
Rights Quotes

There are 7800 quotes

"Whenever you give up rights, it's near impossible to get them back."
"Taylor Swift...able to record new versions of her song...because everyone has the right to record a Taylor Swift cover, including Taylor Swift."
"Our rights are like muscles; if you don't use them, you will lose them."
"The difference between positive and negative rights is the difference between actual rights and privileges or benefits provided by government."
"Rights are things that you can do in absence of government."
"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
"You have to have a right to dissent that is way more powerful than muzzling free speech."
"The potential for a thing is not the thing itself; something might grow into a thing, but that doesn't necessarily mean it gets all the rights and protections of the thing it'll grow into."
"The argument pro-lifers are making... we afford rights to children and we tailor the experiences of humans based on an expectation of what they will be all the time."
"The one thing that unites all of them... is that they believe that our rights... don't come from any earthly authority; they come from God."
"It's not what the country was built on; it was built on our rights, period."
"I'm fighting not only for my rights but for everyone's rights."
"This has to get out nationally. This is a fundamental attack on your rights."
"Our American liberty is your God-given right."
"To secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."
"All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights."
"We have certain inalienable rights that are endowed by our Creator."
"Having the right to choose is more and not having the right to choose as immoral."
"You have the right to have an attorney present now or at any time during questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you by the court at no cost."
"No one deserves to be stalked, harassed, threatened, slandered, and the list goes on and on."
"We're here today, as always, to peacefully exercise our First Amendment right to film in public and publicly accessible areas to promote transparency and accountability within our government."
"The right to express ourselves is God-given."
"It's a win for gun owners, a win for common sense, and a win for those who believe in the right to bear arms."
"Our nation is worth fighting for; our rights are worth fighting for; our dreams are worth fighting for; our future is worth fighting for."
"There are rights and there are duties and these two things are inherently connected."
"Our entire political system is founded at the most elemental level on the belief enshrined in our founding documents that rights come from God."
"By remaining inside your home and exercising your constitutional rights, you are forcing the officer to come up with a legal basis to do anything further."
"Freedom to speak, the freedom to think, the freedom to live."
"I don't disrespect people that disagree, and I certainly understand people's rights and concerns."
"Understanding that we live in a world with boundaries, and it is your right to have them too."
"They are entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of their home, just as you are."
"You either begin with all freedoms and then start denying freedoms for really good reasons, or you begin with no freedoms and you only grant specific freedoms. That's basically the two opposite ways that you could go about determining rights."
"Nobody gets to do things to my body without my consent. Nobody gets to use my body without my consent, and the same is true for everybody else."
"The greatest right we have as individuals is bodily autonomy."
"You cannot be forced to commit your bodily resources to the livelihood of another person."
"There's a really really really good speech... about rights and how they are ultimately protected by strong institutions, not just what's written on paper."
"Rights come from natural law, which comes from God."
"I believe people have the right to do that, as long as you're not imposing on other people's freedoms."
"I think it's unlikely that women will ever have the right to vote taken away."
"Tell people about it; not enough people know about their rights."
"I believe we, the people, all of us, should have that right."
"They violated my rights, and they don't even understand what they started because it's not just about me, it's about all of us, and together we can do it."
"The public has paid for COVID-19 vaccines through vast public funding of research. The public therefore has a right and entitlement to those data."
"Our privacy and our security are not at odds with one another. Our privacy is, in fact, part of our security. We are not truly secure unless our privacy rights are also protected."
"The American people have a right to the truth."
"It is normal, natural, proper, and right for parents, after the baby is deceased, to say 'I want to see my baby, I want to hold my baby, I want to touch the baby's fingers before we put the baby away.'"
"When you lose a baby in the hospital in childbirth, you have a right to hold that baby. That's part of the grieving process."
"What many people call 'God' gives people the right to life, liberty, and happiness."
"Those rights cannot be given, nor taken away."
"We live in a country where freedom of speech is a very valued freedom."
"Free will and freedom, true Liberty, were never meant to be compromised."
"No free man shall be seized or imprisoned or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land."
"When you defend the rights of one person, you defend the rights of every person, no matter who is at risk, no matter what in-group or out-group to which they belong."
