided the woman with her own phone to call 911."
"What a twist! That's quick thinking on his end, I love that. Very sharp."
"The purpose really is to kind of see how you think on your feet."
"Thankfully, Michael was fast. He grabbed the missile and prevented a big explosion, saving all the people inside."
"The good thing about street photography is it teaches you to think on your feet very quickly."
"You're quick to think but not quick to act."
"My response was Oh you mean this and gave them the map immediate settlement."
Put the flaps out. The captain had the presence of mind, for instance, just before they were about to land, a couple of hundred feet in the air, to turn to the first officer and ask, "Got any ideas?"
"I ain't going to lie that's actually super quick thinking."
"The fast-thinking doctor had just saved an endangered species' life."
"Their rapid thinking and resolute determination served as the lifeline."
"Her swift thinking likely played a crucial role in saving both her life and the life of another person."
"His speed of thought is spectacular."
"The ability to escape swiftly could mean the difference between life and death."
"...you have to manufacture that energy and that tempo may be somewhat quick thinking can do in that little pool."
"You're a quick thinker, quick on your feet, and people find that fascinating."
"The reporter managed to stop the debris with his hands and saved himself from a horrible accident captured on live TV."
"Fado's quick thinking actions ultimately saved the victim's life."
"I love that guy, he's one of the fastest minds."
"One shot. No one wants to hear that, I know, but if your brain works that quickly that you can tell yourself that the threat is stopped, and you can stop shooting, that is grand."
"Charlie has the best 30-second mind in the world. He goes from A to Z in one move. He sees the essence of everything before you can even finish the sentence."
"The kid's right. I may have used my wings to blow him away, pun intended, but his quick thinking bought me the time to pull them both to safety."
"Mari's quick thinking then allowed Shinji to travel into minus space without being lost indefinitely."
"It's that quick thinking, that adaptability that makes you guys what you are."
"He has the quickest mind of anybody, and I mean anybody, I have ever met."
"This is also the story of how experience and quick thinking can be the difference between life and death."
"'He's an ideas man, you know. He's being presented with a scenario that he probably hasn't been in before, but he's fast on his feet and he's got ideas, you know?'"
"I'll tell you what, when someone's shouting questions at you and you've got to answer quick, it is genuinely more difficult."
"You're very witty and quick. Your mind's very quick."
"He agreed to go to the Senate meeting. Decimus's quick thinking had just saved the conspiracy."
"You have to be ready to handle that situation in the moment and get yourself out of it."
"quick thinking there by the new player just put the ball down and got on with it"
"With a garden hose in hand, lifted the ridge capping off and shoved the hose in to stop the fire."
"These people are screwed unless they think fast."
"That was quick thinking, brilliant. He's just astounding. Perfection from head to toe."
"I loved it, I loved that they just got the riddles instantly no matter how far-fetched how crazy they were."
"A 9-year-old boy's quick thinking may have saved a three-year-old boy from drowning."
"The Mossad had to think fast on their feet."
"A hero emerged, a quick-thinking delivery driver acting as a guardian angel."
"You have to be able to think on your feet quickly to solve a problem quickly."
"Quick-witted women tend to be intelligent."
"Leadership accidents are hard to fix, but those that are fought upon with difficulty are remedied if you use your head quickly."
"I love how she actually has to think of a lie in order to get out of that situation"
"I looked over and there was like nobody checking out so it was my opportunity to get to the jewelry so I snagged some pieces really quick."
"Sullenberger's quick thinking made sure the plane's complex computer system kept working."
"Quick thinking may have saved many children."
"Blasting that sub with snack items was quick thinking."
"Nicole saw that the hiker's injuries were potentially life-threatening and immediately called 911."
"Good thinking good quick thinking with the board right."
"The thing about this job is that it's important for you to be able to think on your feet."
"How was I able to process that entire scenario in less than a second and make a decision?"
"Yoda didn't push Obi-Wan and Anakin away from the falling pillar because he was focused on stopping the whole thing from landing on them. Split-second decisions, you know?"
"He remained incredibly calm throughout the attempted carjacking. His awareness of the situation and quick thinking ultimately kept him out of harm's way."
"Quick thinking and tactical fighting can even the odds against even the strongest."
"I did that math quick in my head."
"If I can come up with a witty comeback to somebody, I will do it in a heartbeat."
"That was brilliant because Liv takes Jade off and then within five seconds, Bailey works so quickly and drop kicks her off. You only had five seconds to process the final two before Bailey just kicked her off. Yeah, she won and I'm like, holy [ __ ]."
"If you're gonna be a true Archer, you have to be able to make quick decisions when it counts."
"I love characters that have to like think on their feet."
"Lisa saved everybody's life because if she didn't make that turn, then everybody would have got killed."
"I froze and said the first thing that came to my mind after looking around for a second."
"One of the responding officers was so touched by Elsa's quick thinking that he got his department to team up with his brother's small business to give her a very healthy college scholarship to commend her for her bravery."
"A quick thinking crew can outwit disaster and find a way to save lives."
"The actor's quick thinking allowed his co-star to escape a potentially fatal lion attack."
"We want to try to get them to make what we call 0.5 decisions."
"Anytime a fake punt happens successfully, they should run a hurry-up on the next play... immediately after the play, that should always be a twofer."
"...within seconds they evaluate, situation and they know what's going on."
"Good on OP for acting so quick and saving those kids' lives."
"Naomi is smart, she thinks really well on her feet, she's able to piece things together."
"One of his Oxford friends says he's got a mind like a machine gun."
"Police have no doubt that if it hadn't been for Katie's quick thinking and courage, the killings would have continued."
