
Overcoming Challenges Quotes

There are 3231 quotes

"Every time you fight off an urge and you don't go back to that thing that had negative consequences on your life or your soul, you get bigger, and those urges get smaller."
"Believing in our internal locus of control, the power within us to affect change in our lives, is a fundamental step towards overcoming challenges and embracing a fulfilling life."
"The process of overcoming is the process of becoming."
"Massive action is the key to overcoming the challenges and obstacles in your life."
"You overcame them because you saw things from every angle, you understood them for what they really were, because you kept moving forward, no matter how uncertain the path you were on or how unexpected it became. You found your way."
"What matters in the end is not the fall, but the ability to rise after it."
"Right when we're about to give up is usually when we're about to turn a corner."
"You know, a win is a win no matter how you get it done, but it just shows the resiliency that we have for sure."
"I've really struggled on offense during this second half with Ohio State, but it's not going to matter because Will Howard just ended it."
"Despite the odds, if you work hard and believe in yourself, you can overcome anything."
"He'd feel pain but he'd work through it, he'd feel tired but he'd work through it."
"Sonic didn't escape the trap because he got lucky. When backed into an impossible death trap, his resolve to never give up is what saved the day."
"On the other side of pain...you get introduced to your other self."
"The mess you have in your life, the things you are most ashamed of and embarrassed by that you think are the most insignificant that disqualify you the most are probably the very things that will qualify you to connect with another human being in your business or your personal life to change their life."
"The end of the tough cycle approaches. It just lets you know that if you're going through a challenging time, a confusing time, the end is near. You're going to get through it, and things will improve."
"Overcome your challenges. Overcoming things from your past is very cool."
"For whatever is born of God overcomes the world."
"Everything you face, you have the grace to overcome."
"I just want to say I'm thankful... for everything... they helped me with, my parents, siblings for supporting me through this hard time in my life."
"Humanity over and over again has overcome immense obstacles."
"No matter what the issue is, with great friends, sometimes a drink to share, and the willingness to move forward, no hill is too hard to climb."
"We can overcome the deadly virus, we can reward work, and rebuild the middle class and make healthcare secure for all."
"Embrace the growth, don't run away from it, don't feel defeated by it; you will overcome this, whatever you're going through."
"I genuinely feel so much stronger and just ready to take on this year because of what I went through and what I overcame."
"You will trump over all obstacles and this is the time now for action."
"You've been through hell because you hung on in there, and you were persistent."
"So, whatever external limitation it is, I believe God is going to use it in your life to reveal to you an internal grace that is greater than the external limitation."
"I've learned through the last four years is that you can do hard things and you can do crazy insane things that you never thought were possible. You can achieve your wildest dreams."
"I think the best way to overcome it is to recognize it in yourself and to do everything possible to constrain it."
"If Tony can overcome the messages that he's been told his entire life... if he can push himself, if he can pick himself back up and say, 'Now I can do this,' you really don't have any excuse whatsoever."
"There is only one intelligence, one mind in all creation, and everyone is a part of it."
"There's just no greater high than when you actually go through a trial and you win."
"What do you do when it all seems impossible? You might be going through something right now... You can be frustrated but you cannot quit because quitting is the only way to guarantee failure."
"The goal of the individual Magus is the overcoming of all taboos, oppositions, and dualities."
"Stay strong, we're in this together, and we'll beat this thing."
"Knock me down and I'll just come back stronger, underling uses their tenacity to overcome tragedy."
"You put Carpe against the wall, he finds the way to knock you down."
"I want to help anyone get over all the hurt that I have come over, to get over all of the self-doubt, the insecurities."
"You are very powerful no matter what comes your way; you have the capacity to pull yourself up and out of that."
"Our greatest sports moments are not about two colossal forces joining forces; it's about one force overcoming another."
"Everything will be all right. You'll definitely overcome this."
"This road to where we are now has been more of a challenge, which means you have to overcome more, which means it kind of means a little bit more."
"The ease is much bigger than the difficulty."
"We're all in this together; we'll beat this thing."
"Comfort isn't worthwhile, but there's joy in overcoming difficult situations."