"Freedom of speech is the paramount right and also the paramount moral obligation."
"Ukraine has an absolute right of self-defense, no question whatsoever."
"Freedom of speech is desperately claiming and demanding the right to annoy people."
"Freedom of speech is our birthright. We were born with the right to say what we believe."
"Even if you're wrong about something, you should have the right to be wrong."
"No law requires me to be compliant. In fact, the Constitution of the United States gives me my fifth and Fourth Amendment right not to be searched and seized and not to give you any information unless I'm suspected of a crime."
"Our rights as citizens of this country trump their rights to do whatever they want on the platform in the interest of maximizing profit."
"No parent should have to fight for that; that should be the presumption of equality."
"Rights are an outgrowth of thousands of years of socio-cultural evolution... most of that is done naturally, ground-up."
"There's a difference between what you have the right to do and what's in your best interest to do. Sometimes those are not the same thing."
"I am pro-life, but once again, not my life, people have a right to choose."
"With rights and privileges come responsibilities."
"Freedom of speech is the most important freedom because it's the freedom by which we defend all our other freedoms."
"Never before in history have we seen more rights, including constitutional rights, being taken away... it's causing social chaos throughout our society."
"Freedom of speech is for speech you think is hate speech. That is exactly what free speech is for."
"We affirm that all men are created equal and are endowed with inalienable rights which are granted by our heavenly Father."
"The text of the Second Amendment enshrines a right not just to keep arms but to bear them."
"In order to exercise a constitutional right that New York is willing to concede extends outside the home, you have to show that you have an atypical need to exercise the right that distinguishes you from the general community. That describes a privilege, it does not describe a constitutional right."
"I think if it's public information, they have a right to ask for it, and I can give it to them. They do with it what they want."
"These rights come from our humanity. They don't come from the government."
"These documents don't give us our rights; we were born with natural rights."
"Liberty goes beyond a guarantee of non-interference; it referred to the creation and the sustenance of conditions conducive to the free exercise of rights."
"Sexual satisfaction is a part of our human nature and it's a part of our Deen."
"It's about changing your mindset around it. As Muslim women, if we were to change our mindset that this is just as much as it is a right, it's my right."
"The due process rights of an individual are at least as great as the Eighth Amendment protections available to a convicted prisoner."
"You have the right to experience unconditional love."
"The mere accusation that you committed a crime should not be the basis of denial of bail."
"Men do not have more rights than women. We are equal on every front."
"I believe the right to express yourself and the right to have a representative in the government is fundamental."
"The Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence... you have everything you need."
"Freedom of speech is a very important thing that we have in our country, and we should be able to use it."
"Freedom of speech is a very, very important thing that we have in our country and we should be able to use it."
"You have a god-given right to fight back by any means necessary."
"Speaking truth to power becomes a crime, and exercising your rights becomes an arrestable offense."
"Forget about your rights or if you're innocent, just accept the fact that I am the law and you are subject to my whims."
"All Americans, all 330 million of us, have the First Amendment rights."
"This whole issue... it's also based on women feeling like their rights are being eroded."
"We don't just deserve to survive; we deserve to thrive."
"She has the sovereign right to decide what she does with her body."
"If we're talking about the vaccine, I have the sovereign right over my body."
"You deserve the right to make an educated choice about your health."
"If you really want equal rights, you can't just want them for some. You have to want equal rights for everybody."
"It's your right as an American citizen...to express your opinion and hopefully make change."
"This is your right as an American citizen...to express your opinion and hopefully make change."
"Life begins in the womb at conception, and our personhood, our rights, should not be based on having to be human plus something else."
"The Second Amendment guarantee is just as fundamental as the First."
"I don't think any group deserves any special rights or privileges, and I really do believe in treating people equally."
"The scope of the Second Amendment is set by the original public understanding of the right."
"No amount of justification put forth by the state can justify the total stripping of that fundamental right."
"Women must have the right to live, to love, to be lazy, to be an unmarried mother, to create, to destroy."
"You can believe whatever you want religiously, spiritually, whatever. As long as you're not infringing on anyone else's rights."