"Jesse's quick and decisive action helped prevent a disaster."
"You have to be quick on your feet and decisive in your decision making."
"Whatever the case, it's safe to say that without the smart thinking and quick action from the school's staff, this fire could have been much worse."
"We'll just have to give her the kiss of life," she said.
"Just making quick decisions, it's exactly what he does."
"My girlfriend's quick thinking saved my life that day."
"There was a young person of Smyrna, whose grandmother threatened to burn her. But she seized on the cat, and said, 'Granny, burn that! You incongruous old woman of Smyrna.'"
"Men of action must step in, not only think quickly but act quickly."
"The actions I'd taken were a result of logic and quick thinking."
"He's brilliant, he was great, thinks on his feet."
"Look at him go. He's saving Scout. Well done, Mr. Snowman, and nice quick thinking, Buster."
"She had the presence of mind to run; she was really brave."
"He could shoot quick but he could think faster."
"That is some top tier improvisation."
"You have to be able to think quickly on your feet."
"He assessed the situation super quickly."
"We met in a pub, had a drink, that was quick thinking."
"The cows trapped behind the fence escaped thanks to Andrew's heroic actions."
"I'm really lucky that I was able to think on my feet because, thankfully, that may have saved my life."
"I became more grateful for her quick-witted reaction, saving me from being kidnapped or worse."
"She had kicked the cart to save a child from getting hurt."
"She survived because of her quick thinking and quick action."
"Quick passing, quick decisions, that's the key to victory."
"He was smart enough to think on his feet."
"We had to learn how to be cool when we needed to be, we had to learn how to really control our emotions and think quickly on our feet."
"She's smart, resourceful, more than capable in a fight, and quick on the draw."
"Ashwini nakshatra people have a natural tendency to quickly come up with solutions to problems."
"In a very short timeframe, the fate of the world was saved by Petrov's quick thinking."
"It was a moment for swift thinking, and it is at such moments that Bertram Wooster is at his best."
"Thinking on her feet, Cara cuts through the forest and wins the match."
"It's all about thinking on your feet."
"Sometimes great minds think alike; if you're quicker in life, you get ahead."
"That was quick thinking on Touru's part!"
"He's absolutely amazing on the mic, the way he thinks so fast and keeps up with things."
"That's a really excellent heads-up play here."
"With their perseverance and quick improvisation, everyone made it home safe."
"Thinking fast, Eric quickly carves a long path across the field to keep the fire from spreading."
"I knew I had to think fast and jump on this trend before it became common."
"This is a pretty gutsy move by Allen because this guy's blitzing full speed at him and can take a shot at him, he knows he's got to get it out quick, but he still pulls it and delivers it right where it needs to be to pick up the first down."
"When you struggle with an addiction, you must develop the ability to think quickly and to get yourself out of a bind because that's what you need to do if you're going to survive."
"This young lady is a hero to have the presence of mind to activate a video system on this phone."
"We were able to get everyone inside the walk-in cooler, and that's how we were able to keep all of the people who were working there and any customer safe during this."
"It's really good to do because what it does is it teaches you how to draw quickly but also, more importantly, it teaches you how to think."
"Without Django's quick thinking and fast acting, Darrell and Coby would not have made it out alive."
"Well done to the other cop though, quick thinking, he saved his life."
"He's a very powerful and amiable younger brother, darling, spirited and quick thinking."
"He has pentapox, sir," Katara hurriedly explained. "Um… it's highly contagious."
"You're gonna see that it's needed and it's someone who sort of thinks on their feet."
"I'll forever be grateful for the oldest child's quick thinking which likely saved not only my life but every one of the kids."
"Her courage and quick thinking may have saved her life."
"Bai explains that if it weren't for his quick reaction, the explosion would have been strong enough to send them both to the underworld."
"You're lucky your friend Jacob has a quick mind."
"Fortunately, he had the presence of mind to throttle back and put the airplane back on the ground."
"I thought very fast and even though my adrenaline was sky-high, I did snap a picture of this exact moment."
"I knew I needed to get us out of there."
"You have to think fast and you have to be very tactical in your thinking, it just comes down to basically public safety, there has to be people that are willing to do things and to put themselves in harm's way to basically protect society."
"Good catch, my taxi is arriving, and we're going for afternoon tea because we're British."
"She calmed me down and applauded my quick thinking on shutting the door."
"That's quick thinking on your part."
"I was absolutely terrified but thankfully she was quick on the uptake and locked the doors."
"What a play by Ray Knight, he throws in the same motion."
"My girlfriend's quick thinking saved my life."
"He's a great leader, sharp, thinks quick on his feet."
"Witty when someone is witty, they are able to think of funny things very quickly."
"Now that's what you call a quick reflex."
"Don't worry," Warden said Tara, a hint of a smile on her small lips. "Give me a couple of seconds."
"The water was moving fast, so I pointed my feet downstream to make sure I didn't crack my head open on a rock."
"The seventh grader took the wheel and was able to steer the bus to safety, keeping those on the road, and his fifteen other fellow students, free from harm."
"I got my three kids and we bounced out. We ain't gonna be in no fire. Not today."
"That's part of his genius, being able to think on his feet."
"The pressure of answering questions in the glare of the spotlight with precious little time to think."
"The victim remembered from a previous visit to the gas station that its door locked from the inside, so she fled there for safety."
"I ran for some wooden stairs and shouted, 'Switch off the electricity!' and for a minute, I was no longer playing a superhero; I was one, and I'd saved the day."
"Because of your quick reaction, you saved Peter's life."
"That was all Bobby Hebert right there, nice read by Hebert, he saw the blitz coming."
"That's what we need, a president that can think on his feet."