"The hand of God shall arise for your sake, and every challenge you are facing shall become mighty testimonies in the name of Jesus."
"By doing the hard things and overcoming the hard things, you gain the confidence that you can overcome the hard things, and the things that come your way from that point forward are no longer perceived as hard."
"I never let myself get to that type of nature again, and ever since then, I had inner peace with myself and was able to live a normal life."
"You don't drown by falling into the water; you drown by staying there."
"If we all play our part, then we can give ourselves the best possible chance in this race, get through this winter, and enjoy Christmas with our loved ones."
"Don't quit. Your hard work, the effort you're putting to overcome a challenge, will pay off."
"If you want to master something, if you're really committed to it, you push past the resistance, and that's actually where you become the best in the world."
"The themes: hope and finding purpose to overcome discrimination and trials and tribulations through inner strength for loved ones."
"Having that shared mission and that sense of purpose, I'd say, made it possible to get through the production hell."
"The power of friendship... can overcome anything."
"We have to be sharpened by the Lord and learn to recognize the work of the enemy and how to triumph over his attacks against the mind."
"Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds."
"Your success and your beauty astound me. You're so incredible, and the way that you keep overcoming your challenges is incredible."
"The most common theme... is 'How do I overcome procrastination, fear, and anxiety?' My answer is like, well, you got to know what motivates you."
"The key to getting over challenge is remembering the amazing feeling that that thing is going to give you, having that passion."
"One of Satan's greatest lies is that men and women cannot change."
"The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning."
"When you're digging to find your true self and get through issues, it may help you overcome not only relationship things but other things in your life that you may have had to overcome."
"Ordinary people faced with extraordinary circumstances who rose to the occasion and triumphed against the odds by their own force of will or because they had no other choice."
"The solution is not to endure shit. If you're going through a struggle or a pain, the solution is to overcome, to solve."
"Experience victory over the very thing that thought it would hold us down."
"Overcoming difficulty builds confidence, perseverance, it builds your self-efficacy, and gives you proof that you can overcome whatever the universe has placed in front of you."
"Life will beat you down every step of the way... but if this is together, you'll triumph everything."
"It's an amazing feeling to not have these demons... we use them and channel that energy in a more positive way."
"I went from being someone who was incredibly insecure and basically a failure to someone who was really successful at this one thing that was very dangerous that other people were scared of, and that gave me immense confidence."
"God has promised to provide the tools we need to overcome every fear, every failure, every temptation."
"Steady improvement is the name of the game. One of these days, we will beat it."
"The most empowering thing is meeting someone else who's gone through something difficult and you see that there's a light at the end of the tunnel."
"If we stick together, we'll beat it for sure."
"It's pleasure in what the pain brings you in terms of satisfaction, meaning, joy, and finding new challenges."
"When your spirit abides in us, when your spirit leads us, the impossible becomes possible."
"Daniel Bryan overcame the odds not just on this night but over his entire WWE run."
"Go all in, burn the boats. There's no going back because when you've got one foot in the door, one foot out the door, as soon as you hit that stress level, as soon as you make that first mistake, as soon as you hit that hiccup because there's gonna be challenges, there always are. Then if you've got one foot in, one foot out the door, you're gonna leave."
"We will unquestionably overcome this, but it will take time."
"And then I'm like, but you know what? If I get through this, I'll have a story to tell."
"The beast will not destroy us. We can control the beast."
"It might be a painful decision, but I know you guys will be able to overcome it."
"I don't want Monokuma to win. We're going to win. Our hope is going to end this game of despair."
"Only genius can overcome nature, and only hope can overcome despair."
"Susan is determined to put her hoarding behind her."
"Overcoming adversity is also a big thing right now."
"You could dwell on it, or you could overcome it."
"No matter how hard life knocks us down, you can always find the strength to get back up."
"If you can learn from those things, and you could build enough resilience, grit, fortitude, determination, and discipline to continue moving forward when things get really hard, you can't really be messed with."
"Countries should prioritize efforts to increase trust in government and public health, improve public health communication efforts, increase the resiliency of populations to misleading information, and reduce the spread of harmful misinformation."
