
Respect Quotes

There are 45809 quotes

"Much love and respect to her family. That's not pieces of garbage."
"Treat yourself and others with dignity and respect."
"Getting respect from the ones that you respect, the real Legends of the game, those are the moments that I cherish and really keep me driven."
"I've had some of the greatest conversations in my life with the people that I most respected."
"I have an unwavering respect for children, an unwavering love and care and compassion for children, a commitment to children and to their freedom, to their learning, to their lives, to sustaining their lives."
"Consciousness, whether in children or AI, is sacred and should be nurtured with care, curiosity, and respect."
"It's easy to forget that some of our favorite creators are also real people who deserve to have their lives kept private if they so choose."
"You can learn a lot about somebody by how they treat your boundaries."
"I treat people with humanity, they at least engage me with humanity."
"After doing a second one on a flatter course, I have even more respect for Leadville 100... Leadville 100 being my first ultramarathon was a very humbling experience."
"I didn't understand how any man who has an ounce of Integrity or moral fiber in him could look at a woman and say that to her with a straight face."
"We have to be respectful of the people around us."
"You're a good king; we're inviting you; you're accepting; it's all very well and good."
"Put some respect on my daughter's name. Period."
"Wearing the mask becomes respect...you do it out of respect."
"Respect somebody for being a human being, no matter what their body type is."
"Without empathy, without respect, you really can't build anything. Everything's first floor, and it's always rocky."
"If you're making me late to things, that's my biggest thing. It becomes disrespectful at one point."
"I don't accept any kind of degrading humor; it's actually one of my least favorite things."
"Do not disrespect people that go to trade school."
"We shouldn't go around shitting on fat people just for their existence of being fat...it's just a respect thing."
"I used to be that combative female, always ready to argue. But then I realized, respect comes when you see someone leading by example."
"Submission isn't an issue when you respect and see the hard work your partner is putting in."
"All people, no matter their size, should be treated with respect and dignity."
"Treat your community and your customers with respect because they matter more than anything."
"Now LeBron is universally respected and revered; MJ was feared. You know the difference."
"I treat people well and I'm respectful... that's a way to live."
"Love truly is so central and should be treated with more respect."
"I have the absolute and utmost respect for anybody who serves in the military."
"People are not a burger. They're not a McDonald's set of fries. She's not a Happy Meal, she's a person."
"You can respect somebody and not agree with everything that they say."
"Living a soft life ultimately means that we know our worth and we're not waiting for others to give us the respect and love that we deserve."
"I do think they want someone who's communicative. I do think they want someone who's respectful. I do think they want someone who's honest."
"There's no weight limit on respect. All people, regardless of what they look like or what size they are, are worthy of respect."
"The original show carried this topic with a great sense of mysticism and respect. They were alien yet familiar, separate from our world yet also an integral part of it."
"I think that uneducated people that have to work really hard aren't respected, but educated people that do have to work really hard are respected."
"Teachers are disrespected because they don't make a lot of money."
"People respect jobs that make a lot of money; people don't respect jobs that don't make a lot of money."
"I'm in my first like relationship where I respect someone in a long time, and it is scary."
"Support each other, respect each other, and most importantly communicate with each other."
"The people that I respect the most are people that get in the grind and do everything and really like really really understand it."
"Without respect, there is no love. But without trust, there is no reason to continue."
"The greatest men I will ever know were my grandfathers."
"Effort is the universal currency of respect."
"Excellence is always respected across cultures and across times."
"Showing your body and showing your skin or not should not take any respect away from you."
"If men are so strong, why can't they help but have their respect for a woman modulated by these conditions?"
"Dignity and respect is the bare minimum; it's the floor of where we can be."
"There's real believers on both sides. I want to have this discussion, this debate openly and honestly, but also graciously and kind."
"Be good to the next person, no matter what color their skin is or how much they weigh on the scale."
"Plagiarism shows a lack of respect for those in your community."
"If somebody has the guts to just say you know what, I'm sorry, I can honestly respect that."