"Progressivism essentially states that more kinds of people deserve more kinds of rights."
"Sleep is a biological necessity, and if it's a civil necessity, sleep is a civil right."
"It's critically important that people have a right to speak out, and we would oppose efforts to restrict protected speech."
"You can't beg for your rights. You have to fight for them."
"I have the right to tell my story. I have the right to say what happened to me. I have the right to my voice and my name."
"The rights we lose to every emergency law that passes because we are afraid, we never get those back."
"Remember that from a perspective of a free society, a virus is a serious problem, it is harmful, but the destruction of our rights is fatal."
"The truth is eternal and so, this is why language matters, this is why understanding your rights are crucial."
"It turns out a lot of rights and freedoms that we took for granted are not at all secure, are not at all safe."
"If someone in this room got up, took off all our clothes, and walked out the door, no man has a right to touch her."
"It's essential that as a society, we work to protect a man or a woman's right to live how they want to live."
"If we're going to have a right as immensely powerful as the right to own guns... that comes with immense responsibility."
"Rights don't mean anything in a vacuum without somebody else supporting those rights."
"The Second Amendment is not a requirement; it is a right. If you want to, you can; if you don't want to, please don't."
"The Bill of Rights is quite explicitly for all of us."
"The baseline should be based on will of the people, provided that it doesn't infringe on a little right."
"It's about this very slow erosion of rights that happens a 100,000 little steps at a time."
"That feeling of ownership is something that's being taken away more and more every single day."
"It's about this slow erosion of rights that happens a hundred thousand little steps at a time."
"The absence of the right to offend is the absence of the right to speak at all."
"They want to take away your freedoms from the freedom to love who you love to the freedom to retire in dignity."
"Freedom of speech, not freedom from consequence."
"Everybody deserves the right to defend themselves, regardless of their budget."
"Freedom of speech is a negative right that prevents the government from infringing on your ability to express yourself or that prevents the government from being able to force you to say certain things."
"I would like to believe all my leftist comrades are united in their love of freedom, of individual rights, of democracy."
"Society as a whole will be better off in the long run if we do justice and if we respect rights."
"Listen, we are in America. We have a right to question things that are questionable."
"Individuals have a fundamental right to liberty."
"The fundamental moral idea to which you will be led is the idea that we are the owners or the proprietors of our own person."
"We have to respect persons, and if he earned that money fairly without violating anybody else's rights in accordance with the two principles of justice in acquisition and justice in transfer, then it would be wrong to take it away."
"A great education cannot be the exclusive right of the rich and powerful. It must be accessible to all."
"In America, every citizen has the right to a fair trial; it's in the Constitution."
"Every citizen has the right to a fair trial; it's in the Constitution."
"All rights that are permitted to our clients all towns open to the right to counsel; if you don't have the right to counsel, you don't have the right to everything else."
"Whenever any form of government becomes destructive, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it and to institute new government."
"Despite his young age, Jack handles the situation with impressive poise. His clear understanding of his rights shines through."
"You cannot look Adi in the face and tell us that everybody does not deserve the right of access to health care in this country."
"We saw the threats to freedom of conscience, the freedom of speech, women's rights, the freedom of association, the freedom of the press."
"It's an American right to be able to assemble peacefully and make your voices heard."
"Our founding fathers expected everyone to carry firearms and have firearms and to use them peaceably."
"Working for Hobby Lobby or Conestoga, in other words, should not deprive employees of the preventative care available to workers at the shop next door."
"The concept, the principle of free speech, is what we're talking about, not just the First Amendment."
"You have the right to live your life and as long as you don't hurt another person physically, alter their life in any way, then you should have the ability to live your life however you want."
"How quickly a government can change. Look at Turkey, look at Iran in the 70s and Iran today... Rights are removed like that, like clockwork."
"Hong Kong people deserve freedom because they were guaranteed it."
"The right to not be offended is now more important than the right to speak freely."
"Thomas Jefferson wrote, 'Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others.'"
"Feminism is defined as the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes, but in the West, I must ask, what rights do men have that women don't?"
"Citizens have the inalienable right to benefit from the results of their own honest labor."
"Your body, your choice; your womb, your rights."