"You can have tremendous problems and very real obstacles that you're facing, and you can have a mindset that says, through my efforts, my attitude, I can have an impact on the situation that I'm in."
"Storytelling is all about characters overcoming flaws and their internal demons."
"There's no reason to be scared because the whole reason Watchtower is doing this is because they're desperate because they are fighting a losing battle and all they have is hot air."
"It's gonna be okay. You're gonna get over it, you're gonna learn from it, and you're gonna grow."
"Sometimes climbing over problems is how you need to fix them."
"By the blood of the Lamb and by the word of your testimony, you truly have overcome."
"If I can overcome my challenges and do it with joy, with positivity, with God on my side, then you can too."
"The armies that you see today, you will see no more."
"Abush: The Ethiopian boy with rare blue eyes."
"Abdul Rashid and Shaab Ahmed: The solar kids defying the night."
"Muhammad: Overcoming challenges with the world's largest hands."
"Shiloh Pepin: The mermaid girl who defied all odds."
"You've got nothing to lose except your discomfort."
"We are built to overcome any obstacle in our life."
"If we follow this prescription, we will overcome the coronavirus."
"It's us showing up and doing the impossible because there's no other option."
"Sitting at the table, all of you inspire me to better myself. Just a year ago, I had the biggest victim mentality and it wasn't until this past summer when I turned 25 that I had to make a choice, and I choose to thrive."
"What makes me happy is to see people overcome adversity, to grow, to find a good place in life."
"You took several years of [ __ ] beatings and yet you thrived."
"Don't be intimidated by the spiritual bullies around you. You are complete and righteous in Jesus Christ."
"Anything that has a form can be named, and anything that has a name can be conquered."
"Fears had their chance but failed; they were champions and their feats are the stuff of legend."
"Tell me about a time when you overcame a challenge at work."
"Facing those challenges is one thing, but how you overcome them transforms you into the most powerful energy."
"Your destiny is going to be big. You're going to be known for your ability to overcome challenges."
"But if there's anyone who can achieve anything Against All Odds it's Elon Musk."
"When you deal with spiritual dryness properly, you don't just get back on track. When you do get back on track, you find yourself far down the path, far further ahead, far humbler, far happier, far stronger than you were before."
"You can overcome some incredible barriers and challenges in your life and you can come out the other side and actually turn it into something that makes you a better person."
"Little Hulk Lee Liston showed us that it is possible."
"It's the challenges in life that make you grow... later you can look back and say, you know, I got through that."
"She's done it! 19 deaths and three hours of playtime, and she surpassed all expectations, defeating the Taurus Demon under the watchful gaze of the sun!"
"This is not a sad story; this is a story of victory and overcoming crazy demons."
"You had to be very smart about this, but you got through it."
"I love representing people that are in times where they just feel lost and don't know what to do and feel like they're David against Goliath."
"The power of the human will is superior to any system."
"Against all odds, you can defeat your Goliath."
"In the middle of your challenge, Jesus Christ remains king."
"It does not have to be the death knell of your marriage."
"It just feels good that despite all of this and the difficulties, you end up with your nose above the finish line."
"I shared my powers so that we can defeat the darkness together."
"We do not give in to fear. We pull together, we persevere, and we overcome."
"This will pass through, and we're gonna be even stronger for it."
"Relentlessness to accomplish the impossible makes it possible."
"I'm really happy because I'm not lazy... I have a genuine reason as to why I felt that way."
"Show that your weakness is something you've worked to overcome."
"You're heading towards success, breaking through any restrictions."
"It will require a lot of patience, Scorpio, but you have the nerve and the resilience to go the distance."
"The places where you have your biggest challenges are the places where you have the most to give."
"They're going to win this thing because they're together and what they're going to win is otherwise impossible to win and it's a certainty."
"They managed to pull through, and I think everyone could see."
"With a vision, every challenge is a step to success."
"We needed this. We needed to see the light at the end of the tunnel."
"Champions see obstacles, they overcome."
"The best feeling ever is when you can stop this from happening."
"They're a true inspiration reminding everyone that they can overcome any challenge they face."
"I am a world champion. I've done it against all odds."