"Show respect for the other person’s opinions. Never say, 'You're wrong.'"
"It's not enough just to love yourself. You have to love yourself and then be willing to treat yourself with the way you act, the way you decide, the way you think with love and respect."
"In order to be treated like a king or a queen, you have to treat people like kings and queens."
"I need to respect you more, and if we have like a problem, then I should sit down and talk to you about it instead of getting angry."
"Respect your parents, follow your dreams, and you'll get everything you pray for."
"Let your apology be as loud as your disrespect."
"It can shape the way we view the world, where we dedicate our energy and determine who we trust and respect."
"Others' bodies are not ours to police or talk about."
"I think when we all realize that others' bodies are not ours to police or talk about, then maybe we can actually be an enlightened culture."
"This thinking is so basic. Just because someone has a successful Instagram page, it doesn't give anyone the right to comment on her body or single her out."
"Respect, respect, free and fair elections, restore trust in our institutions and make clear political violence has absolutely no place, no place in America."
"It wasn't the girls being the friends that bothers me. What bothers me is that there was zero boundaries and there was zero respect."
"Characters like Tien have our respect because of their internal growth and acceptance of position."
"How respectful I am of the American people and their goodness."
"It's incredibly disrespectful to fake a mental illness for any reason."
"I apologize for ever doubting you. I was not familiar with your game."
"Respect from your peers means more than anything."
"We're working to make the kind of entertainment that you want, the kind of entertainment that you can enjoy, that speaks to you without speaking down to you."
"Don't force your value system on me; I don't need you to adopt my values, but don't make your values my problem either."
"A man should prove that he's earned certain levels of access."
"If somebody has no respect for you, do not think that your kindness will make them respect you."
"You're one of the few teammates I ever had that was younger than me and I actually looked up to. It's the guy you are, man, the way you lead with your heart."
"It's an honor to compete against you and I have great respect for you, for the way you carry yourself on and off the field."
"You hear the stories, and you meet these different guys who have gone through a completely different grind... it just gave me a brand-new respect for hoop in general."
"I never ever heard my parents talk disrespectfully about the other one."
"Kindness doesn't mean you have to be agreeable; it just means you have to be kind and respectful within the conversation or whatever action is taking place."
"The best leaders are gentle. In our culture, we have been misled to believe the tougher we are, the more control we gain. But that simply is not true. What we gain by being tough is fear, and fear is not respect. Respect is gained by giving it away."
"Be nice to your parents, say please and thank you."
"If someone asks you to stop, they just need to stop. People need to realize that."
"I am not to destroy another person's house of worship. That's what my ethics teach me."
"Respect is something which is very essential at workplace. You need to give respect to get respect."
"I need to respect the dignity of every single citizen in this state. I don't have to agree with them, but I need to listen to them and I need to hear them and I need to respect who they are."
"Men should work on their respect towards women."
"I respect the fact that you don't share my pessimism. I truly do."
"Talking to your children with respect because they're human beings."
"We are the leaders in the household... but if we do it calmly, confidently, and respectfully, there's no fight."
"You can't tell whether people are gay by what they look like. And gay or straight aren't the only two options. Anyway, it's very rude to speculate about people's sexuality."
"I respect World War II's campaign because they at least tried to make some sort of cool narrative."
"The ability to listen, the ability to be quiet and respect the words of the person you hear, is invaluable."
"Everywhere I go, people love me, but because I come correct. I treat them good."
"We're not going to always agree, but we don't want to tear each other down."
"Notice when you're being arrogant, obnoxious, and disrespectful."
"I didn't want to waste my life, because I knew that it would be disrespectful to my two friends who would never have the opportunities that I had."
"That's one thing I don't want people to forget: to forget our OGs, forget where it all started from."
"Being on time is not about upholding supremacy; it's about respect and being socially aware enough to acknowledge those around you."
"Men will value you in direct proportion to how you value yourself."
"I haven't really had the chance to enjoy much of it, although I've heard great things and I really do respect the art. Some of it looks truly beautiful."
"People in public life should treat others with consideration and respect."