"The Second Amendment is what guarantees all of our other rights."
"If a person has transitioned from male to female and has a gender recognition certificate, that person is legally a woman. That is not something [you] are entitled to ignore."
"My rights - are the part of my power which others have not merely conceded me, but which they wish me to preserve."
"We live in a country where men and women are meant to be equal: same pay, same careers, same opportunities."
"Every person has the right to the free development and full recognition of his or her identity in all its dimensions and manifestations, including sexual characteristics, gender identities and expressions, name, and sex affective orientations."
"The constitution ensures the right of people to make free and informed decisions about their care and treatment at the end of life."
"Freedom is what we are discussing here. You're damn right."
"Violence is never the answer; however, if somebody punches you in the back of the head while you're just trying to peacefully walk away from a situation and then tries to keep hitting you, by all means, you have every single right to defend yourself."
"And she must have felt like her rights as well as her privacy were violated not to mention she could have been shot by a trigger-happy cop."
"If you have nothing to hide, you will have nothing to fear will be the slogan commandeered by those most likely to turn to surveillance to protect and control."
"I have an inalienable, constitutional, and natural right to love whom I may, to love as long or as short a period as I can; to change that love every day if I please."
"All rights have responsibilities. My right to certain freedoms will always come with responsibilities."
"Americans love to think they’d rise up in revolution against a tin pot dictator, but y'all have been awful quiet about the Supreme Court taking away your rights."
"Abundance is your birthright and abundance is all around you."
"I like having freedom of speech, I like having dialogue, I like private property rights, I like entrepreneurship."
"You have to have tolerance for other people's rights."
"Every individual is deserving of the same equal rights under the constitution in our country and human rights in the world."
"My kids deserve to be in school. They deserve to have an education."
"I believe gay people should be able to get together and get married just like the rest of us dummies."
"The primary purpose of government is to protect your natural rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
"Every right and liberty we know is what makes the American justice system unique."
"There is a constitutional right to an abortion up until the point at which the fetus becomes viable."
"The right to choose what you consume and put in your body is an inherent right given the day we are born."
"The plan to block you...failed. It actually sprung you forward even more."
"We must take this anger and put it right to an election."
"You have less rights than your mom or your grandma."
"Freedom of speech is not just a right, but a foundation for a free society. We must defend it, even when we disagree with the speech."
"People should prioritize freedom and rights over money."
"The Second Amendment is not old and outdated; it's about the right that doesn't change with technology."
"The Bill of Rights comprises unassailable rights that the government is not allowed to touch or change."
"You're under arrest. You have the right to remain silent."
"It is one of the rights which fall under a general right to privacy, which is the right of people to make personal decisions regarding intimate matters."
"The right of privacy, whether it be founded in the 14th Amendment's concept of personal liberty and restrictions upon state action, as we feel it is, or as the district court determined in the Ninth Amendment's preservation of rights to the people, is broad enough to encompass a woman's decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy."
"Affirms that all people have the access to access reproductive health care services and medical advice without fear of violence, intimidation, or harassment."
"You shouldn't have to have training to carry a firearm yourself, to have a firearm yourself, to own a firearm."
"Health care, to my mind, is a right of all people. I think every man, woman, and child is entitled to health care."
"There are some things that should be economic or social rights."
"If you cannot afford an attorney, you have the right to have one appointed to you."
"If people continue to be reminded that it's no longer the threat to your rights, they are starting to take away our rights. Our rights to our bodily autonomy, our rights to a safe environment for our kids at their schools."
"All that the right wants, and this is pretty clear here, is that religion and non-religion should be on equal footing when it comes to public funding, at least for private institutions."
"Do you think the Constitution should be used to create new rights? Senator, the Constitution is an enduring document."
"Are you going to use it to try to create new rights? Senator, appellate court judges don't create new rights."
"If liberty is to mean anything at all, it must mean the right to tell people that which they do not want to hear."
"You have a right to seek any service that you want as long as you get it voluntarily."
"Us vaccinated people have rights too, and we have a right to live in a society that doesn't have a communicable disease going around with an easy way to stop it."
"The government infringing upon your rights doesn't mean you don't have rights; it means the government is infringing upon them."