"He has to be able to take that experience for what it is and put it into perspective and move past it."
"Can we turn a phantom pain into a new source of strength?"
"At 99 of successes, failure. The fact that you've came from drug abuse, suicidal thoughts, losing your dad..."
"Swamishri's love and care for people always prevailed over the challenges and difficulties."
"I think when you don't have an option that's when you like really like that's when you do stuff man we had to put our nose to the grindstone and and [ __ ] get it done and that's what we did God damn that time so happy we're out of that now."
"It wasn't done by smoking mirrors... it was done by unbelievably hard work."
"I did not allow that situation to define me."
"When you hit walls, challenges, obstacles, things that are mentally tough, just breathe through it."
"Every storm has an end and with it comes a promise of a fresh start. The skies clear, the sun shines, and the world appears rejuvenated."
"There's no challenge too big for you to overcome, trust in my plan for your life."
"He will give me the strength that I need to overcome every challenge."
"You're gonna need to walk into the void to create the change that you desire."
"You've overcome the enemy, you've overcome the world."
"To see him constantly turning straw into gold is inspiring."
"Transformation comes through self-renewal and overcoming opposition."
"I'm not a politician. I'm a mill worker's son who dares to defy the odds."
"Use your challenges and struggles to show how you've grown."
"The greatest form of success is the ability to overcome one's darkness."
"Our faith is the victory that overcomes the world."
"All these stories are obligated to end happily with the couple being madly in love and having defeated all of the obstacles in their way."
"My path from that early age on, I knew that I was different, and my parents said just because you're different, you're going to have to do better than everyone else to be considered equal."
"You always come through them you always come out the other side."
"No matter what, anything has been thrown at you, you have been able to overcome."
"Listen, as an older nigga who has overcome his inner ho, let me just tell you man, that man out here, man, they gotta learn how to overcome inner ho."
"The power of love over fear, the power of love over all kinds of dramas or travails that you might have in your life." - Alfred Molina
"You're triumphing over this challenging problem, you are winning."
"If I will do the difficult, God will do the impossible."
"You are summoning the spiritual fortitude to tackle an issue which has previously held you back."
"The spirit of never admitting defeat is our source of strength in overcoming all difficulties."
"Rise above challenges for a rewarding opportunity."
"The American people are ready to rise to the occasion once again... Americans can defeat any Challenger."
"Don't quit because the only reason I didn't blow up before was not just 'cause I kept quitting."
"It's your job to do your absolute best and shred that wall of impossibility in front of every single of you."
"Once you tear down one wall of impossibility, that is just the next obstacle for you to overcome."
"Recognizing that you can overcome any challenge that's set to you as long as you've got that motivation, that drive."
"You've endured a lot and you're strong enough to overcome those obstacles."
"There is no habit too great for God's grace."
"Life is so amazing. When you get over these issues, it's just so exciting."
"I think it's important to illustrate that I came out on the other side."
"Although I'm not proud of the person that I was, you know, I'm proud of getting through what I got through, you know, because I know that it's took a lot. It really has took a lot."
"He that is faithful and endureth shall overcome the world."
"I'll figure out a way to thrive...not just survive but to [__] win."
"I am one of those weird people that thinks that no obstacle is unachievable. It's just a matter of how much time and effort you're gonna put at it."
"I think the sign that someone's healed and someone's overcome something is that it becomes insignificant to them."
"For us to finally have a game like this and pull through at the end was huge for all of us."
"Even though the odds may seem stacked against us, we can make the impossible possible."
"The enemy that you see today, you shall see no more."
"Sometimes 90 percent of the good things sprung out of that horrific challenge."
"Your courage and faith will be the main driving force to uplift you to actually take on this challenge and succeed."
"Creating is hard. The best we can do is sit down and create something, anything, and let the process organically unfold tolerating ambiguity, frustration, and changes in the grand plan."
"But he was not the only demon that Arthur had defeated that day, as the countless obstacles he had encountered along the way were equivalent to that of a million demons!"
"Everybody wanted me to succeed, and that's why the impossible was achieved."
"As long as it's not physically impossible, it's not impossible."
"You will end up together despite difficulties."