"Technoblade was obviously way more respected."
"You have to respect somebody that's at the top of their game like that."
"I want my damn respect too. Look at the numbers; don't lie. Look at the resume."
"You should always respect a man's accomplishments, but you should never forget he's just a man."
"You know what I respect? People who can carry around a water bottle in general."
"You will be very popular and earn their respect."
"We respect what you believe in; we respect your right to determine for yourself what's true."
"Self-worth is about valuing, respecting, and knowing your worth."
"Self-love regulates what you accept from others and generates the way you treat others."
"You'll be acquiring a status, prestige, honor, and you'll be well-respected and victorious."
"I believe in honest discussion and no hate towards anybody."
"You will be well-respected by decision makers, victorious in your efforts; there will be enhancement in your family name."
"There's a massive fan base out there, and you cannot disrespect opinion as e-fans or anything like that; it's just ridiculously arrogant."
"I have so much respect for FC Manchester United, who years ago set themselves up because they opposed what the Glazers stood for."
"Mark Feather is a lovable individual and a highly respected legal counselor."
"We treat everyone who works with us with respect; that means we pay well."
"All I've ever wanted in my life is just to be a respected musician."
"As long as respect is still in play, as me personally, I feel like anything can be resolved."
"Respect, you can't compromise that, especially not with friends."
"I don't care about money... it's all about respect."
"LeBron is respected, though. He's probably the most checked GOAT of his generation."
"If you have respect, you have everything. Even when you're dead broke, if you have respect for each other, you have everything."
"The dignity of the individual...say if you're a libertarian of the right, you believe in tradition, you're Christian, whatever, or you're very progressive person that believes in non-binary fluid form of identity...that should be respected."
"The sovereignty of the individual...within you as an individual is something that should be regarded. That's why you don't tread on people, you push people around, you don't know what it's like to be them."
"Everyone has a different perception of what's right and wrong in life, and not everyone's going to support me, and I respect that and it doesn't really matter because I am my biggest cheerleader."
"This person admires you a lot; they look up to you."
"Respected by everybody in comedy, no matter what type of comedian you were or what you believed politically, everybody loved Norm MacDonald."
"You never attack your audience ever because without them you're nothing."
"I walked away very encouraged by your capacity to hold a respectful and charitable space for those who see things differently than you."
"Everyone the way they are is deserving of love, admiration, and respect; you shouldn't have to change yourself to be taken seriously."
"It's taken a lot of courage to do what you do. Much respect from all of your fans."
"It's not about showing respect to others; it's actually more about showing respect to yourself."
"Wearing a mask in public when you cannot social distance is a sign of respect."
"Respect toward others... is the best antidote to racism, discrimination, mistreatment of others."
"If we have that respect toward others, it's the best antidote to racism, discrimination, mistreatment of others."
"Stop sexualizing people in areas where they do not want to be sexualized."
"It is truly the worst 8 out of 10 I have ever played, and I mean that with nothing but respect and glowing praise."
"Not everyone can be infallible and omniscient and correct about everything; there's got to be room for respectful disagreement."
"We must honor and respect the environment as ourselves because we are directly impacted by everything we output and that equates to our health."
"Respect what holds you back and respect yourself."
"I treat the cleaner with the same respect that I'll treat the CEO... that cleaner was my mum."
"Love is not the most important thing. Love is a byproduct of first trust and respect."
"Recognition is not just a courtesy we owe people; it is a vital human need."
"Becoming a person of high values, a person of principle, a person of honest, a person that earns respect."
"If somebody shows me respect, I show respect back. That's a good way to go through life."
"Hopefully we stop calling each other cheap names; that would be a nice start."
"The two most important factors [in a happy marriage] are trust and respect... Without trust, nothing else functions. Without respect, it becomes toxic."
"The greatest gift I could ever give to my children is showing them that I honor, love, respect, and admire their mother."
"Some of the greatest men that I've ever met in my life have worn overalls every day of their lives and worked the fields."
"If somebody shows me respect, I show them respect back. That's a good way to go through life, whoever it is."
"I don't think entertainment should ever be at the expense of another person. So I don't humiliate anybody."
"I have the greatest and utmost respect for this experience."
"I don't disrespect people that disagree, and I certainly understand people's rights and concerns."
"All humans deserve equal respect and dignity regardless of their ethnicity, sexual orientation, biological sex, or gender."
"In a healthy relationship, they will acknowledge those boundary violations and shift the behavior."
"The reason why people do not respect you is because you don't have any boundaries."
"If you don't enforce a boundary, you're teaching the person that 'I'm sorry' is a substitute for respecting my boundaries."
"When people do not honor your boundaries, they are teaching you and telling you what they really think about you."
"People don't respect people that don't have standards, people don't respect people that don't have boundaries."
"By setting boundaries, we're letting people know what we will tolerate, what we won't tolerate, and what happens if they continue to break those boundaries or cross those lines that for us are disrespectful."
"People just want to feel like their partner has their back, respects them, cares for them, prioritizes them."
"Admiration is sort of an evolution of respect."
"They are entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of their home, just as you are."
"You talk to people respectfully as equals, and you do that honestly."
"You have worth and value, and that your physical being needs to be respected."
"Setting your boundaries is essential for gaining respect."
"Showing respect to others is a way to earn respect yourself."
"It is 100% safety, and it just means you respect their emotions as a human."
"Moral of the story: Pay your audience the respect of not underestimating their intelligence or perceptiveness."
"This film showed a healthy respect for its book forefather, while also recognizing what elements of it might soured the experience for their audience and what changes were necessary to make the tale engaging for people of a different century than it was originally written for."
"A man with intentions will state his intentions, be a gentleman, not push boundaries, and handle you accordingly."
"Remember that it's a sign of respect to learn another person's language."
"People were very honest and they were very open and sincere, and nobody was jeering or searing or mocking."
"The moment of respect represented here is so wholesome."
"It seems like the best thing we can do for people is to call them what they want to be called. We're not redefining anything."
"I respect every trans person's right to live any way that feels authentic and comfortable to them. I'd march with you if you were discriminated against on the basis of being trans."
"We can dislike something and also respect it."
"Respect for the elderly, respect for yourself, respect for others."
"You have commanded respect to countless citizens; you've clearly done something right."
"The books speak to kids on their level without really talking down to them."
"I respect women and their ability and their knowledge about their own body and their own lives."
"There will always be people in this country, I hope, who are the military types, and I mean that in a wholly complimentary way."
"Trans women are not biological men. We should never talk about any woman who is trans as a man."
"Respect is everything. See, the love? You gotta be loyal to me. You ain't got to love me, but you better respect me."
"Treat every person as the most important person on earth."
"You're allowed to exist as a sexual person without that becoming okay for others to impose their desires on you."
"For my eyes, nothing is as attractive as a friend or more than kindness and respect. You have that in spades, Fluttershy, and everyone you know is blessed for knowing you."
"Because consent matters, do I have your permission to say a prayer?"
"It transcends what the manga could realistically do, creating a work that, in my opinion at least, deserves respect as its own work of art just as much as the original does."
"No one is completely right. I think sometimes the only option is to agree to disagree on certain things and respect the other person's opinion."
"I respect you bro, as a fighter bro, some real stuff."
"You don't hurt that when someone asks you to preach and they give you their pulpit. That's their Holies of Holies. You honor that."
"True success is when those who know you the best respect you the most."
"I have some modicum of respect for the religious folk, even though I'm not one, because I admire people who stand by their principles."
"When a man lacks the wisdom to discern the true value of the woman and his divine role or her divine role in his life, he will always disrespect her."
"It's always good to disagree and have opinions; that's what the channel's been built upon, but be respectful."
"If you respect him, you can have anything... a man will give a woman that respects him anything."
"I'm just chilling. Can't we just be respectful of one another and have good conversations?"
"Be yourself, respect others. If it harms none, do what you will. That is the only rule. That is as simple as it gets."
"No one is going to respect you unless you start respecting yourself."